Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 10: How a gangster is made


Instructor Sun walked a few steps outside the arena, and Zhao Changhe followed him. But then he heard Instructor Sun ask, "Are you here to learn the Blood Evil Skill?"

Zhao Changhe nodded: "Yes, please give me some advice."

Instructor Sun seemed to want to say something, but stopped himself. After a pause, he said, "The Blood Evil Art is extremely powerful. It is indeed very powerful and suitable for your age... But it has many disadvantages. You must switch to the Blood God Art in the future to make up for it. Unfortunately, the Blood God Art is not so easy to obtain. Even the core members have to perform great deeds before they can be taught the full text. If you want to practice the Blood God Art in the future, you should be mentally prepared."

Zhao Changhe bowed again: "Thank you for your instruction, I understand."

Instructor Sun nodded and said, "In addition, you can't just practice the method without practicing the skills. I believe you also saw yesterday's chaotic world list. Our leader broke through one more level than Yue Hongling, so why did he lose? It's probably because his skills are not as good as his. The leader has been busy with teaching affairs in recent years, and perhaps he neglected to practice the method. It may not be a bad thing for him to fail once."

Zhao Changhe coughed dryly and said nothing. "You are saying bad things about the leader like this?" But the example is good and easy to understand.

Instructor Sun said again: "Everyone here practices swords. Do you know why everyone practices swords instead of other weapons?"

Zhao Changhe thought without hesitation: "Because the knife is the easiest to master, right? As long as you have some strength, you can still fight with a certain amount of power by hacking and slashing. Similarly, a beginner holding a sword is definitely not as fierce as holding a knife."

This was the reason why Zhao Changhe also played with the broadsword in his dream. Otherwise, there were swords everywhere on the ground, so why would he not pick up a broadsword and refuse to change it... Until now, Zhao Changhe didn't worry about how cool the sword was like others, or what his life was like with a flute and a sword. What he needed was to form combat effectiveness as quickly as possible, and being cool couldn't be used to make a living.

"Yes, swords and spears are the easiest to form combat effectiveness, and swords are much more difficult to master." Instructor Sun said: "There are many heroes in the martial arts world who have neither learned any internal Qi nor any high-end external skills, but have carved out a world with just a sword. The sword is the most universal weapon in the martial arts world."

Zhao Changhe thought to himself, I understand, extras are like this, there are indeed a lot of them.

"Blood Evil Skill has several matching boxing, sword and knife skills, among which Blood Evil Knife Skill is also a very fierce and good knife skill. Since you have been taught Blood Evil Skill, it is assumed that you are qualified to learn this knife skill. But you have never learned the knife skill, so there is no rush... It happens that we are a new branch, and a large number of newcomers are learning from scratch. You should come here every day and learn the basics of knife skills with them. When the time comes, I will teach you Blood Evil Knife."

Zhao Changhe was overjoyed: "This is really good news. I thought there was another way to acquire sword skills."

"No need. You have already pledged your loyalty, so what belongs to you is yours. No outlaw has the patience to haggle over every penny. It's really petty."

Instructor Sun's words clearly revealed his dissatisfaction with Captain Fang. Zhao Changhe didn't dare to say a word, but he was secretly happy.

It seems that Instructor Sun is not an ordinary teacher. If he is in the main temple of the sect, this position should be a teaching elder? A Dharma protector? That is a high-ranking person who is the right-hand man of the leader. It seems that Instructor Sun should be in the top few positions in the branch, and he is qualified to challenge the leader.

"Okay, the greetings are over." Instructor Sun had a straightforward bandit temperament, and without further ado, he began to teach: "The Blood Evil Technique does not have any true energy circulation routes, but it does have a method to activate blood energy. The basic method needs to be practiced with basic movements. You can refer to the secret book... As for the secret of using energy, you obviously cannot understand it by reading this booklet. You must do this and that..."

Zhao Changhe quickly immersed himself in it, with his instructor's words ringing in his ears. He seemed to be able to see the blood and energy in his body flowing, like a stream, gradually starting from a quiet flow to a boiling state.

After a while, you can feel a sense of heat, just like the feeling when you lose the World Cup. Your eyes are red, your head is dizzy, and your blood is rushing out, and you can smash the TV into pieces.

The power that can be unleashed in this state is, of course, much higher than usual. It seems that the Blood Evil Technique allows people to actively enter this state of excitement

What’s even more amazing is that when I tried to learn those movements last night, my legs became sore and weak after squatting for too long that I couldn’t hold on any longer. But at this moment, I don’t know where the heat came from, which seemed to relieve the pain and strengthen my muscles and bones, allowing me to persist longer and longer.

This is just the beginning. What will happen if you practice to a deeper level

Is this the magic power

At some point, the voices of the teachers faded away, and the surroundings became bustling, a bit like... the sounds in the cafeteria after class at a university.

Zhao Changhe slowly opened his eyes.

It's really a cafeteria...

A cook came over with a cart, a wooden barrel of corn rice, some wild vegetables, and even some meat, the aroma was fragrant from afar. The followers who were performing martial arts just now rushed over with bowls and chopsticks, and the cook served them food one by one.

Zhao Changhe also felt his stomach rumbling at this time. The hunger caused by practicing the Blood Evil Technique this morning was as if he had been hungry all day long. He ran to his room to get a bowl.

