Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 11: Born bandit


Zhao Changhe left the crowd and turned to the corner. Soon he leaned against the wall, gasping for breath, as if exhausted.

This bloody skill is really powerful, not only the speed of that one move, but also several people came to pull it and couldn't pull it away. This strength is a bit outrageous. He only practiced for one night and one morning...

But it is indeed a big problem. I feel a little exhausted after a while. I don’t know if it is the sequelae of overdraft of qi and blood, or because I feel guilty at the moment.

He pretended to be arrogant and he was angry, but I don’t know if Zhang Quan is dead or not... He just arrived and he started fighting among himself. I wonder what kind of punishment he will receive

However, at that moment, my blood was boiling, who the hell cared about that... Maybe this was one of the side effects of the Blood Evil Skill? Or did I have this gene in me

"Do you regret it?" The voice of Instructor Sun suddenly came from the corner.

Zhao Changhe turned his head and saw Instructor Sun leaning not far away with his arms folded, looking at him with a half-smile.

Zhao Changhe showed respect to Instructor Sun. He bowed his head and said, "I have nothing to regret. I will accept the punishment. If I don't show my strength, I will have to live a cowardly life and let others eat my food. I can't live with that kind of cowardly life."

"Ha..." Instructor Sun interrupted, "The murderer is Zhao Changhe! I knew you had this kind of temper, so there's no need to tell me. What I'm asking is, do you regret practicing the Blood Killing Skill? Do you feel like your rationality has been affected?"

"Uh..." It turned out to be the influence of the technique, not that I am so cruel. Zhao Changhe was relieved and replied: "For the time being, I have no regrets. It is a very cool technique. I can't care about anything else. Speaking of teaching, Zhang Quan..."

"Dead." Instructor Sun said nonchalantly, "You dare to snatch the meat I arranged for you? You provoked me first and got killed later. You are stupid and weak. You will die if you die."

Zhao Changhe knew that it was probably Instructor Sun who helped him, so he lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Instructor..."

"Here comes another example of a cultured person." Instructor Sun scolded, "Are you really here to take the exam to become a scholar?"

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Thank you, isn't it

"Just now you talked about peace with Zhang Quan, but was it any use? What about now? Who wouldn't be afraid of you? That's how peace is achieved!" Instructor Sun sneered, "I was there when you killed Luo Zhenwu. I saw that you were brave and courageous, and obviously a born bandit, so I gave you a few more words of advice. Only in this way can you walk around the world without bringing shame to our Holy Church! Otherwise, do you think I treat you with favor because you are a weakling?"

Born bandit... Zhao Changhe was speechless.

As expected, there is no love or hate without reason. There are two sides to every coin. Captain Fang was unhappy about the killing of Luo Zhenwu, but Instructor Sun admired it very much.

Modern civilization is really incompatible with this world, especially with this bandit den. I am already a tough guy, and I have "killed people in my dreams" many times, so I have long been accustomed to the feeling of killing. If a more normal student came here, I really don't know how to survive.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Changhe asked, "This is still our own camp, we should always know when to stop... If we do it this way today..."

Instructor Sun looked at him coldly for a long time and said, "You are already in the arena."

After saying that, he turned and left: "Come to me in an hour to learn swordplay. From now on, you will practice martial arts in the morning, swordplay in the afternoon, and do whatever you want in the evening."

Zhao Changhe watched his back, pursed his lips and said nothing.

This is not the world I want.

… …

An hour later, Zhao Changhe appeared at the training ground on time.

Instructor Sun looked at him with amusement. This kid looked weak from overdrawn just now, and he hadn't eaten, so he looked as droopy as an eggplant hit by frost, but now he looked full of energy.

He had some information and knew what Zhao Changhe was doing at that moment.

This guy beat up all of Zhang Quan's friends, stole their food, and ate three full bowls of food, which was more than his own portion. Then he went to take a short nap with a clear conscience.

A polite young man who was still trying to maintain peace among the people quickly began to transform into a violent gangster.

This is how it is when you are in the world. If you throw someone into an inkwell, it will end up being all dark.

Instructor Sun couldn't help but sigh: "Come here, learn the basic sword techniques with everyone first."

Zhao Changhe queued up as usual and walked obediently to the back of the line to listen to the lecture.

