Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 1: Dream


In a university classroom, the professor was speaking enthusiastically about the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

There was a sudden snoring sound. The professor stopped talking and looked towards the source of the sound expressionlessly.

The classmates also turned their heads with suppressed laughter and saw a tall young man sleeping soundly on the table in the corner of the last row.

"It's him again."

"What's up with Zhao Changhe lately? He's obviously an energetic athlete. Is he spending his time as a model at the club every day or is he reading the Spring and Autumn Annals at night?"

One roommate replied gloomily, "No, he has had nightmares every day recently. He wakes up in the middle of the night sweating and sometimes even shouts, making us all very upset."

"What is this, a ghost?"

The professor heard the students' discussion and shook his head. He didn't wake anyone up and knocked on the podium calmly: "Continue."

Zhao Changhe had no idea that it had evolved to the point where he not only had nightmares at night, but also had nightmares when he took a nap in class...

The noise in the classroom lingered in my ears vaguely and turned into chaotic sounds in my dreams. The sounds of footsteps, shouting, cursing, screaming, and the clashing of weapons all mixed together.

The environment quickly became clear from blurry, and Zhao Changhe knew that he had once again entered the dream that had been repeating over and over again these days.

Every time it is the same ancient martial arts drama, with different scenes and the same bloody fights.

He could already feel the familiar weight in his hands. It was a thick broadsword, about one and a half meters long and more than ten centimeters wide. Zhao Changhe had to hold the long handle with both hands because he couldn't wield such a heavy thing with one hand, and it would be difficult even with two hands.

It wasn’t in my first dream. I was being chased and hacked with my bare hands. I grabbed something from a nearby corpse in panic. From then on, it became a fixed image in every dream.

Zhao Changhe wasn't sure if there was such a knife in reality. It seemed too heavy to last, and it shouldn't be a conventional weapon. But at least it was very useful in low-end melee combat, as long as you could swing it.

"Swoosh!" The sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air came from the side. Zhao Changhe shouted loudly, twisted his waist, and used the strength of his waist to drive the heavy knife in his hand to sweep away.

The knife moves, the wind rises!

The attacker was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and subconsciously tried to block with the sword in his hand.

With a "clang" sound, the sword broke and the head flew off, leaving only a headless corpse holding a broken sword awkwardly, with blood gushing from the neck.

Destroy with overwhelming force!

"That's right, you want to use a long sword or a dagger as a broadsword? What a joke..."

The headless corpse was spraying blood mist, and the bloody scene was extremely horrifying, but Zhao Changhe no longer felt the discomfort he had when he first saw it, and he even had the mind to complain.

A sharp wind suddenly blew from behind him, and Zhao Changhe's skin tensed instantly, with goose bumps appearing all over his body.

There is a sneak attack with a sharp weapon!

He turned subconsciously, and a dagger passed by silently from the right side.

A fragrant breeze blew by, and at the moment the dagger hit the air, a ghostly figure had already appeared on the left.

If there was any fatal weakness to this heavy sword, it was that it was too slow. Zhao Changhe tried to drag the sword back, but he was already a beat too late.

The dagger lightly scratched the throat, causing excruciating pain and shattering the dream.

The last image was of a slender and graceful figure, laughing as it walked away.

Zhao Changhe was furious: "It's you again, you witch! I will kill you sooner or later!"

I just realized that my throat was choked as soon as I said this. How could I still be so full of energy

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes and saw a completely silent classroom in front of him. Everyone, from the professor to his classmates, looked at him strangely.

The professor had a blank expression on his face: "How did you deal with the witch? Can you tell me in detail?"

Zhao Changhe: “…”

The tragic social death is more painful than having one’s throat cut.

The professor said, "I have endured you for a long time. I will stand at the door to sober up."

Zhao Changhe left the classroom silently. He was not willing to stand there as punished, so he just left.

He has never been a good student who follows the rules, and his mental state is not right now.

Being in the bloody battlefield day after day, the mental pressure is like a physical thing. Sleeping is more tiring than daytime. If this continues, my body will collapse. Moreover, this dream is extremely real. Every time I am either hacked to death or my throat is cut by a sneak attack, and I die from unknown AOE. The palpitations and pain are so real that it can really drive me crazy.

I went to see a doctor, and he said it seemed like I was obsessed with playing games or reading novels. He suggested that I stay away from the Internet, and he almost told me to undergo electrotherapy.

But Zhao Changhe knew that he had not played games for a long time, and these scenes were different from the games he was familiar with. Only some elements were similar - martial arts and fantasy games were all about swords, spears, and halberds. He couldn't drive a Gundam.

Is he obsessed with novels? But the novels Zhao Changhe secretly posted on Qidian were a huge flop and have been inactive for several months. He has not even opened the Qidian APP in these months.

I usually work out, play ball, and am a member of the archery club. What a healthy lifestyle! How could this happen

He walked out of the school gate dejectedly. The student street was relatively deserted during the morning classes, but there were quite a few couples skipping classes to go shopping and eat. They took bites of a sausage, and Zhao Changhe rolled his eyes at the sight.

He just wanted to stuff the sausage into that witch's mouth.

In fact, single guys are not without a little jealousy in their hearts... Zhao Changhe curled his lips and ignored the couple showing their affection, suddenly turned around and walked into the alley of Student Street.

This is a dead end alley, and there are many shops inside, most of which are closed at this time. Zhao Changhe walked to the end of the quiet alley, and there was a small shop open. The plaque at the door read "House in Troubled Times" in black seal script, and there was a sign next to the door that read "Fortune Telling, Dream Interpretation".

This is a fortune-telling hut that has just been open for three days. It is extremely low-key, but its reputation has spread quickly.

