Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 70: The puppet string broke


"Master Wang!"

The female writer suddenly had an idea and followed Yi Wan's idea and called out a powerful name. Everyone fell into a brief silence and then looked at the host Wang who was sitting at the edge of the crowd.

Wang was 27 years old at the time, with almond-shaped eyes and a deep red teardrop mole under his eyes. He looked up as if he was burned, and the veins on his neck were bulging: "How can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air..."

The truth revealed by Yi Wan not only made him feel wronged, but also increased his self-confidence. Since everything in this house was not ghosts or dead people, but mechanisms, Wang Zhizhu felt that he could be fearless.

Female writer: "Why did he imprison you?"

Host Wang: "Because I saw it in his refrigerator..."

Host Wang paused.

If what Yi Wan said is true, all the people in the refrigerator are just props in the haunted house...

So why did Mr. Fu lock him up and try to silence him

Tell him it's just a prop... isn't that okay

Wang Zhizhu felt terrified again. The various conspiracies contained in this Fu residence were beyond his imagination. He only said half a sentence and stopped again, because he remembered the threats made by Fu Qisheng's bodyguards.

If Fu Qisheng accidentally killed someone...

Wang the host didn't dare to think about it, so he didn't dare to argue anymore. Seeing that he had shut up, everyone showed an expression of "you have agreed".

"So that's how it is." The staff in the camera looked like they were struck by lightning, "This show was actually just a conspiracy by President Fu from the beginning to the end."

"The broken mirror is reunited, a trap is set for you, imprisonment, love and hate, what a touching love story!" another staff member sighed.

"But can something like this be broadcast? Are you sure it won't be mocked by the censorship department or torn apart by Fu Qisheng's fans..."

"Traffic is the hot topic, and why are the fans tearing us apart? It's not like we held Fu Qisheng's hand and asked him to imprison Wang the host."

"So this is the appearance of this haunted house? There are no ghosts, no supernatural events. The only thing is the mechanism set up by Fu Qisheng, a conspiracy... to imprison people?" Bo Jiang said.

"It's fake, Fu Qisheng is really good, even I was fooled by his acting..."

Chi Jixia murmured half-doubtfully, and felt Bo Jiang looking at him again. The look full of suspicion and admiration made his back cold. He quickly turned his eyes away.

Zhao Ge slumped down on the sofa, looking depressed. The contract between her and Mr. Fu that Yi Wan had found had drained her of her last bit of strength. But she still struggled to the death, "What nonsense are you talking about here? Where is Mr. Fu? At least let Mr. Fu come out and explain!"

"Yeah." Everyone started to wonder again, "Where's President Fu?"

"That's right." The female writer said, "Ding Biehan doesn't seem to be either..."

After listening to everyone's discussion, Yi Wanzang slightly raised the corners of his lips.

No one saw his expression, except Yu Rongshi, who was standing on the other side of the living room, watching Yi Wan's every move at any time. He looked at Yi Wan's secret smile and vaguely felt that Yi Wan had some bad intentions again.

‌ Strange. Yu Rongshi thought.

Why had he never noticed this before... Why would Yi Wan do so many little things

In the eyes of others, Yi Wan was just an expressionless, plain background. Only he saw all the little actions of Yi Wan.

Ding Biehan completed his investigation of the basement.

He only saw the ropes used to tie up the king in the basement, and did not see anything related to the sacrificial formation. However, Ding Biehan only needed to think about it to understand that with Fu Qisheng's caution, how could he leave his spellcasting materials in the basement.

This is increasingly in line with the character that Fu Qisheng had in mind.

Ding Biehan finally decided to leave the basement. He climbed up the stairs, and when he stepped onto the first step, he felt a familiar burning sensation in his heart.

Ding Biehan's pupils trembled!

How to start the infinite flow game now!

According to the rules of the game, he would enter the game within ten minutes after his heart started burning. This was also the reason why Ding Biehan would run to the toilet at the fastest speed every time and could not bear it.

But luckily, they were now in the basement of Fu's house, which was rarely visited and had no cameras... Ding Biehan calmly put the flashlight on the ground, sat by the wall, and waited for the game to start.

