Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 145: Suzaku Street


Bo Mingjiang stood on the city wall in a daze.

He couldn't think anymore.

Archery, archery, just shooting the arrows numbly, the muscles in his arms were numb with pain, and all the movements were repeated by him as if instinctively.

Below the tall city walls is a blood-stained landscape.

Anyang is a beautiful place. The climate is warm, and every spring, swallows that fly south return to their nests. Swallows build nests with willow branches in their beaks. Outside the north gate of the imperial capital is a willow forest called Yangliupo. Under the green shade, people bid farewell to their departing children.

But now there are no willow trees at the city gate. Three months ago, the willow trees were burning, and now the green shade has been burned out. Armor, armor, all you can see is armor.

Bo Mingjiang suddenly felt dazed. How could there be armor here? This is spring, the best season in Anyang. The people of Anyang are good at singing and dancing. There should be poets, singing girls, and children flying kites on Yangliu Slope... This is the scenery outside the North Gate. How could there be armor outside the North Gate

He seemed to have had a dream... When he woke up and opened his eyes again, everything returned to its original state.


Someone roared and cut off an arrow that was shot at him.

… Bo Mingjiang finally came to his senses. The kettle was dry, and he hadn’t had any water for more than ten hours. The only liquid left on the tower was the soldiers clinging to the wall.

Hallucinations invaded his brain in waves. Someone was yelling something heartbreakingly behind him. But he was just numb.

Shoot, shoot non-stop.

Shooting arrows, I can't think of the willow slope in spring. Shooting arrows, I can't think of the red palace walls covered with snow. Shooting arrows, I can't think of the countless bodies of my comrades... His movements became numb and brisk. Songs began to ring in my ears. In the middle of March, plant peonies...

Is it his mother singing to him

His movements became faster and faster. His body felt so light, and the arrows were so light, like willow catkins dancing in the air. He felt like he was about to fly out of the city wall, finally...

He touched nothing.

The arrows have been shot.

“…Prince!” He finally heard the voice behind him, “Let’s retreat! Retreat from the small gate on the south side of the city! If we retreat, we still have a chance!”

Bo Mingjiang stopped.

The setting sun was blood-red. He looked at the dark crowd under the city wall, which was as fierce as a wave and filled his entire field of vision.

He couldn't see who the commander was.

He slowly turned around and looked at the royal city behind him. Thick smoke, desolate, and dead silent, only the setting sun coated the eaves of the palace with a blood-red edge.

The sun of the Zhou Dynasty has set.

There is not a single arrow left.

Bo Mingjiang suddenly laughed.

"Prince, let's go! As long as His Royal Highness is here, we still have hope..."

He can't hear clearly.

The evening breeze blew up his long hair, covering his face, leaving only his eyes exposed.

He lowered his head and looked at his empty quiver.



The thin figure finally fell from the high tower. At the same time, the setting sun fell to the ground.

"As long as His Royal Highness is here, we still have hope..."

But he is gone.

If the king does not lead first, how can the generals follow

But at that moment, he no longer had any determination to continue fighting.


He is a deserter.

At least, that's what he thought.

"Ah!" Someone let out a short scream.

After Yi Wan stood still again, the onlookers realized that they were making a fuss out of nothing.

The cold sweat was finally stopped.

But Yi Wan's posture just now really looked like he was about to jump... Confused and desperate, but also like a black hole, sucking everyone's emotions deeply into it.

For a moment, no one even remembered that Yi Wan's description of the character was very different from that of others.

Several staff members ran up to drag Yi Wan away from the wall—as if they were still worried that he would jump off. The first to react were Director Ye and his assistant. The assistant said, "Director Ye, Yi Wan's expression..."

It's quite different from the mainstream.

As soon as she said that, the others also reacted and started to whisper. Amid the whispers, Yi Wan stood there naturally, with his head down, pulling at the thread on his clothes in a depressed tone.

… was completely different from what happened on the city wall just now.

Entering autistic state for one second is yes.

“… Is this okay?” someone said.

