Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 144: Never forget


"The lunch boxes have arrived. Everyone who has finished their makeup, come get your lunch!"

A staff member shouted at the top of his voice. The men and women who were originally in groups of three or five stopped what they were doing and went to the place where the food was distributed. Even Director Ye and Mr. Zhong took their own portion of food from the assistant, wiped the stool, and started eating directly at the open-air table next to them.

Dean Liang was stunned at first, but he immediately said, "We don't need it. We can just drive out of the ancient city and eat. My father has a bad stomach."

He saw with his own eyes that the lunch boxes were brought in wholesale in bags, one for each person, and everyone from the director to the script supervisor ate the same one, without any distinction.

So Dean Liang felt that the meal was "unhygienic".

"It's okay, give me one." Professor Liang walked past him and took a portion of the meal.

There are three dishes in the lunch box, two meat dishes and one vegetarian dish. The vegetarian dish is stir-fried Chinese cabbage, and the two meat dishes are stir-fried tomato and egg and stir-fried pork with lettuce. There is nothing spicy. In short, it is a dish that people of all tastes can eat.

Director Ye moved a seat for Professor Liang, and several old men ate together at an outdoor table. Dean Liang had no time to stop them and could only say "uh".

Director Ye said, "How long will it take to drive out? An hour, maybe? It would be bad if Old Liang got hungry. Old people can't stand being hungry. So, you guys bring a lunch box in tomorrow and heat it up together at mealtime."

Yes, if you really care about your old father’s health, why don’t you think about it in advance and bring a hygienic and healthy meal with you before entering the ancient city

No one said the latter sentence.

Someone tried to give Dean Liang a box lunch, but Dean Liang said he was not hungry, but he did not take it.

Everyone took their packed lunches out of the same bag, but he still felt it was "unhygienic."

Chi Jixia had finished taking the photos. He took three meals and asked Bo Jiang and Yi Wan to sit with him.

Soon, he sadly discovered that Bo Jiang and Yi Wan were both silent.

Bo Jiang never liked to join in their conversations, and Chi Jixia knew that. But today, even Yi Wan couldn't say a word. He bit his chopsticks and looked around, and soon found that there was someone who was even more embarrassed than him.

Qin Xuexin.

Qin Xuexin played the seventh princess, and like Bo Jiang, who played Bo Jiu (Bo Fu), the final makeup photo was taken in the afternoon. So the woman was not wearing a costume, but only a red windbreaker, sitting there alone, facing the lunch box, dazzling.

Qin Xuexin also wore a red dress last night. She really likes red.

But Chi Jixia didn't understand why Qin Xuexin sat alone. Even in the "Sorrow of the Sky" crew, during those notorious days of being a fan of the show, Qin Xuexin had a few friends around her who she could talk to. But here, she was alone.

Let it go, Chi Jixia will definitely not meddle in her business. But Yi Wan and Qin Xuexin seem to be quite familiar with each other. Last night, she was seen crying on Yi Wan's shoulder. Chi Jixia's heart moved and said to her: "Hey. Sister Xuexin."

Qin Xuexin turned around and looked at him.

Chi Jixia: "Do you want to come over and sit here? I don't mean anything else, I just see you're sitting here alone."

No one could ignore the good intentions in these words. Qin Xuexin was stunned for a moment, then smiled at him—this smile was a little stiff and strange, as if she hadn't smiled so friendly in a long time.

The recent news about Qin Xuexin is all about her true nature.

She picked up the lunch box and her assistant, who had just returned from the restroom, saw her and immediately came up to help her move it: "Sister, don't do it yourself. Your windbreaker is expensive..."

Chi Jixia couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't because he was mocking her, but because the assistant spoke with the rustic accent of Qin Xuexin's hometown. He had been in the circle with Qin Xuexin for almost ten years and hadn't changed. It was quite cute. In addition to him, the people at another table also laughed. This laughter was based on another fact: Qin Xuexin's assistant had a low IQ.

The assistant really had a low IQ. Otherwise, she wouldn't have worked diligently with Qin Xuexin for nearly ten years and still not been promoted. The strange thing was that Qin Xuexin never fired her. She just stayed by her side. Many people found this incredible.

But this assistant has appeared less frequently recently. He has been replaced by another person...

Qin Xuexin froze, as if she remembered something, and dared not move. At this time, another assistant of Qin Xuexin came from behind her: "Sister Qin, where are you going?"

This assistant is the new assistant, and the one who took Qin Xuexin away from the balcony yesterday.

