Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 159: The first lesson of the new semester


As they walked over hand in hand, they saw Chi Jixia lying behind a broken wall, and Ding Biehan was also standing there.

"What are you doing there?" Yu Rongshi asked.

Ding Biehan said coldly: "Don't disturb the reunion of the Bo brothers."

The seemingly invincible Ding Biehan has also deduced the relationship between Bo Jiang and Bo Mingyuan.

Chi Jixia added: "You can also peek at the same time."

The two were speechless for a moment, then joined them.

The Prince's Mansion was bleak in winter. The white stones on the road were covered with dust, and the dry tree trunks were also covered with a gray color. Bo Jiang stood there in his coat with his back to them, like a piece of unmelted snow on the long, turbid street. Opposite him stood a vague figure, as if he had been waiting there for a long time.

"Bo Jiang hasn't spoken yet. Neither has Bo Mingyuan." Chi Jixia said.

The three of them opened their eyes wide to make sure they could take it all in. Bo Jiang stretched out his hand, as if to catch a handful of snow.

The snow melted in his palms.

"Your hand is fading." They heard Bo Jiang's trembling voice. Bo Jiang had never made such a panicked sound before. "What's going on?"

Chi Jixia also showed a confused and panicked expression. Yu Rongshi said at this time: "Although I can't see him... Is it because the obsession has dissipated?"


"What supports the soul's long-term existence is his obsession, right? For example, the obsession of wanting to hug you again?"

Bo Jiang took two steps back. Bo Mingyuan's hand no longer disappeared, but his smile with hidden sorrow made him feel like a knife cutting his heart. Bo Mingyuan said, "Ah... I thought it wouldn't be so obvious."


"He started to disappear after he saw you face to face," Ding Biehan said, folding his hands.

Bo Jiang glared at him: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Ding Biehan said: "Ghosts will eventually dissipate."

"Don't quarrel, brother." Bo Mingyuan said, "I don't have much time left. I will be satisfied to see you again."

Bo Jiang lowered his head. He felt as if a ball of cotton was stuffed in his throat and he couldn't speak for a while.

Yi Wan's voice came faintly at this moment.

"Have you ever considered talking through a wall?"

Three minutes later.

Bo Mingyuan: "It really didn't dissipate any further."

Chi Jixia: "Fuck Yi Wan, how did you come up with that?"

Yi Wan faced everyone's gaze and said leisurely, "I discovered a logical bug. If we don't meet face to face, it may not be considered a 'reunion' that we wished for."

Yu Rongshi held Ding Biehan with one hand and Chi Jixia with the other: "Okay, let's leave them alone for a while."

Bo Jiang and Bo Mingyuan, who had something to talk about, were left behind. The four of them sat together on the other side of the steps, like four clumps of reeds growing out of the cracks in the steps. Ding Biehan was drinking water with his head down when he heard Yi Wan say, "Ding Biehan, are you more tolerant of Bo Mingyuan because you knew from the beginning that he would eventually disappear because of the reunion?"

Ding Biehan coughed up a mouthful of water. He said expressionlessly, "Don't say such weird things."

Chi Jixia cheered from the side: "Ah, ah, ah? Our Xiao Ding is very gentle."

Ding Biehan: "It's really disgusting to hear such words coming out of your mouth."

Yi Wan: "It can also be said to be respecting the elderly and loving the young..."

Yu Rongshi sat beside them drinking water. He looked at the three people playing with a gentle expression.

"It's snowing!" I don't know who spoke first.

Small snowflakes were floating down from the sky, like coconut crisps sprinkled on plum candy. Chi Jixia looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky and said, "It's almost New Year's Eve. I don't know what Bo Jiang is talking about with Bo Mingyuan... I just suddenly remembered a... well, person. It would be nice if it was there during New Year's Eve."

Yi Wan said: "Well..."

Yi Wan lowered his head and picked at his fingers. Yu Rongshi knew that he was thinking about his aunt and her family.

He moved closer to Yi Wan, allowing him to bury himself in his shadow.

Ding Biehan was still cool: "I don't have anyone I need to think about."

"Who cares?" Chi Jixia smiled. He made his hands into the shape of a trumpet and shouted to the sky, "Merry Christmas!"


Yi Wan also looked towards the sky: "Merry Christmas."