Time passed by minute by minute. Since entering the game a year and a half ago, Ding Biehan rarely had such a peaceful and quiet time in the game. Last week, he even exchanged an item in the game. From then on, after completing the game, he could return to real life immediately.

In the eyes of others, every time he entered the vice-chair, it seemed that he was just in a daze on the stage for a short period of time.

—Of course, if he got hurt in the game, his face would still be stained with blood. But in Ding Biehan's opinion, this alone was enough.

The familiar cold white light enveloped his body. Ding Biehan closed his eyes and waited for the teleportation, but at this moment...

He heard the sound of someone running down.

"Go away! Stop chasing me! The dead should go back to where they belong!"

The man ran in anger, followed by three translucent ghosts. The ghosts froze after seeing the cold light on Ding Biehan. The man who was running wildly didn't know that this was due to the effect of Ding Biehan, and still turned back and taunted: "Why don't you chase? Where did this lonely ghost come from? How dare you do that to me..."

Then he bumped into Ding Biehan like the cleaning girl in a domineering boss novel.

The cleaning girl would pour red wine on the boss to get his attention. And Fu Qisheng...

He was swept into Ding Biehan's world.

The six guests were still sitting in the hall, looking at each other. Among them, the host Wang, who was sitting on the sofa, trembled again, still trapped in the fear of being killed and silenced.

The staff responded enthusiastically to the police who came after hearing the news. Following Yi Wan's thoughts, they searched the Fu family mansion. As a result, they found a lot of evidence in the Fu family mansion that could prove that Mr. Fu had designed a haunted house, and even found several contracts that could prove that Mr. Fu was engaged in illegal activities.

Cheating the program team, violating the program contract, illegally kidnapping and threatening Wang, and these external contracts were enough to send Fu Qisheng to prison. Wang was still depressed until Yi Wan sat next to him.

"Master Wang..."

Host Wang didn't want to look at him at all.

"Blessings and misfortunes go hand in hand, and misfortunes and blessings go hand in hand. Although President Fu treats you this way, don't be sad. You are destined to be the focus of this episode." Yi Wan said in a flat tone, "The audience friends must be very curious about what kind of man is this who can make Fu Qisheng, the representative of the 100 most handsome CEOs in Asia, fall madly in love with him and even break the criminal law."

Yi Wan only said this, but Wang the host's eyes lit up.

What Yi Wan said... If you think about it carefully, it makes sense!

He had a plan in mind. Yi Wan left quietly. Several responsible personnel came over and shook hands with him and said, "You are Yi Wan, right? Thank you for finding out the truth about this incident."

"He was able to find clues to this case from such a complicated situation, and he was not afraid of danger. He has a bright future!"

"It's a pity." Someone frowned and said, "We didn't find any trace of Fu Qisheng in Fu's house. Maybe he knew that the truth had been revealed, so he ran away..."

"Another world?"

"Haha, you're really good at joking." Everyone laughed and realized that the person who spoke first was Yi Wan.

In addition to being smart and enthusiastic, this young man also has a sense of humor.

"My last name is Wang." The man shook hands with Yi Wan and said, "Nice to meet you. Your name is Yi Wan, right? The surname Yi is very rare."

"It's rare but common. I think the surname Wang is even rarer in this world." Yi Wan shook hands with Captain Wang.

The two smiled at each other, both very satisfied with each other's surnames. After Captain Wang greeted his subordinates, he said, "Search the surrounding woods to see if Fu Qisheng has escaped in..."

At this moment, they heard a scream.

A small door hidden behind a huge painting was knocked open. A man covered in blood rushed out of the door, tumbling and crawling. His hands and feet were weak, and his pupils were dilated.

“Yes… Yes…”

"Isn't that Mr. Fu?" Someone with sharp eyes saw the man's face clearly.

Fu Qisheng opened his mouth. His last glance passed through the crowd and saw An Yelin standing at the end of the crowd. An Yelin had his back to him, and he didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end.

