Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 130: Let's help Bo Jiang choose a son


Bo Jiang fainted several times, and everyone was worried. The remaining four people in Hongtuan were punished to sit on the sofa in the living room, like four quails with their heads down.

After Brother Liu finished taking care of Bo Jiang, he finally came out of his room. When he saw the four people, he scolded them, "What did you do? How did you make Bo Jiang so angry?"

The four of them looked at each other. Brother Liu scolded, "Don't try to deny it. You have made Bo Jiang faint several times since last week, right? I reiterate to you that we will not tolerate any bullying within the group!"

The last group to experience intra-group bullying was a boy band known as x-hand/gun. Even though the member who led the bullying was the most popular member of the group, he was directly put on ice.

Whenever he thinks of this, Brother Liu feels very proud of it - this is the ethics of the firm!

Under his sword-like gaze, the four people finally began to admit their mistakes.

Chi Jixia: "We didn't..."

An Yelin: "We talked about some history..."

Ding Biehan: “…I can’t say.”

Brother Liu: "What can't be said?!"

Ding Biehan glanced at Brother Liu and thought that if he said that Bo Jiang was haunted by the ghost of Bo Dynasty, Brother Liu would definitely scold him for lying.

In any era, sober people are always a minority.

Brother Liu couldn't get a word out of Ding Biehan, so he could only look at Yi Wan, who was always reliable. Yi Wan said, "Bo Jiang is a fan of Bo Mingjiang."

"It's Mengnan." Chi Jixia added.

Brother Liu: "What is Dream Man?"

Chi Jixia added: "He wants to date Bo Mingjiang."

...your father. What the hell is this? Brother Liu was completely speechless. Yi Wan continued, "...he was dissatisfied with the adaptation of Bo Mingjiang in this drama. The adaptations he was dissatisfied with included: Bo Mingjiang's emotional drama and Bo Mingjiang's illegitimate child."

Chi Jixia continued to add: "In short, I am dissatisfied with Bo Mingjiang having another CP."

Brother Liu rebuked Chi Jixia: "Just now you said you didn't know, and now you are talking so much nonsense. Come on, Yi Wan, this alone made him so angry? No way?"

Under the focused gaze of Brother Liu and Ding Biehan, Yi Wan began to feel lost: "Ah... I don't know. Maybe he is still dissatisfied with another matter."


"Unhappy that the four of us are illiterate."

Brother Liu is absolutely amazing.

Brother Liu repeatedly told them not to provoke Bo Jiang again. All four of them agreed. On the first morning, Yi Wan went out for a morning run, and someone brought breakfast in a silver dining cart.

“Dough sticks, tofu brain, pancakes, hot dry noodles—this is Chinese style.”

"Bacon toast Italian bacon milk—this is Western."

"Who sent you here?" The other two teammates ate as if it was their due, but An Yelin folded his hands, looked stern, and called the manager.

The manager shrank his neck under An Yelin's gaze and stammered, "Today's breakfast was prepared by a CEO named Fang who does not want to reveal his name."

Mr. Fang, who was once engaged to the fake young master An Yeyun, but eventually decided to pursue him, and was frightened by the Painted Skin Ghost at the An family’s birthday party.

An Yelin's face was as rotten as if he had eaten leftover food. The manager continued, "The person who had dinner yesterday was a CEO named Ren who did not want to reveal his name."

This is the company boss who released a record for An Yeyun in the previous life, but refused to release a record for him and even hinted that he plagiarized An Yeyun's songs.

An Yelin gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is the person who renovated the hotel?"

The manager was so frightened by the resentment that he trembled: "Boss Qiao."

Mr. Qiao. The president of a new self-driving company, and an overwork maniac. Perhaps because he loves working overtime too much, he is also the only person in his previous life who has no connection with him and An Yeyun.

It was just a coincidence that An Yelin met him in this life. He was driving back to the orphanage to donate money, and on the way he saw Qiao Jiusi's electric car broke down, so he gave him a ride. Qiao Jiusi went to the orphanage with him, but he didn't know how to take care of the children. So he squatted there with a pale face and dark circles under his eyes, making faces at the children.

The child was frightened and started to cry, and he was also frightened by the child. Then An Yelin turned around and saw them, and he also smiled.

Maybe the cold beauty with a sullen face can be very charming when she smiles. Mr. Qiao's parents are very rich, so he started a business. His way of pursuing An Yelin is also very strange, that is, constantly giving him resources and asking him out for milk tea.

An Yelin's expression eased a little, but his brows furrowed. Seeing that someone had brought in more flowers, he asked the manager, "Is this also part of the room service...?"

The man shouted, "It's Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma said not to hide his name, he sent it specially!"

At the same time, another person came over and said, "These flowers are from General Manager Lin!"

Next person: "We are Mr. Hong..."

