Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 114: Field of Life and Death (3)


Everyone looked at each other.

"That makes sense. Let's find out who this lucky unlucky guy is." Yi Wan said.

Ding Biehan also nodded, and then he saw Yi Wan took out his cell phone and dialed a number skillfully...

He felt something inexplicable in his heart. At this moment, he noticed that Bo Jiang's face looked a little strange.

After a while, Yi Wan said, "It didn't work."

He put down the phone, his expression unchanged. He added: "Actually, there is another person who knows the solution."

"Who?" Bo Jiang asked.

"Liu Chen. I met him once and he told me part of the story."

For example, Chi Xu.

A person who disappeared because of Xie Ziyu.

It was difficult to explain to the company why they were leaving, so the three of them simply left two people to deal with it, and they slipped down the stairs along the path. The air in the cold night was a bit bleak. While Yi Wan was hailing a taxi in front, Ding Biehan whispered to Bo Jiang: "Why did you look so weird just now?"

"Don't you know? Oh, inside information." Bo Jiang said, "Yu Rongshi is under investigation recently."

"Investigating what?"

"Fabricating false evidence." Bo Jiang said, "The case of Xie Ziyu a few years ago."

Ding Biehan had heard of this case.

This case can be said to have solid evidence, but it can also be said to be full of doubts. The girls who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Xie Ziyu can be lined up in a row, but he can't produce any evidence other than his mental breakdown. During the review, there was a rumor that a girl committed suicide, but it was later miraculously discovered to be false.

But Ding Biehan vaguely remembered that he had seen this video. The girl in the pink dress was holding her mobile phone and live streaming, walking step by step towards the rooftop.

'What do I have to say for you to believe me?'

Later, even this video disappeared. Ding Biehan was not very interested in it. Because soon after that, he lived a life of living on the edge of a knife in the toilet.

He remembered that during that period, Yu Rongshi had a lot of trouble releasing a new album, and it was delayed several times. Xie Ziyu, on the other hand, was in high spirits, releasing new songs one after another. The style was very similar to Yu Rongshi's, as if it was a provocation. He didn't remember the rest.

"You mean..."

"Yu Rongshi fabricated evidence. He relied on his family and brother's positions in public institutions to fabricate false evidence and arrest Xie Ziyu." Bo Jiang seemed to be thinking about something. "The twenty or so songs just now... Now they match up. It was Xie Ziyu who sniped us. Yu Rongshi, who was also sniped before, couldn't stand it anymore and put him in jail. This is the outcome of the previous battle."

"Is this...really?"

Ding Biehan realized that Yi Wan had walked back to him. Yi Wan was wearing a white scarf, and looked thin under the light.

He was a little reluctant to expose Yu Rongshi's falsification of evidence in front of Yi Wan.

It was obvious that he didn't like Yu Rongshi either.

"What does it matter if it's true?" Bo Jiang was obviously used to this kind of power struggle. "There is no father and son in the business world. It's OK as long as it works."


These words were actually said by Yi Wan.

"Yu Rongshi is a very contradictory person." Ding Biehan heard Yi Wan say softly when getting in the taxi. But when he turned around, he only saw the bright city flashing in the other's eyes like a galaxy. There was no pause.

It took them a long time to meet Liu Chen. There were less than two days left before the new album was released. Liu Chen leaned against the wall, facing Ding Biehan who was climbing on the window, and refused to reveal any information.

The above is recounted by Ding Biehan.

"What else did he say?" Yi Wan asked.

"My house is on the fifth floor!" Ding Biehan repeated in imitation.

Bo Jiang next to him: "..."

"Come in."

The door creaked open. Liu Chen, who looked exhausted, appeared at the door. Bo Jiang was about to say sorry for disturbing him when he saw Yi Wan walk in first.

Bo Jiang: ... This is too rude.

"Brother Chen, I know this is difficult for you, but we need your help."

Ding Biehan was a taciturn person, and Yi Wan was running around the room again. Bo Jiang had to take on the responsibility of communicating. But Liu Chen just lowered his head and held the water cup, his fingertips white and he didn't respond.

They were very secretive about how they defeated Xie Ziyu.

