Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 54: Is five million considered a huge sum of money?


"According to complete statistics, Ding Biehan would go to the bathroom once every three days, rain or shine—regardless of whether the five of them were practicing dancing, singing, discussing album concepts, or queuing up..."

"During yesterday's dance practice, Ding Biehan's frequency of going to the toilet reached its peak. When he was rehearsing the dance music "Flowing River", he went to the toilet five times in just two hours. Every time he came out of the toilet, he washed his face, and his face was full of water..."

"In his glorious history of running to the toilet, An Yelin stopped him three times. But Ding Biehan still kept running, which made An Yelin very happy."

"But an insider sister I know revealed a piece of information. A few days ago, someone called Ding Biehan and said, 'I'll give you two million. Maybe you can go to the toilet and interrupt your practice with Yelin.' I don't know if it's true or not..."

"Hahahaha, how can this be true! Are you laughing? How can a boss be so idle?"

"D went to the toilet, A stopped him 3 times, B stopped him 2 times, C stopped him 1 time, only E did not stop him once, and even spoke up for him... This time it's De's candy."

"But is Ding Biehan really suffering from kidney deficiency? I'm crying. If he had kidney deficiency, I wouldn't be able to stop eating the candy."

The increasingly heated discussions filled the entire yapa forum. Regarding the rumor that Ding Biehan had kidney deficiency, at affairs showed great attention and firm resistance. The rumor of kidney deficiency is a devastating blow to the image of any male artist, especially the image of a male idol.

However, for Ding Biehan, who had been jumping between life and death for many years, a little bit of speech was enough to make him feel upset.

But when he saw the last comment, Ding Biehan still...

—I finally found a way to kill the CP with Yi Wan, but I didn’t expect it to be in this way.

"Ding Biehan, it's time to eat." An Yelin said behind him.

In the past few days, An Yelin's eyes on Ding Biehan have become more and more weird, and he is consciously separating him from Yi Wan. Today, he rarely takes the initiative to invite him to dinner.

Ding Biehan was a little confused. He followed An Yelin to the dining table. An Yelin said, "Today's lunch was prepared by Yi Wan himself..."

Ding Biehan was choked.


Ding Biehan: Escape.

“Mutton stewed with leeks, steamed okra, steamed shrimp, wolfberry and chestnut soup. Light and…”

It is light and nourishing to the kidneys.

Perfectly takes care of the dual needs of kidney deficiency and hemorrhoids.

Ding Biehan: …

The big screen was playing "Rule of Law in Progress". Yi Wan and Bo Jiang were sitting peacefully at the dining table. An Yelin turned his back to him and said, "Ding Biehan, since this is Yi Wan's choice..."

Ding Biehan: …

An Yelin: "He really loves you."

Ding Biehan: …

This day finally became completely unbearable.

Chi Jixia also felt that life was unbearable. He frowned and looked at the CP group of himself and Yi Wan. Since he found the edited videos and CP group of the two, Chi Jixia was like a deep closet. Every time he thought of something, he would go in and patrol to see if there were any more "bumping points" between him and Yi Wan.

Now the friction points have increased again.

"After hearing the news of d's kidney deficiency, all the fans were depressed. Han Wan is about to fall out of the top 20 of the super topic. Sisters, go for it! Go for it!"

Chi Jixia: …

The days of making the live album passed by like a running account. The Rainbow Group did not live-stream the album's official recording of songs and music videos, and also deliberately left out the recording process of the duet and trio of the ab+cde combination, and only released some of the behind-the-scenes footage of their interactions. But even just this part was enough to make the girls dance wildly with joy.

The trio of cde was completed very quickly. Based on the perspectives of these three people, Yi Wan finally chose "Masked Ball" as the theme of the trio.

“Everyone is a person wearing a mask and hiding a secret.”

The song was composed by Chi Jixia who had just woken up. It is mysterious, gorgeous, sexy and dangerous. When writing this song, Chi Jixia's hands were shaking, and she could hardly control her flying facial features, muttering various English words.

Chi Jixia was so rare that Ding Biehan felt dangerous. Ding Biehan stared at Chi Jixia inexplicably, thinking that he was a dangerous psychopath that only appeared in a copy. Yi Wan silently took away any sharp objects from Chi Jixia.

This scene was still broadcast and entered the eyes of fans. Except for a small number of DCD fans who felt that they were touched, most of the others felt confused.

"Why do I feel like the atmosphere in the Rainbow Group is getting weirder and weirder..."

A girl who studies abnormal psychology muttered as she opened her own recommendation information. The recommendation information described several serial killers, including the life of a London serial artist and serial killer who was famous for his elegant appearance and inner madness...

The question requires you to analyze the appearance and eye expressions common to these psychopaths.

… The schoolgirl in her heart looked at those horrifying portraits, then glanced at Chi Jixia on the screen, and fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, An Yelin and Bo Jiang put a lot of effort into their duet. The theme they prepared for the song was "Loneliness and Encounter", and the filming location of the MV was ingeniously chosen at a remote tram station.

The duet naturally lacked physical contact and interaction. Bo Jiang was not used to skin contact with others. However, considering that this was work, he chose to accept it and said to An Yelin politely before starting: "If you don't like it..."