Family members.

Ding Biehan glanced at Yi Wan and Chi Jixia, and snorted at them: "… Merry Christmas."

Yu Rongshi held Yi Wan's cold hand that was beside him and said, "Be happy."

The first snow in the story after the formation of the rainbow group fell in Anyang. At the same time, a person opened his eyes in the dim room of the hotel.

He climbed up from the sofa, wearing only a yellow coat, pulled aside the curtains and looked out the window. He said to himself, "I've had enough of these festivals."

"I'm tired of playing boring justice games with people in this world."

The "person" who looked like an electronic snowflake signal sat on the chair and looked at him silently. The small room was like a stage that had already ended, and the young man was dancing alone. There was no audience.

"Come on!" He opened his arms happily to the "person" behind him, "Merry Christmas!"

He tilted his head: "You look like you've made up your mind?"

"What did you say to Bo Mingyuan?" Chi Jixia popped her head out and asked.

Bo Jiang closed his eyes and said, "Secret."

"It's a secret, so what's the frequency of your visits here in the future?" Chi Jixia said.

"He has to sleep for a while. Maybe three years, or five years. This time he spent too much energy." Bo Jiang said, "It doesn't matter. Life is still long. We can wait slowly."

"We just met and we have to go to bed. It's almost the new year..." Chi Jixia sighed, "Alas, this year you can only spend New Year's Eve with us."

Ding Biehan retorted: "Don't make it sound like we're going to eat hotpot together at home. If nothing goes wrong this New Year's Eve, we're going to be at the New Year's Eve party."

Yi Wan walked beside them, his mind drifting. Chi Jixia shrugged and said, "That can't be helped. The five of us are not orphans, but we are almost orphans..."

The other two: …

When Chi Jixia was about to be beaten up, An Yeyun from the "Northern Zhou Dynasty Love" crew leaned out to attract hatred: "Huh? Bo Jiang, Chi Jixia... What are you doing here?"

I almost forgot. Today the crew is packing their bags and leaving.

The equipment on the floor had been cleaned up. An Yeyun sat on a small stool with red eyes. Ding Biehan saw a familiar figure next to him and wanted to run away... but was stopped by An Yelin.

An Yelin dyed his hair red, crossed his arms, and looked unhappy: "Yi Wan, Ding Biehan, and the other two... What are you doing secretly, and behind my back?"

This can be said to be triggering the password.

"Biehan!" Before Lu Beimo pounced on him, Ding Biehan kicked him to the ground.

… A popular idol beating someone up in the street, this can’t be on the hot search. Fortunately, several teammates quickly blocked the scene. Abandoning Lu Beimo and Ding Biehan who were fighting, Bo Jiang said to An Yeyun: “Are you planning to leave today?”

An Yeyun said: "Yes, I don't know if there will be other jobs after I go back. This is my last chance..."

He looked very lonely, and hesitated to speak. After seeing An Yelin, he said, "An Yelin, can we talk alone?"

"Sorry, I can't." An Yelin said.

An Yeyun pretended not to hear his answer and continued to talk to herself, "Yelin, I don't understand why I am so unlucky. It seems that from one day on, my life became unfortunate. Do you know that feeling? It's like being abandoned by the whole world."

He began to sob: "I used to do a lot of good things, how could this happen?"

This time, An Yeyun seemed to be in despair and was about to give up. He looked naive and stupid, and because of this naivety and stupidity, he seemed particularly despicable. In the end, he didn't understand what his problem was.

Then he sank into his tragic end.

This is a natural thing to do. But An Yelin looked at him, frowned and said: "You have already 'stolen' a lot of good luck. During those years as the apple of the An family's eye, you did not accumulate any capital for your future independence."

"But, but." An Yeyun stuttered, "So it can be regarded as 'a gift from fate, with a price already marked'? In other words, my luck has been used up in the first half of my life?"

"Okay, I'm not talking about luck." An Yelin scratched his head a little irritably, "You've always been relying on others. Have you ever used your own brain to think? What do you want to do, have you ever worked hard on your own? Don't think that you are so miserable. Most people are rarely blessed by luck in their lives."

"… "

"From today on, learn to be an ordinary person and follow the same path as them," An Yelin said. "They understand life better than you do. When you are truly living and know that victory and defeat are common in the military, you won't worry about 'lack of luck' any more."

