Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again

Chapter 91: Xiaoyu, you’ve worked hard


Gu Ruchao was dead, and "Shen Zhong" had also disappeared. The invisible hand wiped out the boy running in the stairwell, the quiet gray shadow in the tube building, and all the possibilities of him being chosen as the "protagonist" of the new

The only one left in the world is Yi Wan, who was deliberately created by Shen Zhong.

Yi Wan was dormant in the gray shadows. From his academic performance to his appearance, everything was covered up to be ordinary. People forgot about him just like forgetting a moldy apple.

"So? Later, I also began to forget."

Just as it did to Gu Ruchao, "God's will" angrily took back the gift it had given to this unruly supporting character.

He began to become ordinary, his memory began to blur, and those colorful memories that once belonged to Gu Ruchao became turbid and unclear in his mind. But "God's will" would sadly find that Yi Wan did not struggle at all. He was like a stone, letting himself fall into the quagmire.

"… My memory is not clear anymore, especially about Gu Ruchao and this world. I began to lose sight of many things—they appeared in my eyes, but I became accustomed to them and even looked for a reason to convince myself for those anomalies. When you choose to reject a certain power, you are also abandoned by that power. This is fair."

"But this is exactly the life I wanted. Later, I was spotted by AT agency by chance and became a mediocre trainee."


Meet Jiang Bei.

Enter iris5.

He accidentally used Chi Jixia and Ding Biehan's golden fingers to target Jiang Bei with the salted fish upgrade and face-slapping tactics.

In "Oz", he was not happy when he saw Jiang Bei leaving, but he woke up more thoroughly again because of a headache.

He tried several times.

Try to correct Qin Xuexin.

Try introducing a supernatural scene into a romance scene.

Once again being watched by the "silk thread".

Try to get rid of the silk thread again.

Until now.

"This century is crazy, corrupt, and inhumane. But you have always been sober, gentle, and spotless."

Yu Rongshi suddenly remembered this sentence.

He suddenly felt that life was amazing. The year Yi Wan received the invitation from the AT firm was the year he personally sent Xie Ziyu to prison.

In the three years before that, they each had their own troubles and pains because of this terrible world. But Yu Rong didn't know that when he was writing songs all night long, knowing that they would be copied soon, but still writing them to seek a little fighting power, on the other side of the world, there was another person standing on the high bridge, far away from his relatives, silently erasing himself with his own hands.

They all used to think that they were in a unique, different frequency band, and that no matter how hard they shouted, other whales could not hear their voices. But now they finally understood that the transmission of sound waves was not without purpose - it just took time. It crossed the rainy or sunny city, crossed several years, and finally gently reached the only other person who was in the same frequency band.

The subtle feeling it carries is called "sharing weal and woe."


"... Many times I would doubt whether my choice was correct." Yi Wan said softly, "After all, what I gave up is something that many people would love to have, right?"

He looked at the vast rain curtain, in which there were noisy rain sounds and the voices of countless people.

The sunny laughter came from Gu Ruchao, the sharp female voice came from Qin Xuexin, the sad crying came from An Yelin, and the resentful male voice came from Lan Hua. The gods cannot see the city under the rain, so they can echo freely. He saw Jiang Bei's bloodshot eyes, Bo Jiang's collapsed eyes, and his aunt sitting at the dining table, putting her forehead on the back of her hand, crying quietly.

This world was chaotic, complicated and crazy. He saw himself standing between them, holding an umbrella, with a blank expression on his face.

Until someone held his hand.

"You didn't give up the gift, you broke free from the shackles. No one should be forced to be molded into another."

The man's voice was steady and firm. Yi Wan lowered his head and looked at the hand. He only heard the man cough lightly and said awkwardly: "I forgot to ask just now... Can I hold your hand for comfort or friendship?"

“… It’s fine if you’re praising me.” Yi Wan said blankly.

All sounds stopped.

First there was a laugh, then another. They looked at each other, both amused at the other's sudden words.

"I remember a sentence." Yu Rongshi said slowly, "Don't be afraid of the darkness, as long as you are the light itself, so..."

"I don't think the gods of this world would recognize us as the so-called 'light'." Yi Wan said, "If they exist, in their eyes, we are just a group of ungrateful people..."

"But being a traitor isn't bad, isn't it?" Yu Rongshi said, "At least..."

