To The Lovely You

Chapter 92: Just Dude (12)


At this moment, bursts of cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, attracting the attention of all the girls.

It turned out that Luo Yichen made another three-pointer, which opened up the score between the two sides by a full twenty points.

"Luo Yichen, come on! Luo Yichen, come on!" The idiot fans were so excited that they took the mineral water bottle and slammed it.

Oh, their male god Luo Yichen is indeed the best.

The boys in class four were all downcast and had no fighting spirit. As for the result of this match, they already knew it well, they just didn't want to leave the game halfway, and insisted on finishing the match.

But what annoyed them the most was that both Luo Yichen and Ke Shaoze's fan clubs had girls from class four.

The squad leader of the fourth class couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at the girls in his class: "Hey, what class are you in? How can you help other classes cheer?"

"Cut!" The girls in class four expressed disdain for the monitor, and some threw several mineral water bottles at him.

The squad leader of the fourth class was a little nervous, especially when he turned around and saw Luo Yichen who was also the squad leader, he felt even more unbalanced.

The same squad leader, also playing basketball, how can the treatment be so different? Of course, he forgot a very important point, his looks were not on the same level as Luo Yichen's.

Ke Shaoze's fan group was also dissatisfied, especially the leader Han Xuefei. Because Luo Yichen stole Ke Shaoze's limelight in this competition, they complained for their idol Ke Shaoze.

As a result, the fans of both sides started to quarrel, arguing over the two issues of "who is more handsome and who plays better basketball".

Su Rourou couldn't bear it anymore, and said something to them that she had held back for a long time.

"Students, stop arguing! Both Luo Yichen and Ke Shaoze are from Class Six! No matter who scores the goal, the result is the same!"

"Short oil, little cute girl! Not bad!" Han Xuefei gave her a very appreciative glance.

The brainless fans looked at each other and shut their mouths one after another.

On this side, the match on the field entered the intermission stage, Ke Shaoze and Luo Yichen walked side by side towards the rest area outside the field.

When Ke Shaoze saw Han Xuefei's face, his face turned pale with fright.

Han Xuefei smiled brightly at him, rushed forward to stop him, and forced him with the sports drink in her hand.

Ke Shaoze was evasive, but he didn't want to answer.

But Han Xuefei refused to let it go, and stood in front of him relentlessly, as if he couldn't get around her if he didn't drink today.

Ke Shaoze wanted to cry but had no tears: Oh my God! How could there be such an annoying girl? He never hits a woman, but today he really wanted to make an exception...

Luo Yichen at the side kept his expression on the surface, but deep in his eyes there was a gloating light hidden in his misfortune.

Su Rourou stood in the crowd, looking at Han Xuefei with some envy. In fact, she really wanted to do this too, it was a scene she had imagined countless times. However, she didn't have the courage to move forward like her.

The picture she imagined was like this: Ke Shaoze came off the court dripping with sweat, she took a step forward, lowered her head and handed him the drink in her hand. He took it with a smile, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it up. Cool drops of water flowed down the contours of his perfect jaw. Drop by drop, sparkling in the sun.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very slender. She looked down at the bottle of Evian mineral water in her hand and remained silent.

Because this bottle of mineral water is for Luo Yichen, not for Ke Shaoze...

At this moment, Ke Shaoze, who was in extreme embarrassment, caught a glimpse of Su Rourou holding a bottle of drink in his hand, running towards her as if looking at a savior.

"Brother Rou, is this water for me? I'm not welcome..."