Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 170: Found it


Blood flowed down the blade, leaving a small pool of blood on the carpet on the 49th floor. Yi Wan looked at Yu Rong without a trace of expression on his face.

—And his eyes were still red and swollen, those eyes that once had clear black and white and were dull in emotion.

In the three minutes when they were held cherished in someone's palm, were they sad about the explosion in Green River Community, or were a few drops shed for Yu Rongshi

"Originally, I thought that when Hui Gong fell... Never mind, there's no need to tell lies." Yi Wan said, "I have long felt that Hui Gong's death can no longer attract the attention of the Heavenly Dao. This path has long been cut off. If we want to lead the Heavenly Dao out, we can only find a new way."

"… "

"How can the Gray Palace compare to you, Yu Rongshi? The Gray Palace's jumping up and down only brought the indulgence of the Heavenly Dao, which was actually 'giving up'. This kind of indulgence is like watching a beautiful cat, a playful dog... watching a clown, what kind of emotional farce can it bring. But you are different." Yi Wan turned his head and stared at the blade, his tone was dull, as if he was talking about how good the weather was today, "Never been controlled, never spied on. What did Yu Qichen do? Did he show his reconciliation with you in front of the Heavenly Dao? Just like that, the Heavenly Dao went crazy and wanted to kill him... And Gu Ruchao, he is the person who can't stand the anger the most. But he was successfully sent to prison by you, and in the end, you were not successfully retaliated by him."

"It is a collection of all the 'good qualities' that appear the least frequently in the 'protagonist elements' document compiled by Gray Palace, such as altruism, dedication, self-sacrifice... a character that will make all readers feel suffocated. Unlike other 'protagonists', they are always trying to seize the outside world for their own emerging 'needs', completing old small goals step by step, and discovering new small goals, so as to get the readers' excitement. People go up, but you are flowing down. You reach out and keep giving away what belongs to you, just like the Happy Prince." Yi Wan said softly, "Yu Rongshi, you are the original manuscript of this world."

"… "

"That original intention that was later proven to be incompatible with market demand and abandoned, was regarded as the 'black history of creation', thrown into the trash, and dared not be looked at again." Yi Wan held the knife and walked towards him step by step, "I have been thinking, if we really live in a fictional universe. Then what is the starting point of this universe, the starting point of this creative fantasy? It is a kind of expression, an expectation, a regret, and also the original fantasy and outline in people's hearts. The one that was entrusted with infinite unrealistic expectations because of one's own selfishness, but in the eyes of others, it seems ridiculous, childish, and shameful. After all..."

“The reason why the first inspiration for creation is born is definitely not to please the market. No creator starts writing to please others.”

Yi Wan finally walked in front of Yu Rongshi again. He looked down at him, his eyes, which were silvery white under the starlight, without a trace of emotion.

"Things that you throw away and don't want to look at... don't mean you can allow others to hurt or devalue them. So, you still have a life that everyone envies. You are like a crystal doll placed there by the heavens." Yi Wan tilted his head and said, "In fact, Gu Ruchao overlooked one point when he was taking revenge - what he should have done was not to take revenge on the world and let the world rot. Instead..."

"Revenge of Heaven."

“I have said that Heaven’s Way is ‘them’, a collection of many people’s consciousness, conflicts, drama, profits, markets… But among them, there must be another ‘he’ who is different, the initiator, the beginning of creation.”

"So we must force the Heavenly Dao out. It's too difficult to let you have selfish desires and break away from Him to become yourself. You'll either become dirty, rotten, chaotic, or... killed." Yi Wan turned his head and looked at the fading starry sky outside the window in a trance. "Look, the moon is out a little, because you were injured... and it was at the hands of someone like me who was not expected."

Yi Wan's voice sounded like it came from a sleepwalker. Yu Rongshi spoke, and he spoke as if everyone thought he would never speak: "So this is why you must bring me up."


"Has Huimiya noticed it, too? So that's why he left the knife behind? That's why he's been dismissive of me from the beginning? That's why he never thought I was a threat?"


"When did you start thinking of all this?"

"… "

Long before you kissed me.

"But you took the initiative to come here with me, didn't you?" Yi Wan said the most heartbreaking words indifferently, "You obviously noticed something was wrong, but you still followed me, and you still wanted me to say it, and you still did it in the elevator... You gave me two chances. How much have you guessed, Yu Rongshi, from the past to the present... If that's the case, why are you still looking at me like this?"

Yu Rongshi finally lowered his head.

"Is freedom so important to you? Whether you are using me as a sacrifice, or in fact... you are also using yourself as a sacrifice." Yu Rongshi said, and suddenly laughed out loud, "You should have thought about it, right? Is there a very high possibility that the Heavenly Dao will completely wipe you out after you take action?"