We all think that the world is twisted, and on the road to escape, at least there is another person to accompany us.

They shook hands carefully where the gods could not see. Yi Wan said, "So now..."

He dragged out the word "now" for a long time, but seemed to be afraid to continue for some reason.

Yu Rongshi smiled. He looked at the slender Yi Wan, and a warm feeling surged in his heart. He whispered: "We are the only two people in this world who can never reconcile with this world..."


Yi Wan: "Mr. Yu should agree to do business with me."

Yu Rongshi:?

The word "犯" was stuck in his throat.

Yi Wan: "And you won't be angry at me for dragging you into my story without my permission."

Yu Rongshi:?

Yi Wan: "Because you should think I am amazing, excellent, and powerful now. You should have respect and love for me... Well, I guess that's it. And exchanging secrets is the beginning of building intimacy."

Yu Rongshi: … …

"... If you talk like this, I will misunderstand that you are plotting against me." He shook his head helplessly.

"Oh." Yi Wan blinked.

Yu Rongshi: …

Forget it, Yi Wan might just have a low EQ.

And if Yi Wan really wanted to plot against him, why would he make every word so clear

The emotional atmosphere was gone. Yi Wan lay back peacefully in the passenger seat. His light blue hoodie covered his head, and his cheeks were soft and white under his dark hair. He turned on his phone and said, "Thirty minutes have passed... Teacher Yu, we should go to the hospital."

Yu Rongshi:

The car clock showed seconds at the end, and when Yi Wan finished his last sentence, the conversation ended at the appointed time. This precise point seemed to be calculated by Yi Wan.

But his body, sitting next to Yu Rongshi, was warm and soft, as honest as the words he had just said, "agree to do business" and "have respect". He looked at his phone in a closed but well-behaved way, making it hard to imagine that he could have any bad intentions.

Yu Rongshi then lowered his head and sent a text message, started the car engine, and used the headlights to push away the dark rain clouds under the roar of the engine. Yi Wan sat in the passenger seat and said faintly: "Teacher Yu, you seem to be really kind... huh?"

He blinked and found that Yu Rongshi had taken a different path. Yi Wan was finally a little at a loss: "?"

“… you are now.” Yu Rongshi said.


"Would you like some more chicken soup?"


Yu Rongshi laughed in the rearview mirror. He said, "Also, let me correct your wording. The interaction between us is not 'business', but a betrayal of this world."

The look in his eyes vaguely resembled that of the boy he was back then. Yi Wan stared at his eyes blankly, and after a long moment, he said, "Actually..."


"… nothing."

Yi Wan looked at the bridge passing by under the rain. Black water was surging under the bridge, and the young man from that year was still vaguely standing at the bridgehead.

—Even if you are a passerby, you still want an audience that belongs to you alone.

He suddenly thought of this sentence.

In fact, there was one more thing that Yi Wan did not tell Yu Rongshi.

The anonymous email recommending him to the talent scout was sent on schedule before his consciousness was sealed.

I suddenly felt a little selfish, he whispered in his heart.

The person he was complaining to was the 15-year-old self of that year. The young Shen Zhong stood on the other side of the river, looking at him quietly and coldly.

An evening passed in a mysterious way.

Before going to the hospital, Yi Wan was taken to Yu's private restaurant for a stroll. There, he not only drank chicken soup, but also ran into Yu Qichen who came to the restaurant with his colleagues. After seeing the mysterious combination of the two, the latter's pupils even dilated.

So, when they were halfway through the meal, he ran in and whispered to Yu Rongshi. After he left, Yu Rongshi took the initiative to ask, "He was talking about Xie Ziyu. Do you know Xie Ziyu?"


"He invented three patents in prison, which was a major contribution, and he was sentenced to probation. In addition, the previous evidence was insufficient, so he was released." Yu Rongshi said, "But it doesn't matter. I could send him to prison before, and I can do it now."

He was silent for a moment, then said, "After all, I have already paid such a price."

"What price?"

"Nothing." Yu Rongshi obviously didn't want to talk about it, "A little... Grandmother Paradox?"

So Yi Wan fell silent again on the way back to the hospital, just closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair to play with his phone. Yu Rongshi noticed that he was talking less, and asked several times, Yi Wan said: "On Baidu."

Yu Rongshi: "Ah, what are you searching on Baidu?"