When he got back, Luo Qi was nowhere to be found. Zhao Changhe didn't care and took the bowl and ran out to get food.

After all, the core of this mountain bandit den is a sect, so there are still rules. The imagined scene of people crowding and making a mess does not exist. Everyone queues up in an orderly manner. Zhao Changhe is also accustomed to queuing at the back. He stretched his neck to look and found that the cook still has certain rules for dividing the food. Some people don't have any minced meat in their bowls, while some people, such as Zhang Quan just now, actually have half a piece of braised pork in their bowls.

Others looked at the meat in their bowls with jealousy in their eyes, but no one got angry with the cook. This area might be where Instructor Sun was in charge of rewards and punishments. He said whoever could eat meat could eat meat. After a lot of effort, it was Zhao Changhe's turn. The cook took a look at him and really gave him a piece of braised pork, which was much bigger than Zhang Quan's. Zhao Changhe was overjoyed. Instructor Sun was really good to him. Meat was so important to him now!

Holding the bowl, he happily got out of the crowd and saw Zhang Quan and a few others approaching with a half-smile on his face: "Oh, a whole piece of meat..."

Zhao Changhe's expression darkened, and he frowned and said, "It shouldn't be so bad as to hurt the relationship. This kind of brainless villain is a bit low."

"Peaceful? There's no way we can be peaceful with you!" Zhang Quan didn't understand the second half of his sentence and sneered, "A traitor who got recognized by the sect and taught the Blood Killing Skill by stabbing his own young master in the back, that's fine. Now he's trying to curry favor with Instructor Sun, causing us to get less meat. Peaceful?"

Zhao Changhe was speechless: "To put it bluntly, it's just for a piece of meat."

Zhang Quan's eyes flashed with ferocity. Of course, it's just for a piece of meat. Is that weird? From small things like meat to big things like martial arts, to be frank, they are all "resources". Even if there is nothing wrong, they will find something to grab. What's more, you are a newcomer? We are all evil cult bandits. When will we ever be told to be humble

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Changhe and waved his hand: "Grab!"

Several bandits who were on good terms with him rushed forward, but how could Zhao Changhe fight with the bowl in his hand? He struggled to protect the bowl for a while, and was hit on the back several times, and the wild vegetables in the bowl were spilled.

A group of people were watching nearby, cheering loudly, and seemed to think this scene was normal.

One could faintly hear whispers: "This Zhao Changhe has all the limelight, and I am unhappy with him. Zhang Quan did a great job of showing off his power."

"Coach Sun seemed to be treating him well, and he pulled him to the sidelines to talk to him in private... Isn't Zhang Quan afraid of being reprimanded by the coach for doing this?"

"What are you afraid of? Everyone with a discerning eye knows that Captain Fang doesn't like him, so how can Instructor Sun be partial to him?"

Amid the whispers, no one noticed that Zhao Changhe's eyes were becoming redder and redder, like blood.

The same emotion as smashing the TV during a football game surged into Zhao Changhe's mind. He suddenly stopped dodging and threw the bowl heavily to the ground: "I don't have anything to eat, and you guys want some too?"

"Bang!" The rice bowl broke into pieces, with rice and meat scattered all over the floor, mixed with the broken porcelain, and no one could eat it.

Zhang Quan and his group were all stunned: "Fuck, this guy is a ruthless person."

"Cruel?" Zhao Changhe turned his head suddenly, his eyes full of violence and madness: "Do you think you can just let it go?"

People were still looking at the food on the ground with regret, and before they could react, Zhao Changhe had already rushed up and grabbed Zhang Quan by the collar.

This was so swift that Zhao Changhe didn't know when he had acquired such speed. In short, the blood in his legs and feet rushed out like an arrow. When he grabbed Zhang Quan, not only did Zhang Quan fail to react, but even Zhao Changhe himself was stunned.

He didn't have time to savor this feeling, he just hooked his foot and threw Zhang Quan to the ground. He then grabbed Zhang Quan's hair and pressed the scattered rice on the ground viciously: "Eat? I'll treat you to a full meal!"

With a loud "bang" and Zhang Quan's shrill scream, the people around him all shook.

This kid is really ruthless! There is not only rice on the ground, but also broken pieces of the bowl! Zhang Quan was disfigured by this blow. If he got his eyes pierced...

Zhang Quan's brothers finally reacted at this time and rushed over like crazy. Some of them kicked Zhao Changhe hard, and some tried to pull them apart, but Zhao Changhe did not dodge and took the punches and kicks hard. He continued to grab Zhang Quan's head and smash it on the rice again and again, and no one could pull him apart.

After hitting him four or five times, the people who were pulling him carefully withdrew their hands, and those who were kicking him didn't dare to kick him anymore, and they all slowly backed away.

Zhang Quan on the ground was completely silent.

Zhao Changhe stood up panting and turned his head expressionlessly: "What's wrong? Didn't he want to eat my food? He blamed me for eating too much? Do you want to eat?"

Zhang Quan's brothers avoided his fierce gaze in fear, and everyone subconsciously made way for him and watched Zhao Changhe stride away.

Thanks to cyIove for being cute~

(End of this chapter)