Chi Jixia remembered that he came to Qin Xuexin some time ago - just after Qin Xuexin and Lan Guang signed the contract.

Lan Guang must have assigned him to her out of respect for him.

At this time, Yi Wan finally raised his head. He saw the assistant talking to Qin Xuexin for a few words. He only heard the last part clearly: "Chi Jixia? That's no problem. It's good for you to get close to them."

"Also, talk less to those who will damage your aura."

Qin Xuexin suddenly looked like she didn't want to come over. Yi Wan saw that she seemed to have had another brief argument with the assistant. Chi Jixia whispered beside him, "Why do I feel like the assistant is taking care of Qin Xuexin like a grandson?"

Who says it isn’t

Qin Xuexin finally came over. When she turned her back, the matter was not over yet. The male assistant glanced at the young assistant she had used for almost ten years, with a cold look in his eyes.

It seems like this matter cannot be resolved peacefully.

Qin Xuexin put down her lunch box beside them. The four of them sat together. She said to Chi Jixia, "Thank you for letting me come."

There was a hint of lingering anger in the corners of his eyes.

Chi Jixia said: "It's okay... The assistant is your subordinate, right? Is he treating you like this?"

"Lan Guang sent someone to monitor me." Qin Xuexin said, "He's afraid that I... will lose my character."

After she finished speaking, she was stunned, and soon revealed an expression of regret and fear—regret, regret for saying these words. Fear, fear that these words would be heard by "Heaven".

Chi Jixia didn't understand what she meant, nor did she know about the entanglement of the silk thread. She said, "I'm not filming now. Whatever I do outside of the film will ruin my character."

Qin Xuexin said, "Who knows? I don't have any natural preference from heaven."

The atmosphere was a little awkward. At this time, Yi Wan said, "Your new and old assistants don't seem to get along well."

When he said this, his expression was still as if he was in a trance. No one could tell the difference between Yi Wan's expression when he spoke seriously and when he spoke casually.

Qin Xuexin pursed her lips and said, "Lan Guang doesn't like Nian Zi very much."

"Nianzi? It sounds like a Japanese girl's name." Chi Jixia said, and found that Qin Xuexin's face looked a little unhappy, so he made up for it, "Haha, but it's quite Western."

"It's not Western. Nianzi means wanting a son. She has an older sister and a younger sister." Qin Xuexin lowered her head to eat. "I also have an original name, which is similar to hers. It's Qin Nian'er."

Chi Jixia didn't know what to say for a moment. At that moment, he felt a strong sense of "guilt as a lucky person towards the unfortunate" - as a man. But he didn't notice that Bo Jiang, who had been eating with his head down and didn't care what they were talking about, also slowed down his chopsticks.

Adults should change the subject at this point. But Yi Wan was not good at reading the air: "Did the boss of Mingzhu Entertainment give you the new name?"

However, because of this immature question, Qin Xuexin finally showed her most natural smile today: "Of course I named it myself."

The supporting characters also have the desire to express themselves.

Choosing a name is such an ordinary and simple thing.

In ancient times, human traffickers would sell a row of children aged five, six, seven or eight to wealthy families. They would stand in the yard with their hands folded like animals for selection, and the young masters and young ladies would arbitrarily assign them names. A timid girl could be called Pigtail, and an ordinary boy could be called Delicate Flower. The master's mood would determine what name he wanted to give them. If they offended the mistress's or son-in-law's name in the future, they would just change their name at random.

The servants did not think names were important, and passed this idea down to the next generation of servants. They said, "It's good enough to have food and clothes, why bother about your name?"

I've really become too pretentious.

So no one thinks their name is important.

Bo Jiang… no, Bo Ming Jiang, had also given names to many servants. He was good at poetry and songs, so he often picked out a line from poetry and gave his servants elegant names.

But Qin Xuexin actually showed such pride for this name she had chosen herself.

Even though the two words "Xue Xin" have no allusions, they are neither literary nor ancient.

Qin Xuexin said: "I chose the character 'Xue' because white is my favorite color. But the two characters 'Qin Xue' are not prominent enough, so I added 'Xin'. There was a very popular idol drama when I was in junior high school, and the heroine was called 'Xinxin'. At that time, my family didn't have a TV, so every time after class I would go to the store at the school gate and pretend to buy something, so that I could watch half an episode. Of course, I never bought anything once. So later on, I was very nervous, and I was always afraid that the boss would kick me out."

Chi Jixia said, "I thought you liked to wear red the most. Recently, I saw you wearing red wherever you went. Even your high heels were red."