The sound of an ambulance came before the sirens. The white vehicle carried Mr. Fu down the mountain road. The man who could bankrupt people with a wave of his hand would wake up in a hospital bed. He would face a huge bill for breach of contract from the program team, legal sanctions for multiple crimes, and the covetous eyes of the descendants of the Fu family who were holding his illegal tax avoidance transactions.

He could no longer use the convenience of rebirth to put on a silver ring for the people he had hurt. What awaited him was only a silver bracelet put on by others.

This is the final ending that Yi Wan set for this puppet show by fiddling with the strings.

This absurd comedy in the Fu family's house finally came to an end. No one had ever expected its absurd beginning, its development that was unrelated to its original purpose, and its unexpected ending.

Everyone gathered at the door and watched President Fu being dragged away on a stretcher. Yi Wan came alone to a room on the first floor.

Ding Biehan was hiding in the half-open door. His brows were stern, and his eyes were still slightly panicked.

—Has Fu Qisheng been sent away

He opened his mouth to speak, but his face felt wet. Yi Wan stood on tiptoe and gently wiped the blood off his face with a wet tissue.

"It's all over." Yi Wan said.

His voice was calm, but underneath it was a hint of warmth, a warmth that was like some kind of poison or an appetite enhancer.

Unfortunately, Ding Biehan was completely unaware of this. He only felt something very subtle was being stirred in his heart—this stirring came from, or perhaps came from, the wet wipes in Yi Wan's hand.

She wiped the bloody surface for him very naturally, although this action was more like taking care of tools than being gentle.

"… That's right." Ding Biehan finally said, "We broke Fu Qisheng's conspiracy and won the final victory. Moreover, we also concealed our true identity in front of everyone!"

What an achievement, he thought.

"It's great to be able to resolve all this quietly." Yi Wan said, "And presumably, with the presence of the Fu family, this episode of the variety show won't be spread too widely. It's best that things can end quietly."

That's what he thought.

Yu Rongshi stood in the corner, quietly watching the scene happening in the corner of the corridor. All the contrasts about Yi Wan made his eyes darken slightly, but he didn't say anything.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the staff were arguing in the main control room.

"Are we really going to discard all the material from this episode?"

"The people who were responsible for vetting Fu Qisheng for the show must be held accountable. No one could have imagined that our first show would turn into a complete farce."

"But we have already invested a lot of money in the first show. If we waste it like this, who will bear the loss? AT agency and other guests' related parties said that they can't give us a time slot for re-recording. And host Wang and singer Zhao, they..."

"So is the material for this issue still good?"

Surrounded by everyone, the director thought for a long time and finally made the final decision.

"Of course we can," he said. "Exploring the haunted house and revealing its secrets in a metaphysical or scientific way, isn't that the purpose of our show? All the material in this episode, from the birth of the haunted house to the final reveal, fits this theme perfectly! The spooky haunted house on the top of the mountain is actually man-made, and it's a plot by the president to chase his wife. Isn't this a big selling point like Approaching Science?"

"Now that Fu Qisheng is in jail, the Fu family is about to change its leader. We must not only collect these materials, but also use them to bring the most attention to this reality show. This is more exciting than the ordinary haunted house revelation. I dare say that everyone will look forward to seeing this show. Moreover, ours is a program in cooperation with the government. What we shoot is real. If those capitalists want to touch us, the government will not ignore it!" The director slapped his thigh and said, "Go back and organize the materials and edit them hard!"

Everyone looked at each other and finally approved this plan. Compared with the insignificant potential danger of being retaliated by the Fu family, it was more practical to gain a large amount of traffic and profit.

"In that case, which person should we focus on in our editing?" someone asked.

"Should I put it on the host Wang?"

It would seem like a good idea to focus the show's story on the host Wang and turn it into a horror love story. But the director frowned and finally said, "No... Let me see."

He flipped through the video, his eyes scanning each person's actions, and finally, he stopped his gaze on Yi Wan.