An Yeyun's eyes were filled with tears: "I seem to understand a little bit, but I also seem to not understand... Should I keep working hard until the day when luck comes back?"

Will there be a day when those CEOs and nobles will favor you again

“Luck is not your goal.” Yi Wan suddenly said, “I’ve read a quote by Camus: In the dead of winter, I finally realized that there is an invincible summer in me.”

Summer is not something you wait for by luck. You have to believe that it is in your hands.

An Yeyun started packing up with tears in her eyes. An Yelin looked at his back and sighed in annoyance. He felt that the other party might have understood half of what he said... Finally he said, "Go make some friends, normal friends. Not bootlickers, not pursuers, and not overbearing bosses. Make friends with the real world, and you will get what you want."

When An Yelin came back, he saw Chi Jixia whistling: "Xiao An is very kind."

An Yelin blushed, but on the surface he snorted: "I just don't want to push him too far...lest he be reborn too."

After saying "rebirth", An Yelin was stunned, a little terrified that he accidentally let out his biggest secret. Chi Jixia: "Rebirth? What rebirth?"

An Yelin: “No…”

Yi Wan interrupted: "Yelin, don't you hate him now?"

"… There was no hatred originally. At any time, he was just a trophy or a plaything in the eyes of those people." An Yelin said lightly, "He said that he stole my luck, maybe it's true. But I don't think that luck is more important to me than the 'me now'. And think about it, if I stayed in the An family since I was a child, got used to getting something for nothing, and became a loser like An Yeyun who didn't know what to do when he lost his luck, it would be too terrible!"

He paused and said, "'The me of today' is something I created with my own hands."

Chi Jixia: "How corny. Then are we part of your luck?"

An Yelin spat at him and hugged Yi Wan again: "Of course he counts."

The crowd nearby was bustling. It turned out that Professor Liang came to say goodbye to the crew of "Northern Zhou Dynasty Love". They had tried to please Professor Liang in the crew of "Inner and Outer Mountains and Rivers" just for business, but now the old man took it seriously and came to say goodbye... It was really sad. The old man said: "Next time, you should shoot a more serious drama. The more you give, the more you will get in return."

No one even responded.

"Make way." Someone said, "We are moving things, don't block the road."

Very perfunctory.

The show is over. Who wants to play the respect game with an old man

And then there is…

Yi Wan frowned. He could vaguely hear some rustling sounds.

Very strange.

Like it's a bit... gloomy.

In the world of ghosts, what connects them to the human world is something positive that happened to them in their lifetime. For Bo Mingyue, it was the script of "The Northern Zhou Dynasty's Ending Love".

The faith value brought by the script of "The Last Love of the Northern Zhou Dynasty" even gave him the capital to be chosen by "Him" as a replacement for Bo Mingjiang.

It was a golden opportunity... but now, it was about to be ruined because of the suspension of the TV series.

The golden light was getting farther and farther away from it. Its power was also getting weaker and weaker. When Bo Mingjiang and Bo Mingyuan met again, the "drama" of Bo Mingyue had disappeared. Bo Mingyue knew very well that it was about to be abandoned and dissipated.

But it will never allow such a thing.

Today is your last chance.

Even if there is only a slight chance, he must take over Bo Mingjiang's body!

"He looks a bit pitiful." Chi Jixia commented on Professor Liang sarcastically, "I believed their slander before. What can I say? Everyone only cares about things related to their own interests. Who would care about him outside the crew?"

Ding Biehan didn't care about anything and was just looking for the source of the Yin energy. An Yelin was unable to participate in their story and was confused.

"He is an old professor after all." Bo Jiang frowned and said, "He is also a scholar... right? What are these people doing?"

In the end, it was Bo Jiang who went over to say hello.

Chi Jixia said sarcastically: "You really follow the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, Xiaobo."

Dean Liang was frowning beside him, looking very unhappy. He said indignantly: "I told him a long time ago that he didn't need to come here."

Doesn't President Liang understand what kind of people these people are and what they are thinking

Only his old father, who has lived in an ivory tower all his life, couldn't understand it.

"Hey, aren't the qualities of these people consistent with the qualities you educated them with?"

