Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 162: Firelight


Yi Wan had a dream.

In the dream, he was not Yi Wan, but Shen Zhong. He sat in the small living room of the tube building. He did not change his name, did not leave his family, did not join a boy band, and wore a blue and white striped shirt. The house was lively and full of people. There were uncles, aunts, cousins, and his mother and father whom he had not seen for many years. His mother, who had a noble temperament, looked very similar to Yi Wan, and his father had a blurry handsome face. There were also many people on the TV screen in the small living room. It was a boy band called "Rainbow" that was popular recently. The boy band had five members and they were singing and dancing on the stage.

He lowered his head, not understanding why his shirt and pants were made of the same pattern of fabric. His aunt tenderly handed him the cake, saying that today was his 19th birthday and he should eat more. His cousin was polite but cautious. His father was always on the phone, and his mother kept her head down to reply to messages. This angered his aunt, and she pulled his uncle and his noble parents to the kitchen to talk behind closed doors. Yi Wan abused the cake with a spoon and vaguely heard the sound of their quarrel.

"… Mental hospital, can only be released on the 19th birthday…"

"… Even if you each have your own families, you can't just leave Shen Zhong alone. He's been in a mental hospital for four years… A good friend committed suicide… Schizophrenia, paranoia… "

“…I had the delusion that I had graduated from high school and had a job.”

"… You guys can't be so irresponsible to throw him to me, you guys."

The cake was mashed up, like a disemboweled, white brain. The surrounding screen was yellow and old. Yi Wan looked up in panic and found that a cheerful nursery rhyme was playing on the TV.

"Somewhere, there is a small dream. Although I don't know who dreamed it." (The following lyrics are taken from "Human Pillar Alice")

"This little dream thought:"

"I don't want to disappear like this. What should I do to make people keep looking at me?"

"Just let humans get lost in their dreams and let them create a world."

Yi Wan looked up in shock. He saw the five people on the TV stopped spinning and stared at him on the screen. The first person was red, followed by blue, green, yellow... The fifth person was purple, and like the other four, he stared at him silently.

He saw clearly that the fifth person had his face!

Yi Wan began to cry. Someone held his face with both hands from behind. It was his cousin, no, it was Yu Rongshi's face and hands.

Yu Rongshi's voice was very gentle, as if his vocal cords could also put on a perfect mask: "Shen Zhong, happy birthday, are you happy?"

"… I'm still running a fever. I've been like this since I came back the night before yesterday."

Yi Wan curled up in the messy quilt, half-opened his eyes, motionless, with water hanging on the back of his hand. The boy with dyed red hair took the thermometer from him, took a look and said: "38.4 degrees."

“It’s lower than yesterday.”

"Should we take him to the hospital?"

"No need. Just take the medicine for another day and he will be fine. And Yi Wan doesn't want to go. Let him sleep for a while." Brother Liu said outside the door.

The four members looked at Yi Wan. For a day and a half, Yi Wan had been lying in the same position, curled up on the bed without moving.

Yi Wan's illness came on fiercely. Brother Liu opened a new room next to iris5 to accommodate him - also to prevent the virus from spreading and affecting the rest of his roommates. The doctor diagnosed that Yi Wan had caught a cold and had been "depressed in his heart" for a long time, so he prescribed several bags of medicine for Yi Wan to take. Brother Liu knew that at artists were in a sub-healthy state all year round, so he didn't think much about it. It was just that Yi Wan's last scene was in another week. Brother Liu was only worried that Yi Wan's illness would slow down the progress of the crew.

"… I've talked to Director Ye. He said it's okay to postpone it for another two weeks as long as you can recover." Chi Jixia sat on the sofa as if nothing had happened. "You don't have to worry about the schedule afterwards. We've already notified the company, and we'll put you first."

It's just an understatement, but the efforts made should not be underestimated. However, Chi Jixia seems to treat them as "not worth mentioning".

Yi Wan was still in a daze on the bed. Bo Jiang thought he would be silent like he had been in the past few days.

He placed the prepared cold medicine granules on Yi Wan's bedside, nodded to Chi Jixia, and motioned him to go out with him - but Yi Wan spoke at this time.

