To The Lovely You

Chapter 111: Slowly occupy her heart (15)


Su Rourou also looked up following his gaze, and suddenly felt a chill all over her body. It seemed that there was a bone-chilling gaze shooting towards her through the heavy curtains, which made her shiver.

"You...don't you want to take a bite?" Ke Shaoze looked away, looking at the bag in Su Rourou's hand.

After calling her brother for so long, he already knew that she was a foodie. In the past, every time she brought delicious food to her, she would pounce on it like a hungry puppy and finish it in a few minutes. But why are you so calm tonight

"Oh, I just ate..." Su Rourou quickly covered her mouth after speaking halfway.

There was a gleam in Ke Shaoze's eyes: "Oh, it looks like this. It turns out that you... have eaten."

Who bought it for her? I don't know why the first thing he thought of was Luo Yichen, not her parents.

His eyes fell on her lips unconsciously, only then did he realize that there was a trace of milky white on it, which looked a bit obtrusive in the dark night. Maybe it's because of the color difference...

"Then put it in the refrigerator first, and eat slowly!" He said in a relaxed tone as much as possible, and then waved at her, "It's late, you should go to bed early! See you tomorrow!"

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Su Rourou nodded vigorously, then walked slowly towards the gate.

Ke Shaoze stood there all the time, watching her receding back and the iron gate slowly closing.

Leaning her back against the cold iron door, Su Rourou tried her best to calm her heartbeat, then straightened up and continued to walk inside.

As soon as she opened the door of her bedroom, she saw Luo Yichen standing in front of the window.

He just stood there quietly like that, without saying a word or moving, but there was a cold aura all over his body.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly said, "Why did you come back so soon?"

His accent fell on the word "so fast", and his tone was a little weird. Su Rourou felt that what he said didn't seem to be "so fast", but... so slow.

"Ahem, just chatted a few words." Su Rourou trembled, her scalp tingling, "By the way... when are you going to go back? I'm going to bed...

"... You really hope that I will go back soon?" Luo Yichen turned around slowly, staring at her with eyes as dark as night.

"Probably...isn't it..." Sensing the dangerous news, Su Rourou took a step back in the direction of the door in a hopeless manner.

Luo Yichen snorted coldly, and there was a flash of disappointment in his eyes. Then he jumped and jumped back into his room.

Immediately afterwards, there was a brushing sound of curtains being drawn, and a loud bang of closing the windows.

This guy is angry again... Su Rourou stroked her forehead helplessly, and sighed: She can't tell him not to go back, and leave him here to spend the night, right

The mobile phone on the table vibrated constantly, interrupting her sigh.

Chatting in the wechat group of the class was in full swing, and everyone raised doubts about the groups that the head of the class, Luo Yichen, had just divided.

"No, I don't want to be with ***!"

"Why don't we let us combine freely?"

Obviously, everyone was very dissatisfied with the result of Luo Yichen's grouping, but the person involved, Luo Yichen, seemed to have evaporated from the world, not a single bubble appeared.

Su Rourou glanced at the dark window opposite, and once again sighed helplessly.

But this sigh was only halfway through, and she stopped when she saw the group list...