An Yelin: … … …

Several people were arguing and wanted to come in to give flowers. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while. An Yelin slammed the door. At the same time, Chi Jixia asked him: "How many suitors do you have?"

An Yelin turned around and asked him, "What does it have to do with you?"

Chi Jixia: "I want to know if there is a CEO who can take charge of our midnight snack."

An Yelin glared: "You are dreaming. There is a midnight snack in your dream."

Chi Jixia: "What a coincidence! In my dreams, I can indeed eat midnight snacks from all over the world."

An Yelin thought Chi Jixia was just talking in her sleep. Only Ding Biehan stared at Chi Jixia worriedly.

Those who have been haunted by ghosts don't know the price they will pay for their fate.

The people locked out by An Yelin were not only the seven people who sent flowers on behalf of the president, but also Yi Wan. Yi Wan, who had just returned from his morning run, looked at them melancholy.

After Mr. Fu was solved, the Heavenly Dao seemed to know that the sadomasochistic love copy had been lifted, and immediately gave An Yelin the script of the group pet crematorium. Seven CEOs who had failed An Yelin in their past or present lives came one after another, but unfortunately, An Yelin did not accept it.


The seven people huddled together. Yi Wan stood behind them and tapped their shoulders.

Yi Wan: ... was ignored by everyone.

He was silent. The seven people argued for a while, and then heard Yi Wan's faint voice behind them: "Can you please line up?"

Seven people:

They turned around and saw a young man with black hair and black eyes wearing sportswear, who looked like he was about to pass by. One of them said, "Then you can't get in even if you queue up!"

Yi Wan: "You can line up like this and break down our needs. One person will be responsible for breakfast, one person will be responsible for delivering flowers, one person will be responsible for lunch, and then there will be dinner, cleaning, and midnight snacks... Only one person will come in each time period. Not only will this avoid crowding, but by breaking down needs, you can also leave a more prominent impression on An Yelin."

The so-called involution will only bring mediocrity.

The seven people were stunned. Yi Wan had already quietly slipped into the room and locked the door.

At noon, the order at the door was indeed completely changed. After discussing, the seven CEOs began to consciously line up to undertake An Yelin's living needs. There were seven CEOs, Fang Renhong, Ma Gu, Han Lin (CEO Qiao, whom I met in this life, was excluded), and only one person from CEO Han came at noon.

Bo Jiang also woke up and groggily poked at his lunch with his chopsticks. The other four people didn't dare to provoke him, and huddled aside to discuss for a while.

After dinner, Bo Jiang sat alone on the balcony in a daze.

He can no longer recognize every road in Anyang.

The threads in the sky moved.

Waste... Clean up...

The body... still has value.

...Whose will would be more dramatic to replace the current "Bo Jiang"'s will

“He is about to take action.”

Outside Anyang City, Huigong said in the off-road vehicle.

Lan Hua sat next to him with an unpleasant expression: "The company is in trouble, why are you still coming to Anyang?"

"It doesn't matter what happens to Blue Light. What I care about is only the chess game between me, Tiandao and Shen Zhong." Huigong whistled.

Lan Hua's face turned even uglier: "You knew from the beginning that Lan Guang would get into trouble because of tax issues, right?"

"Who told Mr. Lan to want to make money? Since he has his eyes on everything in this world, it is reasonable that he would be bound by the worldly things in this world, right?" Huigong spread his hands, "But I didn't expect that Lan Guang would really be defeated by the materials prepared by Yu Rongshi. This has refreshed my understanding of the way of heaven..."

His eyes beneath his sunglasses shone with a shrewd light: "And my understanding of Yu Rongshi."

Lan Hua yelled: "Aren't we already following the instructions of the 'plot'? Why would Lan Guang get into trouble because of such a small problem..."

"Because this is not a small problem. The handling of public power has always been a big problem in all works." Huigong said, "If public power is too strong, it will reduce the 'protagonist's space to play', and if public power is too weak, it will reduce the 'author's living space in his/her world'. Obviously, this world also follows this set of rules. So it is reasonable that Blue Light will die when it hits the government."

Lan Hua stared at Hui Gong. At that moment he finally understood how his brother felt.

Gray Palace, who was talking nonsense, was like a ball of burning gasoline. You knew that touching him would only burn you, but you couldn't stop yourself from covering your eyes with your hands and watching him wantonly destroy and burn everything through your fingers. That was why he allowed Xie Ziyu to enter his office a few years ago, listened to his confident stories, and built Blue Light into a testing ground for Xie Ziyu's theories.

Even though Xie Ziyu never cared about their cooperation, all he cared about was stimulating Tiandao and the chess game between him and Shen Zhong.

… Perhaps this is why the Heaven allows Gray Palace to exist. Even if he is crazy, even if he is evil, it cannot be denied that he is more dramatic than anyone else in this world.