"...Won't it cause schedule conflicts? Those New Year's Eve parties and the like." Yi Wan's voice was muffled under the quilt, "I have a lot of performances to perform on stage next January."

at also has a history of having members perform while sick. Chi Jixia responded simply: "Your health is the most important."

The conversation continued. Bo Jiang sat back in her seat. Chi Jixia asked Yi Wan, "Are you feeling better? Do you want an apple?"

Yi Wan has no particular preference for anything. He eats more apples because they are easy to carry. Chi Jixia is very skilled in peeling the fruit. After the blade scrapes off a circle of red, he says, "You've been having nightmares these days, right?"


"I heard you crying in your dream." Chi Jixia said, and then he comforted Yi Wan, "When you recover, take a short vacation and go see... and have a good dream again."

Chi Jixia originally wanted to meet his family. But he suddenly realized that he had never heard Yi Wan mention his family. Just like Ding Biehan, whose parents had both passed away, and himself, whose family was broken up, they had never mentioned their own family.

He suddenly realized that this was unfair - it was unfair to Yi Wan. Yi Wan knew the painful past of each of them, but no one knew Yi Wan's past. Because Yi Wan was always silent and never mentioned it.

"Did you dream about anything?" Bo Jiang asked Yi Wan.

"Sometimes I feel that we don't decide what we will become by ourselves. For example, if you input different memories into me and cover some parts of my brain, I can become another person. For example, if you cover up my love for apples and change it to a love for carrots. If you write that I was hurt by someone in blue, I will hate everyone who likes blue, even if the new person in blue has never hurt me." Yi Wan said in a muffled voice, "Even if I don't have superpowers, or even don't need any superpowers, it will be the same. Special effects technology is very advanced now. If someone kidnaps me and ties me to a special effects studio, creates a stage collapse and a frame-up, and then the actors tie me to a room and tell me the instigator of everything and the current situation I'm facing. I only need to forge a few web pages and I will believe it, and then start to hate someone as they wish... We can't control what kind of person we become, right?"

Ding Biehan and An Yelin were silent. Bo Jiang frowned: "Can you say something more realistic?"

He vaguely understood, yet didn't understand.

"I mean, there is an invisible hand that has been creating information cocoons for us and determining our needs." Yi Wan's voice became softer and softer, "Just like big data user portraits. Maybe you just like wearing Hanfu at the beginning, and you searched for Hanfu-related information on a certain social software. Then big data arbitrarily profiles you and classifies you into a group of users who also have the behavior of "searching for Hanfu". This group of users likes to quarrel and curse, so the time stickiness on the app is higher than that of users who just browse the software. Then, it starts to push Hanfu information to you, pushes information about TV dramas that those people like to watch, information about chasing stars, information about quarrels and quarrels, and then you start to do the same... You think you just saw the information, you think you are actively searching for what you want to see. But in fact... You are locked in an information cocoon, imprisoned more and more tightly, pushed by big data, and become what it thinks is a "type of person"... "

“We can’t control who we become.”

Yi Wan's last words were so light that he was just a tiny speck of dust in the vast world of data.

Bo Jiang felt it was ominous. He whispered, "Yi Wan, you sound scared."

It's also very painful.

Yi Wan said a few words in a low voice, but Bo Jiang didn't hear them clearly. He only heard the last sentence: "... Haven't I given up enough?"

Even the soul will be taken away

An Yelin said: "Yi Wan, you are sick now. When you recover, we will do what you want to do."

Yi Wan said: "I want to go to a world that is not as desperate as this..."

This sentence was as light as a sigh. The second sentence was like the coldest and most terrifying background revealed when consciousness was blurred.

"I don't want to endure it any longer."

He buried his head in the quilt and fell into a deep sleep. This dream was another dark dream, just like the lonely nights he spent away from others in the middle school dormitory after he became "Yi Wan".

It must be painful.

The electronic figure looked at him silently in the darkness.

You want to have a sweet dream too, right

Yi Wan didn't know that he was no longer alone when he fell asleep this time. Ding Biehan looked at him, An Yelin held his hand, and Bo Jiang boiled new hot water in the electric kettle. Even Chi Jixia tucked him in the quilt.