"It's decided to be him! Yi Wan, who finally reveals the truth! Although we didn't give him too many scenes at the beginning, after all, the topic was focused on the other people... But the remaining scenes are enough to cut a growth line for him." The director made the final decision, "Focus on the evil opposition between him and Fu Qisheng. He has the AT agency behind him. Even if Fu Qisheng's people intend to retaliate against him, there is an agency to deal with it."

The issue of program editing was thus finalized. The "Science War" production team decided to launch the online variety show in half a month.

No one expected that Yi Wan would become the final winner again.

Although Yi Wanxiao didn't expect that the program team would be willing to take all risks for the sake of traffic.

As the sun set, all the luggage was carried out of the building by the staff. The white van stopped in front of the building, and Brother Liu nervously talked to his young men one by one.

"I don't understand why you guys always have so many disasters..." Brother Liu sighed, "This time it's really bad, even the police car was called out. And you think this matter has nothing to do with us. Is anyone injured?"

Bo Jiang, Chi Jixia, Ding Biehan shook their heads one by one. Brother Liu asked again: "Where is Yi Wan and An Yelin?"

"They are still packing their things." Chi Jixia said.

After saying this, he felt Bo Jiang glance at him again, which made him feel cold all over.

The setting sun was divided into small pieces like fences by the window lattices and fell on the floor inside the room. At this moment, An Yelin picked up a long black box.

The black box was brand new, and the guitar inside was still the same model he had bought in the mall the day before he became Mr. Fu's favorite shield. At that time, he was wearing a mask and sunglasses, passing by a huge poster of An Yeyun's endorsement watch. He was carrying a complete set of luxury items that Mr. Fu had bought for him because he was going home on the weekend, but he still bought it with his own money.

The guitar had been with him for a long time, from the beginning, to his terminal illness, to his death in the deep sea. He had not told anyone about the many things and thoughts that had happened when they depended on each other, not even Yi Wan.

for example.

He held it in his arms, in Mr. Fu's small apartment, watching the energetic An Yeyun on TV. An Yeyun held a guitar and sang love songs with others on variety shows. Countless eyes were watching An Yeyun, just like they had also watched him when he was not framed and retreated behind the scenes.

At one moment, he was jealous and angry, pinching the strings and almost wanting to smash the guitar.

For example.

He once sat beside it, flipping through the pages of news reports. In the reports, An Yeyun and Fu Qisheng were like elder and younger brothers, he was pursued by Mr. Fang, and was confessed by the TV King singer. Someone broke the scandal that he was not a biological child of the An family and that he had taken over the magpie's nest, but there was also a group of people who spoke up for him and cleared his name.

"Xiao Yun was just a child back then. What kind of sin could a child bear?"

"An family's own son, An Yelin, isn't a bad guy, right? I'll just eat his gossip from now on. Yelin fans, please don't bother me. Even if there are all kinds of negative information, it's true that he quarreled with the paparazzi and pushed him when he left the company, right? There's video evidence."

"It's very normal that Young Master Fang and his friends like Xiaoyun but not the young master. The family just gave them a way to get to know each other. An Yeyun is loved because of his charisma, isn't it?"

An Yelin didn't tell anyone that he was not that open-minded.

The idol drama on TV was playing in vain. The kind-hearted heroine and the vicious female supporting role had a conflict, and everyone stood on the side of the heroine and pushed the female supporting role off the cliff. He looked at the news and saw An Yeyun's fans vowing to dig up his "dirt". For a moment, he felt in a trance that he was also a supporting role.

This day, he lived in a story that belonged to An Yeyun. The fake young master An Yeyun was the protagonist, so An Yelin, who existed on the opposite side of him and whose kindness would bring An Yeyun a moral flaw like original sin, would only be a vicious supporting role. People always think that the opposite of black is white, but they don't know that the opposite of black can also be black.

Even in the world, there is no absolute black and white, only gray.

At that moment, he hoped that there would be a story about him in this world. In this story, he would be the protagonist, and many people would love him. He would not have to work hard or shout at the top of his lungs, but he could still voice his grievances against the world. There would also be someone who would stand behind him without reservation and avenge him.

