Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 119: You are too weak


Thinking of this, everyone found that Zhao Changhe was quite interesting... He took the risk of seriously injuring his own son, but actually tried to stop the fight by persuading both sides instead of siding with Yue Hongling.

You have to know that before Xuan Chong rescued Tang Buqi, he went straight to Batu's face, but no one thought that Xuan Chong was inappropriate. Why did he care so much when he was saving someone? The family and country are in this, and it is very graceful that he didn't really beat you up.

But Zhao Changhe did not choose to throw the knife at Chi Li's head, but chopped it in the middle, interrupting the possibility that both sides of the duel would lose control and die together. This is what any normal referee should do here, and there is nothing wrong with it.

No one else knows what the person involved is thinking. Even if you want to sacrifice your life for justice, or you are confident that you can seriously injure yourself in exchange for the other person's life, your relatives and friends don't think so. At this moment, I'm afraid even the aliens behind Chi Li will have to thank you.

Some people think that he is even less suitable than Xuan Chong? Even the alien villains can't do it, so maybe someone from another world will come.

However, this method is obviously several times more dangerous than siding with Yue Hongling. Not everyone is qualified to be a referee. If anything goes wrong, you will be the one lying on the ground. Is this necessary

No one believed that Zhao Changhe was so pedantic in his fairness. It was obvious that he didn't want Yue Hongling to be seen as "joining forces to attack" even though the fight was a draw. That would be a big loss for Yue Hongling, so he would rather take more risks himself.

How much does this guy like Yue Hongling...

People couldn't help but steal a glance at Yue Hongling who was silently applying medicine to herself to stop the bleeding, and thought to themselves, Miss Yue, this secret love is almost like an open love. By the way, he also looks for girls who look like you to go to the village to play with, how blasphemous, don't you say anything

We have been wanting to see some fun for a long time...

Yue Hongling did not say anything to the wife of the bandit leader, nor did she say at this moment whether she was sure of exchanging serious injuries for life. Her expression was this: "Brother Zhao, I am very grateful for stopping the war. But Brother Zhao, don't you know that it is very dangerous for you to do this?"

Zhao Changhe laughed and said, "You saved my life from Zhaocuo."

Yue Hongling remained silent.

Zhao Changhe continued, "It's not dangerous to throw a knife from a distance... It's because throwing a knife is faster. If you need to rush at him with a knife, then you should do it! Seeing that your savior may die together with others, you are still hesitating. Why are you here in the underworld and talking about chivalry? Why don't you just go home and drink milk!"

Xuan Chong nodded slightly: "I am one of our generation."

But someone in the crowd muttered, "Is it really just a way of repaying a favor? Maybe something else happened because of the favor..."

Yue Hongling turned her head away.

Well, it was clearly a heroic act, but it turned out like this. She felt sorry for Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe looked around the crowd, not knowing who said it, and not looking for it anymore. He shouted, "So what if it's true! Zhao Changhe wants to take Yue Hongling as his wife, and everyone in the world knows it. What's wrong with that? This silly woman calls herself a hero and wants to die with others. I can't stand it. What do you think!"

I'm coming!

As expected, bandits are direct!

Zhao Changhe simply asked Yue Hongling directly: "You've probably heard about it anyway... Well, that's it. Just say one word to decide whether to give me a chance or not."

Countless people looked at Yue Hongling with great interest, as if it was more eye-catching than the decisive battle between Qianlong Yi and Er just now. Even Chi Li, who was also applying medicine to stop the bleeding, had a smile in his eyes.

Endless experience, eternal life and death, how boring.

It is a pleasure to watch the infatuated men and resentful women in the world.

Yue Hongling was also looking at Zhao Changhe, and the two of them recalled the discussion they had just had: How should we express this in front of others? I pursue you. I reject you. That's it.

What he said now was in accordance with the agreement... This could indeed put an end to the rumors that had been entangled between the two for so long. But when it came to Yue Hongling's turn, the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say them.

If he refuses in public in front of so many people, he will be like a loser and be laughed at by everyone.

But agree? I really don't have that intention for the time being.

Looking at his eyes, his eyes are still clear and smiling, as if to say, "How is my script?" "Is it very aura-filled and in line with the character?" "It's your turn, hurry up."

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a few breaths. Amidst the expectation of everyone, Yue Hongling finally spoke: "Hongling's heart is far away, and I have no intention of choosing a partner for the time being."

Although he knew this was the answer, Zhao Changhe still sighed in his heart. He said, "Hmm," and sighed, "I know..."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Hongling suddenly said, "But..."

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Everyone pricked up their ears.

"If Hong Ling wants to choose a spouse, he doesn't necessarily need to be very strong, but he needs to be chivalrous and courageous, have the heart to protect the country and the people in the world, and have the intention to help the weak and suppress the strong in the rivers and lakes. Only when these hearts are connected can they go hand in hand to the end of the world."

The onlookers let out a satisfied "Oh~" sound. Indeed, this was very Yue Hongling. In any case, it was impossible that they were asking how much dowry you could offer.

Yue Hongling said slowly: "Brother Zhao is brave enough... But with the aliens around, they are bullying you. It's ok for Brother Zhao to be defeated by Chili, but why didn't you fight Batu? Are you afraid because he is stronger than you?"