"What's the problem?" The photographer said, "The emotions are very full and the photo is very good. This photo I took today is the best one I took this year."

"But others have done so well before..."

There are also several big names among the previous ones.

Everyone was undecided and went to look at Yi Wan... Yi Wan didn't look at anyone, so he looked at Director Ye.

Director Ye bit his fingers and pondered.

The silence lasted so long that the assistant wanted to bring Yi Wan over to shoot another take. But Director Ye said, "It's good."

He called Yi Wan over, looked at him straight, and patted his shoulder hard.

Director Ye said, "Do you have the confidence to act well in the other scenes? I hope you can deliver a convincing role."

Even Bo Mingjiang, whom they had never seen before.

Yi Wan looked at Director Ye and nodded seriously. When the assistant saw Director Ye speaking, he also chimed in, "No matter what Bo Mingjiang was like before, Yi Wan will definitely be able to deliver the best Bo Mingjiang."

"I can't guarantee that it's the best." Yi Wan refuted at this time, and his rebuttal was also slow, "I can only say that he must be Bo Mingjiang."

The assistant was a little embarrassed. Director Ye looked at Yi Wan and smiled slowly.

"Okay!" he said.

After taking the photos, Director Ye suddenly held his head, looking a little depressed. The assistant then helped the old man to take medicine. Yi Wan looked at him silently and said, "Is Director Ye in poor health?"

The assistant said, "A little sick."

Judging from the packaging of the medicine, this is not a minor illness.

Director Ye took a short rest after taking the medicine, and then got up to rush to the next stills shooting. When he stood up, he saw Yi Wan standing there looking at him, and called him over to ask him: "How do you feel about joining the crew for the second time? Do you feel more pressure or nervousness?"

Really amiable.

Yi Wan said: "No."

Director Ye thought Yi Wan wanted to say something else, but he didn't expect Yi Wan's "no" to be "no". So he smiled and said, "Okay, I saw you standing next to me looking at me, and I thought you had some questions to ask, but you were too embarrassed to say it."

Yi Wan said: "Actually, there is."

Asking Yi Wan to ask questions was really a provocation. Director Ye did not find it offensive and asked him, "What's the question?"

Yi Wan said, "Director Ye is not feeling well. Why don't you take a rest before shooting the second set?"

"The sun is setting. If we don't go take pictures early, the results won't be good." Director Ye said, "We have several other people's indoor photos lined up tonight."

Yi Wan hesitated for a moment: "Why not consider shooting tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow we have tomorrow's schedule. If we don't finish shooting today, the time we have to polish other plots will be wasted." Director Ye patted his head with his hand. "This is my last drama, so of course I have to do it to perfection, right?"

Yi Wan said: "Why."

Director Ye laughed out loud, surprisingly not angry: "When you have something you are willing to spend your whole life pursuing, you will understand."

Director Ye led the team back. Yi Wan followed behind him, still thinking.

In fact, he still had another question: why was Director Ye so patient with him

The assistant said, "Yu Rongshi and Director Ye are old acquaintances. He asked Director Ye to take care of you."

… I see.

When Yi Wan returned to the camp, Bo Jiang and Qin Xuexin were about to follow Director Ye. As a screen couple, they had to take not only individual photos but also couple photos, so they spent more time on it.

Qin Xuexin had been waiting at the meeting point long ago. She looked radiant in her red dress, like a princess on the grassland. Several staff members were stunned. Even Yi Wan thought that this outfit would be very beautiful in people's eyes.

It’s just that Director Ye’s expression wasn’t very good.

Director Ye looked at her with an unhappy expression, but it was not "hateful" either, more like a bit of disappointment. Chi Jixia got down from the bench next to her and pushed Yi Wan with her shoulder: "Why, do you think the young lady is pretty?"

Yi Wan replied: "Where is Bo Jiang?"

Oh yes, Bo Jiang hasn’t come yet.

As teammates, they searched around the camp—and finally saw Bo Jiang and the middle-aged man standing in front of him.

The middle-aged man seemed to be very impatient: "Think about it again! To be honest, there are so many students dropping out of X University every year, and you are not a big problem. This is what losers in social competition are like."