Isn't white Lin Meng's representative color? School belle in white or something like that.

Qin Xuexin was silent for a while, then said, "Actually, I don't like red."

"I like white because I hate black the most. When I was a child, my mother always said that our family was poor and we had to save water. Even when others gave me unwanted clothes, she only allowed me to wear black. Black is stain-resistant and I can wear it for half a month without washing. Later, that sister gave me a white dress. There were flowers and lace on the edge of the dress. I had never seen such a beautiful dress. I wanted to wear it. But my mother said it was not stain-resistant and told me to put it away and coax me into wearing it during the Chinese New Year."

The white dress actually didn't fit Qin Xuexin's figure at that time, it was one size too big. But she touched the lace, which was light and thin, like the wings of a butterfly, and also like the lace top worn by the heroine "Xinxin" in idol dramas.

Actually, the so-called "wear it during the Chinese New Year" was just an excuse. During the Chinese New Year, my mother seemed to have forgotten about it. When asked, she would say that it was unlucky to wear white during the Chinese New Year.

But wearing black isn't very auspicious.

"… Later, when I was doing housework, I found the skirt in a box. It was too small for me to wear. No matter how hard I squeezed, I couldn't fit in. I burst into tears. My dad said that raising a girl is pretentious. She cried like that just because of a torn skirt."

But Qin Xing has new clothes to wear every month.

"Then I made my debut in my first drama, playing the role of the class beauty in a campus drama, wearing a white lace dress. It bumped into Lin Meng's debut movie, and I was crushed to pieces. At that time, I read comments online every day, and saw that they said that I didn't play the role of the class beauty, but looked like a chicken - because of my appearance and temperament. The boss asked me to go for the glamorous route. He also asked me to attend drinking parties... and be humble." Qin Xuexin shrugged, "My agent at the time asked me to accompany the boss. The coal boss's aesthetic taste is to like beautiful women in red. So every time I went there, I wore a tight red dress. It was disgusting at first, and I would vomit all over the floor after drinking. Later I got used to it. I also had to wear red clothes to press conferences and film festivals. Because I want to stand out and be more dazzling."

Although every effort was in vain, as he was crushed by Lin Meng's white dress.

There was another award ceremony. She wore a white dress, which collided with Lin Meng's white dress, and was mocked by the whole network as "imitating others".

My favorite white dress left me with the deepest psychological trauma, so I never wore it again.

Chi Jixia felt very complicated and indescribable.

He didn't realize that even without the golden finger, Chi Jixia's empathy ability was very strong.

“… At that time, I only knew that you were ambitious,” he said.

None of the people chatting realized that Yi Wan put down his chopsticks as Qin Xuexin continued talking.

The black-haired, black-eyed boy stared at them for a long time. He pursed his lips.

No one knows what he is thinking.

After a while, he slowly looked up at the sky, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Your assistant has caused you a lot of trouble, right?" Yi Wan suddenly spoke. His speaking style was completely different from his usual style. His tone was calm, but his words were sharp and extremely aggressive. "Her carelessness caused you to leave several handles with Lin Meng. Why don't you fire her? Where did you find her from?"

Chi Jixia:

Why is Yi Wan suddenly so... aggressive

Qin Xuexin said: "She and I are from the same hometown."

A girl from the same hometown, the second daughter whose family wanted to send her away - the reason they "wanted" to send her away was because the family who took her in gave birth to a son the following year, so they abandoned her and sent her back home.

Perhaps because she was not well nurtured as a baby, Nianzi's brain was not very bright and she was slow in doing anything. She failed to complete her high school education and dropped out before the high school entrance examination.

Qin Xuexin returned to her hometown that time in order to donate money to repair the Qin family's ancestral hall.

The Qin family would use the money earned from "women selling their smiles" to repair the ancestral hall, but they were very noble and did not allow women to enter to worship their ancestors. Qin Xuexin did not qualify to enter the ancestral hall, but she felt very honored - throughout the history of the Qin family, no woman had been able to earn such a large sum of money to repair the ancestral hall that had been exposed to the wind and sun and had been dilapidated for a long time.

But there was still a lot of loss in her soul, unwillingness, and unwillingness to swallow this breath. She walked under the big locust tree behind the ancestral hall. Until, she saw a girl.

The girl was concentrating on pasting paper boxes. Qin Xuexin was surprised by her young appearance - the malnourished girl looked like a primary school student. An old man said, "That girl has some brain problems. Don't bother with her."