There are still more than 30 hours to go.

There are only 30 hours left before their duel with Blu-ray ends in failure. They will lose not only their first album, but also their entire future that will be controlled by others. Bo Jiang can only say: "You don't know how long we have been preparing for them..."

"But what if we fail? At least you can still live." Liu Chen suddenly exploded, "You have no idea what ordinary people will sacrifice to fight against God."

"But… "

“And aren’t you also the beneficiaries?”

Bo Jiang and Ding Biehan were both stunned.

"Even without this group, you can live well. I've read your information, you are not ordinary people. Academic masters, wealthy families, acting geniuses, extreme sports experts, you are all beneficiaries of talent, aren't you? You've been gods enough, can't you even bear the grievances of normal people? Do you have to turn the world upside down?"

"us… "

"In the end, we are the ones who will be sacrificed. You have money, a way out, and everything. You are born in a blessed situation but don't know how to appreciate it. In the end, everything will be fine..."

“… I own everything?” Bo Jiang said.

"That's enough." Yi Wan said, "Liu Chen, don't vent your anger at yourself and others on us."

“…” Liu Chen was silent.

"Yu Rongshi is under investigation because he fabricated evidence to arrest Xie Ziyu. This matter may even implicate his entire family. It takes more than just superpowers to bring Xie Ziyu to justice. The case is over, but life is not. So we have to keep going and catch him again. Do you understand now?"

"… "

Liu Chen stood up, swept the tapes on the coffee table around him away as if to vent his anger, went into the bedroom and slammed the door. Ding Biehan was speechless: "What's wrong with you?"

"He actually hates Yu Rongshi a little bit." Yi Wan suddenly said, "He hates him, because it was obviously Yu Rongshi's song that was stolen. Chi Xu died, but Yu Rongshi didn't lose anything. In a war, there will always be victims and those who stand to the end. But Yu Rongshi's lucky existence seems to be to set off Chi Xu's misery."

"Then..." Ding Biehan was stunned. Yi Wan's sudden analysis of the dark human nature was like a plaster statue suddenly speaking, "What they need..."

"No need to communicate. Because Liu Chen also clearly understands that if he wants to catch Xie Ziyu, he can only rely on Yu Rongshi. He hates him a little, but he is grateful to him. How to describe it? Only humans have such complex emotions." Yi Wan said, "Just like how I feel about Yu Rongshi."

"The tone of your voice doesn't sound like you have any complex emotions at all, but rather like a robot..." Ding Biehan was silent for a moment and complained dryly.

In fact, Yi Wan didn't look like a person at that moment, but like a wizard, or some other kind of dreamer. Ding Biehan didn't want to admit that there was a bit of complicated emotion in his dry words.

Otherwise, what else could he say after saying "Just like how I treat Yu Rongshi"

It seems that only complaining will make it less embarrassing.

Ding Biehan, who could escape unscathed from all horror puzzles, failed to find the best solution in life this time. He saw Yi Wan find a disc from the row of tapes that Liu Chen had deliberately pushed over.

An album belonging to Yu Rongshi.

"See, there is always a solution to a human puzzle." Yi Wan said, "Liu Chen gave us the clue. Let's go back."

That’s not the case, Ding Biehan thought.

The three of them evacuated from the dark apartment again. As they left and got into the car, Ding Biehan heard Bo Jiang sigh softly.

It was like, "This crappy place is unbearable to stay in."

Ding Biehan just turned to look at Yi Wan. Yi Wan was still staring at the city, like a high-functioning autistic child. Ding Biehan didn't know what to ask for a moment, until Yi Wan said "?"

"nothing… "

How should I put it? I didn't expect you to be able to understand those subtle emotions so easily, but you have trouble understanding the most common emotions in reality? Or what does the sentence "Just like how I feel about Yu Rongshi" mean

But he finally just said: "Don't you think Liu Chen's emotions are... very dark and disgusting?"

"I don't think so." Yi Wan said, "Because it's real, it's not annoying. Just like this city."

Ding Biehan looked out the window from Yi Wan's perspective. Finally, he discovered that Yi Wan saw more than just the colorful street lights.