Bo Jiang pursed her lips and looked at him, her eyes spitting fire - Yi Wan's heart was moved.

Bo Jiang rarely has such a vivid expression.

Yi Wan said: "Then why did you come to talk to him on purpose? Is it because those college students who dropped out are not important, but Bo Jiang is a star student. He will affect the reputation of the school, make people question the reason why he dropped out, and also affect your official hat, so it is important?"


Chi Jixia was also dumbfounded—Yi Wan was really quiet at ordinary times, but when he spoke, he was sharp and aggressive. Dean Liang turned around and saw them standing there, and asked, "Who are you?"

Chi Jixia said: "Bo Jiang's teammate."

As he said this, he also wanted to stand next to Bo Jiang. Dean Liang was embarrassed by them and sneered, "Oh, it's you guys who are singing and dancing."

The contempt was evident in his words.

"I'm the dean of the History Department of X University. Your teammate Bo Jiang applied for a leave of absence from school last semester. So I came to talk to him." Dean Liang said, "It's normal for you young people to like to play. Just don't regret it when you grow up. Singing and dancing are not good enough for the stage."

Chi Jixia raised his eyebrows, thinking that the opportunity to confront him had come. But before he could speak, Yi Wan said, "Dean Liang, your father is the Professor Liang who was chatting with Professor Zhong, right? Professor Liang is indeed a respectable and truly academic person."

"Academicians are worthy of admiration. But I don't think that some deans who ask students to make slides and write reports for them every day, who use students' hard work to fool their superiors and do face-saving projects are also worthy of admiration as 'academicians'. Hmm... What should they be called? You should have studied Marx. They exploit students' surplus value. Such deans should be called 'academic capitalists'." Yi Wan said.

Dean Liang's face turned blue and white, like a colorful neon light.

Within the high campus walls, his power is unmatched. Students who have no contact with society regard him as an insurmountable sky, and regard all his instructions on public and private life as "training themselves". They have become accustomed to being respectful to him and being exploited by him. But Yi Wan and his friends are different.

Yi Wan and the others were outside the circle and had no demands on him.

In the end, he could only humph and said to Bo Jiang: "Just don't regret it."

Bo Jiang responded with a sneer.

Dean Liang left. Chi Jixia looked at Yi Wan, stunned: "Yi Wan is amazing, he even knows Das Kapital!"

Yi Wan: "I used to be a good student... For example, I won second place in the Marxist knowledge competition at the Children's Palace."

Chi Jixia: "How many competitions does your Children's Palace hold in a year?"

Yi Wan didn't answer him, but looked at Bo Jiang. Bo Jiang said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

He stood up to leave. Chi Jixia spoke up: "Wait, tell us what 'leave of absence' means?"

"… "

Chi Jixia: "Did you fail the exam? Or did you fail the CET-4 or CET-6 exams? Do you want me to teach you?"

It is still possible to dream of having a professor possess Bo Jiang's body.

Bo Jiang: "… No. I have completed all the credits, except for the thesis defense. I have also completed the thesis."

"Then you just need to defend your thesis, right? Why don't you graduate after the defense? It won't take a few days." Chi Jixia couldn't understand. "Look, if you graduate, we at iris5 can buy a trending search: Bo Jiang x Outstanding Graduate at the City Level or something like that."

Isn't this self-destructive

Bo Jiang paused, glanced at Yi Wan standing next to him, and said something he would never say to his teammates before: "This is why I don't want to accept the degree 'granted' to me by X University."

Chi Jixia's reaction was indeed very strange: "Because you are shy?"

Bo Jiang: …

I'm speechless. With Chi Jixia around, it's hard to continue any deep conversation.

"I used to think that at least the university of this era would be a good place. Do you know? In ancient times, there has never been a top university like this. It is open to all students in the world, teaches the most profound knowledge, studies the most real knowledge, and even actively provides scholarships, so that every poor student has the opportunity to cultivate themselves, manage their families, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. And everyone in this college can think freely. Let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend."

