Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 111: Maitreya religion


Yue Hongling was so angry that her teeth itched.

I secretly thought to myself, you are such a good guy, Zhao Changhe, I haven't seen you for a long time and now you are staying overnight in a brothel. That's fine, but what does it mean that you get so excited and aroused when you mention me!

Isn't this a bit wrong? When I lived with him, he really respected me enough and tried his best to avoid anything that could embarrass me. If it was really a secret crush as others speculated, he would have had too many opportunities to tease me. Taking advantage of the atmosphere that I pretended to be the wife of the bandit leader, at least he should have called me "Madam" in public. I couldn't get angry, right

But he didn't say anything...

Could it be that the unspeakable thoughts are hidden so deeply

Or has he turned bad after not seeing him for a few months? Look, he's now visiting brothels. He used to be so honest.

But no matter how much she hated him, Yue Hongling really wanted to meet Zhao Changhe. Yangzhou always made her feel a sense of uncertainty, and it was not just about the Maitreya sect. Zhao Changhe went to Yangzhou at this time. Did he know something

You... If you really have a crush on me, just don't say it out loud, I'll pretend I don't know and we can just get along as usual...

Just as he was hesitating whether to go to Xiaoxiang Pavilion to look for Zhao Changhe, he saw a monk hurriedly coming to report: "Zhao Changhe is here, and he said he came to worship Buddha."

The abbot was not surprised and said with a smile: "Dong Liu told him clearly yesterday that we have good intentions for him. If he is not opposed, he will naturally come to see us... After all, he does not have a very good inheritance, so he needs to find a good backer. Invite him into the hall to chat. Well, there is no need to arrange those messy things for now, let's talk about it first."


Yue Hongling soon saw Zhao Changhe, whom she had not seen for several months, striding into the temple under the guidance of a monk.

Yue Hongling discovered that every time she saw Zhao Changhe, his temperament would change slightly.

When they first met Zhao Cuo, he was still young and ignorant, but when they met in Bei Mang, he was already the leader of the mountain stronghold, rough and domineering, full of wild spirit.

This time, after going through the ups and downs of the martial arts world and seeing the noble families, his edge has been restrained a lot, and he looks more calm and solemn, as if he has combined the bookish air at the beginning. But he is still unruly and unyielding, and his steps are like tigers and dragons, which always make Yue Hongling feel as if he is watching Wan Tianxiong, a hero who dominates the southeast.

The ups and downs of life in the martial arts world really temper a man. In just half a year, he has grown into a man who... um, visits brothels.

The thought flashed through Zhao Changhe's mind. He had already entered the hall and saw that the hall was empty with only an abbot and a few monks waiting. Zhao Changhe seemed a little surprised: "I thought your temple had many pilgrims and countless monks... Or did I come too early and didn't see it?"

The abbot smiled and said, "Donor Zhao, you don't know that we encourage believers to stay at home. There have never been many monks. As for the believers, they will leave after praying. Everyone still needs to give birth."

Zhao Changhe's mind moved slightly. No wonder this temple was called Bailian. In fact, the Maitreya sect adopted many templates of the White Lotus sect. If it were a pure Maitreya sect that encouraged killing, it would rarely play with these things.

But the White Lotus Sect and the Maitreya Sect are very close, and they may not know much about the so-called "last era". It is purely a cover, so it is normal to mix them up.

It’s a pity that I have almost returned all the history lessons I learned to the teacher, and my understanding of these things is not much better than theirs. We are all the same.

The abbot was saying, "Please take a seat, benefactor."

Zhao Changhe sat down on the cushion in front of him, and a monk brought him a cup of tea. The atmosphere was a bit like someone going to a temple to seriously ask about Zen.

"Master, may I ask your Dharma name?" Zhao Changhe asked.

The abbot said, "Fayuan is a nameless person, so you probably haven't heard of him. But before I came here as abbot, I was also a lay Buddhist with the name Zhang Banfo, so you might have heard of him."

Zhao Changhe seemed to have some impression.

At that time, the Four Symbols Sect tricked Han Wubing into going to see the sword, and during that time he looked for Chi Chi for a few days... Naturally, everyone had some communication. Han Wubing said that the Four Symbols Sect wanted to assassinate Zhang Banfo in exchange, so that he would think that asking him to see the sword was for hiring someone to kill someone, which would increase credibility.

That was an excuse that the Four Symbols Cult made up. Han Wubing should not be able to kill a person of this level. But the fact that they casually mentioned an enemy with this name was enough to prove that in the eyes of Chi Chi and the others, Zhang Banfo was a must-kill target, and any random name was him.

As for the person in charge of Maitreya in an important area... This guy is probably still on Tang Wanzhuang's kill list, but others probably don't know that he has changed his appearance and become the real monk Fayuan. But he, the "Maitreya ally", accidentally knew the situation.

"I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can't remember clearly." Zhao Changhe smiled honestly: "Zhao has only been in the underworld for a short time, and I don't know many heroes."

Fa Yuan did not take it as an offense and said with a smile: "It is precisely because you have only been in the martial arts world for a short time that you have built such a reputation now, which is even more precious."