Qin Xuexin said: "What's her name?"

The old man said, "Qin Nianzi."

Qin Nian'er, Qin Nianzi... One Nian'er, one Nianzi.

She squatted down to look at the girl. The girl was still pasting paper boxes and didn't look up at her. Qin Xuexin asked her, "How much money can you make from pasting paper boxes?"

The girl said, "Ten paper boxes are twenty cents."

Two dimes... Qin Xuexin said again: "Why don't you go to the factory to do it?"

The girl said, "I'm only fifteen, so I'm considered a child laborer. Last time, the factory was fined because of me. So they asked me to bring the materials back to do the work."

Qin Xuexin felt that her throat was choked. This feeling of choking was even stronger than when she couldn't enter the ancestral hall. She spent 500,000 yuan on the ancestral hall, but what about this girl? She spent an afternoon making paper boxes, and only earned 20 cents for ten paper boxes.

"Hey! Sister Nian'er!" A young man with a grin shouted from the side.

"I heard that Sister Nian'er has become successful in the city. When will she help us?"

"I don't know where she works yet..."

Qin Xuexin knew that she had a bad temper.

She often behaved inappropriately in her circle, especially when she met Lin Meng. The uncontrollable anger would make her collapse and create contradictions that she didn't believe she would do.

This time she still had that familiar feeling, very strong and impulsive. She remembered that Lin Meng also had a trip recently, which was to go to her hometown to hold a charity sale to help farmers.

Haha… it’s a perfect opportunity to give back to the hometown again.

'One was vain and ignorant, building a meaningless ancestral hall, and had bad relations with fellow villagers, fighting and quarreling, and his ugly behavior was reported. The other cared about the villagers, created a new citrus brand for his hometown through the agricultural assistance program, and then used his influence to make the villagers earn a lot of money, which attracted the attention of the top leaders...'

Another voice whispered in her ear.

But this time, the feeling of not being able to eat prevented Qin Xuexin from sinking into the dream she should have been in. She squatted down and said to the girl with the paper box, "Come with me, be my assistant, and I'll give you food."

The stupid girl looked up at her blankly.

My name is Qin Nian'er, and your name is Qin Nianzi.

Neither of us has a white dress. I have the same name as you, I am prettier and smarter than you, so I am a little luckier than you. But even if you are not pretty or smart, you still deserve a little luck.

Because you are a girl with a similar name to mine.

We are all girls.

"... Actually." Qin Xuexin finally said only this, "When I was a child, the neighbor's sister would send me clothes she didn't need anymore. I heard that she had good grades and went to the best university in China. Later, she went abroad to study for a doctorate... A neighbor's sister who would send colorful clothes to the neighbor's sister is like a mysterious fairy in a fairy tale that brings fantasy to children."

I also want to be another girl's mysterious fairy.

A mysterious fairy who brings a colorful world to her.

Unlike Lin Meng, and unlike the current "Qin Xuexin", I also have a story of my own. But it is heavy, not refreshing, not sweet, and not fun.

No one likes this kind of story. They all like the heroine in red, Qin Xuexin.

"Just like every vicious female supporting role, there is an assistant who not only does not stop her superior's behavior, but also accidentally betrays her because of her own stupidity."

Yi Wan looked at Qin Xuexin's red lips opening and closing, thinking indifferently.

He did not feel pity for them, not at all. Just like the gods in heaven never thought about how this vain and vicious female supporting role met her stupid assistant, and never thought about why the vicious female supporting role did not fire the idiot who always accidentally hurt her. Those days of walking hand in hand, those days of never leaving each other, are unknown details for the glamorous story itself.

At the end of the conversation, Yi Wan, who had been staring at Qin Xuexin's head, finally let go of his tightly clenched, slightly trembling hand hidden under the table.

… worked.

No threads appear, no interference occurs.

He won the bet.

No one realized that this conversation was induced by Yi Wan.

Qin Xuexin said so many things, but no one thought there was anything wrong with her.

But why is this

Isn't Qin Xuexin the new "female protagonist" chosen by Heaven? Why didn't Heaven... interfere with Qin Xuexin's "character-destroying" confession

Yi Wan didn't understand.

At the end of the meal, no one said anything. In the afternoon, it was Qin Xuexin and Bo Jiang's turn to put on their makeup. While collecting the lunch boxes, Chi Jixia said to Qin Xuexin, "Come on, fairy."

Qin Xuexin coughed awkwardly: "Not really."

She noticed that Bo Jiang didn't say anything but kept staring at her...