Such an academy also existed in the Southern Library where the Crown Prince Bo Mingjiang governed the country in his previous life.

Unfortunately, he was unable to realize his dream before he passed away. At that time, he did not have the time or the money to support this dream.

"… Since I came here, I have been told that I need to take the college entrance examination. Why do I need to take the college entrance examination? They said that the college entrance examination is for entering a university like this." Bo Jiang said softly, "They are right, the university has the best students. But they are also wrong. A university like that… is no longer the soil for nurturing students."

"Part of it makes me feel sick." Bo Jiang finally said, "especially some people who hold power."

Chi Jixia's eyes were filled with emptiness. As a person who had never experienced a normal school life since childhood, he had no idea where Bo Jiang's anger came from.

And X University is one of the best universities in the world.

“… It’s one of the best universities, which makes me feel particularly disgusted.” Bo Jiang said, “Forget it, I’m leaving.”

Yi Wan nodded and said, "This Dean Liang will stay in the crew to accompany his father for the next few days. I wonder if he will cause any trouble for you."

Bo Jiang let out a breath of cold air through his nose.

Although he didn't know the specific details, Yi Wan could roughly guess what Bo Jiang had experienced in college.

Cultivate oneself, regulate the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. Yi Wan thought. Even if Bo Jiang took off the coat of the prince, he was still an idealist with simple and stubborn ideas.

Yes. If a person does not have a pure enough soul, how can he be in so much pain that he is about to die in his second life

He and Bo Jiang are completely different people, Yi Wan thought. What he wanted to pursue was always his own freedom.

Chi Jixia suddenly said, "Hey, don't go alone. This is your first time filming, let us go with you."

Bo Jiang: …

Bo Jiang glanced at him. Chi Jixia grinned: "Do you want to call me Brother Chi and I will teach you how to act?"

Yi Wan ruthlessly complained beside him: "Brother Chi, in terms of age, Bo Jiang is the oldest in the group."

The age line of iris5 members is divided like this: Bo Jiang and Chi Jixia are in the same age group, but Bo Jiang is a few months older than Chi Jixia. Then, there is Ding Biehan. Finally, Yi Wan and Anye Ling belong to the youngest line.

This is also the reason why Yi Wan has called "Brother Bo", "Brother Chi", and "Brother Bie Han", but only calls An Yelin "Yelin".

However, the group is clearly a mess when it comes to honorifics—all of which is inseparable from Chi Jixia, the troublemaker. As the second brother in the group, Chi Jixia would yell when he was happy or unhappy. Sometimes, in order to get An Yelin to help him pick up a package, he would even chase his younger brother An Yelin of LINE and call him "Brother An" or "Brother Lin"...

This is all after the Hongtuan group variety show.

As expected, Bo Jiang looked at Chi Jixia with contempt - Chi Jixia was undoubtedly professional in forcing the gloomy Bo Jiang to show any expression.

The two accompanied Bo Jiang to Director Ye's place. When Director Ye heard that the two of them were going together, he couldn't help but say, "Your group has such a good relationship."

As he said that, he glanced at the map and said, "It just so happens that Yu Rongshi's variety show is also nearby. You can accompany Bo Jiang there, and you can also meet your remaining two teammates."

I almost forgot. Ding Biehan, An Yelin, and Yu Rongshi were filming "Science War" there.

Yi Wan said: "Then Chi Jixia and I will go change our clothes..."

The same thing happened to Chi Jixia. It had been a long time since he finished filming his stills, why was he still wandering around in his costume

Director Ye said, "No need. Just wear them. When Bo Jiang is done shooting, we can also take a photo of three generations living under one roof for you."

The staff laughed, and even Qin Xuexin in red smiled. Director Ye said, "Let's get in the car. It's still a bit far from where we're going to take pictures."

A bit far

Speaking of which, Yi Wan still doesn’t know where Yu Rongshi was filming “Science War”, he only knows that there is a haunted house there.