And shine.

Lan Hua was shocked by his own thoughts. He leaned over the steering wheel and trembled, and heard Huigong sneer beside him.

Gray Palace said, "Are you scared? Blue brother? Do you want to go back to Canada and fly some leaves to calm your nerves?"

Lan Hua: “…”

“… You are such a lunatic.” He whispered, “Also, what does “He” mean by “He is going to take action?”

"Because the plots that make people tired can only be deleted." Huigong said, "Bo Jiang is really too boring, so..."

He snapped his fingers. "A new story is about to begin! I just wonder who the heavens will choose to fill this body? From the perspective of increasing the drama, there are three people who are suitable."

"One is the Northern Kingdom hostage who destroyed Bo Jiang's country, and the other is his guilty brother Bo Mingyuan... No, no, these two candidates are too vulgar, and there are not enough contradictions. Heaven will not choose them." Huigong muttered to himself, "Then it can only be someone else."

Lan Hua: "Who?"

Huimiya smiled, showing his teeth.

"The third person in the last generation of the royal family of the Bo Dynasty. He finally opened the city gates to welcome the hostage army from the Northern Kingdom, allowing them to burn, kill and plunder in exchange for wealth and glory in the second half of his life. He curried favor with the new dynasty and spent his old age as a marquis. He is the younger brother of Bo Mingjiang and Bo Mingyuan. He is one of the most popular salted fish characters in the market today—"

"Bo Mingyue."

He looked up at the sky.

"Tiandao, do you like this new choice?" he said to himself.

An Yelin looked at Bo Jiang's back and felt a little frightened for a moment.

"I feel like Bo Jiang will die at any moment. He looks just like me in my previous life when I decided to commit suicide."

This thought made An Yelin immediately turn around and look for Chi Jixia: "Chi Jixia, go ask Bo Jiang how he feels."

Chi Jixia: "Why should I ask?"

An Yelin: "Didn't you notice that Bo Jiang treats you with the utmost respect?"

At least before Chi Jixia spoke out yesterday.

Chi Jixia: “Huh?”

Chi Jixia: "System, did Bo Jiang respect me in the past?"

System: "It should have started during the Science War."

He frowned, shuddered, and reluctantly walked over under the gazes of the three people: "Xiao Jiang, how do you feel?... I'm sorry. I was so mean yesterday."

Bo Jiang stared at him steadily, which made Chi Jixia's hair stand on end. Finally, Bo Jiang said, "I really don't understand. Of these four people, I think you are the only one who shouldn't say those words so easily."

Chi Jixia: "Why?"

Have you forgotten.

You really have forgotten everything. The rich experiences of this life, the new ties and new family of this life, have long made you forget all the memories of your life as the high priest of the Zhou Dynasty.

Bo Jiang said: "... Why can you forget so easily?"

His words made Chi Jixia sweat coldly. Finally, Chi Jixia frowned and said, "Did you misunderstand something? At the Fu family's old house... I remembered! I was using the moves of the Bo Dynasty that I dreamed of to exorcise evil spirits..."

Bo Jiang stared at him.

Chi Jixia was suddenly shocked.

Could it be that Bo Jiang thought that he was the reincarnation of someone from the Bo Dynasty

He was shocked by this absurd conjecture, and was being watched by Bo Jiang, and couldn't reveal his golden finger, so he couldn't breathe for a while. Ding Biehan noticed that Yi Wan frowned. Yi Wan's eyes wandered between Bo Jiang and Chi Jixia, then he was free, and then...

He said quietly behind Chi Jixia: "Bo Jiang, do you think Chi Jixia is the descendant of some kind of witchcraft of the Bo Dynasty?"

Bo Jiang was stunned. He had completely forgotten that there was such a possibility.

From this perspective, all of Chi Jixia's differences are explained.

Chi Jixia immediately took the lead: "Haha, I am the successor. When I was a child, I met an old man..."

"Where is that old man now?" Bo Jiang asked.

Chi Jixia spoke the fastest: "I'm so old, hahahaha."

Bo Jiang fell into depression again and turned back to his room. He no longer respected Chi Jixia and even felt a little angry. Chi Jixia entered Bo Jiang's room again, but was not only pushed out, but also rejected.

"He actually scolded me." Chi Jixia shrugged and spread his hands, "I really don't know what happened. Why did he suddenly break down..."

"Brother Liu will be here in an hour. If he sees Bo Jiang like this, he will definitely scold us." Yi Wan said in a voice-over.

Everyone was silent.

"Do you have any solution?" Yi Wan said.

An Yelin's cell phone rang. He saw it was Mr. Qiao calling, so he said, "I'll go make a call."

An Yelin left, leaving Chi Jixia and Ding Biehan to figure out a solution.