"It's all for work, please feel free to do as you please." An Yelin replied, "Do you think I'm something fragile?"

Bo Jiang did have some of these feelings. However, being directly pushed back by An Yelin still made him feel a little happy. The photographer was a little worried when he saw the two people who were slightly at odds with each other and equally arrogant.

However, both of them were very dedicated, and their confrontation also brought about a stronger hormonal collision effect. The footage of the two of them under the platform that was finally released was even more exciting.

However, Bo Jiang received two messages because of this.

One was from Bo Xin, who asked him hypocritically how his work was going, and that doing business with a man would be somewhat degrading to his character - Bo Jiang ignored it.

The other one is a bit strange.

"I'll give you five million, stay away from An Yelin... Otherwise, be prepared to pay a high price? The sender..." Bo Jiang looked at the text message and felt very funny, "What kind of price is five million?"

Since he came to this world, Bo Jiang had never experienced normal prices. He studied all day and had never experienced life. Before going to college, he lived and ate in the company and middle school. After going to college, he lived and ate in the school cafeteria.

Bo Jiang knew that the country would subsidize university canteens, but he didn't know how much the subsidy was. And this text message seemed to be related to a wealthy family. He thought about it for a while and made a conversion based on the scene he was most familiar with.

—It’s just the price of his five calligraphy works.

Bo Jiang: That’s right.

He casually replied, "It's not enough, just enough for a few meals," and closed his phone. At the same time, he thought, this piece of calligraphy is worth a million, but a small stir-fry in the school cafeteria is more than 20 yuan. I guess the government must have subsidized more than a million yuan for a meal for college students. The little bits and pieces of thousands and hundreds of thousands added up, maybe it's...

Bo Jiang had her first feeling of love at this time.

A country that can pay such a high price to encourage learning... is indeed a female country, he thought.

Although the logic is weird, Bo Jiang's idea is indeed correct.

The other side of the phone.

"He said I gave him too little?" Mr. Fang, who once pushed An Yelin into the toilet at An Yeyun's birthday party and threatened to kill him, was full of questions. "Is five million enough now?"

Young Master Fang was fully aware that he had run into a real king of pretense while pretending to be so. He looked at the text message and was confused.

Yi Wan sat quietly on the other side, watching Bo Jiang close his phone and leave.

He lowered his head and looked at his bank card balance.

He was indeed a passerby. He had never encountered a day when someone gave him money and asked him to leave.

The discussion about the album production of the Rainbow Band was a hot topic online. The unprecedented live broadcast of the album production model caused heated discussions online. While showing the public the personalities and ways of getting along of the five members of the Rainbow Band in private, it also transparently and openly showed the outstanding talents of the five members, officially introducing the five members of the band to the public and attracting the first wave of super high popularity for the band.

Although there were some weird rumors mixed in, such as Ding Biehan had kidney deficiency and Chi Jixia looked like a perverted murderer... Of course, those were just some rumors that no one took seriously and did not affect the popularity of the live broadcast at all.

The popularity of live broadcasts naturally caught the attention of some people. Rumors of all sizes began to spread. What really ignited the topic was the rhythm that was set off one day.

"What role did Yi Wan play in the production of the album?"

"An Yelin is a composing genius, Bo Jiang is good at writing lyrics and is a top student who can speak eloquently. He can also draw album concept drawings. Chi Jixia's high notes are touching, and both her singing and her expressions on stage are highly contagious. Ding Biehan is a dancing genius... What about Yi Wan? What special talents does he have that allow him to join this group?"

"He's a jerk."

"Fans, don't talk about your Yi Wan brother's acting skills. What can you tell from a clip? He's just an extra in NBC's drama, and he's already bragging about it before the show even airs. As for the wilderness survival variety show, I'm talking about a boy band, not wilderness survival."

"If he went solo, no one would say that he was not capable enough. Now I am talking about the group. What contribution has he made to the group?"

"Recently, there is news that the entertainment company under Lan Hua's family is in contact with Jiang Bei, as if they want to poach him." Zhang Jianhua reminded Yi Wan, "I guess these news are just released by him to build momentum. In the eyes of netizens, the world is either black or white - as long as they can blacken you, the other person who opposes you is white. Besides, I suspect he wants to use you as a breakthrough point to discredit Hongtuan."

Yi Wan nodded.

"I'm ready," he said.

Zhang Jianhua smiled.

"Let's push the water first. Since he doesn't want to step on it, let him step on it to the bottom first. The rebound will be more vigorous..." Zhang Jianhua lowered his head and glanced at his phone, "Someone sent you a clarification."

Yi Wan: "...Who are they?"

"Director Yang, Yu Rongshi, and Qin Xuexin."

Yi Wan: ?

Yi Wan opened Weibo. She saw Director Yang’s first clarification: “I only look at the actors’ abilities when choosing them, never their backgrounds.”

Yu Rongshi also posted: "Yi Wan is a very good and outstanding actor."

However, what surprised Yi Wan the most was Qin Xuexin. Qin Xuexin actually forwarded Director Yang's Weibo. She didn't say anything, but her attitude was clear.

The comments of these three people calmed down the noisy crowd for a while. Soon, the live broadcast room belonging to the Rainbow Group was opened again.

This is a creative session.

An impromptu creation.