Director Ye found three cars to transport everyone, and considerately asked Yi Wan, Bo Jiang, and Chi Jixia to take one. He looked at Qin Xuexin standing there, not knowing which car she should take, and sighed, "Come and take one with me."

Qin Xuexin said: "...Thank you, Director Ye."

His voice was very soft, and he looked as if he had done something wrong.

After the car started moving, Director Ye spoke: "Okay, I am a little angry with you."

Qin Xuexin grabbed the hem of her red skirt and hummed softly.

She felt very ashamed.

She knew exactly why Director Ye was angry—it was she who had chased Director Ye, showing him her hard work and acting skills, and desperately trying to get Director Ye to give her the chance to play the role of the eldest princess. Director Ye really valued talent and was very righteous. When no one was optimistic about Qin Xuexin and the sponsor wanted to force someone else, he gave her the role against all odds.

"I believe that as long as a person is willing to change, she can do her best." This is what Director Ye said at the time.

But in the end, Qin Xuexin failed to live up to his expectations. Two months before the filming began, Lan Guang called and asked Qin Xuexin to change her role—from the gloomy and unlovable but profound eldest princess to the silly and sweet girl in red.

What would Director Ye think about this, as he offended the sponsor for her

So it is reasonable for Director Ye to be angry.

Qin Xuexin stared at the hem of her skirt in a daze. She thought, now that she is the "female lead", in such a plot, Director Ye should be considered the "supporting role" who makes things difficult for her, right

According to common sense, Director Ye should make things difficult for her and put obstacles in her way, right

But this time, Qin Xuexin felt that she deserved the "tripping". But Director Ye just looked at her and shook his head vigorously: "But do you know why I am angry?"


"The reason I'm angry is that you wanted to play that role so much and prepared so much for it!" Director Ye said, "They didn't agree to let you play it at the time, but I chose you. Do you know why? Because there is that energy in your eyes - I have seen an actress with that energy, and so far, she has won three Best Actress awards. I feel sad just thinking about how you could have played the role of the eldest princess."

Qin Xuexin could hardly believe her ears.

Director Ye is actually... angry about this

"Then your new company came out and said they wanted to change the role. If you want to change the role, just change it. In this circle, many people are forced to do things against their will." Director Ye smiled bitterly, "But you were in the theater these two days. The energy in your eyes is gone."

"… "

"This is what really makes me feel sad." Director Ye sighed again.

The wheels were rolling. Director Ye stopped talking, and neither did Qin Xuexin. She stared blankly at Director Ye's direction, her mind churning with thoughts.

Rather than feeling sour, there was also shock.

In the past three months, she has gone from being a newcomer who was terrified of "Heavenly Way" at the beginning to a numb slave under Assistant Lan Guang. She has also gradually become accustomed to the "routine" and the sarcastic reactions of those people after every conflict.

Sometimes, those people's reactions struck her as ridiculous—so ridiculous that it was as if they weren't self-aware people.

So before Director Ye started analyzing himself today, she had subconsciously prepared herself to hear this kind of "reaction".

But Director Ye is completely different.

He said he felt sorry for the younger generations.

Unspeakable thoughts occupied Qin Xuexin's mind. One was self-blame, the other was guilt. However, between self-blame and guilt, another subtle thought emerged:

Maybe... she could have another path. Maybe, in this world, there are indeed corners that "God" cannot reach.

In those corners, the humanity of old people like Director Ye is shining... As long as they shine, she will no longer be lonely.

Those were the thoughts that were hidden deep in my heart in an instant.

We have arrived at the shooting location.

When she got off the car, Lan Guang's assistant, who was sitting in another car, came to find her. Lan Guang's assistant glanced at Director Ye's back and asked her, "What did he say to you?"

Qin Xuexin said: "He didn't say anything... He was not satisfied with my changing the role."

"I heard Director Ye has cancer." Lan Guang's assistant said lightly, "He won't live long. Is this his last drama? After he retires, he's useless."

Assistant Lan Guang's words were full of meaning. Qin Xue had a bad feeling: "What do you mean?"

"Turn him into your bargaining chip to return to the top, and try to use him as well." Lan Guang's assistant said, "What do you think?"

