To The Lovely You

Chapter 5: And the male god became the front and rear tables (1)


Just when Su Rourou's butt touched the chair, her best friend and tablemate Lan Xi'er handed over a note.

It read: Aren't you going to confess to Ke Shaoze? Why did you come back with Luo Yichen in the end? Could it be that you two...

Su Rourou rolled her eyes angrily, and wrote under the note: Please don't keep me and him together, I don't know him well!

Lan Xi'er: Don't tell me, when Luo Yichen came in just now, he looked so handsome! Peach Heart Peach Heart Peach Heart...

Handsome p! Su Rourou finished writing these three words vigorously, and threw the note to Lan Xi'er.

What is so handsome about Luo Yichen, isn't it because his eyes are a little bigger, his nose is a little straighter, and his lips are a little thinner? She has been tired of looking at him since she was a child. Well, since everyone says he is handsome, let's be handsome! Anyway, it has nothing to do with her.

Lan Xi'er: You really don't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings! It would be great if I had such a handsome bamboo horse.

Su Rourou felt a deep sense of powerlessness: If she knew how Luo Yichen bullied her since childhood, she probably wouldn't say that...

At this moment, Lan Xi'er beside her suddenly straightened her body, sitting in an unusually upright posture, staring at the blackboard without squinting.

Su Rourou was still wondering why she was so eager to learn all of a sudden, Lan Xi'er kicked her under the table a few times, and mouthed to her: "Missren has been staring at us for a long time!"

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, there was only a "bang", Ren Xuehua put down the textbook in her hand heavily, and said in a stern tone, "You two! We had a great chat!"

The classroom fell into a deathly silence, and the students below even became cautious about breathing.

Su Rourou and Lan Xi'er were so frightened that they deserted Ren Xuehua's class, and the consequences would be serious!

They were about to stand up and admit their mistakes, but Ren Xuehua then said: "Ke Shaoze, Hou Xiaofeng! You two stand up for me!"

Su Rourou first let out a long breath of relief, but when she heard Ke Shaoze's name, her heart was wrenched again, and she glanced in his direction from the corner of her eye.

Ke Shaoze and his tablemate Hou Xiaofeng stood up one after the other, but their standing postures were crooked and their expressions were loose.

He and Hou Xiaofeng both like playing basketball and are the two most active students in the class. Normally, the two of them don't like to attend classes. They often play mobile phones, listen to music, and chat in class.

With a gloomy face, Ren Xuehua looked around the classroom, suddenly pointed at Su Rourou and Lan Xier and said, "You guys, switch behind Su Rourou and Lan Xier! Now, immediately, immediately!"

There was a small commotion in the originally silent classroom. You know, Ren Xuehua hates puppy love among students the most. In order to reduce the probability of puppy love, the seating arrangement in the class is a group of boys and a group of girls. In other words, Su Rourou's group, from the first row to the last row, are all girls!

Ke Shaoze and Hou Xiaofeng, two big boys, were suddenly thrown into the group of girls. The scene was so...beautiful.

Ke Shaoze and Hou Xiaofeng looked at each other, shrugged indifferently, then dragged their schoolbags and textbooks, and walked towards the position behind Su Rourou.

When his tall figure passed by Su Rourou's side, Su Rourou only felt shortness of breath and a whirl of dizziness. There was a faint smell of green grass in the air, which was the breath emanating from Ke Shaoze's body.

She lowered her head, her gaze fell on the textbook in front of her, but every cell in her body felt his every move.

Ke Shaoze sat down casually, and because of his large movements, he moved the table in front of him and made a "bang".

Su Rourou, who was sitting in front of him, immediately felt a small tremor from her back, and her heart also trembled.

Although the confession plan was ruined by Luo Yichen who hates her, she never expected that God loves her so much that she and the male god will become front and back tables!

In the past, she was thinking about how to get closer to him every day, and get closer to him, and now she is finally very, very close to him.

She unconsciously drew a heart-shaped pattern on the English textbook, but when she thought of Banhua An Yirou sitting in front of her, the pen in her hand suddenly stopped. The red peach heart in the pen is just missing a corner.

Ke Shaoze is also getting closer to the goddess in his heart...