And Yiwan.

Qin Xuexin's good mood lasted until she was picked up by Lan Guang's assistant. The assistant helped her adjust the collar of her red windbreaker. Qin Xuexin looked down at his hands and felt like a doll that could be manipulated by others.

"They have the luck of being the protagonists. It's good for you to interact with them more. Talk less to those questionable people, as it will reduce your luck." said Assistant Lan Guang.

Qin Xuexin's expression immediately fell. Assistant Lan Guang reminded: "Remember your character setting."

His voice was cold, as if he was not talking to a person but to an object.

Qin Xue's heart froze. This time she was more reluctant than the previous times, her chest was pounding, and she was about to blurt out the refusal.

Perhaps it was those memories about herself that made her feel... that she was clearly also a complete person.

She is gray, but not so worthless.

But in the end, she gave in because of her assistant's cold look.

The assistant said, "Xue Xin, I don't mean to control you. You have to know that only with money can you have a future. Without a bright and beautiful future, who would be willing to look at you?"

Qin Xuexin knew that he was hinting at Qin Xing.

In the past, Qin Xuexin might have given in. But this time, a question suddenly popped up in her mind.

Why must she be responsible for Qin Xing's future

She has helped Qin Xing... and the Qin family so much. When will she be able to pay off this debt

When will she be able to be herself instead of being Qin Xing's sister

In fact, isn't it Qin Xing himself who should be responsible for his future

Qin Xuexin's subtle expression did not escape the sight of Lan Guang's assistant. The assistant lowered his voice and whispered in her ear: "... Think about Lin Meng."


After hearing the name "Lin Meng", Qin Xuexin began to feel fear.

She knew very well what would happen to Lin Meng.

The assistant said, "Think it through. You are not accepting or giving up an opportunity. There are only two paths in this world: becoming the protagonist, or becoming a pawn used by the protagonist. Even if Blue Ray doesn't pursue you for breach of contract, which is unlikely, of course. You know, Blue Ray won't let go of any potential 'consumables'."

"Consumables" is how they call the supporting characters or cannon fodder who are used by the male and female protagonists to set off or slap their faces.

"Even if the blue light lets you go, do you think you can escape your fate? Or do you expect anyone to protect you? This is the norm in this world."

There will be no one to protect her.

In this regard, Qin Xuexin is better than Qin Nian'er

"… I understand." Qin Xuexin bit her lip and said, "I will be obedient."

Assistant Lan Guang looked at her calmly: "Lin Meng is better than you in this respect."

Qin Xuexin asked, "Have you ever taken Lin Meng with you?"

Soon she realized she had made a mistake. The assistant smiled and said:

"Yeah, I was her first assistant when she first started."

First assistant.

What is Lin Meng like when she first entered the industry

A vague curiosity surged in her heart. But this time Qin Xuexin didn't dare to ask again. Someone said, "Sister Qin, do you want to put on makeup?"

The voice was respectful.

"Go ahead," said the assistant.

… live like their dogs.

Qin Xuexin was about to move when she discovered the problem: "Where is Nianzi?"

She didn't see the assistant.

Assistant Lan Guang said, "Nian Zi went back to get his things."

Take something? Is there anything I can take

Qin Xuexin didn't have time to ask. She had already been taken into the dressing room.

The Seventh Princess and Bo Jiu are a perfect couple. When Qin Xuexin is done with her makeup, Bo Jiang will follow suit. While they are putting on their makeup, Yi Wan will be taken to take more makeup photos.

Yi Wan had been silent since Qin Xuexin left. He stared at the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until Bo Jiang walked in front of him.

Yi Wan: “?”

Yi Wan hesitantly stretched out his hand under Bo Jiang's gaze. Bo Jiang looked at him and finally broke down.

"It's not a hug," he said.

Yi Wan: “Oh.”

"Do you think Qin Xuexin is special?" Bo Jiang said.

Yi Wan: “?”

Bo Jiang said: "I remember her, at the auction."

At that auction, Qin Xuexin's vanity, superficiality and stupidity left some impressions on Bo Jiang - he didn't care much about the people in this world, so some impressions were already a lot.

At that time, he didn't understand why Yi Wan came back to save her. The former prince was very smart. After spending these days together, he realized that Yi Wan was not someone who liked to meddle in other people's affairs.

There was a layer of fog between Yi Wan and the world. It was like looking at flowers in the fog, with shadows. Just like Bo Jiang couldn't explain why Yi Wan had seen through his identity when he was in the Green Wind Museum and pointed out that he was the original author of the painting.

