Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 18: winter solstice


Looking at the iron rod in his hand, and then at the sweat on Zhao Changhe's forehead in this cold winter, Instructor Sun knew how much hard work this young man had put in for this knife. This was not a natural talent. For the past twenty days, except for eating, sleeping, and occasionally sneaking out to take a shower, this guy had been practicing all the time.

It was that day that I lost my mind and afterwards I punished myself three thousand times.

Instructor Sun had never seen this kind of attitude in all the gangs he had led... It felt like a tiger was chasing him from behind, and he was running for his life.

In just twenty days, there should have been no change in a person's appearance, except for some green stubble. However, it can be clearly felt that Zhao Changhe's face has become more resolute and calm, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, and occasionally a fierce and violent aura.

His muscles are also more solid, with distinct and strong muscles, full of masculine beauty.

This is the most common aesthetic in the village. With the scar on his face that highlights his fierce masculinity, Zhao Changhe is recognized as the most handsome man in Beimang Village...

On the contrary, the girl surnamed Luo in his room was looked down upon by everyone, like a rabbit god. If it weren't for the fact that she lived with Zhao Changhe, someone might have flirted with her, but now of course they didn't dare to do so. Instead, some people secretly muttered that she was Boss Zhao's private favorite, and they were afraid that they had already played with her.

Because almost all the bandits in the mountain stronghold who did not obey Zhao Changhe were beaten up, including some old believers who came to bully others. Anyway, there were people above causing trouble and Instructor Sun backing him up. This guy has now become a little bully who runs rampant in the novice village, and he has gathered a group of lackeys around him.

Because of this kind of thing, he not only learned how to use a knife, but also learned some boxing and kicking. After all, internal fights cannot always involve knives.

Look at the wine gourd around his waist... Now he doesn't need Luo Qi to change the wine for him, it is filled with wine presented by his younger brothers every day - others are not like him who are wanted and cannot go out, so they naturally go to the city to play, and many of them cheat, steal and rob when they have no money. Now Zhao Changhe is probably the only one who has never left the city.

Seeing him drinking with his head raised excitedly because he had successfully completed the assessment, he already had a bit of heroic spirit.

Instructor Sun admired this man very much. They were a perfect match. "Changhe, it's almost done. Go back tonight and try to break through the first level of the Blood Evil Technique to see if you can advance to the first level. I have already taught you the key points. I believe you remember it."

Zhao Changhe clasped his fists excitedly: "Remember."

"This medicine will help you break through." Instructor Sun handed over a pill meaningfully, "Go ahead. I hope you can learn the Blood Blade starting tomorrow."

… …

"Hey, handsome man, little overlord, you are back?"

When he returned to the house, Luo Qi was there early today. He swung the chair in a pretentious manner and invited Zhao Changhe to sit down like a servile person.

Zhao Changhe sat down with his horse and sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "What good thing has happened again? Let's talk about it happily."

"How do you know it's a good thing? It might be a bad thing."

"You only act funny when you're in a good mood. When you're in a bad mood, you look stern as if I owe you eight million. How can I not understand you?" Zhao Changhe took off the wine gourd from his waist and poured wine for Luo Qi: "Come on, someone gave it to me today. This wine is strong."

"You mean what I bought you wasn't strong enough?"

Zhao Changhe gnashed his teeth: "Master Brother!"

What I mean is, don’t use your womanly tricks on me. I want a man’s template. Please.

"Hmph." Luo Qi was being sullen, his eyes turned to his wine gourd, but a smile was on his lips.

He didn't care whose wine was in the gourd, but the gourd was always the one she gave him that day, the most ordinary and cheapest gourd, which had never been changed.

"What good things are there?" Luo Qi snorted coldly: "I heard people talking about me being your private pet again, is that fun? Why is this place like this? We are all men, how can we think of that kind of thing?"

Zhao Changhe lowered his head and sipped his wine.

This is nothing. You haven’t joined the current book club. Otherwise, there would be more.

"Besides, why is someone as rude as you considered a handsome man?" Luo Qi angrily slammed the table: "Look in the mirror, do you deserve it?"

Zhao Changhe said honestly: "I took a photo this morning and woke up handsomely."

Luo Qi: “?”

