Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 24: Once the Brother Sword comes out, there are no more brothers


When they returned to the mountain village, no one in the village knew that a team had run into the female hero and was almost wiped out. There was a lot of noise and commotion everywhere, with everyone talking about the new situation above.

"Have you heard? Master Fang failed to do his job well and was severely punished by the Suzaku Venerable. His bones were almost broken."

"I just heard... He deserves it. He wanted to find something in the mountains, but he didn't trust his brothers in the village. He didn't even tell anyone and let those dozens of official believers search secretly. What kind of shit can they find? This is such a big mountain. If dozens of people were to scatter, it would be like throwing a needle into the sea. He thought it was his own brothel in the city, and anyone who went there would be a brother-in-law."

"Shh, keep your voice down, it will be all over if the captain finds out."

"Never mind, this idiot was seriously injured by the Suzaku Venerable and might even die."

"By the way, it turns out that the Blood God Cult is really a subordinate of the Four Symbols Cult. I thought they were just vassals, but now it seems that they are clearly a branch subordinate that Reverend Suzaku can directly manage."

"Even if they were originally vassals, wouldn't it be easy to become subordinates? The Four Symbols Sect is too strong..."

"So the strong are magnanimous. Just let everyone go and find it. If they find it, they can get the Blood Divine Art and even directly enter the core of the Four Symbols Sect!"

"Yes, what the Venerable meant is that the thing has its own divinity. As long as one is predestined, he may even have great fortune. This is the kind of person the sect needs. Isn't this much more generous than the stingy Fang?"

"Captain Fang didn't let everyone look for it together. He must be worried that others would take away his chance..."

However, as they were talking excitedly, the people who were cursing Captain Fang for being stingy began to look at their friends warily. Both sides realized at this time that there was only one opportunity and everyone was actually a competitor.

"Tsk." Zhao Changhe sneered, pulled Luo Qi and quietly walked around, heading straight for the pond in the back mountain.

If it's any later, someone might come looking here, so we have to hurry.

Fortunately, Yue Hongling is here. Otherwise, if I wanted to ask Instructor Sun about the Canglong Star Formation, I don’t know how long it would take to find out. This time, I can basically solve the problem directly. After all, Luo Qi knows a little about formations.

The two rushed to the back of the waterfall. As expected, no one was around yet, and the star map was still there. Zhao Changhe sighed and asked, "Where is Xinsu?"

Luo Qi glanced at him and silently pressed a star.

Zhao Changhe discovered that this was actually the brightest star in the entire star map, and he couldn't help but glance at Luo Qi. If it was that simple, shouldn't Luo Qi have been able to crack it long ago? Or was it because the most obvious clue was actually the most untouchable, and Luo Qi was just being cautious

With a flash of thought, Luo Qi pressed the other star points in one breath.

The star map slowly cracked, revealing a small hole that was only big enough for one person to pass through.

"It's done!" Zhao Changhe looked excited, but still said cautiously: "Don't go in casually yet. I heard that places like this may be full of oxide... uh, poisonous gas. Let's try to see if the tinder can light it..."

"No need." Luo Qi sighed: "I practice internal martial arts, and I am more sensitive to aura than you. You can go in. But I'm not sure if there are guardian spirits or something like that, so be careful."

Zhao Changhe drew his sword and went in first: "In that case, I will explore the way."

Luo Qi pursed his lips and followed.

There is no strange space inside, nor any guardian spirits, zombies, skeletons or the like.

The place was actually very small, only the size of a small room, not even as big as their double cabin. The space was circular, as if it echoed the starry sky before. In the middle of the circle was a square green jade stone that looked like a jade seal. At the handle was a white round bead the size of a goose egg. There was a dragon in the bead, swimming slowly, like a living thing.

"The sky is round and the earth is square, a dragon travels through the nine heavens... It is indeed the Azure Dragon Seal..." Luo Qi muttered to himself inaudibly.

Zhao Changhe didn't hear clearly, so he turned around and asked her, "Do you know what this is?"

Luo Qi stared at the Azure Dragon Seal in a trance and whispered, "How should I know?"

Zhao Changhe said: "No matter what, the Four Symbols Sect attaches great importance to this thing. From the Blue Dragon Star Map, it can be seen that it corresponds to the name of the Four Symbols Sect, so it must have a deep connection. As long as we bring it to the Suzaku Venerable, we will definitely have no problem joining the Four Symbols Sect. Even if it doesn't work, it won't be a big problem to exchange it for the Blood God Skill, right?"

Luo Qi said "hmm".

Zhao Changhe squatted down and carefully moved the knife forward inch by inch.