At the same time, he also didn't understand why Yi Wan had no intention of using the information he had: after "The Strongest Treasure Appraiser", Yi Wan and he tacitly never mentioned this matter again. It was as if the accusation had never happened.

Yi Wan was the first person that Bo Jiang could not see through from his previous life to this one. He had not expected Yi Wan to argue with him so sharply when he was reading the script, which was completely different from his usual peaceful attitude. Just like he had not expected Yi Wan to give him a hug when he was silent and crying just now.

He couldn't see through Yi Wan's feelings.

Therefore, Yi Wan's attitude towards Qin Xuexin was equally strange.

Except for the auction, Bo Jiang had no impression of Qin Xuexin. He didn't know that the woman had passed by him and had been dissatisfied with him; nor did he know that the woman had picked up his paintings from the river one by one with Yi Wan.

Yi Wan was silent again. Bo Jiang looked at him relentlessly. Finally, Yi Wan said, "Ah... You have developed a little curiosity about the world, which is good."

Bo Jiang: …

He was silent, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "This is of no use to me."

It is useless. This curiosity cannot constitute a goal at all, nor can it be the meaning of living.

Yi Wan didn't look into his eyes, but looked at the top of his head, and said slowly: "Qin Xuexin is... um, a completely different person from you. For example."

"She tried her best to survive," Yi Wan said, "even if her life was miserable and ugly." One was a brilliant prince who sacrificed his life for his country.

One is a vicious female supporting role who has been exploited from birth and has never had any commendable brilliance.

When others look back on the prince's life, they will only praise his reputation and peerless elegance. When others look back on the first half of the female supporting role's life, in which she used all means to become famous and finally gave herself to Lan Guang, they will only feel ridicule and embarrassment.

But they are all the same.

More than anyone else, I dare not look back on my past... More than anyone else, I want to deny my past life.

No matter how others judged their first half of life, in their eyes, their first half of life was rubbish.

Yi Wan's tone was still emotionless, like the statement of someone outside the world.

Bo Jiang: …

A strange premonition.

"If you don't know what to see in the next few days, just look at her. And this ancient city." Yi Wan spoke as if he had received some revelation, "You will see a lot of things. And there is one more thing. When Brother Liu and I came to Bo's house to find you, she and I picked up your paintings from the river to dry them."

Bo Jiang: …

It's really strange that Yi Wan always looks at the top of people's heads when talking to them.

He sneered. His experience in the crew over the past few days and his research on history have made him realize that the overall plot of "The Mountains and Rivers" is almost consistent with historical facts... There are many places that he dare not think about.

For example, Bo Mingyuan.

…and the calligraphy work by Bo Mingyuan that he had bid all his fortune for at an auction and burned to vent his anger.

A copybook imitating his handwriting.

Bo Mingyuan was weak and sickly since childhood. When they were young, they lived next door to each other. Bo Mingjiang often worried about his brother's life span.

He was always worried that he would die young, so whenever he received valuable medicinal materials such as ginseng, he would ask his servants to deliver them to Bo Mingyuan's house. Every winter when he went to Bo Mingyuan's house to see him, he would always ask him not to come out to see him off - it was cold and snowy, and he didn't want Bo Mingyuan to catch a cold again.

But Bo Mingyuan would chase him out every time. Only then would Bo Mingjiang turn around and ask him to go back—and then Bo Mingyuan would continue to send him off. The two brothers stood under the vermilion gate. Bo Mingyuan wore a silver-gray cloak, and his raised face was not as pretty as his, but very handsome, and he was smiling.

The face of that young man is the image of Bo Mingyuan that remains in Bo Jiang's heart until now.

So he couldn't imagine what a 70-year-old man looked like. In his absence, the boy had grown old and died in the dust.

An old man in his seventies, in his twilight years, sits in a thatched cottage in Nanshan, listening to the winter wind as he copies his deceased brother's handwriting and paintings, stroke by stroke.

Bo Mingyuan was a man of extraordinary literary talent, and if he had practiced, he would have been no less talented than Bo Mingjiang. But he had sealed up all his talents, no longer had any ideas, and he had turned his life into a monument.

How much of the sending of the herbs was out of tenderness and sincerity, and how much was just out of the responsibility of being a "brother" to his younger brother? Bo Jiang couldn't tell. What he gave was just a contribution that was not entirely emotional.

But Bo Mingyuan's heart is softer than his. It is the heart of a scholar, and a little bit of kindness will be transformed into soft spring water in his heart.