Dean Liang turned around and saw Yi Wan looking down at his phone beside him. This time there was another person standing next to Yi Wan. He asked sternly, "How do you talk?"

"Nothing. I just think you're interesting. You do one thing yourself and ask others to do another... If you want others to respect you, you should set an example for those young children." The man standing next to Yi Wan said, "You taught them the habit of flattering the powerful and looking down on the weak as their first lesson in life in college. If that's the case, how can we expect a clear and bright world that respects you?"

The logic was correct. But Dean Liang would never admit it. He let out a breath through his nose, and when he turned back angrily, he saw Bo Jiang moving a chair.

That arrogant Bo Jiang.

And, let his father sit on the chair.

"…Yeah." He heard Yu Rong say, "Everyone is innocent and simple at the beginning. Besides, you stand here and complain for a long time, but you don't even think of moving a chair for your father."

Dean Liang: “…”

"However, you should still have some feelings for your father, right? It's not just that you are taking advantage of his fame. Otherwise, why would you take time off to send him here?" Yu Rongshi said again.

Dean Liang was silent.

Human nature is indeed complex. For example, at this moment, Dean Liang felt ashamed.

He walked towards his father. However, no one noticed that behind Bo Jiang, a dark shadow was moving.

—Right now!

The shadow screamed and pounced towards Bo Jiang's body. But Bo Jiang and Professor Liang were too close, and it accidentally bumped into Professor Liang!

"It's not a heart attack!"

"Hurry up and get first aid!"

The old man's body simply couldn't bear the possession. Professor Liang's heart stopped beating temporarily on the spot, and the scene was in chaos.

Dean Liang panicked.

All the technical struggles were useless at this moment. All his knowledge was useless. This place was too far from the city, and it was too late to call an ambulance. Ding Biehan had already rushed out, pulled out the black figure hiding in Professor Liang's shadow, and put it in his hand.

But □□, whose heart had stopped beating, could not be revived as the black shadow was pulled out.

"Call 120! Call 120!" Dean Liang shouted desperately. Human instinct made him run towards his father. Then he saw...

Bo Jiang laid Professor Liang flat on the ground. He held his hands and began to press his chest regularly.

Once, once, and again.

"What are you... doing?" Dean Liang was so frightened and panicked that he was stunned and didn't recognize Bo Jiang's actions at all.

Or rather, I couldn't react.

"Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The first safety lesson for college freshmen." Bo Jiang whispered, "I've learned it."

That is the course that freshmen have to study on the first day after entering university.

It is also the only modern technology that Bo Jiang knows best.

At that time, he sat in the bright and clean classroom, moved by the facilities of this new era. His eyes were bright, and he studied the instruments and gestures that he couldn't understand very seriously.

University, I wish all students to grow up safely and healthily.

In college, Bo Jiang once thought that he could learn all the knowledge he needed.

Bo Jiang has always been a top student, and even performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation perfectly.

Yi Wan looked at him outside the crowd.

"Can Bo Jiang succeed?" he whispered, "He is already the former 'male protagonist' abandoned by the heavens, and he has no halo anymore."

It is reasonable that the old professor died here.

And even if they were taught this... few people would dare to really take action in an emergency. No one wanted to take responsibility. But Bo Jiang, who did not belong to this era, took action.

"He will succeed." Yu Rongshi held his hand. "This is the first lesson he has learned in this era. Bo Jiang has always been a top student, right?"

"Before, I was always the protagonist."

"No." Yu Rongshi smiled, "Besides what An Yelin said about 'luck', there are more important things that determine fate."

—is love, courage, and heart.


Bang bang.

Bang, bang, bang.

The heartbeat resumed.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived. Professor Liang coughed twice and slowly woke up. The last thing he saw in his swaying vision was Bo Jiang's face.

"Good boy..." he said.

Dean Liang, who was also standing nearby, burst into tears.

In the chaos, Ding Biehan brought the shadow to the backyard. Following behind him were Chi Jixia, who was watching the fun, Bo Jiang, who had a sullen face, Yi Wan and Yu Rongshi, and An Yelin, who was confused.

The black shadow was lifted into Ding Biehan's hand and gradually took on the shape of a human.

"Ha ha ha ha… "

He looked at everyone with red eyes.