Today the Manager is Also Very Kind

Chapter 16


As soon as Xin Nan fed the two puppies some dog food and canned food for puppies, he hugged the little corgi to Xia Zeqi.

"Zeqi, what do you think I should name it?" Although Xin Nanyi has a master who has helped others take care of him for a while, he has never really raised it himself, and choosing a name is the first priority in front of him. problem.

Xia Zeqi looked at him gently hugging Corgi who was still kicking his short legs, and his heart moved slightly. He stood up, reached out and stroked its furry head, and said, "Our surnames all start with X, so shall we call it Ax?"

Xin Nanyi felt a little weird. Isn't it the dog raised by the couple that would associate the names of two people? But this cute little guy was chosen by them together, so it shouldn't matter, let's call him Akers!

"X, little X." Xin Nanyi lowered his head and softly coaxed the little one in his arms.

Ax's obsidian-like eyes looked at Xin Nanyi and Xia Zeqi in a daze, and arched his body to smell their bodies.

Xin Nanyi's neckline was thrown down by it, revealing a shallow collarbone and a piece of tender white skin.

After Xia Ze glanced at it without any trace, he reached out and took the dishonest Akers over.

Xin Nanyi breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect this little guy's physique to be small, but his strength is not small. He tidied up his clothes and patted its small buttocks lightly: "Are you happy now? You have been naughty since you were young, stay in your father Xia's arms, and I will take your little sister hug me."

Xia Zeqi was very satisfied with Xin Nanyi's "Father Xia", patted Ax's little butt triumphantly, and hugged and shook it with paternal love, in exchange for his ignorant panic eyes.

The Corgi that Xin Nanyi chose was a male cub, while the little Pomeranian was a female cub. The little Pomeranian, who is only two months old, is like a white and fat glutinous rice dumpling, and the little yellow and white corgi is like a piece of pulled cake.

After the two sat on the sofa and petted the dog for a while, Xin Nan looked at the watch on his wrist and asked, "It's almost dinner time, do you want to stay with me for dinner?"

Xia Zeqi is naturally happy to have Nan Yi wash his hands and make soup for him.

"Okay! I won't quit, just watch and do it!"

"Okay." Xin Nan stuffed the little Bomei who was dozing off in his arms into Xia Zeqi's arms, and walked towards the kitchen.

The refrigerator in the kitchen is full, and Xin Nanyi likes to cook, which will give him a sense of accomplishment, but if he eats it by himself, it’s not very interesting, so in normal times, he simply cooks Make a dish and a soup.

This time, he finally had a chance to show his talents.

Xia Zeqi, holding two little things secretly competing for favor in his arms, walked outside the kitchen, leaning against the wall to watch Xin Nanyi pointing the country in the kitchen wearing an apron. It is said that a man who can cook is very sexy and sexy, and it is true. Just looking at that busy back, Xia Zeqi felt his heart swell.

Xin Nanyi's movements are very skillful, and he is also very involved in cooking, and he is not affected by the hot gaze on his body at all.

Xin Nanyi cooks very fast, and can cook three dishes and one soup in 40 minutes.

Xia Zeqi stared blankly at him for forty minutes, and also stood for forty minutes. He felt that the time was not long, but when he moved his feet, his feet were already numb. He put the two puppies back on the ground calmly, and after the numbness in their feet subsided, he walked over to help Xin Nan bring the dishes to the table in the dining room outside.

"I only made some home-cooked dishes, which are not as good as restaurants outside."

"Home-cooked food is very good," Xia Zeqi began to spread the table and chopsticks graciously again, "Home-cooked food is warmer."

Xin Nan paused one by one, then smiled and said, "That's right, I made this with my heart, not for the sake of trading."

Sweet and sour pork ribs, garlic chicken, tofu with shallots and tomato egg soup, simple dishes are swept away by Xia Zeqi. Xin Nanyi, who had to control his diet because of weight loss, was a little apprehensive. Don't actors need to maintain their figure? If you eat like this, you will gain weight twice sooner or later.

Xia Zeqi offered to help wash the dishes after eating, but was stopped by Xin Nanyi.

"I have a dishwasher here, so I don't need to wash dishes manually."

"Oh." Xia Ze lazily put all the bowls into the dishwasher.

Xia Zeqi didn't think about staying here for the time being, and after chatting for a while, he wanted to go back.

Xin Nanyi thought he was going back to that neighborhood, so he put the Pomeranian in a cage, and brought some dog food and cans along the way, and asked him to say: "Those children must not be asleep now, since you are on the way and are the same Those in the same building in the community, please help me deliver this dog and dog food to them! They are on the fifteenth floor."

Xia Zeqi couldn't bear to refuse Xin Nanyi's request, so he took it and put it in the back seat of the car.

The Q&Ps are practicing basic dance skills in the practice room of the dormitory. The treadmill that Xin Nan ordered in the afternoon has been delivered, and they have been cycling between running and dancing. Although the manager said that they could not practice for the time being, they didn't think so.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Yi Ke ran to open the door bouncing up and down.