He pointed in the direction of the old man, who was now walking with still vigorous steps, inspecting the place where he was taking photos.

Even in the face of aging, he still looks proud and stubborn—as if these are the glories he has held on to his entire life.

Yi Wan, Bo Jiang and Chi Jixia were chatting with other staff members along the way in the car.

Iris5 is a popular boy band recently. Now that the three members are together, and three generations are living under the same roof, the staff can't help but like to joke about this. At this time, Chi Jixia's usefulness is reflected - all the jokes are handled by him.

However, Yi Wan secretly glanced at Bo Jiang and found that there was still some dissatisfaction in Bo Jiang's expression.

…It’s no wonder that Bo Jiang was unhappy when his father and illegitimate son were teased in front of him.

Yi Wan said: "Are we heading towards the center of the ancient city?"

From the camp near the city wall to here today, the car is getting closer and closer to the depths of the ancient city of Anyang.

The driver said, "Yes, the place we are going to was called Tianshui Street at that time. It was where the Seventh Princess and Bo Jiu first met. Do you know what Tianshui Street is for?"

Yi Wan and Chi Jixia shook their heads. Bo Jiang said, "There were many teahouses, inns, and academies there at that time. They were where the candidates who came to Beijing to take the imperial examinations stayed. Some candidates would stay there for several years, studying in the inns or discussing national affairs with other candidates in the teahouses. There is a restaurant to the north of Tianshui Street. Go north to the end of Tianshui Street, cross a bridge, and then you will reach Zhuque Street."

The driver and several staff members were quite shocked. The purpose of Tianshui Street was indeed in the script, but the geographical location of Tianshui Street was not something the crew would ask the actors to remember.

"Bo Jiang, how come you even know this?"

"That's amazing... I almost forgot, wasn't Bo Jiang the top scorer in the college entrance examination?"

"Yes, yes, he's a top student in the history department of X University!" A staff member applauded, "You iris5 really are a hidden talent!"

Bo Jiang's eyes were dull, not very happy. Yi Wan saw him leaning against the car window with his face propped up, and whispered, "Suzaku Street is also where my and...'s mansion is located."

The place where he, Bo Mingyuan, and Bo Mingyue live.

… Bo Jiang never expected that she would revisit the old place today.

"Fortunately it's Tianshui Street," he thought.

Fortunately, it’s not Suzaku Street.

… He’s not ready to go back there yet.

Yi Wan said, "Think positively. Maybe Zhuque Street has been burned down. There are five souvenir shops on it, and they sell Madiel popsicles and Beibingyang soda."

Bo Jiang: …

The car did not stagger, but Bo Jiang staggered a little in the car.

… Many years later, Yi Wan realized that after Bo Jiang got better, he would bully people if he encountered such a situation.

At this moment, Yi Wan had not "enjoyed" Bo Jiang's method of pinching people. He sat in the middle of the seat, looking expressionless, but in fact he was observing his surroundings and thinking.

Director Ye said that the location where they took the photos was very close to the location where Yu Rongshi filmed "Science War".

The place where they took the photos was Tianshui Street.

So Yu Rongshi’s “War of Science” wouldn’t be filmed on Zhuque Street, right

The haunted house on Suzaku Street.

Yi Wan: …

Could that haunted house be the home of one of the three Bo brothers

The car stopped at Tianshui Street. Several people got off the car in a great atmosphere. Director Ye glanced at the horizon and said, "The sun is still there, let's start shooting quickly."

Qin Xuexin was already standing in front of the teahouse. Bo Jiang was still staring at the street in a daze.

It's really different from before.

The local authorities claim to have taken excellent measures to protect the historical sites. However, the Zhou Dynasty is more than 200 years old, and no matter how well it is protected, there have been many changes.

Chi Jixia pushed Bo Jiang's shoulder and said, "You can take pictures, right?"

Bo Jiang glanced away from him. Chi Jixia said, "Do you want Brother Chi to explain the play to you? Okay, no more jokes, don't be nervous. It's not difficult to take the promotional photos, just follow the expression the director wants."