There are also trash cans under street lights, alleys full of sewage, barbecue stalls with booming business and stray cats sleeping on the streets.

At that moment Ding Biehan suddenly realized something.

When it comes to Yu Rong, who is as perfect as a neon light and seems unreal in the eyes of others, what side of him does Yi Wan see that is full of dirty things

"So this is what you got back." Chi Jixia sat on the ground and stared at the album. "An old album from a few years ago?"

"There's also a CD player." Yi Wan held up the CD player.

"It was also Yu Rongshi's last album. After that he went to act." An Yelin appeared from the balcony with his hands folded.

But he just poked his head out and went back to the balcony.

"Xiao An likes Brother Shi very much." Chi Jixia teased, then remembered that the two were arguing, so she shut up.

“… Actually, I have this one too.” Ding Biehan said.

"Okay, I have one too." said Chi Jixia.

They stood together, holding hands, watching Yi Wan and Bo Jiang looking at all the details of the CD packaging, trying to solve the riddle from it. Chi Jixia was about to yawn when she heard Yi Wan say, "Can you tell me about it?"


"Why did you all like Yu Rongshi at that time?"

Chi Jixia spat it out. He coughed loudly and said, "We are doing serious work, not the time for romance..."

"From now on, this will be a serious matter..."

"Let's talk about it after you get married." Chi Jixia complained. Seeing that Yi Wan was still not giving in, he could only say: "Okay, I'll tell you."

Ding Biehan couldn't bear to hear this, so he went to watch the disc with Bo Jiang. The two of them had very different ways of watching the mechanism on the disc. Soon after, Bo Jiang brought a candle and a basin of water.

White candle.

Ding Biehan frowned: "You want to try to use this to perform a necromancy ritual?"

Recruit the soul of Chi Xu, who was said to have been wiped out at the cost of his own destruction

Ding Biehan looked suspiciously into the basin, trying to see Chi Xu's pale face. Bo Jiang beside him looked at him in confusion and said, "Of course..."

Ding Biehan: …

He saw Bo Jiang placing the paper from the album over a candle, trying to make the words visible.

"I really can't stand you guys."

An Yelin came in from the balcony, looking angry. He threw a UV pen to them and said, "Now we rely on UV rays for encryption."

But why did he say "now"... An Yelin was a little speechless. So he slipped back to the balcony.

"oh… "

The two took the UV pen. Bo Jiang just felt a little better when she heard Chi Jixia provoking An Yelin on the balcony, "Hey, there are many female protagonists jumping over the city wall in the crematorium novels now, so don't jump!"

"Chi Jixia, I won't jump even if you die." An Yelin burst out, "Who jumps over the city wall these days?"

Bo Jiang was the only one who jumped over the city wall:…

Fuck, anyone in this group could knock another member's kneecap off with just one word.

Chi Jixia continued to patiently explain Yu Rongshi to Yi Wan. He asked Yi Wan, "You didn't even hear about him when you were in middle school?"

"I didn't chase stars at that time," said Yi Wan.

Chi Jixia: "Then how did you get into the entertainment industry?"

Yi Wan: "Because all talented people like to enter the entertainment industry, where they can hide in the crowd."

Chi Jixia: …

What the hell is this.

"And I'm looking for someone." Yi Wan said.

He didn't explain much, but Chi Jixia kept thinking about this sentence. He continued: "You don't know? When Yu Rongshi was a singer, he had a nickname called 'National Brother'."

"National brother?"

"He debuted because he was chosen to act in a movie as an amateur. It was a brother-sister movie, and it was quite famous. Unfortunately, it was banned later because of the actress's incident. The next year, he acted in another movie, still as a brother, and then debuted as a member of a music group, still as someone else's brother." Chi Jixia scratched his head, "He doesn't come out much now. He's older and his personality has changed a bit, so people may not feel it, but he was really a perfect brother before."

"Is that movie very popular?" Yi Wan said.

"It's very popular, and everyone knows it." Chi Jixia rolled her eyes and suddenly had a bad idea, "When should I take you to see it?"

"Isn't it banned?" Yi Wan said.

The other two were still studying the CD, and finally Bo Jiang said, "Why don't we play the songs in it?"!