To The Lovely You

Chapter 140: giveaway(5)


Ke Shaoze took it, opened it, and found that it was the earrings of the cake bracelet that Su Rourou liked very much just now.

"Brother Rou, don't you like this cake? How about I give it to you!" He handed the red flannel box to Su Rourou as a matter of course.

Boys are different from girls, they don't think so much when doing things, Ke Shaoze didn't realize the harm his behavior caused Su Rourou. Of course, he didn't know Su Rourou's thoughts about him at all.

Su Rourou bit her lower lip tightly, and slowly took the box in his hand.

So, what she got was a gift

Actually, she didn't want it. But in front of so many people, she couldn't bear to reject him.

"Oh, thank you..." Her heart began to ache again, but there was a bright smile on her face.

Back home, Su Rourou sat at the desk, staring at the red velvet box for a long, long time...

The orange light from the desk lamp quietly shone on the thin layer of flannelette, coating the red with a halo.

If he really bought it for himself, how great would it be? Too bad it's just a giveaway...

Finally, she opened the box again, and there were two lovely cake-shaped stud earrings lying on the white cushion, with the silver edges shining brightly.

Stretching out her hand to caress those two pieces of cake, Su Rourou felt a sense of loss in her heart. In fact, she still likes these two earrings. If any boy is changed, she will rush to grab it immediately without waiting for him to speak. There must be still shouting in the mouth: "Give me the gift! It's useless for you to keep it anyway!"

However, the same thing, given by different people, has completely different effects.

After sitting for a while, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

When she got out of the shower, she was very careful to get fully dressed, instead of putting on a nightgown without a vest like in the past.

Because, she had a premonition: this guy Luo Yichen will definitely come tonight.

Sure enough, as soon as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw a slender figure.

But this time, he didn't lie on the bed like before, but leaned against the desk, playing with the flannel box in his hands.

Seeing her coming out, Luo Yichen slightly raised his eyes, and stopped playing with her. His bangs fell low, casting a shadow around his eyes, making it difficult for her to see his expression at the moment.

"He gave you this thing?"

His voice sounded calm, but Su Rourou trembled unconsciously.

"Yes... yes." She didn't know why she always stuttered when facing Luo Yichen today, and she even felt a little guilty.

Luo Yichen suddenly fell silent, and the whole room seemed to be enveloped by a dark cloud on his face. In the air is the low pressure before the storm.

Su Rourou cautiously raised her head to look at him, and then added in an unpromising sentence: "Yes... It's a gift from An Yirou's gift."

Who knows, it's okay if she doesn't say it, Luo Yichen suddenly raised his eyes when he said that, deep in his dark eyes was burning with raging anger.

"Gift?" He repeated these two words through gritted teeth, threw the velvet box out of the window, turned to stare at Su Rourou and said, "You want this kind of thing too!"

"I..." Su Rourou glanced at the direction where the flannel box disappeared, and bit her lower lip hard, suddenly feeling a little sore in her nose.

Luo Yichen grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look up at him: "Do you still have any self-esteem? If I were you, I would throw this box in front of him!"

When he said this, his heart was filled with bitterness. The girl he held in his hands like a treasure was treated so casually by other boys! And she, even...