The phone showed text messages from Yu Rongshi.

"But even if you knew, you would lie in bed and pretend not to know. You would treat the good intentions from the 'old world' as if they were worn out shoes and turned a deaf ear to them."

In a trance, Yi Wan whispered his verdict on himself in his dream.

Because you know the price of going to the new world.

When Yi Wan woke up again, he saw Chi Jixia sitting next to him.

Chi Jixia curled up on the sofa next to him, the sunlight shining on his head which was tilted down a little bit, his eyes drooping, as if he was about to fall asleep. When Yi Wan opened his eyes, he said, "Are you awake?"

Then he waved his hand at him: "Here are some fingers."

Yi Wan looked at him with his eyes open, not saying anything. Chi Jixia waved her hand again and said, "Take the temperature?"

"Bo Jiang has gone to the crew for a play, and An Yelin and Ding Biehan are filming a variety show, so I'm the only one left to monitor you... Hey, 37.4 degrees, the fever is gone." Chi Jixia said, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Okay." Yi Wan answered coldly and straightforwardly.

Chi Jixia felt something was wrong. He smiled and said, "Okay, you're awake. Are you hungry? I'll go downstairs and get you a bowl of porridge."

Chi Jixia went out. It was quite far from Yi Wan's room to the hotel kitchen on the first floor. Yi Wan still had water on the back of his hand. He was still dizzy and dozed off on the bed. He didn't even check his phone.

The door opened and someone came in.

After a while, Yi Wan felt something was wrong.

He opened his eyes and found that his muscles had lost strength. A nurse wearing a mask stood in front of him with an empty syringe in her hand. Behind her stood a middle-aged man who looked like a doctor.

The middle-aged man was about fifty or sixty years old, with gray hair and an old look.

Yi Wan stared at them, motionless. The nurse signaled the man to move Yi Wan to the wheelchair they brought. Yi Wan broke the glass bottle when he got out of bed. She let Yi Wan touch her waist and said, "You don't want to cause trouble, right?"

It was hard and cold, and in the shape of a gun.

This woman, with a gun.


Yi Wan heard the sound of the gun's safety being released. It was a revolver with six bullets in it.

The "nurse" seemed to be familiar with the layout of the hotel. She took Yi Wan down from the freight elevator, always pointing the gun at Yi Wan's back through the cloth. The middle-aged man pushed him and never said a word.

Several crew members had gone out during the day. The hotel was deserted and no one noticed. After getting off the freight elevator, they got into an ordinary van. The middle-aged man drove, and Yi Wan and the "nurse" sat in the back seat, with the nurse still pointing a gun at him.

"I know you're smart, so this gun could go off at any time." The nurse didn't put down her gun even after the car got on the road. "You don't seem surprised."

Yi Wan finally spoke: "Lin Meng."

Lin Meng opened her eyes wide. She looked extremely shocked. Then, she burst into laughter and took off her mask, revealing Qin Nianzi's face.

"Yi Wan, you really surprised me." She said, "Who are you?"

Yi Wan's expression was dull, and she didn't seem to want to explain. She tilted her head to look at Yi Wan, her expression was surprisingly coquettish: "Forget it... I just said you are very smart. I won't ask how you deduced it."

Yi Wan said, "The trunk is filled with gasoline, right? What are you going to do with it?"

"What to do?" Lin Meng said in a singing tone, "What do you think I want to do?"

"You discovered Assistant Song's conspiracy. You wanted to take revenge on him." Yi Wan said calmly, "The day before yesterday, were you playing him?"

Lin Meng must have discovered Yi Wan eavesdropping by then. There was no need to ask this question.

"You know this too? Yes. I discovered it a few days ago. Or even earlier, I understood his purpose." Lin Meng said, "Do you know whose body I originally wanted to establish a connection with for rebirth?"

She said Xiong Xiaohua's name.

The girl rescued by Chi Xu was once again involved in a new dispute.

It's very sad. As long as you live in this world, you can't avoid becoming prey, and you can't stay out of it.