"… "

"Body? You are not afraid of being wiped out physically. I always remember what you are really afraid of... being caught by the silk thread and having your soul controlled." Yu Rongshi said, "Think about it, after you stabbed me... being pulled into an empty shell?"

Yi Wan was silent.

"Or, maybe one day, you wake up from the chaos and find yourself lying on my bed, wrapped in a quilt, naked, and then you remember that you have spent many years in this muddled ending given to me by the Heavenly Dao as a gift. The Heavenly Dao tells you that this is why He decided to rebuild the world, and that awakening is only temporary, and you will continue to live like this in the future... and everything happened because you took the initiative to approach me and set up such a chess game out of your own smartness. If you hadn't done this, at least you could still stay with your family as Shen Zhong before the end of the world, or die quietly in a corner as yourself." Yu Rongshi said, "Look, you're trembling... After taking so many steps, you still get nothingness, and this is what you are afraid of."

His wound was still bleeding, but he didn't even cover it with his hands.

The starry sky only dimmed a little. Yi Wan's hand holding the knife never relaxed.

It's not enough.

"Does it disgust you so much? Does it scare you so much? Answer me." Yu Rongshi said, "What are you going to do now? Cry, or keep stabbing, like a torture? Stab here?"

He looked up at him. Because Yi Wan had pounced on him again. The boy sat astride him, still holding the knife in his hand. Yu Rongshi suddenly grabbed his wrist, causing the knife in Yi Wan's hand to hover over his heart.

He looked at him coldly.

After a while, the coldness faded from his eyes... and what was left was a self-deprecating smile.

"Forget it." He said softly, "It's not like I just knew it on the first day."

"… "

"I guessed a lot... Why did you miss the target? Aren't you always very accurate?"

"… "

Finally, Yu Rongshi said: "Yi Wan, Shen Zhong... loving you is the most tiring and painful thing in this world."

But you... are so damn charming. But even so, I still think that the dream you pursue is still extremely beautiful.

But... I still want to know how many tears you shed for me. In your eyes, is this just a waste of time

They looked into each other's eyes, as if this was the first time they had ever looked into each other's eyes. Yi Wan suddenly moved - he struggled to get up from Yu Rongshi's body, but failed the first time because Yu Rongshi grabbed his waist. He succeeded the second time, but the knife slipped out of his hand. Before he could get up, Yu Rongshi stood up, and this time he, who had always been like a good man, pushed him to the ground, face down, then turned him over, and finally bit his lips hard.

Yi Wan's eyes were still unfocused, as if he had not yet concentrated. Finally, after this bloody kiss that seemed to be the last one, as if one party was ready to sacrifice, Yi Wan bit the other's tongue.

"No..." He panted, his eyes were confused, but he didn't explain anything, "No..."

When he pushed Yu Rong away, he took a few steps back, as if to take one last look at him, and ran towards the elevator. After running two steps, he turned around, picked up the knife on the ground, and then hurried into the elevator.

Yu Rongshi failed to catch up with the elevator. Yi Wan fell down at high speed with the elevator. He gasped for air and wiped the blood off the blade with the corner of his clothes again and again until his shadow could be clearly seen in it. The "1" of the elevator was successfully pressed, and this time Yi Wan finally had a little destined luck.

He wanted to run, run! Before the sky that was lighting up turned into a starry sky again.

The elevator stopped at the first floor, and a zombie looked over. Yi Wan did not stop, holding the knife, he rushed outside... There was a sports car at the door. They had seen it when they were investigating the Blue Light Building, and the car key was still in it. It was the car that Hui Gong drove when he came here. He drove this car here, shining red, to destroy this world.

Now it's his turn to get in the car!

The wind whistled in my ears. I don't know who told Yi Wan that it's always noisy in your ears when you're in a sports car. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the hillside, throwing the knife on the passenger seat, and ran down the mountain road. That feeling finally came back, speeding like a teenager, and running through the streets and alleys as if nothing abnormal had happened. Run, run fast!

Running on this Shura road that only he has taken!

The car was sliding down at high speed, but Yi Wan's eyes were colder than ever. His black and white eyes were looking at the sky, not the road ahead. He spoke:

"You... are a group of women, mainly women. Because most of these stories happen in female-oriented stories. The obsession with appearance and the emphasis on love elements that have been domesticated by society... So the creator, you, are also a woman."

The first step to success and love is to become beautiful. Reborn like An Yelin, like Zhang Jianhua, what they pursue is love.

"And what is revealed in the story of Lin Meng and Qin Xuexin... Compared with those 'men's' love stories that are boneless and dream-like, their love stories have more anxiety about themselves. Is there also a component of your emotional projection in this?... You are actually afraid of marriage and love, but you also desire it, desire the class leap it can bring. Because in the stories so far in this world, the male protagonist is always a head taller than the female protagonist. You want to be strong, but you are not confident whether you can be strong. You subconsciously desire to be managed and repeat the patriarchal model of your childhood... You have experienced these oppressions." "You want to 'chase your wife to the crematorium' because you are not confident enough about what you have, so you must make enough sacrifices so that you can stand at a higher moral level with peace of mind to accept these good things. You like the 'crazy criticism' style of pursuit, the 'white moonlight' like love at first sight... Maybe because you are busy studying? Writing? Work? Life? You don't have many opportunities to invest in feelings, or have a healthy enough relationship."