Batu: “?”

Why are you eating melons here? What does it have to do with me

Oh, it seems like it's my business. We are the ones who are showing off our power and trampling the hidden dragon of Central Plains under our feet. Of course we are enemies. I almost forgot about it while watching the show... Zhao Changhe looked at Yue Hongling in confusion, as if to say, our script is not like this, what are you doing

Yue Hongling looked at each other calmly, and it was impossible to tell what he really meant.

Zhao Changhe shook his head slightly, turned his head to look at Batu, and smiled, "Haha," "I didn't take action, of course there is a reason."

Yue Hongling asked: "Why is that?"

Zhao Changhe walked a few steps, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the dragon bird that was chopped on the ground, and slowly said: "He is too weak, and is only worthy of bullying my nephew. He has no value in sharpening me, so I have no interest in taking action."

Tang Buqi: “…”

Batu: “?”

The onlookers looked at each other in bewilderment.

Hey, don't think you are stronger than Batu just because he is ranked 99th and 11th lower than you. He has already shown his strength, he is at the fifth level of Xuanguan, you are still at the fourth level, right? You may have higher potential than him, but you are not stronger now.

You two are still on the same path. This kind of cross-level challenge is even more difficult to fight. It's good enough to win. How dare you say that the other party is weak! Do you think this is still the time when you beat Fang Buping and asked you to throw lime

Zhao Changhe was indeed pretending. His original intention of not taking action was to observe Wan Dongliu's action, but it was ruined by the changes that followed. Batu went to play, and his plan to observe Wan Dongliu was completely a cloud. Now that the situation has come to this, he can't show his weakness.

Longque has long wanted to fight Batu... Are you happy

Zhao Changhe slowly grasped the hilt of the knife: "Zhao Changhe from the Middle Earth, please teach me, Brother Batu."

"Clang!" A dragon roared, and the dragon bird cried excitedly.

Batu was already so angry that his veins were popping out, and he rushed out with a knife: "Okay, okay, let me see what qualifications you have to say that I am too weak!"

Zhao Changhe glanced at him and chuckled, "But you are really weak. Let you make the first move."

Chi Li coughed lightly and said, "Batu, be careful, this is a provocation, don't fall for it..."

But it was too late. Batu was furious: "Just when I was saving your nephew, I knocked my knife to the side. Didn't I make you think you are stronger than me? Look at the knife!"

The loud voice drowned out Chi Li's warnings, and he raised his heavy sword, slashing it diagonally from the upper right to the lower left.

The whistling sound of the sword was like a violent wind, and the terrifying power was enough to split mountains and crack rocks!

Even Xuan Chong, who was watching from the sidelines, was secretly shocked, thinking that if it were him, he would have dodged first to avoid a head-on attack. This was not something that could be blocked by ordinary weapons. No wonder Zhao Changhe was able to separate the two men fighting to death with just a throw of his sword. Normally, it would be difficult to resist such a sword. Of course, it was not difficult for them to win at their level. They could easily kill such an opponent with their flexible swordsmanship.

The thought flashed through his mind, and an exclamation came from the crowd.

But Zhao Changhe also held a knife, and slashed from the lower left to the upper right, confronting Batu's knife head-on!

It’s indeed the same approach!

This single blow alone aroused everyone's passion. The battle between Chiliyue and Hongling was too mysterious, and many people could not understand it. This kind of collision of power and power was the most passionate and exciting confrontation!

Fourth level versus fifth level! Can Zhao Changhe's strength withstand it


As expected, a shocking explosion sounded, which was beyond everyone's expectation. It was neither a stalemate nor Zhao Changhe being knocked down by the chop. Instead, Batu's sword was heavily knocked away, leaving the goal wide open!

Zhao Changhe only needs to casually thrust his Dragon Bird forward to easily pierce Batu's chest!

"Swoosh!" A flying knife suddenly came and knocked away Zhao Changhe's knife. It was Chi Li who came out with an injury and saved his companion.

Zhao Changhe did not pursue. He looked at the side of the knife that was hit by the flying knife for a while, and suddenly smiled: "It's even."

Chi Li said calmly: "You are very powerful. I take back my previous evaluation. The Middle-earth character is not only good at that sword, but also this knife."

Zhao Changhe turned his head and glanced at him: "I hope you don't die too quickly in the Central Plains... The next person who fights your scimitar will be me."

Chi Li said calmly: "You are always welcome. Let's go."

A group of alien hidden dragons came with great momentum, but Batu was now in a daze, and Chili left Mingyue Tower in a rather embarrassed manner with an injury under his ribs.

One was defeated by Yue Hongling, and the other was killed instantly by Zhao Changhe. Considering the relationship between the two, it was like a mixed doubles match between husband and wife.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. Most of them did not understand why the fourth-level power would win in this battle between the fourth-level and the fifth-level. This really proved what he said, "You are too weak"...

Even if you won by fighting in a mobile way, no one would be so puzzled... What's the logic


PS: I didn’t expect it to be added, I didn’t expect it either~ An old couple has nothing to do after having a meal, alas…

(End of this chapter)