"Young, beautiful, and from a wealthy family, I'm a very good material. But it's unlikely that I can get Xiong Xiaohua's body. She and I don't have that much... connection. And after discussing with Song Cheng, he told me that this body is better and more dramatic. He's right, I can use this opportunity to get rid of Qin Xuexin. I was as miserable as a stray dog at the time, and my leg was broken. I couldn't act anymore, and Lan Guang was chasing me relentlessly. I couldn't stand such a life, so I had to be reborn." Lin Meng wrinkled his nose, with an innocent cruelty on his face, "Until a few days ago I found out... Song Cheng wanted to use me as cannon fodder to help Qin Xuexin step up."

Yi Wan said: "Making the best use of everything is Blu-ray's style."

Lin Meng laughed again, her eyes full of cobra-like venom: "Yeah... I never thought I would end up like this. Song Cheng is really dedicated to his job, just like when he was my assistant, he was also dedicated and learned very quickly. So I changed my mind. I'm going to set off a huge firework to send him and Qin Xuexin to hell together."

She looked crazy and resentful, a desperate person's last-ditch carnival. Yi Wan was held at gunpoint, calming her breathing: "You don't have to do this..."

"Take them to hell?"

"I mean rebirth." Yi Wan said, "You could at least stay in your own body. She doesn't look bad. At least you have many friends who will help you... Ugh!"

Yi Wan was sweating profusely on his back because Lin Meng grabbed his head and slammed it hard against the car!

Yi Wan's head was filled with dizziness and echoes due to the pain. Lin Meng pulled his scalp and whispered hysterically in his ear, "What are you talking about? You mean, I should endure that kind of life, a life like a dog? Being framed by the company, having my position taken away by that bitch Qin Xuexin. I have worked diligently for so many years, maintaining perfection, being a favored daughter of heaven, and I have dedicated everything I have to 'perfection'. You can take it away if you want? You can treat me as a toy, throw me away if you want, and destroy everything I have if you want? Because of 'outdated subject matter'... Who do you think I am?!"

"Who do you think I am?!" she roared. "I have done so much for 'perfection'! So much! Can anyone else do it? Can anyone do it to this extent?"

Lin Meng was right. Anyone who knew her knew that Bai Yueguang Lin Meng was almost crazy about maintaining perfection. She controlled her diet to the exact number of grams, and her speech to the exact word. It was as if she was always approaching an extremely precise standard, so that she could become the only "God's daughter", the girl most favored by heaven.

Is this "perfect" life painful? Of course it is.

Yi Wan began to retch. Perhaps it was because of his injury, or because of his high fever that had not yet healed, or because of motion sickness... Lin Meng whispered in his ear: "A relaxed waste coward like you knows nothing... What right do you have to question me? Why do you treat me like a piece of trash..."

"Xiao Meng!" A middle-aged man's voice came from the driver's seat, almost begging, "Xiao Meng!"

Lin Meng stopped talking.

The relationship between the middle-aged man and Lin Meng was unusual. Lin Meng was determined to make a suicide attack, but he followed her on the road and begged her in such a tone, which also contained the comfort of failure... Lin Meng seemed to calm down a little. She sneered and said, "Yeah, what do you know. What do you know? Everyone who has never tried hard, what do they know."

The middle-aged man stopped talking.

Yi Wan leaned against the car window and trembled. Chaotic images swirled in his head like a kaleidoscope. Lin Meng continued to point the gun at him, speaking in a contemptuous tone: "Yi Wan, your tone is so high and mighty, so cold... What kind of tone is this? A noble passerby? A noble audience? Yi Wan, who do you think you are?"

"Nothing." Yi Wan forced out a voice from his throat, "Nothing."

Lin Meng smiled, and used the gun to shoot back and forth on his waist and internal organs. This smile made her look very energetic, and Qin Nianzi's ordinary face also showed a bright color: "Okay... Don't you want to ask why I kidnapped you?"

Yi Wan said: "Because I discovered your identity. Maybe it's more than that..."

Lin Meng: “Hmm?”

