Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 32: Visit the set!


The news that Ding Biehan from the Rainbow Live Group went to visit the crew of "Rao Tianchou" spread quickly. In addition to ordinary fans who only watched the live broadcast room and Weibo, another group of people also got the news.

This batch of posts came from a newly established sub-forum of a large entertainment forum.

On the day iris5 was founded, the forum owner requested that relevant news and discussions be concentrated on because they were flooding the homepage, and therefore a separate "Rainbow" section was created.

Hong is the abbreviation of iris5.

Diya is one of the most famous entertainment forums in China, with a large flow of traffic and many followers, and it also brings together the most experienced group of star chasers in China. Unlike those fans who seem to be more "naive", there are many insiders and "eagle-eyed" people in this forum, who are keen on fan-haters and are very good at digging up information, data, and marketing techniques. Countless big news that were later transferred by marketing accounts were first released on this forum.

Since there had been no new bands that could compete for a long time and the lineup was so luxurious that it surprised everyone, the sudden appearance of the Rainbow Band quickly attracted the attention of the budding community. The public information of the five members, An Yelin, Bo Jiang, Chi Jixia, Ding Biehan and Yi Wan, was thoroughly scouted from the first day the lineup of the Rainbow Band was announced. The individual fans of the five members also heard the news and joined the melee.

After seven days of fighting and tearing each other apart due to too many discussion posts, a separate sub-forum was created. The first bloody storm ended quietly. The sub-forums were divided into public forums, personal forums for the five members, rps (real CP) forums, and chaos forums. Considering that the five members are all on the same boat, the glory of the group is the glory, and the loss of the group is the loss of the group. Both the outside world and the largest public forum strictly enforce the spirit of the group, and do not tear each other apart in the public forum. Only the chaos forum is a place for quarrels.

An Yelin, Bo Jiang, Chi Jixia, Ding Biehan and Yi Wan were given code names abcde respectively based on the first characters of their names.

In the chaotic version, although the performance ranking of abcd was not torn apart because the four groups' fans were evenly matched, at least everyone agreed that in terms of current performance and status, Yi Wan is still and will definitely be the back of the group.

"In terms of design performance, abcd is more of a male lead, and e is more of a path."

"To be honest, there is only one online variety show so far, and it was posted on Facebook."

"D's fans are so miserable. Recently, they have been linked to E everywhere except the forum. The worst thing is that D is still the top. CP fans say that they should keep a balance, but in the end, the top is still the one getting sucked dry by the bottom hhh"

"After d is done, it's c's turn. e has joined c's crew to film. Can c hold e back this time?"

"Actually, I think at means official promotion."

"Help, there are too many people on Weibo who support Decp to say anything. I still think CD is a better match. Lazy Fox and Half-Blood Iceberg are awesome. And their performances match, they are a good match."

"Stop scolding those who support CP. De does give a lot of eye candy. I have a conflict of interest. I'm not a D or E fan, but a C fan."

In the chaotic version of the Ya Forum where there are more fans of only one person, reality is the hard truth, and CPs have to stand aside. Therefore, after the top five rankings were decided, the direction of the wind here was different from that on Weibo.

After Qin Xuexin spread rumors of discord in the crew of "Rao Tian Chou" and discord within the Rainbow Group, this discussion reached its peak. AB's fans pretended to be dead, some d's fans gloated over the misfortune, and C's fans went to Weibo to curse at the official Weibo account of AT's agency. Then...

I was beaten back by that behind-the-scenes video.

The gloating D fan even commented: "C, your eyes love him too."

C powder:…

After the behind-the-scenes video, Hongtan was quiet for a few days, but finally new news injected new life into it. After learning that Ding Biehan was about to visit the crew of "Rao Tianchou" and had already started live broadcasting, some news was immediately transferred over.

Hong: I went to visit the crew of "Rao Tian Chou"! (Real-time live broadcast)

As soon as the news came out, high-rise buildings were immediately built.

"Has the group finally started operating again? CDE fans, come and enter quickly."

"Can we DC fans finally have something to look forward to this time?"

"Shura Field! This is the Shura Field I want to see!"

"Decp is being spammed in the comments again, and the fans are crying."

Chiguayatan quickly entered the scene and began to look forward to the next interaction.

At this moment, Yi Wan knew nothing about the situation in the budding world and what was about to happen next.

Ding Biehan and Brother Liu actually came to visit the set. Yi Wan was very happy to see the warmth from his teammates.

What he was looking forward to most was Ding Biehan's arrival. Somehow, he felt that after returning from the show "Oz", Ding Biehan seemed to have many misunderstandings about him - especially about his learning methods. In order to resolve the misunderstanding, Yi Wan once proposed to teach Ding Biehan how to use Baidu during practice, but Ding Biehan refused.

Even in the dormitory, Ding Biehan often avoided his sight and ate faster. This was not good for Ding Biehan's digestion. Yi Wan once reminded him that "if you don't digest well, it will aggravate the hemorrhoids", but Ding Biehan ended the conversation with a very secretive expression.

