To The Lovely You

Chapter 1505: Hou Xiaoting and Li Minhao extra episode (5)


"I'm done eating, give me two more." She stretched out her hand towards the little fat man.

The little fat man moved the chair to the side, with a wary expression on his face: "No... no more, I will save the rest for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow!"

At this moment, Hou Xiaoting finally let go of her "obsession" with this little fat man. Although he has a lot to eat, but he is not willing to give up eating for himself, so why does she want him

This kind of situation is probably equivalent to: You have found a very rich and rich boyfriend, but he is not willing to spend even a penny for you, so why do you want him!

As everyone knows, the little fat man has already seen her intention to strike up a conversation, and directly and arrogantly stated his position: "You don't think so, you like me, right? I'm sorry, I know I'm more attractive, you like me There are many people, I will not like you."

It would be fine if these words came from a handsome guy, but it happened to come from such a fat guy, Hou Xiaoting expressed dissatisfaction.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "Why?"

The little fat man seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, laughing so much that his fat body trembled violently: "Why? Because you are fat, because you are not good-looking, and because you are too good to eat!"

Hou Xiaoting finally couldn't take it anymore, pointed at him and cursed: "You are also fat, you are not good-looking, and you can eat! Why do you look down on me?"

The little fat man was startled, and then said quite naturally: "Even if I am really like what you said, I still like beautiful women! Of course, I don't admit that I am like what you said..."

What he said later, Hou Xiaoting didn't listen to a word.

She finally figured out one thing: No matter how tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful or ugly, people still like handsome men and beautiful women. Therefore, she shouldn't lower her self-worth just because she is fat, and find such a little fat man to strike up a conversation with.

What's more, she doesn't like him at all, she just thinks he shouldn't dislike her. But in the end, he was disgusted by him!

That's right, why didn't she think of it earlier, her own mother is also very fat, didn't she still find a handsome father to be her husband

Moreover, my mother still has a lot of status in the family, if my father dares to disobey or dissatisfy, he will definitely be beaten to the ground!

So the conclusion is that she must find a handsome guy to be her boyfriend! Even if it is rejected, it is willing.

Then, she set her sights on Song Yi, the most handsome guy in the hospital except Li Minhao.

Before she acted, she specially called Li Minhao for advice: "Minho, I'm determined to chase Song Yi! What do you think is my chance of winning?"

Li Minhao was silent for a long time without speaking, and finally, under Hou Xiaoting's constant urging, he said with difficulty: "1%!"

"What! It's only 1%!" Hou Xiaoting was very dissatisfied. Anyway, Lee Min Ho is also her boyfriend, so he doesn't want to destroy his own ambition and increase the prestige of others like this!

"Eh..." Li Minhao hesitated for a long time, but finally said nothing. In fact, he originally wanted to say that it was 0%.

"Hmph! Just wait and see!" Hou Xiaoting hung up the phone aggressively.

Although she said harsh words, she knew that Song Yi would definitely reject her. It's just that she didn't expect that Mr. Jia, who seems to be handsome, has such a... poisonous tongue.