Today the Manager is Also Very Kind

Chapter 13


Xia Zeqi invited Xin Nanyi to a stylish high-end western restaurant.

Going to such a formal restaurant, it is not appropriate to wear the usual sports, so Xin Nanyi had no choice but to order a suit.

He also complained when changing clothes: "Fortunately, I have lost a lot of weight now, otherwise even if I can hold on to this custom-made suit, I will look like a nouveau riche."

As soon as Xin Nan drove over, he handed over the key to the parking boy at the door and walked into the restaurant. He gave his name, and the waiter led him to the table where Xia Zeqi was.

The light in the restaurant is warm orange, and the glass bead curtains on the chandelier and beside the window are gently swaying, overflowing with light and dazzling.

Xia Zeqi was sitting by the table, with his hands crossed on the table, as if thinking, his eyes were drooping, and his long eyelashes cast a small shadow under his eyes. The intoxicating light shone on his stern and delicate facial features, adding a bit of softness.

Xin Nanyi's eyes flickered at this beauty, and he couldn't help admiring in his heart: He really is a big star with both strength and appearance. It's really right for such a handsome face to enter the entertainment circle.

Xin Nanyi greeted him: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, I'm late."

Xia Zeqi raised his head and saw Xin Nanyi who had lost so much weight. He was a little surprised in his eyes. He was stunned for a while, and only realized after Xin Nanyi sat down.

"No, I was early."

Seeing that he was still looking straight at him, Xin Nan felt a little unnatural. He touched his not-so-round face mockingly, and said, "Why, can't you recognize it? I spent a lot of time It’s only because of strength that you’ve become so thin.”

Xia Zeqi realized his inappropriate gaze, and looked away in embarrassment, the tips of his ears turned red, he cleared his throat and said, "I still recognize it, I'm just surprised."

Xin Nanyi smiled and changed the subject: "The Best Actor Xia hasn't contacted me for half a month. I thought you'd backed off and invited me to dinner!"

Xia Zeqi's face became warmer, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "How come. I just want to heal the injury on my hand before I come out." He didn't want Xin Nanyi to see himself in a mess again. look.

In fact, Xia Zeqi has been feeling itchy for the past half month, and has turned to the page of Xin Nanyi's phone number many times, but after thinking about it for a while, he always quits. Every time he thinks of Xin Nanyi inadvertently, he always has a strange and special feeling in his heart, which is very subtle, very attractive, irresistible and even addictive.

Xin Nanyi expressed understanding, but it was a misunderstanding: "Yes, Mr. Xia is a public figure, image is very important!"

"Mr. Xin, can you not call me Mr. Xia or Xia Yingdi? It makes me feel weird. You can call me Zeqi!" Xia Zeqi didn't show it on his face, but there was an imperceptible look in his eyes.

"Don't you still call me Mr. Xin?" Xin Nanyi still smiled gently, but he was a little guilty in his heart. Lao Qin still called him by his full name. Would it be too intimate to call him "Zeqi"? , but no matter how he sees this Xia Zeqi doesn't look like a familiar person!

Xia Zeqi happily answered, "Then I'll change my mind too. I'll call you Nan Yi, and you call me Zeqi."

Xia Zeqi's kindness was hard to turn down, and Xin Nanyi couldn't find any other reason to refuse, so he agreed to change his words, and called out with a gentle smile: "Zeqi."

Xia Zeqi was dazzled by his smile, and when he heard him call "Zeqi" like that, the strange joy surged up in his heart again.

When Xin Nan was ordering food, Xia Zeqi glanced at it secretly, remembering which page he stayed on for a long time.

Although Xin Nanyi has lost a lot of weight now, he still pays attention to his diet. Ordering a veal steak is already a great face for the host.

Seeing that he didn't eat much, Xia Zeqi wanted to persuade him, but he was very conflicted in his heart. He felt that Xin Nanyi would look better if he was thinner, but also hoped that he would pay attention to his body and eat more.

As soon as Xin Nan noticed that he was looking at him with those straight eyes again, he slightly lowered his head and coughed lightly, cleared his throat and said, "Zeqi, are your assistant and driver's injuries better?"

As soon as the word "Ze Qi" was uttered, the bones of King Xia's bones were crisped again.

He tried his best to maintain a calm face: "It's better, and I can go home to recuperate after staying in the courtyard for more than a month."

"How did you deal with that gossip newspaper?"

Xia Zeqi slowly opened the red wine brought by the waiter, first poured some into his own glass, then filled Xin Nanyi half full, and finally filled himself half full. The tone of his answer was still very calm, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing: "Of course it went bankrupt."

Xin Nanyi didn't sympathize with them, his employees didn't teach well, and such a big incident happened, they really should pay some price.

"Then I would venture to ask one more question."

"Don't be presumptuous." Xia Zeqi looked at him, and his thin and beautiful diamond lips drew a nice arc slightly.

