Today the Manager is Also Very Kind

Chapter 24


Although Xia Zeqi didn't pay much attention to it, in his heart, the birthday party officially started from the moment Xin Nanyi appeared.

The others looked at Xin Nanyi politely for a while, then withdrew their probing gazes, and started talking and laughing softly with the people around them.

Qin Wenshu, who was thrown away, walked over awkwardly, clinked a glass of wine with Xia Zeqi, and then stood on the other side of Xin Nanyi blindly as a light bulb.

Xia Zeqi narrowed his eyes, but did not make a sound.

He started to lead Xin Nanyi and Qin Wenshu to get to know each other with some bigwigs in the entertainment industry.

"Nan Yi, this is Ghosn and the director. He has directed many films and won important awards."

"Director Ge, this is my friend Xin Nanyi and Qin Wenlou."

"Hello." Xin Nan stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the thin, middle-aged man with two small mustaches in front of him.

Ghosn is still a famous director in the circle, with deep qualifications and strong ability, he is called "award-winning professional" by insiders. Xia Zeqi was the one who directed the movie "Xue Xiang" that won the best actor for the first time.

Ghosn also glanced at the young man who received special treatment from Xia Zeqi, and said with a smile: "Hi, young man."

Xin Nanyi is only twenty-three years old this year. He looked very mature when he was fat before, but now he looks very young when he is thin. His temperament is as calm as a deep pool, without the impetuosity of young people, so Ghosn is not sure about his age yet, he only thinks that this is a newcomer that TPM will introduce, but, what kind of newcomer can receive such kind treatment from King Xia

"This is a newcomer your company is going to launch. Have you decided which aspect to focus on?" Xin Nanyi felt very good about returning to Ghosn. If Xin Nanyi planned to act in a movie, he happened to have a role for him try it. He likes to use old actors, but he also favors talented newcomers.

"No, he's not an actor, nor is he from TPM." Xia Zeqi said.

Xin Nanyi explained with a gentle smile, "I am one of Xin Yu's managers."

Ghosn obviously didn't expect Xin Nanyi to be Xin Yu's man, and his face showed surprise. But after thinking about it carefully, thinking of his surname, it became somewhat clear in my heart.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that Xia Yingdi, who has always been indifferent, would suddenly have a friend across the company." Ghosn has also cooperated with Xia Zeqi many times. Ze lacquer jokes people.

Ghosn also looked at Qin Wenlou next to him, reached out and shook his hand, and said, "Professor Qin, long time no see."

They also had a little interaction before, so Qin Wenlou smiled and exchanged a few words with him.

Xin Nan had heard about some of Ghosn's hobbies in his last life, so he slowly brought the topic to his interests, and the three chatted happily.

Xia Zeqi was standing beside him with a slight smile, he didn't speak much, but he couldn't be impatient either.

At this time, some old friends of Ghosn came to him. Xia Zeqi just wanted to introduce those big guys to Xin Nanyi, and Ghosn enthusiastically did it for him.

Among them, one is a film investor, one is a screenwriter, and the other is a variety show producer.

This variety show producer, Sun Wu, can be said to be the father of Chinese reality shows. The first outdoor reality show in China - "Beyond the Heavy City" can be said to have fired the first shot of China's outdoor variety shows. Not as hot as it is.

After that, he took advantage of this to raise a large sum of money to produce a variety of reality shows, and countless entertainers and stars rushed to participate in one of them.

Xin Nanyi is very talkative, with an amiable and gentle temperament, handsome but not aggressive, even if he is facing a big guy who can shake the whole entertainment circle with his Weibo posts, his attitude is still neither humble nor overbearing, so he is very popular with this Liked by several elders.

It didn't take long to exchange contact information.

Qin Wenshu, as a university professor who teaches and educates people with two sleeves, naturally does not need these interpersonal relationships, but he is still a little envious in his heart, why is he so popular? This is too eye-catching.

Afterwards, Xia Zeqi took them to meet with the directors of several TV stations to get acquainted, and it would be easier for them to ask for help in the future.

The other guests saw Xia Zeqi talking so well today, and they also came to strike up a conversation one after another, there was no need for Xia Zeqi to find them one by one. After finally coping with it, Xin Nanyi's stomach growled shamelessly. Fortunately, the sound was so small that only Xia Zeqi who was closest to him heard it.

Xin Nan blushed a little, and looked at Xia Zeqi embarrassedly. Xia Zeqi felt that his appearance was so cute, so he tried his best not to laugh.

At this time, Qin Wenshu happened to be called over by one of his former students. Without the light bulb, Xia Zeqi felt that the air was much fresher.

He led Xin Nanyi to the food buffet area to eat.

As soon as Xin Nan knew that he couldn't eat as much as he wanted on this kind of occasion, so he put some food that he liked and was very hungry on his plate.

Xia Zeqi also took some things with him.

Xin Nanyi stuffed a piece of pastry into his mouth, his cheeks were bulging, and he moved like a little squirrel.