How painful can a soft heart be

Those precious herbs eventually turned into Bo Mingyuan's 80-year lifespan, which was the same as Bo Mingjiang's wish, but the process was completely different. Bo Mingyuan lived in seclusion on Nanshan Mountain for a lifetime, trying to live a hundred years longer, but what he finally pursued was to go to the underworld later.

He didn't dare to see his brother.

"Yi Wan." Bo Jiang said suddenly.


"I'm very happy that you were the one who saved Bo Mingyuan's calligraphy and paintings in the end." He whispered.

Yi Wan said: "It was sent to the museum by Yu Rongshi, the Green Wind Museum."

"Really?" Bo Jiang said, "You don't need to tell me the place name."

He won't go to see it.

I won’t go… and I definitely don’t want to go.

During the years when he was not around, his younger brother became an old man who died of depression.

"...try your best to survive." Bo Jiang chewed on the phrase Yi Wan used to describe Qin Xuexin.

After a while, he closed his eyes and said with a self-deprecating smile: "How is this different from Bo Mingyue?"

Wasn’t Bo Mingyue, who betrayed the Bo Dynasty, also a person who tried his best to survive

Yi Wan did not give an answer this time. He still looked at the top of Bo Jiang's head.

Yi Wan said: "I don't know. What you will do is your own business."

He had no desire to control them.

…very indifferent.

"Bo Mingjiang, come over here and take some stills!" someone said.

Yi Wan and Bo Jiang turned around at the same time. Only then did Bo Jiang realize that the other party was calling Yi Wan, who was playing the role of "Bo Mingjiang". He lowered his head and smiled: "You go. I'm leaving too."

Yi Wan didn't say anything nonsense and went in the direction where the person was calling him.

Bo Jiang stared at the palm of his hand for a long time. Before anyone else came to call him, he also raised his foot and prepared to leave.

But I felt someone else's gaze coming from behind my ears.

Bo Jiang turned around. He saw a middle-aged man standing not far from him, staring at him with a serious look. Bo Jiang thought the man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.

It's not really a problem of Bo Jiang's IQ. It's just that after he was reborn into the present world, he never paid attention to this world.

"Who are you?" Bo Jiang asked politely.

"You are Bo Jiang, right? You are studying in the history department of X University? Class of 20xx, you should have graduated this year?" The middle-aged man looked at him and asked many questions like a machine gun, without giving him any time to answer. "Are you free now? Let's come over and talk?"

Bo Jiang frowned.

"Who are you?" he asked again.

Yi Wan followed the crew members to take stills.

Actually, according to the plan, Yi Wan should have finished shooting all the stills this morning. But Director Ye and others looked at his new look and felt very fond of it - they loved his look and temperament, so much so that Director Ye specifically asked the photographer to take a few more photos of Yi Wan.

In fact, Yi Wan’s acting skills are not particularly talented.

Before this drama, Yi Wan had only acted in one TV series, Rao Tian Chou. In that TV series, Yi Wan performed well mainly due to the following three reasons:

1The Painted Skin Ghost taught him how to sing opera step by step for a whole month. Yi Wan was good at observation and imitation, so he successfully performed the singing part.

2 About the youthfulness and unwillingness of the Hua Dan. In fact, this is very difficult for Yi Wan.

He never had a youthful time. He was diagnosed with mild high-functioning autism and looked dull since birth—even though his brain was always thinking strangely. Even now that he has joined the Rainbow Group, he is often called "dull and boring" by the fans of the group.

Yi Wan is only good at imitating others in interpersonal communication. He imitates other people's emotions, imitates other people's reactions, and then... he is too lazy to move and remains the same. Therefore, when he played the role of Hua Dan, he actually thought of someone.

… Gu Ruchao.

A once bright boy who was completely dead at the age of 14.

3 The rest of the acting skills also came from imitating the small movements of disabled people, taking detailed notes, and constantly asking the director for advice.

With the combination of the above three factors, Yi Wan's acting skills can't be said to have improved by leaps and bounds, but it can also be said to be superb - although it is only for that one role.

His biggest weakness is emotional empathy. In this regard, Yi Wan and Chi Jixia are completely different. Yi Wan rarely touches or indulges in his own emotions, let alone exaggerating other people's emotions.

This is why Chi Jixia is an acting genius. Yi Wan can only be regarded as a "genius" in another direction, or a child of the stars.

But this time, Yi Wan was lucky.

Because the character Bo Mingjiang he plays this time still has a good role model to imitate.