Yi Wan: “I didn’t find anything on Baidu.”

Yi Wan started reading novels. Yu Rong looked at him at the traffic lights and felt that he looked like an angry cat.

But what was even more strange was that he could actually notice Yi Wan's anger, even though he had no idea what Yi Wan was angry about.

“… Are you? Angry?” he asked tentatively.

Yi Wan finally stopped looking at his phone.

"Teacher Yu, instead of asking this kind of question, you should consider what kind of script we are going to perform," he said.

Yu Rongshi:

Since when did Yi Wan suddenly become so rude to him

They arrived at the hospital an hour and a half later than scheduled. By then, the paparazzi that Brother Liu hired to do the CP hype report were already getting impatient.

However, when the silver-gray car appeared, several paparazzi who were originally drowsy and impatient to leave became alert.

"Fuck, I lost something in one place, but I gained something in another."

“Snap! Snap! Snap!”

"This is much more worthy of attention than exposing the boy band CP... But why did Yu Rongshi go to this private hospital? Isn't this hospital?at artist special..."

Before the man could utter the word "属", his eyes widened at what he saw.

He saw the least well-connected member of the Rainbow Group get out of the car. He leaned sideways to chat with Yu Rongshi, lowering his eyes, with a familiar posture. A bold paparazzi shouted, "Brother Yu! What's going on?"

"I'm here to see someone off." Yu Rongshi said in a graceful and generous manner.

Several paparazzi looked at each other. One of them said, "Yes, Shun..."

Before he could finish the sentence "on the way", Yu Rongshi glanced at him and smiled: "Not on the way."

Yi Wan stood aside somewhat "awkwardly", like a person who was caught in a scandal. He hurried upstairs under the strange gazes of several people, and soon received a hug from An Yelin and a roar from Brother Liu.

"… Tell me what happened." Brother Liu lowered his voice and said, "You went to participate in a program, how did you get involved with Yu Rongshi?"

"Brother Liu..."

"This has become a hot topic. I'll quickly contact the public relations department and ask them to find someone to remove it from the hot search..."

"Brother Liu, don't worry..."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious for what!" Brother Liu's face changed drastically, "Do you know how much commercial value you and Ding Biehan have as a couple? And the most promising member of the last group I led ran away with the TV King. From that day on, I swore that all my employees must not have anything to do with the movie king or TV king, and must not contribute to the male fertility rate!"

"Liu..." Yi Wan said, "I mean, don't be impatient, because in a moment..."

Brother Liu:

Yi Wan: "There should be another hot search."

Brother Liu: ?

"Really? He sent me to the hospital." Yi Wan said.

Brother Liu: …

"Really?" Chi Jixia, who was watching the fun nearby, said, "On the hot search list? There's an additional 'not on the way'... Lao Ding, come and take a look..."

He turned around and saw Ding Biehan holding onto the wall, running out of the ward with a red face. Chi Jixia was shocked and shouted to Brother Liu, "Fuck, Ding Biehan is so angry that he wants to run away!"

An Yelin was also shocked and looked at Ding Biehan with pity. He was familiar with this matter. He had run many times in his previous life when he was still entangled with Mr. Fu. His good sprint results in this life depended on this kind of training.

He quickly stopped Ding Biehan: "Listen to Yi Wan's explanation..."

“Don’t stop me, I… I don’t…” Veins bulged on Ding Biehan’s face.

An Yelin used his own experience to persuade him earnestly: "You can't ignore the explanation!"

Ding Biehan: "I don't..."

Bo Jiang sat beside him in a daze. After feeling sad, he walked in the rain for an hour until he arrived at the hospital. Perhaps because he had not yet found a secondary CP boyfriend who would visit him, exchange vulnerability, share secrets, and redeem him in both directions, his body did not allow him to waste three chapters on a fever.

Brother Liu was still in contact with the public relations. Chi Jixia also joined the alliance to stop Ding Biehan. Ding Biehan's face was red, and he kept screaming "too late", "mission", "must go to the toilet", "do you want to die for me?"

Really? A lively and everyday idol boy band. Yi Wan looked at them and thought peacefully.

At that time, Chen Ke was having dinner at home.

Chen Ke glanced at her distant cousin from time to time, feeling awkward. Her mother, on the other hand, was very enthusiastic and kept picking up dishes for her.

"Xiao Yu, you've worked hard..."

She said.