Although An Yelin always comforted him, "In fact, Ding Biehan and you have a very good relationship," Yi Wan was still a little disappointed.

Before paying off the mortgage, he hopes that iris5 can develop well and that he can build friendships with every member - especially after being rumored to have bad relationships twice before.

"I hope this visit can help us resolve misunderstandings and rebuild our friendship," Yi Wan thought.

Yi Wan rushed to the door with a warm heart. From a distance, he saw the tall figure. Ding Biehan, with a slightly depressed mixed-race face, stood beside Brother Liu and the assistant. After noticing Yi Wan's arrival, he was slightly startled at first, and then stared at Yi Wan's shadow.

—The Painted Skin Ghost in Yi Wan’s shadow is gone!

The autumn wind was bleak, and the camera honestly recorded Ding Biehan's reaction at that moment.

The Yatan live broadcast of eating melons has been built many layers higher, and barrages of comments are floating in the live broadcast room.

Chigualou was very excited.

"The rumors about discord within the Rainbow Group are indeed true! When D saw E, he didn't even raise his head!"

"I told e‌ not to tie them together. D lost because of a variety show."

The barrage was also very exciting.

"… What's going on? It feels a bit cold."

"I understand! Is Hanhan staring at Shadow because he feels shy after seeing Wanwan?"

There were several more comments under the first barrage, such as "I'm dying of love" and "Sister, you are so awesome".

And at this moment, Ding Biehan...

Yi Wan was just as he expected, Ding Biehan thought.

The scary Painted Skin Ghost was easily dealt with by Yi Wan.

Ding Biehan's only luck at this moment was that he had never seen the barrage. After Yi Wan walked towards him, he finally raised his head and said calmly: "Long time no see."

"It won't be long, just a few days, Brother Han." Yi Wan said.

Ding Biehan glanced at his shadow and said, "I didn't expect that you have achieved such a thing in just a few days."

He is talking about Painted Skin Ghost.

Yi Wan thought about it and smiled embarrassedly: "It's also thanks to the director's guidance."

He was talking about acting.

Ding Biehan narrowed his pupils slightly—Director Yang

I didn't expect Director Yang to have such powerful abilities

Ding Biehan had always thought that he was the one who had the infinite flow of energy. But now he didn't expect that there were mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heavens, and there were so many heavens that they were even connected into one.

The two had a friendly meeting under the gaze of the bullet screen and the forum. Brother Liu was so happy that his heart almost melted when he saw the "Knock Me to Death" in the live broadcast room.

Promoting CP is the first step to forming a group!

"Don't chat here for now, let's continue walking." Brother Liu enthusiastically pushed the process forward, "Yi Wan, take Bie Han to have a look around the crew. And, where's Ji Xia?"

"There's no show this afternoon. He should be in the room." Yi Wan said.

Brother Liu said, "Okay, the hotel is right next door, let's go check out the room later."

Yi Wan: "Do you want to call Brother Chi?"

"No, we can just launch a surprise attack." Brother Liu said, and signaled his assistant to quietly send a WeChat reminder.

A surprise attack is a surprise attack, but don't surprise the other person while he is taking a shower or something like that.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not see the secret reminder, but were happily posting comments.

"Hahahaha raid!"

"I'm really looking forward to what the raided pool is doing! Maybe he's taking a bath."

"There's no girlfriend hiding in the room, I'm just kidding xd"

The budtanli was dismissive of this.

"I bet 100 yuan that Chi Jixia is sleeping. This guy sleeps all day long."

"So cute, sloth"

"Will we really come across some explosive content?"

"Don't think about it. There must be a reminder."

At this time, Chi Jixia was lying on the bed and received a WeChat message from her assistant.

"… Preparation? Humph, you are here to visit and raid, right?"

He was bored and looked at WeChat, and soon analyzed the intention of that person. Chi Jixia threw his phone aside and spat at the ceiling.

He wasn't afraid of any surprise attacks, since there wasn't anything strange hidden in the room anyway.

His only worry now is that he has been traumatized and dares not enter his dreams to experience the role.

Tomorrow will be the same three-player game between him, Yi Wan, and Yu Rongshi. None of them is easy to deal with.

… Or, how about thinking of other ways to practice? He thought.

At the same time, on the table, Guilan was swaying gently. In the dark closet, Yu Qichen secretly sent a text message to Yu Rongshi.

Yu Rongshi was in the corridor at this time.

Qin Xuexin and Yu Rongshi, who temporarily replaced the role of the Ghost King, had a night scene tonight. She had done her makeup and looked delicate, standing in the corner and talking to Yu Rongshi. She was begging him to accompany her to do something.

Her eyes were full of smiles, and she addressed everyone as if she was familiar with them: "Brother Yu, I heard that you were also invited to attend the charity auction tomorrow night. I have to go there from the crew anyway, so can I take your car? It's on our way."