As a result, when people saw him coming, they all trembled and subconsciously made way for him, as if to escort him to the front row. Zhao Changhe sneered, and then strode forward without any courtesy, standing directly in front of Instructor Sun. Only then did people honestly rearrange themselves.

Instructor Sun seemed to have a smile in his eyes. He did not comment and taught directly: "Among all weapons, the basic movements of the sword are relatively the least. They are nothing more than chopping, slashing and slashing. No matter how they change, they all remain essentially the same. Even the most advanced swordsmanship cannot escape this rule. The basic skills determine your future upper limit. How fast, accurate and stable you can be depends entirely on how solid your foundation is. This is not something that some top-level method can teach you." "Just like the turning back slash this morning, any swordsmanship when dealing with the enemy behind you is nothing more than a variation on this slash, or emphasizing the use of strength, or changing the angle, or laying down different consequences. These are the different wonders of each school, but how stable and accurate the sword is still depends on your foundation today. On the other hand, as long as you practice the basics well, no matter what swordsmanship you acquire in the future, you will be able to quickly grasp the essence of it and put it into practice."

"Many people say that we can learn magic skills quickly... But quick success is not here, there is no quick success in basic skills!"

Instructor Sun looked around the field and could see that most people were disappointed. Who doesn't want to learn magic skills quickly? In the end, they still have to lay the foundation every day. How different is it from other sects...

Only a few people had shining eyes, and it seemed that they took his words to heart.

Among them is Zhao Changhe.

Instructor Sun smiled and said, "I will teach you how to chop and slash straight and sideways again. Don't think that this is something that any kid with a knife can do... Just like the turning back slash, there are some tricks involved. Watch carefully!"

Watching Instructor Sun's deliberately slowed-down movements without blinking, and imitating them subconsciously with his hands, Zhao Changhe felt that he had never studied so hard in his life... If he had studied so hard back then, he might have been admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University.

Born a bandit


The scar on my face tells me that this is more important in this world than Peking University or Tsinghua University.

An afternoon passed quickly, and it was already dusk. Zhao Changhe sat down on a rock beside the field to rest, slumped over, and kneaded his arms, which were already sore and painful. The Blood Evil Power was still flowing, eliminating the pain on its own, which was extremely magical.

Instructor Sun walked to his side leisurely and said, "You are indeed very perceptive. You have already become quite good in just one afternoon... Go back and rest. You will have a piece of meat for dinner. According to the rules here, the best practitioners can have a piece of meat. Let's see how many days of meat you can get."

Zhao Changhe was a little surprised: "Can we practice martial arts and eat meat here all the time without having to work?"

Instructor Sun smiled and said, "I teach you martial arts and give you meat to eat, of course, so that you can use it. Do you think I'm just raising you for fun?"

Zhao Changhe asked tentatively: "Then..."

Before he could finish his words, Instructor Sun interrupted him: "So take advantage of these days to practice as hard as you can. Otherwise, if you die during the mission, I will just have people drag your body away and feed it to the dogs."

Zhao Changhe closed his mouth.

Instructor Sun left leisurely: "You have made great contributions, so you are still treated preferentially. The brother who was with you has already gone on a mission. I don't know if you will be the only one living in your house in the future. It would be nice to have a more spacious room."

Zhao Changhe's heart tightened.

No wonder I didn’t see Luo Qi when I went back at noon, it turned out he had gone out on a mission.

Now that you have joined the Demonic Sect, it is fundamentally different from being a farmhand in the Luo Family. You have to risk your life there... I don't know if he is back now

From another perspective, Zhao Changhe also feels that the current path is ironic.

Why did he kill Luo Zhenwu? Although he wanted to protect himself, the main reason was of course to avenge the villagers who were massacred in Zhaocuo.

However, the group I am in now is doing the same thing, and maybe one day I will have to do it myself.

If you thought before that the Luo family acted viciously and was not much different from the Demon Cult, now it seems that there is still some difference... The biggest difference is that the Luo family does not rely on this kind of thing to make a living, while the Demon Cult is one of its main businesses.

But do I have a choice? The situation at that time pushed me to do this, can I turn back now

Zhao Changhe looked down at the rice in the bowl, his eyes dim and rippling.

Born a bandit

"I hope you can still be as simple and honest as you are today. If we meet again in the future, I will still be able to hear you call me sister."

Zhao Changhe stared up at the sky in a trance. The words in the sky last night had long disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Thanks to Aomr~

(End of this chapter)