Bo Jiang said: "I am very confident in my learning ability."

Yi Wan stood by and blinked. As expected, anyone who was with Chi Jixia would become venomous.

Bo Jiang went to take pictures. Bo Jiu's character is not particularly complicated. He looks chivalrous, but in fact he is just a beautiful boy who endures humiliation and is ambitious. Bo Jiang's performance was indeed very unskilled at the beginning, and there was a little subtle embarrassment and shyness. However, under the guidance of Director Ye, he gradually became 90% of the way he was.

"Xiao Jiang is a real quick learner." Chi Jixia looked at him from a distance, "By the way, Yi Wan, how was your photo shoot just now?"

Yi Wan said: "It's not quite what they imagined. But Director Ye said it's okay."

Chi Jixia said: "Not bad, after all, I brought him here!"

… Yi Wan spent a minute thinking about whether Chi Jixia’s “bring it out” refers to the “torture” he suffered in “Man vs. Wild” or the “friendship” with him in “Around the World”.

So Chi Jixia is really a strange person, the kind that makes Yi Wan think more.

Yi Wan said, "What about you, Brother Chi, how are you taking photos?"

In fact, this is what Yi Wan is most concerned about.

After the incident at Lushan Sanatorium, Chi Jixia still looked as mean as before, but in fact he had grown a lot. Although Chi Jixia didn't say it, Yi Wan knew that he had a new idea.

—Chi Jixia doesn’t want to continue to mess around in this melodrama.

Chi Jixia wants to jump out of his comfort zone and live in reality, not in a dream. He wants to use his own abilities to perform a good play - not relying on golden fingers, but relying on his own abilities.

At the dinner party, Chi Jixia and Director Ye went out together for a while. Yi Wan guessed that Director Ye must have said something to Chi Jixia at that time. Because after that night, Chi Jixia was out of character. He held the script of "Inside and Outside the Mountains and Rivers" in his hand, and worked alone in the living room by lamplight, reading his part for a long time.

Even during the free time before and after meals in the theater, Chi Jixia was staring at his tablet - on the tablet, other actors' interpretations of the last emperor of the Zhou Dynasty were playing.

He wanted to play this role well from the bottom of his heart. In theory, this development is very good. The actor's interpretation of the role is not only an imitation of the character's own emotions. A truly talented actor will sublimate the character he interprets with a higher level of charm through his own understanding and empathy combined with the background of the times - such charm may not even be realized by the character himself.

It is often said that some movie characters are objectively annoying, but as a viewer, one can never hate her/him - even knowing her/his flaws, one may still be deeply fascinated by her/him.

That's what a great actor can do.

Therefore, this realization is undoubtedly a good thing for Chi Jixia. But somehow, Yi Wan always has a bad feeling.

He had never had anything very smooth sailing.

Yi Wan found it difficult to read emotions, so he did not take into account the possible reactions of the "system".

So I can only attribute this ominous feeling to the fact that "Chi Jixia might collapse after a few years of bad acting." Yi Wan then asked, "Director Ye, what do you think of your filming?"

The playful expression disappeared from Chi Jixia's face. He became serious, but there was a smile of relief... or even shyness on the corner of his mouth.

Yi Wan:

Chi Jixia: "Director Ye said that I did a very good job in portraying the character. Compared to a few years ago, it is not any worse, but has improved a lot."

The genius Chi Jixia in Director Ye’s eyes is back again.

"But it's too early for Director Ye to draw this conclusion. I've only used 70% of my ability." Chi Jixia began to be complacent again. "Just wait, in the next few weeks, I'll have something even better to show him!"

Yi Wan: "Hmm..."

… never mind.

Yi Wan turned his eyes away. Bo Jiang and Qin Xuexin had already finished the first set of photos in full swing.

It seems there is no problem.

Chi Jixia and the others were staring at Bo Jiang, so Yi Wan left a note for Chi Jixia and disappeared quietly.

… He still wanted to verify his conjecture.