The reason was simple, just because the fortune-telling shop owner was a woman, and very beautiful. A group of hungry animals had been talking about it for two or three days, and Zhao Changhe came to see it yesterday after hearing the news. Of course, his reason for coming was different from others, he really wanted to interpret the dream.

I walked into the store. There was no light inside and it seemed a little dim. A short-haired woman was sitting quietly in a corner, sorting the cards on the table with her eyes closed.

She was wearing a black ancient warrior costume, like she came out of a martial arts movie, she was really beautiful. Especially when she closed her eyes, she looked like a quiet statue. But as Zhao Changhe watched, he could only feel a sense of mystery and weirdness.

Can ordinary people organize things with their eyes closed? "When telling fortunes for others, closing your eyes can create some feelings. Why do you close your eyes when you squat in the house to organize things?" Zhao Changhe suddenly asked.

The woman didn't even raise her head, as if she had known he was coming: "Why not because I'm really blind?"

"You don't even have a cane, who are you trying to fool?"

"I don't need it." The woman responded calmly: "But you, you called me sick yesterday and you're here again today. Have you finally realized that you are the one who is sick?"

Zhao Changhe said, "Because the dream therapy you mentioned sounds too fake. If you tell anyone about it, everyone will call you crazy."

The woman said calmly, "That may not be the case. I told others that several people sincerely invited me to accompany them in their dreams... I think you can probably find the answer here as to why you don't have a girlfriend."

Zhao Changhe, who was slapped in the face, only regretted that he had revealed too much of his real privacy in order to understand the dream yesterday. He regretted it so much and said with his neck stiff, "Who the hell wants to be in a dream with you... Speaking of which, why can your expression and tone be so indifferent when you say such things, like a robot?"

The woman said, "You don't need any expression or tone to explain the facts."

Damn it… Zhao Changhe changed the subject directly: "No matter how fake it is, I'm here to try it out today. What is this saying about entering a dream?"

"When ordinary people have lucid dreams like yours, where they can completely control their behavior, they are omnipotent in dreams and can make whatever results they want in their dreams come true. You must have had similar dreams?"

"Yes." Zhao Changhe felt that her choice of words was starting to become strange. For example, this "之". Shouldn't a normal person use "的"

The woman continued, "But in these few dreams you can only control your own actions, not other things. Things always go against your wishes, right?"


"You are trapped in nightmares, and the cycle continues endlessly because the unfinished thoughts in the dream have not been completed. If you complete it, you can escape." The woman asked: "So what result do you want to achieve? For example... defeat a certain opponent? Kill everyone present? Or just get out of the battle? Or even dominate the world? No matter how difficult it is, it requires your true thoughts, otherwise it is meaningless."

What results do you want to achieve

A beautiful figure in black flashed through Zhao Changhe's mind, and he blurted out, "Of course I have to kill that witch!"

The woman's calm expression twitched slightly.

"Why? Lao Liu must die. Is there a problem?"

"No." The woman regained her composure and said slowly, "It's up to you to decide what result you want to achieve. I can't go in and help you. I just want you to confirm your goal, know what to do, and how to end it. That's all."

"Since you can't help me, I still can't beat the witch after entering the dream. Should I go in and deliver her?"

The woman silently pushed the cards in her hand and said, "Draw three."

"What's this?"

"The first one will give you in your dream an ability to help you achieve your wish."

"Is this called a free golden finger?"

"It's just a dream after all, so it's not surprising if there are any peculiarities."

"That makes sense... What about the second one?"

"Decide your initial position so you are not directly in the most dangerous place and can be prepared."

"This one is good. This one is good. What about the third one?"

"The clues to your goal, like who she is, or how to find her."

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "If you have any clues, just tell me directly, why do I have to draw it myself?"

"Because I don't know what it is, I can only answer it based on the card you drew. You can regard it as divination."

Zhao Changhe glanced at the cards on the table, said nothing, and casually pulled out three cards from the middle.

In fact, until now he still doesn't really believe what the woman said. He basically wants to give it a try. If it doesn't work he will just be cheated out of a few dozen dollars. He might as well just treat it as a Crazy Thursday V to a friend.

I casually flipped over the first card and saw that the main pattern was a huge eye, and there was a blurred background on the card, like a person's back.

The second one is a round jade pendant with a dragon carving on it, and the background is magnificent and golden, like a dragon throne in a palace

The third one was pitch black, like a pure black curtain, but with some golden color faintly visible, outlining a god-like face, but the details could not be seen clearly.

The woman remained silent for a long time.

Zhao Changhe was also a little speechless: "Why are you still closing your eyes? Can you see?"

"This first one is nothing more than a back-eye." The woman finally seemed to wake up and slowly spoke: "It can slightly increase your vision, and more importantly, it can allow you to see what's happening behind you."

You can really see it... Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found it interesting.

What he hated most was being attacked by surprise. Wasn't this a coincidence? Regardless of whether this woman deliberately explained it because she listened to his dream, at least the eyes behind him were indeed in the painting.

Could it be that this card drawing actually reflects my subconscious mind

"Then... the second one is the location? What does this jade pendant represent?"

The woman was silent again. After a long while, she suddenly said, "You will know when you go in."

Zhao Changhe: “???”

The woman suddenly reached out and picked up the eye card. Zhao Changhe didn't even see what she did with her hand before the card was already pressed on his forehead.

The next moment, the sky spun and the earth spun, and Zhao Changhe disappeared, as if he had never been there.

The eye card also disappeared, but the other two remained on the table.

The woman picked up the last black card, sat quietly for a few seconds, and whispered to herself: "I never thought... he could actually find out my roots..."

She slowly opened her eyes, her pupils were as dark as ink, just like the desolate night, cold and dead silent.

"Kill the witch? Haha... I'll wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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