Chi Jixia felt guilty because of Bo Jiang's inexplicable breach of defense. Considering the help Bo Jiang had given him in Lushan Sanatorium before, Chi Jixia decided that as a male protagonist who was grateful, he had to help his teammates.

That's it.

He asked the system: "What do you think I should do?"

System: "Well, since Bo Jiang likes Bo Ming Jiang, why not pull him into the dream and let him..."

Have a love affair with Bo Mingjiang... Try it

Chi Jixia touched his chin and said, "That makes sense. I'll search for some movies and TV series where Bo Jiang and Ming Jiang have a couple."

The system is very fast. Chi Jixia was also very happy to see the system busy.

The system finally paid attention to him.

He really should come over to film this TV series.

The system searched out more than ten works in total and asked Chi Jixia: "Which one do you want to choose?"

Chi Jixia twitched her eyebrows: "Only children make choices."

Of course adults want them all.

The five of them had to stay in Anyang for more than a month. In this case, he would use this month to help Bo Jiang realize his dream and let Bo Jiang fall in love with his idol in his dream.

Chi Jixia said: "I am almost moved by myself."

How could there be a teammate with such a noble character as him in the world!

Yi Wan glanced at Chi Jixia and felt that he would definitely not do anything good. So he sat next to Ding Biehan: "Brother Biehan..."

Ding Biehan's eyes became sharp when he heard his voice.

Yi Wan ignored his gaze and asked sincerely: "Brother Biehan, if you found someone with suicidal tendencies, what would you do to change his mind?"

Ding Biehan: …

"The reason why people yearn for death is because they don't know how terrible death is," said Ding Biehan.

Yi Wan: "Then how can we let him know the horror of death?"

Ding Biehan: …

"Play a game." He said lightly.

Then he will know what it means to "want to know the meaning of life? Want to truly live?"

Just like Infinite Terror.

Yi Wan continued to ask sincerely: "Is it the kind of game where we hold hands and go to the toilet together?"

Ding Biehan spat out the water.

The remaining four people were harming each other, and no one could come up with a solution. Only An Yelin came back with the phone, looking a little confused.

Yi Wan asked him, "What's wrong?"

An Yelin: "Boss Qiao urged me to make a decision quickly. The investors want to insert a newcomer to play Bo Mingjiang's illegitimate son."

What kind of person could make An Yelin show such an expression

An Yelin uttered three words with great difficulty: "...An Yeyun."

Even though a centipede is dead, it is still alive. Our fake young master An Yeyun is back in the entertainment industry alive again.

“… An Yeyun went to the bar to get drunk and met Chu Shang, the son of his boss who was about to go abroad.”

Yi Wan: "Has Chu Shang fallen in love with someone else?"

He hasn't forgotten what happened with Zhang Jianhua.

An Yelin: "And his good friend, Lu Beimo, the prince of the world's largest luxury goods group."

The name sounds like a president.

"Lu Beimo and An Yeyun met once when they were young. Now that they meet again, it is his duty as a soldier. So he arranged a role for An Yeyun here."

Yi Wan: …

Three major laws of the entertainment industry.

1. The president of any circle can have a hand in the entertainment industry.

First, all large-scale historical dramas are experimental fields where any president can insert a role.

Third, all the bankrupt young masters will come in to get a piece of the pie and become famous.

"He wanted to arrange the role of Bo Mingjiang's son for An Yeyun." An Yelin said, sneering, "Because Lu Beimo heard that this role was originally supposed to be mine. Lu Beimo has great connections, but..."

An Yelin has eight CEOs preparing for his cremation. Their combined power can surpass Lu Beimo.

In fact, An Yelin didn't want to play this role, but now this role is being snatched away as An Yeyun's "trophy", so naturally it is disgusting. Mr. Qiao called the director on his behalf, and the director said frankly that there was another person eyeing this role.

Blue birch in blue light.

Another person who didn't want him to get the role.

The role of Bo Mingjiang's illegitimate son is really popular!

“… I can’t just push this role to someone else.” An Yelin said, “So I came to ask you what you plan to do.”

He lowered his eyelashes. "Mr. Qiao meant that he told the director that the role would be given to one of our boy band members. So the remaining few of us... are all fine."

Ding Biehan was completely unaware that he had also been cueed. He stared at Yi Wan intently, wanting to know Yi Wan's reaction.

Yi Wan said: "I think it would be better if we ask Bo Jiang about this question."

An Yelin thought for a moment and said, "That's right. After all, he likes Bo Mingjiang so much."

The four of them knocked on Bo Jiang's door. Finally, the annoyed Bo Jiang responded: "What's the matter?"

Chi Jixia sings: "Do you want to build a snowman..."

Then he was beaten up by An Yelin and Ding Biehan together.

Only Yi Wan was the most serious: "Let's help Bo Mingjiang choose a son."