Or maybe, if he lived in his story, An Yeyun would be like him now, being maliciously speculated and beaten down for no reason...

An Yelin never told anyone that he had such a vicious thought.

For example.

He also practiced with his guitar all night, writing songs, practicing songs, until his voice became hoarse and he couldn't write a single note. The hatred for An Yeyun and others and the struggle for the dream that has not yet been extinguished coexist on the guitar. One is the unpleasant and disgusting black, and the other is the clear and striving white. Black and white are two sides of the same coin, connected to each other.

If he lived in a story that would be read by readers, these would be qualities that readers would dislike. As the protagonist, he can only be a pure, innocent and kind victim. The victim can only be qualified for unquestionable redemption if he is hurt by the whole world.

What people want to see is a black-and-white story. The victim cannot be jealous, angry, or feel helpless, self-pitying, or sad.

Otherwise, they will not be eligible for salvation and rebirth.

But he was glad that he was not the protagonist of such a story. What he wanted was not the tit-for-tat story that he wanted when he looked at his phone gloomily to read the news. What he wanted to get back was definitely not Mr. Fu's love.

"This is the beginning, development, climax and ending that you should have, isn't it?" He seemed to hear someone's voice.

That's not the case, he thought.

An Yelin plucked the guitar strings with his fingers. The guitar sounded crisp, just like what he heard when he was young. But now he no longer had the dark thoughts of the past in his mind, not because he had forgotten, deleted, or let go.

Because he has accepted it and allowed it to become part of his past.

As he sank into the sea, the thoughts and ideas that had been entangled in his mind finally returned to his body.

—If you could do it again, what would you like to do

—Died of despair and loss of love, this seems to be a suitable beginning for a story of reunion.

But he wanted to...

“I don’t want to be a story that makes people happy or cry.”

"I don't want to follow other people's expectations to play a role or perform a wonderful drama."

"What I have is not a story, but a life."

"It may be bland, without climax, villain, flowers and applause, or a wonderful plot to support it."

"But it will be my life."

I want music, and life.

An Yelin looked at the room for the last time and walked out with his guitar on his back. Outside the room, he saw Yi Wan standing in the room playing with his phone.

Yi Wan raised his eyes and asked him, "Have you packed up?"

Oh, right. He also thought of Yi Wan, An Yelin thought.

The last time Yi Wan did the same thing. Yi Wan did not stay in the inner world, but went outside. He seemed to always be like this, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, always living his own, plain life.

They met in the entertainment industry last year. Yi Wan was a rare person who did not stay away from him because of his "scandal". They used to have a good friendship, and he had heard about Jiang Bei's frame-up of Yi Wan. It was not until Yi Wan quit the entertainment industry and went abroad that they had less contact.

He was immersed in his own world the previous day, so he didn't know what Yi Wan did later. He only knew that Yi Wan didn't often mention his own affairs.

The light fell on Yi Wan's face, giving him a layer of fluffy gold.

An Yelin then smiled: "I packed up everything that belonged to me. I thought I needed a lot, but later, I found out..."

He shook the long black box in his hand: "I just need this."

"Yeah." Yi Wan didn't ask any more questions, "Let's go... Fu Qisheng will go to jail."

"Is that so?"

They chattered in the corridor, making a commotion until An Yelin finally said, "My nightmare is over."

"The nightmare is over, just forget it."

"No." An Yelin said unexpectedly, "I don't plan to forget An Yeyun and Fu Qisheng, because they are my past."

"What about the ‌‌‌?"

"I will keep walking in that direction, holding my guitar." An Yelin smiled, "Because this is my future."

I am not a story, not a book that can be closed.

I am a "person".


Brother Liu's voice came from downstairs. An Yelin quickened his pace. He walked briskly, like a free white crane, running towards all the light and all the sunsets.

Yi Wan stared at An Yelin's back until he completely disappeared in the corridor.

The puppet string broke.

He thought.

In the pitch-black world of cause and effect that he could not see, countless white silk threads twisted and swayed gently in the air.

They looked like countless silver snakes and countless pairs of pale hands.

— She wanted to reach out and grab his shoulders.