Xia Zeqi was fascinated by it, and couldn't help poking his cheek with his finger.

Xin Nanyi was so frightened by his sudden movement that he almost choked, and quickly swallowed what was in his mouth. His ears were red and he looked at him innocently.

Xia Zeqi looked at his expression and smiled again.

Xin Nanyi turned his head in embarrassment. How he felt shy was his fault, and the buddies beside him were not affected at all.

"Nan Yi, did you enjoy today's banquet?" Xia Zeqi looked at him with blinking eyes. According to Xia Zeqi's previous survey of Xin Nanyi, he likes to play and make trouble, but he doesn't like to attend such places very much, and he doesn't like to socialize with outsiders too much. His performance today is obviously different from the survey results.

Because Xia Zeqi sent someone to investigate Xin Nanyi's past, he thought he knew most of Xin Nanyi's affairs, but he didn't know that this Xin Nanyi was no longer that Xin Nanyi.

Xin Nan's face became even hotter when he was stared at by his straight eyes. His eyes were a little dodged, he looked up and down, left and right, but he didn't look at Xia Zeqi.

He who was always articulate now replied bluntly: "It's... not bad. But today is your home game, but you brought me to meet so many people, it seems a bit overwhelming."

"Don't be too polite with me. The banquet is just a medium for people to communicate. I have known those people a long time ago, so I should get to know you too."

The heat on Xin Nanyi's face dissipated a little, he raised his head slightly, looked at Xia Zeqi, who was about ten centimeters taller than him, with a smile on the corner of his lips, and said, "Thank you so much, I know you as a friend I didn't stagger."

The expression on Xia Zeqi's face froze, then quickly returned to normal, nodded and said: "That is."

Xia Zeqi felt a little resentful, why they had been together for so long, and Xin Nanyi's thoughts were not on the same channel as his

Xia Zeqi's words mean: You are my very important person, I will pave the way for you, and introduce you to my friends by the way.

But Xin Nanyi's understanding is: you are my friend, they are your friends, and friends of friends can also be my friends.

Just when Xia Zeqi was a little distressed, a young woman wearing a black lace tube top evening dress came over and sat gracefully on the high chair next to Xia Zeqi. Her skirt was from the mid-high slit to the hip line three centimeters below.

"Zeqi, Mr. Xin, do you mind if I sit down?" Xu Huanmo asked sweetly with a smile. She was asking about two people, but her eyes were only looking at Xia Zeqi with her charming big eye makeup.

"Didn't you already sit down? Is it interesting to pretend to ask?" Xia Zeqi finally waited until Qin Wenshu's light bulb was taken away, and just said a few more words with Nan Yi, and now another one I don't know good from bad. He was irritable and depressed, and his tone of voice was a little cold, like an air conditioner with its own temperature adjustment effect.

Xin Nan smiled secretly when he heard Xu Huanmo address Xia Zeqi, as if he had discovered some great gossip. interested.

Xu Huanmo didn't care about Xia Zeqi's harsh tone and cold attitude, but was happy because he answered his words. She raised her red lips slightly, raised her feet, and a pair of jade legs that were as white as ice and snow were exposed from the tall skirts, facing Xia Zeqi next to her. In the high-heeled shoes, the ups and downs are up and down, very attractive: "Ze Qi, I heard from my friends that you plan to take over the new play directed by Zhou, is that right?"

Xia Zeqi raised his eyebrows, glanced at her with eyes without any warmth, suppressed the impatience in his heart, and said, "What's wrong?"

Xu Huanmo slightly lowered his head and smiled, his eyes flashed with the demureness of a jasper lady and the charm of a romantic woman: "I just also received the invitation from Director Zhou, what a coincidence, isn't it?"

Xin Nanyi, who was watching the show and eating melons, had a "meow meow" expression on his face, thinking: Why is this sentence so familiar

If Xia Zeqi's tone just now belonged to the fresh-keeping section in the refrigerator, then his tone now belongs to the freezing section: "Oh! Then I'll push the trick away."

Xu Huanmo never thought that Xia Zeqi would erase her face so bluntly, especially when there were outsiders around.

They have cooperated several times, and every time she would use Xia Zeqi to hype her up, but Xia Zeqi has always taken an attitude of not responding to the scandal. When they meet, they will try their best to tease him.

Xia Zeqi never responded, nor refused, which made Xu Huanmo feel a ray of hope.

But what she didn't know was that Xia Zeqi didn't refuse, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't even let her into her eyes outside the scene. A passerby who can only whisper in his ear occasionally, what is there to refuse

But this time it was different, Xia Zeqi cared about it, and even got a little angry, what was she doing posing like that? Do you want to seduce Nan Yi, or do you want to drive a wedge between them

The author has something to say:

I try to update as much as possible, and try to finish it before the end of the winter vacation.

But the daily flag is no longer set up, and my inability to be on time makes me feel very tormented.

I don't want to lose my lovely little angels for breaking my promise!