God knows why this thing has no strong protection, maybe it has a strong restriction of its own? Zhao Changhe felt a little guilty and carefully tried it with his knife.

Luo Qi behind him bit his lower lip tightly, slowly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve, and looked at Zhao Changhe's back with a complicated look in his eyes.

Zhao Changhe saw it clearly from behind, his heart skipped a beat, and his face changed. This is…

Luo Qi wants to kill me

Luo Qi wants to kill me...


"Don't trust anyone, including me."

Luo Qi’s words echoed in his mind. Zhao Changhe still couldn’t believe this scene. He even suspected that the eyes behind him were wrong and played the wrong film for him

If she wanted to kill herself, she could have stabbed her to death any of the nights. Why did she wait until today

Even yesterday, she was helping me relieve the pain, how could she look like she was going to kill someone

It can't be that... just because the treasure appeared, you want to keep it for yourself

It was in vain that I had just sneered at the people in the village. It turned out that once the Brotherhood Sword was out, there would be no more brothers, and it would also fall on me and Luo Qi

Zhao Changhe's heart sank to the bottom, his hand holding the knife became more and more tense, still waiting for the moment when Luo Qi would make a move without giving up.

Who would have thought that the purpose of the eye behind him was not to peek at the shower, but for this moment. The turning back slash that he had practiced for countless days and nights would be used on Luo Qi...

I don’t know how long it took, maybe just a second, Luo Qi’s hand, which was frozen in front of him, finally waved.

Zhao Changhe's tense nerves suddenly broke, and he turned around and stabbed with a knife.

But Luo Qi did not stab him, but threw the dagger hard to the ground.

Zhao Changhe stopped the knife urgently, and the blade stopped precisely at Luo Qi's neck, without moving forward even a little bit.

Luo Qi looked at Zhao Changhe in astonishment, while Zhao Changhe looked at her expressionlessly. The two stared at each other for a long time, and Luo Qi finally laughed out loud: "Not bad, not bad... This precise control that I practiced day and night turned out to be used to save my life. It's really strange, with your little practice, how can you be alert to what's behind you?"

Zhao Changhe whispered: "You...just now..."

"I want to kill you." Luo Qi was completely relieved: "But I really can't do it. There's nothing I can do. Who told our boss Zhao to stand in front of Yue Hongling for me just now? I'm not a heartless person."

"Even if...even if there was no Yue Hongling incident just now..." Zhao Changhe said with difficulty: "I really can't imagine that you would kill could you kill me...just for a treasure?"

Luo Qi quietly watched Zhao Changhe's distraught expression. The pain in his eyes seemed even more painful than the bites of thousands of ants when he broke through last night. The distressed emotion in her eyes flashed across her eyes, and she responded seriously: "Why not for the treasure?"

Zhao Changhe shouted: "Don't lie to me, you are not that kind of person at all!"

"How well do you know me? Just because we slept together?" Luo Qi also said loudly: "I have been lying to you from the beginning to the end, don't you know?"

"you… "

"I could have solved the formation yesterday, but because you were around, I pretended I couldn't do it! Do you know that? I was lying to you the whole time!"

"… "

"I was planning to go get it quietly today, but I couldn't get away because of the mission. Yue Hongling was causing trouble before the mission was completed. Not only did she cause trouble, but Suzaku also came! The whole mountain is looking for it!" Luo Qi was getting angrier and angrier as he spoke: "Is the whole world against me?"

Zhao Changhe twitched his lips and said, "Okay, keep your voice down. It's like a quarrel between a young couple, how stupid."

Luo Qi's expression also became strange. He tilted his head and lowered his voice: "Yes, there are people everywhere outside now searching for things. If you lead them here, the treasure you have will really be gone."

Zhao Changhe: “…”

"You really need this thing." Luo Qi said softly, "Whether it's to join the Four Symbols Sect, or to obtain the Blood God Art to get rid of your current painful situation, or even... this thing can cleanse your tendons and marrow, and can make your disadvantage of learning martial arts too late disappear forever. You have always regarded it as a thing in your pocket, and never considered it. I want it too, right?"

Zhao Changhe's eyes finally moved, and he responded in a low voice: "No, I always felt that it was something we shared."

"Shared? Really?" Luo Qi's tone was somewhat disappointed: "You have only ever considered what benefits you get from it. Have you ever thought for even a moment about what use it will have for me? Changhe, do you know that I came to Beimang for this thing from the beginning? It has even been my dream since I was a child... If I watch you take it away, then what on earth am I doing in this life..."

Thanks to Charlie for the silver, muah~

(End of this chapter)