It cannot be said that he has a good person to imitate, it can only be said that the real person is right next to him.

He knew better than anyone what Bo Jiang, the reincarnation of Bo Mingjiang, was thinking.

He could even see many things about Bo Mingjiang that Bo Jiang himself couldn't see. It was difficult for Yi Wan to analyze and understand these things, but he could see them and imitate them better than anyone else.

The director temporarily asked Yi Wan to shoot an extra set of scenes for Bo Mingjiang's jumping-off-a-building costume - luckily, Bo Jiang wasn't there.

The scene of the prince's martyrdom is the highlight. The makeup team was also very attentive - they carefully painted a traumatic makeup for Yi Wan without covering up her beauty. The slanted eyebrows made Yi Wan look a little more fierce than usual.

"This scene has been shot in many related film and television works. It is absolutely necessary for period costume editing. But the only thing I dare to say is -" The makeup artist looked at Yi Wan's face and was very satisfied, "You are more beautiful than them all!"

"So handsome." An assistant covered his chest and whispered, "Yi Wan, your boy band's makeup artist has to be fired. Look at you, you are made up to look ordinary on the stage. How could someone like you only rank fifth in popularity in the group?"

Yi Wan: …

The same is true for the costumes used when Bo Mingjiang jumps off the building. Director Ye pays attention to details. The costumes are not like those in some ancient puppet shows, which are shiny and bright even after battle damage. Instead, they are stained with dust and blood - but they also achieve a balance between reality and beauty.

It seems that Director Ye and the others are ready to make this martyrdom scene the highlight of the show. This is indeed the case. Bo Mingjiang's death is also the final turning point in Qu Yun's life that gradually goes crazy.

When Yi Wan started walking, everyone felt even more satisfied. With this figure and this appearance, who else could it be but Bai Yueguang and Bo Mingjiang!

"Don't be nervous later, be natural." Director Ye said specifically, "I know this is your second time acting."

Yi Wan nodded.

They took Yi Wan to a nearby city wall, planning to film the last scene of the prince before his death. Director Ye looked at the increasingly bleak sky and felt that God was helping him. He thought for a long time and said to Yi Wan, "Well, you can play freely for a while. If you were Bo Mingjiang, what would you do in your last moments here?"

"I thought this scene in 'xx record' was shot very well before. The prince's noble and aloof appearance, as well as his selfless attitude, were perfectly captured!" someone said.

"I think it was shot better in "Water Flows East". Bo Mingjiang was more fierce. He spit out blood before he died, and he was looking in the direction of Qu Yun before he died. And it was one of the top ten shots of the year. It's so cool."

Generally speaking, Bo Mingjiang's posture before his martyrdom was always photographed like this: a lone and proud upright person, the last warrior of the Bo Dynasty.

Someone made a "hush" gesture to them and everyone shut up immediately.

No one was dissatisfied with being interrupted in their conversation. Instead, everyone became even more excited - everyone was extremely looking forward to Yi Wan's performance.

This is Bo Mingjiang from their crew! Her demeanor is as good as anyone else's!

"But can Yi Wan, a newcomer, perform well?" someone said.

Everyone was silent for a while.

…Well, Yi Wan’s beauty after dressing up did confuse their perception.

"At least he should be able to imitate, it shouldn't be too far off," someone said.

"Besides, it's just a photo, it doesn't matter. The director can teach you how to act later." Another more professional person said, "It's hard to show emotions in photos, so newcomers shouldn't ask too much. Just be able to see the beauty filter."

Only then did everyone calm down a little.

"Yi Wan moved!"

Everyone suddenly held their breath and watched Yi Wan walk towards the city wall step by step.

The silver armor on Yi Wan's body had been torn, and the hair crown that was tied tightly by the cloth belt had also come loose, and his long hair had been tied into a ponytail or scattered on his body. The twilight shone on his body, as well as the empty quiver behind him.

He stared blankly and quietly at the city wall.

There was nothing under the city wall now, only yellow sand. But Yi Wan's expression made people feel like he was looking at a huge army.

"What a nice pose." Someone said, "Is this the most beautiful picture this year?"

The photographer snapped away. He thought it was the end.

No one expected that this was just the beginning.

Because Yi Wan looked back.

The evening breeze blew up his ponytail, and his long hair covered his eyes. He turned around at this moment.

After sensing the strong emotions emanating from Yi Wan, everyone was stunned.

What Yi Wan showed was not the selfless dedication, tenacity and fierceness that they had imagined.

But... despair.