"In the entertainment industry, becoming famous, live broadcasts, and all kinds of comments from the outside world, written in great lengths, are used to create the feeling of being recognized by the outside world... You are very eager to be recognized by the outside world, and sometimes, you use their words as the standard for your own revision. In the end, they replace you and become 'you'."

"There are many stories about elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and there are also some stories about college... You didn't have a good time in college. Was it because you were busy writing and had a falling out with your family, so you could only rely on writing to support yourself and didn't have enough time to manage your studies and campus life? There shouldn't be any higher education. Most of those outstanding talents come from the fields of "finance", "entertainment", and "arts and humanities". There are very few in the field of science and technology, and the details are unclear, almost non-existent. You don't know much about this field. I have read books and newspapers for many years. The technology section of the newspaper three years ago said that the industry would launch an industrial revolution. This year's newspaper is still the same, with no progress... Yes, you are not familiar with technology-related fields. I can see very little international news, international economy, politics and war... You don't like these contents. Besides, there are no football stars."

In the field of criminology, people often use a method: profiling. By observing the details of the crime scene, people can restore and simulate the behavior and psychological state of the suspects, and analyze their personality, occupation, growth background, troubles and living environment... What they often use are the places where the suspects lived, the information they left behind, and the scenes where the crimes took place.

Look at each other.

The line of sight is two-way... Just like Yi Wan sees Yu Rongshi through the mirror while being seen by Yu Rongshi at the same time.

Therefore, at the same time that "He" saw them, they also saw "Him".

"The world is a crime scene, the lives of the protagonists and supporting characters are the crimes, and the traces left behind are the corpses."

"I have a whole world to profile - that is, the world you built for us. A person cannot create something that goes far beyond his own life cognition. What kind of person is 'he', what does 'he' pay attention to, what can 'he' describe in detail, what 'he' has seen... These things cannot be hidden in a person's book. They will always break out vaguely, like a thorn piercing a pocket. No matter what means you use, no matter how much you compromise for the outside world, they will always emerge unwillingly. When you see the story, the story also sees you."

"The person I profiled, saw, and opened up was you."


The car was still rushing forward at high speed, breaking through 100 miles per hour, breaking through the speed of sound, breaking through the speed of light, the sound of the wind was like the wailing of ghosts, and Yi Wan just spoke calmly. His 19 years of life in this world, his never-ending observation lying on the roadside like dust, the calculation files left by the Gray Palace, and the results that were so numerous but he could never grasp the key points, the reason for choosing the protagonist, and Yu Rongshi, who he was closest to and had observed most closely... All of it finally connected in his mind.

“He” handed the knife to him unintentionally.

Now, it's time for him to swing the knife.

"Your education: Bachelor's degree... Not bad, but not great either. You still have a little bit of arrogance and admiration for education... xxx?"

"Your major: xx. Because... the jobs you have done after graduation, the fields involved... Your high school, in a school like this..."

"How many friends have you had like that..."

"Your childhood... You lived in the countryside for a while, as a child? There were also villages in the city. Did you ever think about participating in a talent show like Qin Xuexin did? But you're not as pretty as her, and..."

"You once had a brother. Or rather, you need a 'brother'."

"His delusion of protecting the world, including you, and his delusion of shirking responsibility for you, constituted part of your initial fantasy, and also part of your jealousy and disgust. He can't be embarrassed, but he can't be too smooth sailing either. You want to see what he will do when he encounters the same difficulties you encounter. Moreover, he can't have perfect family affection. Because this is always what you want but can't get, the wound of childhood... All sibling relationships have no good ending."

The sky was getting brighter and brighter. This time Yi Wan was not afraid and did not slow down.

He had a blank expression on his face, and spoke in a threatening tone: "Do you want me to continue? Expose everything about you... in broad daylight? How does it feel to be seen by insects?"

He wandered around the world, saw the protagonist, the supporting role, and the film set. Now…

He saw God.

If you suffer because of the rules of the world, you should seek revenge on God.

If you are being watched by God, you should look back.

If the world is a dark forest.

The only way to defeat the Dark Forest.

“Let there be light.”

Then, there was light.

As the vehicle was about to rush into the city, the scenery in front of us began to distort like a kaleidoscope. The sky could not cover the eyes, and the earth could not bury the heart. Just like Sun Wukong breaking through the Water Curtain Cave, the distorted colors converged into the only exit.

Yi Wan rushed out along the exit!

"Found it." He said softly.