Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 17: Habit


In fact, it is quite okay to practice kung fu while squatting in horse stance. When you are immersed in the practice, you can indeed forget about what is happening around you.

The real test is when you sleep.

When I didn't know and was uncertain, I just let it go. I was too lazy to think too much. Now that I know it's a girl, sharing the bed with me, which man can still have no other thoughts like before!

What was even worse was that everyone had showered today, Luo Qi had even changed clothes after entering the city, and there was still a faint fragrance lingering around his nose.

Zhao Changhe, who always lay on his back, turned over today and lay curled up. He lay there for most of the hour with his eyes still open and couldn't fall asleep at all.

Instead, Luo Qi lay quietly on his back with his eyes slightly closed, seemingly practicing calmly.

How can one practice cultivation? He is still cursing in his heart.

It's really fucking harmful. To cultivate inner energy, one must concentrate and calm down. But how can I concentrate and calm down recently

It's good enough if you don't go crazy...

Luo Qi sometimes wondered if he had secretly killed Zhao Changhe earlier, wouldn't a lot of troubles have happened... He had his reasons for killing him.

However, she didn't dare to do it for a while, because she still needed Zhao Changhe's "merit" to support her, otherwise she might not be able to stay here. She didn't kill him for a while, and the result turned out like this... Ever since he left food for her, it was difficult for her to kill him even if she really wanted to.

Looking for a new house in the village? But I know it is impossible. The salary of a separate house is only for the middle and upper class, which is not enough for me.

If you are two people, will you assign a woman to live with you? That's a good idea. If you assign another man to live with you... I will definitely kill him.

After all the twists and turns, it really became this ending. I can't leave it and I can't escape it.

The funny thing is, today I don't feel as tense as I did yesterday. Anyway, we've slept together before, and I'm used to it. He really won't hug or touch me randomly, so I can trust him.

so be it.

Luo Qi suddenly felt a little panic in his heart. Who would have thought that one day he would be so calm to sleep in the same bed with a man

Habit is a terrible power.

Before he knew it, Zhao Changhe's faint snoring finally sounded. Luo Qi seemed to have received some signal and his heartstrings relaxed, and he slowly fell asleep.

… …

The next morning, Luo Qi was awakened by the sound of the cook delivering steamed buns to each household as usual, before the sound even reached this side.

My first reaction was that something was wrong, the hard pillow became comfortable.

She opened her eyes dazedly, and her heart immediately skipped a beat.

Where is that pillow

She was leaning on Zhao Changhe's shoulder, with one hand around his waist, almost crossing his legs over.

Luo Qi retreated cautiously.

I was wondering if he would hug me unconsciously in his sleep, but it turned out that Zhao Changhe was sleeping soundly, and it turned out that I was the one who hugged him unconsciously.

Luo Qi was almost crying. He shouldn’t have drunk that crappy wine!

Fortunately, Zhao Changhe, who usually wakes up easily like her, did not seem to wake up today and was still sleeping soundly. Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief, pretended to be calm and wrapped the messy quilt, and waited quietly for the cook to knock on the door.

As expected, as soon as the cook knocked on the door, Zhao Changhe woke up quickly as if he was wound up, stretched himself, turned to look at Luo Qi, and smiled at her: "Good morning."

Everything is as usual.

Luo Qi's heart, which had been hanging in his throat, was completely relieved. He patted Zhao Changhe's shoulder with a smile and said, "Go get the food."

This time Zhao Changhe was a little hesitant. He struggled for a while before reluctantly getting out of bed, then bent over to get the steamed bread.

Luo Qi had a blank expression on his face, she understood.

This guy should have woken up a long time ago and pretended not to know... Otherwise, the thing standing up under his quilt would be a bit embarrassing.

"Pah." Luo Qi spat lightly, and a blush appeared on his face involuntarily.

Is it really that serious

Obviously very lustful!

But I'm still a good person, at least I'm not embarrassed now.

This is called... I am pretending, he knows I am pretending, I know he knows I am pretending, he knows I know he knows I am pretending, and then we all continue pretending tacitly.

