Today the Manager is Also Very Kind

Chapter 26


Some netizens who have reacted began to question whether the previous scandals were either taken out of context by paparazzi, or deliberately hyped up by someone.

As Xia Zeqi, who has always followed the line of strength, he does not need to use gossip to increase his traffic at all. The foundation of his establishment in the entertainment industry lies in the reputation of each of his must-have works and his excellent acting skills recognized both at home and abroad. Although TPM had the label of selling fresh meat for him when he first debuted, since his first work was broadcast, he has entered the ranks of talented and powerful actors.

Therefore, if there is someone between the two who needs to use gossip to gain attention, the people who eat melons already know who that person will be.

Some of Xu Huanmo's black fans finally caught this black spot and tried to black her out. They didn't care if it was her who initiated the scandal, as long as there was suspicion, it would be a black spot that couldn't be removed.

Xu Huanmo flicked through the messy comments on her Weibo with a pale face, feeling panicked.

"What should we do now? Should I post a Weibo to clarify?"

The manager clenched a fist in one hand and beat the palm of the other hand rhythmically, forcing himself to calm down.

"Clarification is necessary, but now is not the most suitable time. I will post on Weibo at 7 o'clock tomorrow, pretending that I have slept all night, knowing nothing, and my tone must be innocent."

Xu Huanmo said straight away: "Okay, I see."

"I'll buy some sailors later, make you look like a victim, and earn sympathy points."


Xu Huanmo also calmed down slowly. She looked at the time display on her phone. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and Weibo was still very lively. She was a little annoyed. Are these people planning to become immortals just to watch gossip? Not afraid of sudden death during the day.

Finally, at 7:13 in the morning, Xu Huanmo posted the Weibo that had been edited and changed countless times with two big panda eyes. She picked a random time to post, and she didn't dare to pick the whole time, for fear of being picked on by netizens and saying it was deliberate.

"When I woke up, I found that I was on the trending search! What's going on? [Laughing and crying] [Laughing and crying] I hope you don't misunderstand! We are just ordinary friends. I hope all reporters will let us go."

No one in Xu Huanmo has Aite, but anyone who read Weibo knows who she is talking about.

As soon as the Weibo was posted, the high-quality sailors bought by the agent at a huge price dutifully brushed up the comments.

"Apologize to those keyboard warriors who scolded Miss Sister! You scolded so badly last night, and now you have been slapped in the face!"

"I feel sorry for Miss Sister, I was scolded so badly by Heizi for not clarifying in time after sleeping."

"I can't bear to see me as a passer-by. Please understand the truth in the future before speaking, please? Don't spit shit all over your mouth."

"Please apologize to Xu Huanmo's black fans who scolded Xu Huanmo without knowing the truth [hehe] [hehe]"

"Don't trouble the paparazzi so much. Now that the two parties have come out to clarify, don't go around being cheap and tricking the young lady, okay?"

The paparazzi who was inexplicably scolded by the sailor bought by the employer: Gobi Mahler, whose drama is more!

These sailors followed the instructions of their employers and put everything on the heads of black fans and paparazzi. They didn't dare to offend Xia Zeqi's fans. They didn't even dare to mention it. , Let him say a few more words, then no matter how much Xu Huanmo clarifies, he will be finished.

Some rational fans and people who eat melons are a little puzzled—

"When Xia Zeqi first posted on Weibo, I didn't know whether it was to clarify the scandal or to praise the paparazzi, but now I understand."

"Huh? Why didn't Xu Xiaohua mention the photos when King Xia mentioned the photo?"

"I know the picture is not P's, it's just related to the angle and timing. Then the question came, why did they get so close, why did Xia Zeqi, who was the host of the banquet, go out with Xu Huanmo?"

"Comrade Chen Duxiu asked a good question upstairs, and I will reward you with a bottle of Dihua Zhixiu."

"Raise your feet and sweep the orange peel."

"Thank you to the class representative for helping me and other students to draw the key questions."

"I thought those pictures were real, but they still don't admit it. It seems that tacit understanding fans can't get official certification."

"Could it be for the sake of future and keeping fans that I don't admit it!"

"You must know that Xia Yingdi's previous Weibo is all about work-related publicity except for a few selfies. This is the first time he has posted a Weibo about personal scandals. I still feel that things are not that simple."

No matter what the netizens guessed, the two parties will no longer publish any words on this matter.

Xia Zeqi adheres to the number one law of interpersonal communication in the entertainment industry - do things on the sidelines so that we can meet in the future. After all, Xu Huanmo is just a little too hyped, and he didn't use any unscrupulous tricks on him. But who is she friends with

Xu Huanmo knew that the initiative in this matter was completely in Xia Zeqi's hands, and as long as both parties stopped talking, the matter would be over.

After Xin Nan got up together, he habitually picked up his phone and swiped Weibo for a while, only to realize that he had missed such a good show last night because he went to bed early. It's a pity that the show has closed and it's not very hot anymore.

Because all Q&P classes have already started, he doesn't have to go to the company in the morning, but just stays at home to exercise.