"Who is the person who broke the news for the gossip newspaper?"

Since Xin Nanyi asked, Xia Zeqi didn't intend to hide it: "An actress."

"Oh?" Xin Nanyi knew that Xia Zeqi had a rumored girlfriend all these years. The man's name is Xu Huanmo, he is a child star, he has been acting since he was a child, he has a lot of experience, and now he is also among the four young actresses, and his traffic and popularity have always been ranked first in the entertainment industry today.

The reason why Gossip Girl is Gossip Girl is because the two parties have never admitted their relationship, but they will still spread some news of interaction, and occasionally they will have a little pink on the show together, although the little pink is mostly created by the special effects of the show of.

"You care?" Xia Zeqi raised his eyebrows and asked.

The corner of Xin Nan's mouth twitched, what kind of words are these? How could he care? How could he care

"I'm just a little curious." He managed to control the frequency and curvature of the corners of his mouth, and said with a demeanor.

"It's Bai Yun. We happened to be filming at the same location that day. I was shooting commercials, and she was shooting magazine exteriors. It happened to happen. When I was leaving after work, she suddenly ran over and said that her nanny car was driven away by the agent. Yes, I want to hitch a ride. At that time, there were a lot of fans on the sidelines. I couldn’t refuse, so I had to agree. She got in my car, but just after driving for a short distance, my assistant saw a car parked on the side of the road. The car I was driving was very similar to Bai Yun's nanny car. Looking in from the window, I saw her manager smoking a cigarette in it, so I asked her to get out of the car halfway. But the car restarted and accelerated. At a certain speed, my driver noticed some problems with the steering wheel."

Bai Yun is one of the four young actresses now. According to the information given by gossip people, she is an actress who is used to hugging her thighs and making hype. Moreover, she and Xu Huanmo are particularly at odds, and they don't even have an overlapping circle of friends. of.

"Then how did she end up?"

"Someone beat me up, and new endorsements and roles fell through."

Xin Nan thought with all his heart, the person who helped beat it should be Xu Huanmo! Although there has been no real fight between them, there are many traces exposed, and CP fans who are active on the Internet have been looking forward to getting hammered! But it's better for him not to gossip about things that the parties didn't mention.

When the main course came, the veal steak in front of Xin Nanyi was only half-cooked, the meat was so tender that all the meat juices overflowed from the knife.

Seeing that he was having a good meal, Xia Zeqi felt a little better, and indeed it was a good choice to bring him to this restaurant.

The two chatted for another ten minutes, chatting while eating, and slowly, they really started talking nonsense like friends. Xin Nanyi stopped talking politely to Xia Zeqi, he felt that Xia Zeqi was not such an old cadre as he appeared on the surface, and he didn't have that cold and serious mask after meeting him. Talking nonsense, joking, and chatting casually is quite fun.

Xin Nan grabbed a piece of cut steak with a fork, and just put it in his mouth, he saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. He chewed it twice and looked over there, and saw Zhao Yanyuan, who was wearing a low-backed, red-chested dress, was walking towards a dining table with a man who was nearly fifty years old on his arm. That somewhat revealing skirt perfectly highlighted Zhao Yanyuan's protruding figure, and she even put on a mature and exquisite makeup today, which was gorgeous and charming. Xin Nanyi, who was used to seeing her plain face, couldn't help but sigh, this look is indeed impressive in the entertainment industry.

Xia Zeqi followed his gaze. He recognized the girl. He once asked his men to investigate Xin Nanyi, so he knew that the woman was a member of his girl group.

"What's the matter? Isn't that your artist?"

As soon as Xin Nan turned his head, he smiled indifferently: "It's nothing, she should not be an artist under me soon."

Xia Zeqi looked at his unconcerned expression, was silent for a while, and said: "The one with her is the boss of Lingshang Company, who is engaged in real estate."

"I know, and he has taken care of 25 or 30 female celebrities, not including one-night stands." Xin Nan took a sip of the red wine, and the smile on his face did not change at all.

When Zhao Yanyuan sat down, she also saw Xin Nanyi who was sitting here, panic flashed across her face, and her flattering smile froze for a moment, but she quickly returned to normal. She would not be under his service any time soon, and he would soon have no power to mind his own affairs.

She graciously poured wine for the benefactor in front of her, and looked at the luxurious and exquisite design of the western restaurant without any trace of her eyes. When she looked at Xin Nan again, her eyes became even more disdainful. Only rich people can enter in the future. She, Zhao Yanyuan, is free to set foot anywhere, and one day, she will make Xin Nanyi look up to her.

Although Xin Nanyi looked as if he didn't take it for granted, Xia Zeqi still called and gave some instructions when he left the meeting temporarily.

The author has something to say:

After a few days of metaphysics, I have acne on my face~

Forget it, silly Wu, let's go to bed obediently!

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