"Others would say it was because of my performance in the "The Strongest Treasure Appraiser". In fact, you might have noticed me at the auction at the Bo family." Yi Wan said tiredly, "Really?"

This time, Lin Meng was shocked by Yi Wan again. She was stunned for a moment and said, "Yeah... Hehe. 'Who rescued Qin Xuexin'? This is the question I have had since that day. In addition, there is another question-"

"Why did he rescue Qin Xuexin?"

Yi Wan said: "Because of my kindness."

"Haha, this doesn't convince me. Let me ask the most core question - why did you notice Qin Xuexin's 'suffering'? It was as if it could be predicted. According to the plot, there would be no such small signs. But you found it, disturbed it, and interrupted it. These are things that absolutely shouldn't have happened, but they happened because of you, inexplicably... Just like what you kept doing after that. In fact, it started from then on, and you indirectly participated in and ruined my life. I have always wanted to ask a question -" Lin Meng looked at Yi Wan coldly, "Yi Wan, who are you?"

Lin Meng is really sharp.

Really sharp.

She had noticed him since the auction... Clearly, they didn't even make eye contact at that time. It seemed that she was really a lunatic who was diligently pursuing "perfection" every day.

—Do you want to be a disruptor and betrayer of the Way of Heaven? In front of Lin Meng, a loyal believer of the Way of Heaven? Yi Wan asked himself.

Yi Wan's head began to ring again, and auditory hallucinations surged in his mind. He said, "Why do you have to dwell on the plot line?"


"Why... do you have to dwell on the plot instead of your own... life?" Yi Wan said intermittently, "You could have stopped a long time ago, right? Become a... good and happy person... With what you have..."

Lin Meng looked at him, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she actually smiled happily.

"Because I am the daughter of God! I am the girl chosen by God." She said, "From the moment I received that letter, I should have a perfect life! I have received this gift, so I should pursue perfection! I am different from them!..."

She stopped talking because she saw Yi Wan looking at her sadly. The huge sadness in his eyes was as grand as the universe. She had never seen such a sad look before.

It was like... seeing the heat of the entire world fall silent.

The vehicle was approaching its destination. Lin Meng leaned close to Yi Wan's ear and said, "Qin Xuexin thinks highly of you and thinks you are her god, the god who changes fate, is that right? So I also want her to watch as her god disappears into the sea of fire with her."

"Besides, I also want to see such an excellent person like you go to hell!" She laughed, "With you here, I won't be alone even if I go to hell."

Use this Qin Nianzi's body.

But she didn't expect that Yi Wan just looked at her calmly, as if nothing was worth getting him excited about.

Lin Meng frowned: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Because," Yi Wan said, "I am also your God. You think you are the most beautiful woman in the world, but you are more miserable than anyone else."

"We've arrived." The driver said, "Xiao Meng..."

He said "Xiao Meng" but didn't say the rest, as if he wanted to speak but was choked.

Yi Wan didn't know what drugs the two had injected him with. He sat in a wheelchair, his hands were tied, his muscles were weak, and his head was dizzy.

They were in an old temple with some scattered sets. This was where Qin Xuexin filmed yesterday. Maybe, maybe she would find out that she had lost something here and come back to look for it. Yi Wan didn't think about what Lin Meng had done to attract Qin Xuexin and others. Lin Meng must have made full arrangements.

The driver and Lin Meng were setting up traps and venues. The driver was on the other side, and Lin Meng threw down the last bucket of gasoline, looked at Yi Wan and said, "Mr. 'Accident', do you want to say anything in the last half hour of your life?"

Yi Wan drooped his eyelids and said nothing. Lin Meng said, "Oh? I forgot, I left your phone at the hotel. It's impossible for you to say your last words to anyone now."

"Being burned to death together with Qin Xuexin, is this the ending you want?" Yi Wan said.

Lin Meng sneered: "This is none of your business."

In her eyes, Yi Wan was already a grasshopper that was about to die. She didn't have anything to say.

But Yi Wan's next sentence gave her a big shock.

"That man is your father, right?" Yi Wan said.

Lin Meng turned around in horror. She saw Yi Wan leaning on a wheelchair, his eyes so tired that he seemed unable to open them, but he uttered such terrible words.