She is clever, peeking through the peephole before opening the door.

She tiptoed to take a look, which startled her. Covering her mouth, she squatted down slowly, her eyes widened, and her beautiful smile was overflowing with surprise.

She clenched her fists, put them next to her face and let out a silent cry, then rushed to the practice room like a cannonball, screaming excitedly and saying in broken words: "Ah! My God! Ah! It's Xia Zeqi! Ah! OMG! It's his doorbell, it's Best Actor Xia!"

"Calm down! Calm down!" Ji Chuqi stepped forward to hug her helplessly, restraining her movements.

"Calm down, tell me who is outside the door." Qiao Cheng also stepped forward to hold her dangling hand.

"Woo—" Yi Ke took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "It's Xia Zeqi, Xia's Best Actor. The Xia Zeqi who acted in "The Legend of the Ming Dynasty" and "Xuexiang"."

"Ah? Then why didn't you open the door and keep him outside." Qiao Cheng flicked Yike's forehead and walked out.

Others quickly followed.

Xia Zeqi who was outside the door was about to ring the doorbell again when the door opened. The first thing you see is five beautiful girls who are crowded at the door but lined up neatly.

"Hello! We are Q&P."

Although Xia Zeqi had heard that Xin Yu's etiquette education was very good, he was still taken aback by them this time.

"Hi there."

Xia Zeqi handed them the dog and dog food in his hands, and said, "This is what your manager Xin Nanyi asked me to deliver to you."

Q&P glanced at the members, hurriedly brought the things over, and bowed neatly: "Thank you."

Xia Zeqi nodded expressionlessly, and left with his usual aloofness and arrogance.

Q&P closed the door and carried out the blank-eyed little Pomeranian from the cage. Everyone touched it once and burst into cheers.

Xinyu's production department has gathered many talented and famous music producers. Here we not only need to produce songs and albums of the company's singers and singing groups, but also collect songs submitted by outside music producers for screening and recruitment.

Xin Nanyi first went to the head of the production department.

Minister Hu Yang'an received a phone call from the assistant to the chairman early in the morning, wanting to "exercise" this young master. So he put on a helpless and aggrieved look, and said, "Nan Shao, it's not that I don't want to find a professional producer for Q&P's comeback this time, it's because our department really has no skills!"

"Oh?" Xin Nan raised his eyebrows, and the gentle smile on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a cold indifference.

Hu Yang'an shuddered, didn't he say that Xin Nanyi is a wimp? It's a lie, how can there be such a frightening wimp!

"Really, we have High Fire coming back in the past two months, and the album is only halfway through production, and they can't get enough people there. And after High Fire, Angelia came back, and then D up and Stars. These are the last one. It was decided at the year-end meeting."

"So, there aren't any available producers in the company?" Xin Nan narrowed his eyes, with a threatening tone in his tone.

The cold sweat on Hu Yangan's back was almost soaking through his shirt. After thinking hard for a while, he finally thought of a way to get the best of both worlds: "We actually have a music producer who is relatively free in our production department."

"Who? Meng Zhu, our chief producer. He has more time at his disposal than other people, but he doesn't go out easily, and usually only does the work of checking the quality of music. It's been a long time since our Xin Yu released a piece of music that he did it himself. album."

Xin Nanyi sneered, "Your abacus is really good."

Hu Yang'an said miserably again: "I can't help it! In these few months of every year, our production department is the hardest and most stressed! Or, Brother Nan, you can ask Mr. Meng Zhu, maybe he can't Give us face, and give you face!"

With his good words, this Meng Zhu was finally willing to go out for Xin Nanyi.

Xin Nanyi found Meng Zhu in his separate office.

He knocked on the door very politely, and pushed the door in after getting a response. He tried his best to be careful not to make too much noise when closing the door. After all, the music producers he had contacted in his previous life didn't like noise.

Meng Zhu was sitting on an old man's rocking chair next to the desk, and slowly turned to look at him.

Xin Nanyi bowed politely to him, introduced himself, and explained the purpose of his visit.

Meng Zhu is only in his fifties this year, not old, but his eyes are full of wisdom and sharpness accumulated over time like an old man in his seventies or eighties. He stared at Xin Nan for a while, and sighed, "Like, it really looks like."

Xin Nanyi still listened with his head down, only to hear him for a while before lazily uttering a sentence: "For your father's sake, I will help you this time, and only this time."

Xin Nanyi smiled gently and bowed: "Thank you."

Meng Zhu slowly closed his eyelids, closed his eyes and meditated, and said, "You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank you, thank you for having a good father. If he hadn't helped me when I was at my worst, I might have It has been remade. However, you are not the same as the rumors circulating outside, I hope you will not let me down."

The author has something to say:

Today I have an inexplicable convulsion, and I have been "missing" my first love. That kind of feeling is so simple, it has been completely broken without leaving any traces, but I still suddenly think of him.