Yi Wan walked along Tianshui Street. Just as Bo Jiang said, Tianshui Street was very long, with a small bridge at the end.

On the other side of the bridge, the scenery suddenly opened up. The layout of the streets and courtyard walls made it clear that one had entered the residential area of the rich and powerful.

Yi Wan continued to walk north. As he walked further north, he gradually saw some staff members. Yi Wan looked at the notices beside them and found that they were staff members of a film crew.

The name of the play is "The Last Love of the Northern Zhou Dynasty".

"The Last Love of the Northern Zhou Dynasty"... Is that the one played by An Yeyun

Staff A: "Did you know that our little leading actor is actually An Yelin's adopted brother, the fake young master with bad character!"

Staff member B: "God, I thought he looked quite innocent."

Staff member C: "The simpler a person is, the more likely they are to have problems... I'm so angry. We're both in the ancient city, so why am I not a staff member of the show "Science Wars" next door? Yu Rongshi, An Yelin, and Ding Biehan are all in that group. Especially An Yelin and Ding Biehan. Iris5 is very popular now. Even on overseas coal stoves, the price of the first batch of Iris5's first album has been driven up to the sky..."

Upon hearing this, Yi Wan began to walk along the wall.

… I don’t want to spend time greeting people. I can only sneak.

Yi Wan's stealth should have been successful. He looked honest as he sneaked with his head down, just like an ignorant passerby.

Only a sound broke his concealment.

"What are you doing here sneaking around?" The voice sounded familiar.

When Yi Wan turned around and saw Lan Hua, staff abc also turned around and saw him. The three girls were stunned for a moment, then recognized Yi Wan.

“Ahhh Yi Wan!!”

"Isn't it Xiao Zi from iris5?"

"Mushroom Master, give me an autograph!"

Yi Wan signed autographs for the three people in silence, and finally fooled them away. Lan Hua looked at him with her hands folded, and said speechlessly: "Forget it, I know why you are sneaking around."

Yi Wan: “Yeah.”

Lan Hua: "What are you saying?"

Yi Wan was very sincere: "I'm too popular."

… Recently, Lan Hua, who was hiding from the limelight and a little obscure because of the Canadian rumors, was shot in the knee. He ignored Yi Wan and simply found a step to sit down.

But Yi Wan didn't leave and sat down next to him: "Are you also in "Science War"? "

Lan Hua: "Why, you came over to look for your teammates?"

Yi Wan said: "Bo Jiang said Zhuque Street is on the north side of Tianshui Street. I was curious, so I came over to take a look."

Lan Hua sneered: "Bo Jiang? He is indeed familiar with the map here. Why, are you showing off your north-finding skills in "Oz" again?"

But no one could have imagined that Lan Hua actually watched Yi Wan's variety show after returning home.

Yi Wan raised his phone: "There is a compass on the phone."

Lan Hua: …

Lan Hua stopped talking. Yi Wan also stopped talking. After a while, Lan Hua sneered again: "I didn't expect you to be so happy with four monsters."

Yi Wan said: "Why don't you go in and record the show?"

Lan Hua stopped talking. After a while, Lan Hua said, "Are you trying to ask me why I didn't go in and frame your two teammates?"

Yi Wan didn’t say that.

"I framed them? You think too much. An ordinary person like me wouldn't dare to frame these monsters. I won't do this job. Whatever Xie Ziyu wants to do, he and Shi Qiao, that dog, will do it for him." Lan Hua said as he sat on the steps, "Are you satisfied with this answer? Hmm?"

Yi Wan’s reply was: “I haven’t said anything yet, but you’ve already attacked and self-attacked me…”

It's so easy to break Lan Hua's defense.

Lan Hua's expression was a little unhappy again. Yi Wan said, "You are so excited. So you came out to take a break?"

Lan Hua was excited again.

"… You think I'm a waste, right? Yi Wan. Yes, I am a waste. Without my big brother, I am nothing. I failed to frame Bo Jiang, and failed in everything I did. Now I have to be ordered around by Xie Ziyu like a dog. Without my big brother, I am also a 'consumable' to be used."