"How are you... No, are you kidding?"

"Lin Meng, her father is unknown. Her mother... died when she was in high school." Yi Wan said word by word with great effort, "In fact, the truth is... her father... is a fugitive... The father of the glamorous Bai Yueguang female star is a fugitive..."

Lin Meng started to scream. She looked at him fiercely: "Who told you?! Qin Xuexin? Or Song Cheng? Who told you to know?"

Lin Meng's father is a fugitive.

He was a promising university student. But he dozed off during an experiment and put the wrong reagent in, which led to a laboratory explosion. He didn't turn himself in. After that, he lived a life of escape.

Leaving behind his girlfriend who had just gotten married and was pregnant.

Lin Meng's mother raised her alone. Her father escaped and went to Burma and Southeast Asia. He didn't dare to go home and only secretly sent some money home. Lin Meng was the most beautiful girl in the school, much more beautiful than anyone else.

The most beautiful girl should have the most gorgeous dress. But what she had was a precarious single-parent family, a simple house, and a father who was a fugitive... In order to support herself, after she went to college, she had to work at the Children's Palace even if she used various means to ask her mother for money.

But a "good thing" happened.

Her mother died of overwork the day after she took the college entrance examination.

Time had long since worn away the woman's original beauty. When she looked at her mother's body in the morgue, her first reaction was confusion.

The second reaction was surprise.

Because she got the passbook in which her mother had saved 500,000 yuan for her.

God knows how a woman with only a high school education and a small stall could save half a million for Lin Meng—and she had maintained a "decent" living standard for many years. Perhaps the rough hands with almost worn-out palm lines and the heart that died before the age of fifty were the answer.

Lin Meng's aunt choked up and said that she had asked her sister if the money was Lin Meng's dowry. The woman said no, the money was used to buy a house for Lin Meng.

"I want to save a down payment for my daughter... in this city. Mengmeng is capable. She can pay off the mortgage herself in the future. When she gets married, she won't be criticized for living in someone else's house or kicked out if she has a fight... In this city, she can have her own home..."

Later, Lin Meng spent all the money within three years.

She bought the latest mobile phones, tablets, Chanel bags, Fendi scarves, Gui boots, coats, and a bunch of beautiful dresses... Anyone who sees her says that she is a low-key, gentle, white, rich and beautiful woman.

On the day when all the money was gone, Lin Meng fell into confusion. Then she received the letter.

That letter changed her life.

Her father did not reappear in her life until five years ago—in person, not in the form of money. He looked at her timidly, but Lin Meng only felt disgusted.

But now, she was glad that she didn't get rid of him, because he was still useful.

For example, now.

Because of guilt... participating in her hysterical daughter's crazy and ridiculous murder plan. Lin Meng has always kept silent about these things. So how could Yi Wan know

"Tell me! How did you know that!" Lin Meng said viciously.

Yi Wan looked at her calmly.

"I have another name." He said softly, "Shen Zhong."

Lin Meng stared at him for a long, long time. Finally, she started to laugh.



She laughed like she was completely mad, tearing her hair and her chest.

“Shen…hahahaha…” She laughed until tears came out, “So that’s the letter.”

Yi Wan remained silent.

"Okay, okay!" She suddenly became happy and held Yi Wan's face and kissed him. "Today I am going to hell, Qin Xuexin is going to hell. My God and Qin Xuexin's God are both going to hell."

Her cell phone rang at this moment. Lin Meng looked down and saw that Yi Wan had secretly taken out the broken glass hidden in his sleeve.

This was the piece of broken glass that he had hidden in his palm since he got out of bed.

"They are coming." Lin Meng said, "I'll go over and take a look."

Before leaving, she looked at Yi Wan deeply, then laughed and danced away like a crazy little girl.


All crazy.

Lin Meng, and this world.

Yi Wan pursed his lips. He didn't speak, not a word. His dark eyes were darker than usual. Lin Meng left. Yi Wan took the opportunity to use the broken glass to grind the rope on his hand.

The glass shard cut his palm, but Yi Wan remained expressionless, as if he didn't feel any pain.