Qin Xuexin had something on her mind. She was competing with another actress for a luxury brand endorsement. Unfortunately, she was still a little short of popularity, so she thought of hyping up the CP.

And she had another idea.

The actress competing with her for the endorsement was her long-time crush, who was supposed to be a pure and innocent girl, and the word "first love" became her synonym. Yu Rongshi was in a high position and was very famous - most importantly, his love life had been clean and pure for many years, and there were no rumors about any gossip girlfriends.

Qin Xuexin therefore prepared several press releases and preheated the topic accordingly. She planned to stir up the topic that she was Yu Rongshi's "first love". What was the national "first love"? The "first love" that moved Yu Rongshi, whose love history was as beautiful as a snowy mountain, was the real fun. She could also take the opportunity to disgust her "first love" opponent.

But Yu Rongshi refused. He smiled gently, like a spring breeze: "I'm sorry, it may not be convenient."

Qin Xuexin: "What's wrong with it?"

Yu Rongshi said: "It's not very convenient to calculate the gas money."

Qin Xue was stunned: ... What a weird reason for rejection.

But Yu Rong's expression was calm at the time, as if he had no idea how "poor" his previous speech was.

Unfortunately, even after the rumor was spread and the plan was made, Yu Rongshi refused to take the bait. Qin Xue was thinking about it and felt a little annoyed.

But it didn't matter, as long as Yu Rongshi and she went, she would always have the chance to take a picture of the two of them entering the venue together.

Qin Xuexin thought about this and left. The other side of the crew was very lively. Ding Biehan came to visit Yi Wan. The two were looking at Yi Wan's performance clothes. Qin Xuexin glanced at Yi Wan and felt unhappy again.

In her opinion, Yi Wan just snatched her brother Qin Xing's opportunity to move up to the top.

Thinking of this, she decided to call Qin Xing and bring him with her to the auction tomorrow night so that he could get to know him better and get to know more people.

Yu Rongshi leaned against the wall and sighed softly. He said to himself, "I really have no interest in this kind of thing."

Helping him slap his face, participating in competition, etc. His old heart couldn't stand this kind of boring bumps.

Life is limited, so it is better to spend more time on things that interest you.

The group chat next to him was quite lively. He asked his assistant to check it out. The assistant replied, "Brother Yu, those are Yi Wan's teammates visiting us, and they are live streaming."

"Oh?" Yu Rongshi became slightly interested.

Yi Wan had a group of very interesting teammates. He was very curious about what would happen next.

He smiled and said, "Which teammate?"

Assistant: "Ding Biehan, the one who was on the variety show "Green Field", he and Yi Wan are very popular recently. They have a very good relationship..."

Yu Rongshi glanced at the assistant, and the girl realized that she had let the cat out of the bag, so she stopped talking.

Yu Rongshi's fingers stroked his mobile phone. He remembered the look Yi Wan gave him when he was acting, and suddenly felt that he needed something.

for example…

A little sudden inspiration.

"... You say." He said to his assistant casually, "How about inviting Yi Wan to the charity auction party tomorrow?"

And he remembered that the host of that auction party was also named Bo.

The thinness of Bojiang.

When the assistant looked at Yu Rong, there was a hint of shock in his expression: "Oh, my God, is Brother Yu going to invite Ding Biehan to go with him?"

Yu Rongshi glanced at her, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a little displeased.

"No, just him." Yu Rongshi said.

Ding Biehan felt like a boring puppet. He and Yi Wan had seen the costumes of the crew, the set where they filmed, the location of the toilet, and the lunch boxes they ate...

No, why did Yi Wan show them the lunch box

"… These are things from the studio." Yi Wan said.

Ding Biehan doesn't like to talk, and Yi Wan's introduction is like Baidu Encyclopedia. The audience, except for those who like to watch CP, finds it a bit boring.

Ya Tan is also commenting.

"That's about it for the set."

"Actually, I feel like E is pretty serious, but he doesn't have much variety sense."

"Actually, I think his serious science popularization is quite funny. I'll say it first because my sense of humour is weird."

"But D does like to stare at E. He keeps staring at his shadow."

"Okay, okay, let's go to the hotel." Brother Liu winked at the guys.

The group then headed to the hotel in a mighty procession. They bumped into Director Yang before leaving. Director Yang greeted a few people and nodded to the guest Ding Biehan, saying, "Hello."

"Hello." Ding Biehan also said and shook hands with him.

When shaking hands, Director Yang felt that this person's hand was strangely cold. He raised his eyes and saw Ding Biehan staring at him, with an emotion in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

"I've heard of your name for a long time." Ding Biehan said.

—I didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary director actually has super powers. There are more things we need to be vigilant about.

"Hahaha." Director Yang said happily.

The friendly meeting ended again. A few days later, they arrived at the hotel and Yi Wan took out his card.

"A surprise attack!" Brother Liu shouted, "No one else is hiding, right?"

After a "beep" sound, the crowd broke through the door.