What the hell did you do this morning? When I woke up, I was clearly lying on your shoulder, and when you woke up, you picked me up and carried me away.


Zhao Changhe also quickly remembered that his actions in the morning didn't seem so appropriate, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Today is the Winter Solstice, it's a festival, do you have any festive plans?" Luo Qi was hesitant to speak.

You asked me what I planned for the holiday? Am I your wife

The most infuriating thing is that she actually made arrangements.

Luo Qi mumbled something in his mouth, and took out a bowl of glutinous rice balls from the cupboard with a stern face: "I bought them in the city today. I came back and boiled some water and scooped some out. Anyway, it's the custom in Luojia Village to eat glutinous rice balls during the winter solstice. Should it be the same in Zhaocuo?"

Zhao Changhe asked curiously, "From what you said, you know other customs? How many places have you been to?"

"Can't you just listen to what others say? They just want to eat dumplings and are too lazy to cook." Luo Qi filled a bowl for him angrily, "I see you don't like dumplings either. You're probably interested in your sister-in-law."

Zhao Changhe: “?”

I didn't offend you today, why are you so angry... I don't even want to eat you, why should I eat sister-in-law...

Oh, I was indeed offended this morning... Never mind, I’ll just eat the dumplings in silence.

Luo Qi glanced at him sideways, becoming even more annoyed.

In fact, there was no offense, it was just that she was not used to the feeling of celebrating the festival with her family. But Zhao Changhe was very ignorant, he took it for granted and didn't even say thank you.

Am I your fucking wife

As a result, Zhao Changhe ate the glutinous rice balls while talking about work, just like a husband and wife talking about work at dinner. He said naturally, "I passed the basic sword test today. Instructor Sun plans to teach me the Blood Evil Sword, but I have to keep up with my skills, otherwise I won't be able to use the power of the Blood Evil Sword. Instructor Sun said that I can try to break through the first level tonight."

Too much of a couple.

Luo Qi became more and more upset, and what made him even more angry was that this guy changed his level of cultivation every month!

Do you want to live

"How come you learned the Blood Blade so quickly?" Luo Qi felt a little sour after hearing his own words: "Shouldn't you have to learn a set of introductory sword techniques?"

"The instructor said that with my level of effort, I know how to practice, and the value of the entry-level swordsmanship for my improvement is very low. The step-by-step routine is for mediocre people..."

Luo Qi's eyebrows were raised.

Zhao Changhe raised his hands in surrender.

"If you have a breakthrough, then you have a breakthrough. What are you telling me? I can't help you." Luo Qi chewed the glutinous rice balls and said stiffly, "Anyway, it's good for you to practice while the food is hot. I'll take a bath while the food is hot, too."

Zhao Changhe finally stopped eating the dumplings, looked up at her, and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Luo Qi said with a straight face: "What are you doing? If you have to fart, just fart."

Zhao Changhe hesitated and said, "I've been thinking that you should not take a bath alone in the future. What if someone bumps into you..."

Luo Qi said unhappily: "Who would go to the pond in the middle of the night? I think you are the one who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to do something..."

"Do I need to take advantage of this opportunity?" Zhao Changhe interrupted, "Just because I didn't meet him before doesn't mean I won't meet him again. I'll keep watch for you in the future. Anyway, I can practice anywhere."

Luo Qi poked the glutinous rice balls with chopsticks, and they slipped away and could not be skewered.

She continued to poke angrily: "I'm a man, what does it matter if someone sees me? Besides, it's none of your business."

What a tsundere. Zhao Changhe thought about it and changed his perspective: "Just think of it as helping me."

Luo Qi gave him a strange look and said, "Can I help you satisfy your curiosity about watching a man take a bath?"

"Shit." Zhao Changhe said helplessly: "Blood Evil Art is a magic art after all. Breaking through it is risky, even if it's just one level... So by the cold water pond, if you see me showing signs of losing my mind, just kick me down and be done with it..."

Luo Qi finally got the glutinous rice balls in his hand, skewered them with a pair of chopsticks, stuffed them into his mouth in a good mood, and said with a smile: "You told me earlier that you wanted to ask me for help, so I will help you with reluctance."

(End of this chapter)