At noon, for the first time, he had the enthusiasm to cook a large table of dishes, and took them to the company in a multi-grid lunch box.

He first went to Meng Zhu's office to get the finished master tape and accompaniment, went back to the practice room to adjust the facilities, and waited for Q&P to come back for dinner.

In order to practice Q&P in a hurry, I often come to the company to practice after the afternoon class before having dinner. Usually they used bread to deal with it in the car, but this time Wang Xiaoming told them that Brother Nan brought them food and asked them to go back to the company to eat.

They thought it was another weight-loss meal, but when they returned to the practice room, they realized that Brother Nan had prepared home-cooked dishes for them that were absolutely delicious.

These dishes are full of salt and oil, Q&P looked at Xin Nanyi suspiciously, can they really eat these things

Xin Nan nodded to them and said, "Eat! You will have more training tonight than usual, so it's okay."

As soon as Xin Nanyi's words came out, the Q&Ps pulled out the tableware next to the food box methodically and quickly as if they had received an amnesty order, and raced against time to set their chopsticks. However, after going back to the dormitory tonight, exhausted and paralyzed, they realized what it means to "train more than usual".

After they finished eating, Xin Nanyi insisted on giving them fifteen minutes to rest and digest.

Fifteen minutes later, Xin Nanyi closed the door, put the master tape on the device and played it for them.

"This is the master tape, and the following is the accompaniment." Xin Nanyi changed a CD: "As you can hear, this accompaniment is very clean, without any vocals or pads. This will be your last CD. The accompaniment behind the stage means that the background sound and chorus in the master tape must be completed by you on stage.”

Q&P was still sitting on the ground and didn't get up. They doubted themselves a little. Even the veteran groups who debuted for five or six years couldn't meet such a difficult requirement. Their experience and strength are not as good as them. Can they really do it

Xin Nanyi didn't give them any buffer time, so he reinstalled the master tape, "Five seconds, put on the microphone, set up the appearance pose, five, four..."

Before Xin Nanyi's "Three" came out, Q&P quickly got up from the ground, picked up the microphone in front, kicked the cushion aside, and set up the initial formation.

Xin Nan pressed play and said, "You guys practice with the master tape a few times first, combining singing and dancing, just like being on stage."

The Q&Ps were still a little nervous. Ning Ning, who was the first to speak, had a problem. She forgot to turn on the microphone. After a delay of two seconds, she forgot to do all the dance moves, and the members next to her also stopped. Ning Ning turned on the microphone in a panic, and just as she sang the first line, Xin Nanyi turned off the music.

Xin Nanyi still had a smile on his face, but this smile looked a little creepy in Q&P. They hung their heads like gooses and waited for the training.

Ke Xinnan didn't say a word, and directly played the music again.

Q&P quickly reacted and started again. Ning Ning had no problem this time.

She made no mistakes, but Xin Nanyi said while watching: "On the stage, the first thing before the music starts is to check the microphone."

Ning Ning paused, then hurriedly followed.

"On the stage, even if something uncontrollable happens, you must stick to your professionalism and continue to perform as if nothing happened, instead of stopping after being affected by a little bit. You have to be responsible for the audience. One more chance."

Q&P listened to Xin Nan's rebuke, while biting the bullet and singing and dancing.

"When you are on stage, no matter what unexpected situation you encounter, you must resolve it with tact and tacit understanding. It is best to let the audience not see what happened, and enjoy your performance to the fullest. This is what idol singers must do."

"Professionalism, emergency response ability, stage expression, etc. are all things you need to strengthen. If something happens, you will become a piece of wood. Stop the performance. Do you think you are filming? Do you think you have so many opportunities to be NG?"

Xin Nanyi's tone was calm, and there was no anger or dissatisfaction, but Q&P broke out in a cold sweat while listening.

"If it was a real stage just now, then you may have been knocked down by the audience. Maybe your fans will be tolerant of this, and even help you find some reasons to explain, but not everyone will treat you so well. What's more Your fan base is almost zero, and you have no confidence to ruin any practice or performance."

"Treat every performance as if it were your last, and this is the attitude you should always maintain."

After a complete practice, the Q&Ps were out of breath. This amount of practice is not too much, but Xin Nanyi put too much mental pressure on them during practice.

Xin Nanyi didn't give them a chance to breathe, so he clapped his hands and said, "Continue."

This time the performance of the Q&Ps is obviously much better, but there are still many details to be deducted.

"Ning Ning, pay attention to your expression management, this song is not to make you act cute, a little courage is okay."

"Qi Chaohan, your treble just dropped the key."

"Rap louder, like a mosquito, you can't hear it at all."

"Can't your breath be more stable? Panting like a buffalo."

Xin Nan folded his arms and leaned against the wall in front of him, "witty words" kept coming out of his mouth, and his eyes looked calmly.

The author has something to say:

I've been living in my hometown for the past two days. The old house doesn't have wifi, so I can't access the Internet very much. Moreover, it is located in a rural area, and there are firecrackers all day long, so I can't write at all. Tomorrow there will be three chapters of compensation.

I uploaded this chapter with my mobile hotspot on.

happy New Year! Little angels!