Today Prime Minister Also Wants to Bang His Head on the Pillar

Chapter 2


The emperor would not be so stupid, otherwise he would not be able to overwhelm the previous sixteen princes, inherit the throne, regain the lost land in just a few years, and then go south to fight. At the age of twenty-five, he would be able to unify the north and the south.

Seeing the prime minister jostling in front of the palace, after a long time, the emperor's rebellious heart came up for no reason. In the west, the Great Moon Kingdom, which had always been on good terms with it, was destroyed, and all trade with other countries was prohibited.

Every time the prime minister heard it, he sighed and was about to hit the pillar again. The officials in front of the hall were quickly divided into two groups again, each performing their duties, one group stopped the prime minister, and the other group stopped the emperor.

After the prime minister was successfully stopped, he picked up his sleeves and pretended to wipe his tears, his arms were trembling, which was exactly the same as the old prime minister, but there was an inexplicable difference when placed on the prime minister.

He also cried along with the veteran, trying to awaken the emperor's conscience with his tears.

The tears did not awaken the conscience of the young emperor, only the hard object under him.

The emperor's angle on the dragon chair is just right, his eyesight is also good, and he can see very clearly.

The prime minister pretended to bump into a pillar, and inevitably got into a fight with the people blocking the hall. At the end of the performance, he sat down on the ground, his waist as thin as a willow, and the hair on his sideburns had already fallen down. Although she didn't cry very seriously, the corners of her eyes were flushed, and the faint pink stained along her face to the earlobe, and then spread to her neck.

The transparent tears fell down in big ones, acting as a scene where a remonstrance failed, and silently shed tears belonging to the old officials, but they flowed into the emperor's heart.

What old minister is wiping tears, it is clearly a beauty who is crying! Like a beauty who was bullied and fell to the ground in front of the palace, she cried so much that the emperor was flustered, and people couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

The emperor hurriedly said, "It's alright, alright, I won't do this anymore, get up quickly."

Then the prime minister knelt down and shouted, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The followers behind also shouted, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The emperor is already twenty-five years old. When he was a teenager, he was busy fighting for the throne, and he only cared about his career. He fought south and north, and never had any thoughts about lust. Naturally, he didn't understand.

Now the desire for the prime minister is always ready to germinate in my heart, ready to break out at any time, but I can’t say it because I don’t understand. I just feel that when I see the prime minister hitting the pillar with tears every day, I suddenly feel refreshed inexplicably, and my heart is also very comfortable. up.

Even when I go to sleep at night, I can dream that the prime minister hits the pillar and the beautiful woman weeps, but due to limited knowledge, I can only dream about the crying part, and I am at a loss for the wetness under my body after waking up.

Therefore, following this instinct to be refreshing and comfortable, I have to bring up new novelty-seeking ideas in front of the palace every day.

In addition to assisting the military and state affairs, the prime minister's job is to bump into the pillars every morning. After a long time, he gets used to bumping into it. He comes when he says it, and tears fall when he says it. Before, he had to take advantage of the chaos and secretly lower his head to smoke some peppermint fragrance by his eyes. , is no longer needed.

It was rumored that the emperor was violent, and only when the prime minister dared to speak out and remonstrate, the emperor could always rein in the precipice and not perish. It is a generation of loyal ministers. Everyone is full of praise when it comes to the prime minister.

The exaggeration spread to the prime minister's ears, and the prime minister felt that he had done a really good job! The emperor didn't care about the opinions of the people, as long as the prime minister came to the palace to bump into the pillars and cry every day.

Everyone is very satisfied with the status quo.