Zhao Changhe pretended to be angry and said, "Master, you are not kind. What bloodthirsty Shura is really offensive." Fa Yuan clapped his hands and smiled, "I don't know what you like, please don't be offended. You should know that we have good intentions."

It may not be a good intention, it is just a byproduct to smear the Four Symbols Sect and the Blood God Sect. Zhao Changhe certainly would not expose it, and said with a smile: "I never thought about it beforehand, but I really have a connection with your sect. Master, you also know that I was originally a mountain dweller and I have no knowledge of Buddhism. Since we have a connection, I wonder if you can talk about it. Maybe I really have a connection with Buddha."

It sounds like he really wants to learn more and see if he can join us, and he comes straight to the point without any nonsense.

In fact, Fa Yuan and others have always thought that this is a very normal thing. Maitreya is a cult and an enemy of the government. What does this mean in the eyes of Zhao Changhe, a wanted bandit? This will only make him closer.

Especially after he went through so much trouble to save the girl from the Cui family, but was instead driven away by the Cui family as a bandit. If Fa Yuan himself were in Zhao Changhe's shoes, he would be furious. Damn it, sooner or later, I will trample all the nobles on the streets, trample all of you self-important upper-class families under my feet, snatch Cui Yuanyang away and play with her at will. That's what Zhao Changhe should be thinking. What about waiting for your mother's three-year list

Among the rebel cults, he was a traitor to the Four Symbols Cult and the Blood God Cult...

If this wasn't a match made in heaven for their Maitreya sect, then what else could it be! As a result, they had no suspicion of Zhao Changhe at all, and he was a natural candidate to be recruited into the sect.

Even Yue Hongling, who was peeping from the beam, had some doubts, but she continued to listen to Zhao Changhe out of trust. She felt that Zhao Changhe was actually the same as herself in his bones. He looked lawless, but in fact he was chivalrous and righteous. He should not join an organization like Maitreya, unless he had no idea about Maitreya and was deceived. If that was the case, she had to find a chance to remind him.

But Fa Yuan said, "You may have heard that... Buddhism was once widespread in the world and flourished. Ten years ago, the current emperor carried out an unpopular act to destroy Buddhism. Within ten days, all the pagodas were destroyed, the temples were burned down, and the monks returned to secular life, causing Buddhism to wither."

Zhao Changhe had seen this passage while reading a book, but he was so sleepy that he didn't know the details. Perhaps he subconsciously felt that it was not uncommon for someone like Xia Longyuan to destroy Buddhism...

Then he asked, "But temples are still being built openly nowadays, is that okay? It's just that they are not large in scale. I have traveled north and south, and I have not seen many temples. I don't think I have heard of any strong martial arts sects that are Buddhist. Oh, I wonder if your religion counts as one of them."

Fa Yuan shook his head and said, "Since it is unpopular, it is naturally difficult to sustain. There are too many protests from both inside and outside the court, and the emperor cannot go on his own, so he gradually loosened his grip, and then there were signs of a revival. However, before the revival, Maitreya had been developing secretly for a long time."

Zhao Changhe said: "Because you practice at home in the name of an association, you are highly concealed and not easily attacked?"

"That's right... but more importantly, we closed the proverb."

"What motto?"

"Of course it is Maitreya who will be the next Buddha." Fa Yuan's expression was solemn at this time, and he was obviously very convinced: "'When Sakyamuni Buddha dies, Maitreya Buddha will reign over the world'... This maxim appeared before the emperor destroyed Buddhism. Isn't it just right for the emperor to destroy Buddhism? The leader is the reincarnation of Maitreya from the last era, who came to lead our Mahayana."

The monks around were all praying with their hands folded, looking fanatical.

Damn these evil cults... Zhao Changhe was speechless. In his opinion, this was totally unrelated. Even if it was related, it was just a coincidence. Even if it wasn't a coincidence, the more powerful one was Xia Longyuan who could make Sakyamuni wither! But they were so fanatical about believing in Maitreya. They were not fools...

Of course, he had to pretend to be extremely interested: "If so, your leader might have really mastered the secret of the ancient times?"

"That's right. Who among today's warriors is not pursuing the ancient times? All sects claim to have passed down the ancient traditions, but only our Maitreya sect has mastered the secret of the true Buddha."

"What's the evidence?"

Fa Yuan smiled mysteriously: "As for your meridian shaping problem, I believe no other sect has a solution, but we do."

Zhao Changhe's heart beat violently and he subconsciously held his breath.

He never imagined that he would hear here the problem that has troubled his entire martial arts life, and that there is a solution!

Even Yue Hongling secretly cried out "Oh no!". She knew very well that this was indeed the most fatal temptation to Zhao Changhe, much more tempting than ten thousand fake Yue Honglings.

Seeing Zhao Changhe's expression, Fa Yuan smiled complacently and began to speculate: "Of course, this is something that only a Bodhisattva can obtain. Mr. Zhao, please go back and study Buddhism first. Perhaps the position of a Tenth Stage Bodhisattva will be yours."

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath to calm himself down, and said woodenly: "I have never read a single Buddhist scripture, how can I study it?"

Fa Yuan smiled even more ambiguously: "Buddha saves those who are destined to be with us. Since you and the donor have a connection, we will let someone teach you the meaning of the sutra. Maybe you will have some new surprises."

(End of this chapter)