The muscles regained a little strength... just a little...

I really want to sleep... No... At least now... I can't sleep...

The middle-aged man came over, sat next to him, and looked at him. Yi Wan looked up at him and said softly, "She has become a different person, with a different face, but you still recognized her."

The middle-aged man looked at him and said nothing. Yi Wan said, "... Which father would fail to recognize his own daughter?"

In fact, there are some who can't be recognized. But now we have to convince the other party. The middle-aged man's lips twitched. But he still didn't speak.

"Resurrection is ridiculous. But Lin Meng told you that this is her last chance. If she died in the explosion, she would never have the good fortune to live again. Of course, I know that she wants to commit suicide." Yi Wan said.

The middle-aged man finally spoke: "... I will rescue her."

Yi Wan said: "And let her be a fugitive for twenty years like you? And in a strange body."

A man who had never participated in his daughter's growth ended up participating in her revenge plan. What kind of thing is this

The middle-aged man lowered his head, tears in his eyes. At this moment, Yi Wan heard the slight sound of the rope breaking.

He was the only one who heard it.

But his feet felt like they were filled with lead and he couldn't move. Yi Wan endured his stiff body and said, "They haven't come in yet. You still have a chance... just this once. What did she say? She will never talk to you again, but you must help her?"

"You have done something wrong and missed her education for so many years. Are you going to watch her go to the end of her life? Or... is the perfect Lin Meng the only one who can be your daughter?"

The middle-aged man's shoulders trembled for a moment. Suddenly, he stood up and walked towards the mechanism he had set up without looking back.

It would take some time to dismantle the mechanism. Yi Wan struggled to move his body in the chair and tried to stand up.

But at this moment, he heard a sound outside the door.

"I don't know, did something fall in here?" It was Lin Meng's voice.

"I must find it..." It was Qin Xuexin.

“…” It was the sound of Song Cheng’s footsteps.

Yi Wan was hidden behind a curtain. He could only hear the noise outside. The three of them entered the temple. Qin Xuexin seemed to be the last one to follow. She looked inside and said, "How could this happen..."

Then the middle-aged man's voice came: "Let's go back, Xiao Meng! Don't do this anymore. We shouldn't make any more mistakes!"

"You betrayed me!"

"She's crazy!"

"I'm crazy? It's the world that's crazy! Crazy!"

Then there were screams, tussles, fights, and displacements. Yi Wan regained some strength and stood up with the help of his wheelchair. At this moment, he heard a crisp sound.


It was like the sound of death.

The gun went off accidentally.

The accidental bullet hit the ground, igniting a pool of gasoline. The fire burst into flames, like the high waves of a tsunami, like a hurricane sweeping through a tropical rain forest, rolling up the curtains on both sides of the statue.


The fire is burning.

The curtain was on fire, and in an instant, the temple turned into a terrifying hell. Bright red, orange, black smoke... Everything was like a picture scroll from hell. The high fever burned Yi Wan's face.

He watched it all with an expressionless face.

Hell changes.

He scratched his legs with the glass, and the pain finally gave his legs strength. Yi Wan walked out holding the wall. His clothes were blackened by the smoke, and it hurt to press his palms against the wall. But he just lowered his body, walked silently, and had no expression.

Finally, he saw the light of day—the open door. Qin Xuexin covered her face, which was bruised, and was circling around like a headless fly.

It seemed that Song Cheng and others had been engulfed in the fire.

He grabbed her and said, "Let's go."

But Qin Xuexin did not follow him... After seeing the gate, she gritted her teeth, turned around resolutely and ran into the temple.

"Where are you going?" Yi Wan said.

"Nian Zi is still inside." Qin Xuexin said, "I can't let the mysterious fairy's gift turn into a nightmare."

The firelight illuminated her face, but there were no tears in her eyes.

She ran so fast... her red skirt fluttered, and she disappeared into the fire. Yi Wan stared at her disappearing figure in a daze, as silent as a statue.

Before he could make the next sound, Yi Wan felt dizzy. He took a few steps back and left the temple.

When he was at a safe distance, he finally let himself lean back and fell onto the road.

He finally passed out.