What is this... Zhao Changhe brought the steamed bread over, not knowing what expression to put on, so he simply threw it over expressionlessly: "I'm going to practice. You should also be careful when hunting animals, this kind of thing is not without risks. When I get to know Instructor Sun better, I'll see if I can transfer you to another position..."

Luo Qi smiled slightly: "I understand, go ahead."

Zhao Changhe ran away in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Seeing his awkward posture, Luo Qi angrily tore the steamed bread into pieces, as if he was pinching the soft flesh on Zhao Changhe's waist.

"You're so lewd, and you're pretending to be straight!"

Zhao Changhe was so wronged. He was a young man full of vigor and vitality. Even if nothing happened, he would always have a crush on Chen Bo. What did it have to do with being lustful

What's more, this senior brother smelled good after taking a shower, and when she leaned over, her arm felt soft... Zhao Changhe had been single since birth, how could she resist!

"Zhao Changhe!" came Instructor Sun's angry voice.

"Ah..." Zhao Changhe said awkwardly, as if he had returned to the classroom and was caught by the professor: "Teacher..."

"I just praised you for your hard work yesterday, but today you're distracted? Tell me what the key points of the diagonal move I just taught you are?"

Flirting? I didn’t flirt with her, she flirted with me… uh wait…

Zhao Changhe: “…”

So women will affect the speed of cultivation, right? You saw that you were doing horse stance in a mess last night, and your mind was also in a mess this morning.


"Please teach me again, I will punish myself today by practicing three thousand times!"

Zhao Changhe got determined and tried to use his whole body and soul to practice martial arts to dilute his thoughts about men and women, but it turned out that this was not necessary.

Habit is indeed a terrible force.

He never thought that after this day, his interactions with Luo Qi would become more casual than before.

Now he had a lot of face in the "Newbie Village". He could take an extra bowl of dinner every day and no one dared to object, so they brought food back to Luo Qi every day. And sometimes Luo Qi would go to the city to exchange money for Zhao Changhe's wine after hunting animals.

It’s not that wine is more important than meat, but the two men discovered that hot wine does have a supporting effect on Zhao Changhe’s Blood Evil Skill, and the effect is quite good.

The two of them ate together, casually exchanging their experiences. After the meal, one of them practiced external sword skills at the door, while the other practiced internal breathing on the bed. After the practice, they went to sleep together without saying much.

There's nothing much to say.

Zhao Changhe occasionally put his arm around Luo Qi's shoulders unintentionally, and Luo Qi no longer avoided him. Sometimes he would even take the initiative to put his arm around his shoulders and walk around the village in a swaggering manner to show that they were good brothers. Others who saw this thought it was quite normal, and no one thought anything bad about it.

After this level of physical contact, neither of them reacted.

Zhao Changhe no longer needed to bend his body, and Luo Qi would no longer be electrified.

Even when they woke up in the morning and found someone's hand on whom, they would both yawn and take their hands away, as if nothing had happened.

For two people who each have their own concerns and goals, neither of them has the mind to get entangled in matters between men and women. In fact, once you get used to it, it is that simple.

The biggest tacit understanding is that we take showers separately, that's all.

"Clang!" The knife flashed and accurately hit the iron rod flying in front, knocking it to the ground.

Instructor Sun next to him bent down to pick up the iron rod, and accurately superimposed a new mark on the reserved mark on the rod, without any error.

After practicing day and night, Zhao Changhe has switched from fixed targets to moving targets, and can accurately hit the desired position on objects that are not passing too fast.

Where the eyes are, the knife is there.

Nearly twenty days have passed since the night when Luo Qi's female identity was confirmed.

It took more than twenty days to master the basic sword skills, and one month has passed since the time travel.

When I traveled through time, it was the end of October and there was light snow.

Now it is November, with a biting frost and the winter solstice.

Thanks to Feng Chaohuang for being cute... No, why are you being cute to me!

Thanks for waiting for someone else...

(End of this chapter)