To The Lovely You

Chapter 138: Giveaway (3)


The advantage of eating with a foodie is that even the most unpalatable food, watching her eat with gusto will suddenly increase your appetite.

Originally, Ke Shaoze disdained to eat these junk foods, but when he saw Su Rourou who was eating greasy food, he suddenly moved his index finger.

He ate the French fries that he didn't even look at before, and he thought they were still good.

In fact, there are many things in the world that are like French fries. At first glance, they are inconspicuous, but only when you really touch them can you realize how good they are.

"Brother Rou, I didn't expect you to have such a good appetite?" His eyes fell on a family bucket in front of Su Rourou, "You... are you sure, you can finish it?"

He knew that Su Rourou was a snack foodie with a gluttonous mouth, but he didn't expect that she could eat so much in one go!

Su Rourou was eating chicken wings with relish, but suddenly choked: Oh no, why did she forget to pretend to be reserved in front of the male god

"Ahem, this... I just think it's a good deal for the whole family. I... Of course I can't finish it, but we can take it away!" She slowed down her chewing, and ate carefully one bite at a time.

Pretending to be a lady is really hard work! It's still more relaxed when eating with Luo Yichen, just do what you want. Eat as much as you want, grab it with your hands if you want to!

Strange, what is she thinking about that pervert at this time! She shook her head violently.

"What's wrong?" Ke Shaoze was a little surprised to see that she suddenly lost her appetite.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm full, let's go!" Su Rourou pretended to be full, but her stomach was still more than half empty.

"Oh, well, let's go, time is running out." Ke Shaoze looked at his phone, and there were only three hours left before An Yirou's birthday party tonight.

If he was in the past, he would have prepared a gift for her not knowing how many days earlier. But this time I don't know why, and I have been procrastinating until today to buy it.

"Tell me, what should I give her? Flowers? Dolls? Jewelry? Or..." He asked Su Rourou with sideways eyes as he walked.

"This... I don't know either." Su Rourou scratched her head, feeling a little stuffy in her chest. If it was her birthday, would he be so concerned

"Then if it were you, what kind of birthday gift would you like to receive?" Ke Shaoze changed the question.

Su Rourou looked into his bright eyes, her mouth moved, a sentence was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it. She actually wanted to say that as long as it was a gift from him, she would like it. But of course she couldn't say that.

Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, Ke Shaoze changed his words again: "Then, among the birthday presents you received in the past, which one is your favourite?"

Su Rourou tilted her head, bit her fingers and carefully recalled the birthday presents she had received, only then realized that her favorite was always a gift from Luo Yichen.

Probably because of the tacit understanding they grew up with, the gifts he gave her were always the ones she deeply liked. Of course, it is not difficult to win her love. The best gift for a foodie is naturally food.

Oops, why did she think of Luo Yichen again? Su Rourou beat her head in frustration. Obviously she is with her male god now, but she is always thinking about what that pervert is doing!

"Me, what I like is... gourmet food." Su Rourou finished speaking in a low voice, scratching her head embarrassedly.