Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 3: Already a world


Soon Zhao Changhe knew that he had guessed wrong.

The owner of the village, Luo, led the two of them to the living room and retreated. However, there was a young man in brocade clothes present, who was quite handsome and handsome. Master Luo introduced with a smile: "Quinzi Zhenwu."

Luo Zhenwu raised his hands towards Yue Hongling in a very graceful manner: "I have seen Fairy Yue and heard about her name for a long time. How lucky am I to see you today..."

Yue Hongling frowned. She didn't like such falsehoods, especially those surrounding beauty. You see, Zhao Changhe vomited just now, didn’t he? But the world is like this, so she didn't bother to say more, and said directly: "I have received some information that is not accurate. The Blood God Sect may attack your village for unknown reasons."

Master Luo was stunned for a moment: "Isn't the information accurate?"

"Well... I was in Beimang Mountain a few days ago, and I accidentally overheard the words of the demon cultivators. There were many people there at that time, and it seemed that their leader was also there, so I couldn't catch him and ask him carefully. Anyway, I came here to tell you, I hope the owner of the village will pay attention."

"Beimang? According to this, it's nearly a thousand miles away..." Villa Master Luo looked at her in surprise, with a rather strange look on his face.

Zhao Changhe sat aside with a green face and white lips, looking sideways as he listened.

Because of a piece of news that she didn't know was true or false, she traveled thousands of miles just to give it a heads up... And judging from the polite tone of both parties, she and Master Luo were actually not familiar with each other, and it was probably just a one-time acquaintance.

Zhao Changhe always felt that this girl would be more interesting if she were a heroic man. This behavior of a girl is really interesting. If you dream about something like this, does it prove that you like this kind of thing? Or prove that he is a male ketone...

Master Luo murmured: "We have nothing to do with the Blood God Sect. The fairy must have made a mistake... However, the fairy sent a message from a thousand miles away. Our village feels this kind kindness. We might as well stay in the village for a few more days and let us show our friendship to the landlord." ”

Yue Hongling pointed at Zhao Changhe and said: "I just passed by a village called Zhaocuo. The villagers have been slaughtered. This little brother is the only survivor. I just saved him with my own hands. This is proof."

The expressions of the Luo family father and son changed slightly: "Fairy has fought with them? Can you confirm the foundation?"

Yue Hongling shook his head: "They are just superficial tricks, with no foundation. They are most likely gangsters under the Blood God Sect. The Demon Sect is used to gathering thieves to plunder, something similar... As for why they massacre the village to arouse the enemy, I have no idea. It's a pity. I was so eager to save people that I didn’t leave anyone alive to ask a few questions.”

It turns out that this is related to him... Zhao Changhe remembered that she once said to herself, "Why did you scare the snake?", and it was right.

It can be said that his hatred for the slit-throat witch is not as much as for these murderers. The anger at that moment and the passion to kill these bastards surged up, which is difficult for anyone who has not witnessed it to understand.

Blood God Sect... Zhao Changhe secretly clenched his fists.

Master Luo's expression became solemn, and he muttered: "In this case, our village should immediately be on alert to prepare for war. The fairy has traveled thousands of miles to send the message, which is the end of his kindness. It is not suitable for our village to keep the fairy here anymore, and let the fairy get involved in the war for nothing..."

Luo Zhenwu was about to speak but stopped when the owner of the village, Luo, glared at him.

Since Yue Hongling came all the way to convey the message, of course she wanted to help fight the Demon Cult together, but the attitude of the owner of Luo Village was a bit strange... He said it nicely, but in essence, he kicked out the guests without even leaving anyone to take a bite of dinner. She How can I shamelessly say that I want to stay here too? She is a free and easy going person, but she is not a bitch.

Thinking like this, she also got a little tempered, and said coldly: "I have fulfilled my friendship with the world. Since Lord Luo is confident, I won't worry about anything, so I will say goodbye. There is one more thing I hope the Lord will pay attention to."

Master Luo raised his hands and said, "Fairy, please tell me."

Yue Hongling said: "Zhao's house is only a few dozen miles away from here. At this time, corpses are scattered all over the village. It is too horrible to see. I hope the owner of the village will send someone to take care of the funeral and collect and bury the villagers. It would be a great kindness."

He pulled Zhao Changhe over and said, "This survivor's name is Zhao Changhe. He is alone and helpless at this time. I hope the owner of the village will take him in for his own good."

Master Luo said with a smile: "Of course, this will be my little brother's home from now on."

Yue Hongling also smiled and patted Zhao Changhe on the shoulder: "Farewell. I hope you can still be as honest as you are today in the future. When we meet again in the world, I can hear you call me sister."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Zhao Changhe walked to the door and stared at the horse in red clothes striding towards the sunset. The scene was really beautiful.

When he first came to your place, everything was inexplicable and he couldn't understand anything. He was naturally confused and taciturn. In the eyes of others, he just had the impression of a "simple boy". In fact, Zhao Changhe knew that he was not of this temperament. He was really close to , is the appearance of Yue Hongling.

That is the Jianghu in the dream, the heroine in the dream.

Zhao Changhe watched Yue Hongling mount his horse and leave, feeling a little reluctant for a moment. He didn't know how to talk to the Luo family and his son, let alone how they planned to arrange it...

Just as he was thinking this, he was suddenly stunned for a moment. He clearly saw behind him the Luo family father and son standing outside the hall, looking coldly at the direction where Yue Hongling was leaving outside the door.

People traveled thousands of miles to report the news, but you didn't even leave a bite to eat. What's your expression now

Zhao Changhe quietly took a few steps back without leaving a trace, holding his ears open and trying to eavesdrop.

The blind man said that the back eye could slightly enhance Zhao Changhe's normal vision, but he found that his hearing seemed to be slightly improved, and his hearing was much clearer than before. The other party didn't take such a "simple country boy" to heart. He was talking to himself. Although his voice was low, he could still vaguely hear:

"Dad, why did you let her go? Why don't you leave her a treat? Maybe..." Luo Zhenwu whispered, making a fist gesture with his hand, looking a little wretched.

"You bastard!" Master Luo gnashed his teeth in a low voice: "Yue Hongling is at the eighth level of the Mysterious Passage and the fifth level of Qianlong. What a storm! I don't even have the confidence to win, but you dare to plot against her? If everything fails and she runs away, do you know? What consequences will there be!”

"You can trick her into going to the dark room and use a trap..."

"You know nothing! Did you know that since she entered the door, her hand has never left the hilt of the sword, and her eyes and ears are always paying attention to the changes in the surrounding sounds. It is all the instinct of being in the world! Such a person will easily follow you Going to an unknown place?”

Luo Zhenwu: "..."

Master Luo hates the iron that cannot be made into steel: "Let me tell you, the more beautiful the women who have made a name for themselves in the world, the harder it is to bully them, because there are more men who covet them than the men you know. They have experienced so many people's hearts and ghosts along the way. Now, now The fact that you are still involved in the world and not someone’s plaything is proof in itself!”

Luo Zhenwu: "..."

Zhao Changhe: "..."

That makes so much sense. Could it be that the seemingly careless way she let him sit behind her just now was actually a deliberate observation? Seeing how he was still a few inches away, and maybe even blushing, I thought he was a simple young man...

But that's what us straight men are like...

Master Luo continued coldly: "She just thinks we are rude and leaves displeased. This is a good thing. If she stays longer, if she finds out that those people in Zhao Cuo are actually sent by you, she will know what it means." Endless trouble!”

Zhao Changhe's expression changed instantly.

"Why don't the people in that village know how to praise!" Luo Zhenwu said bitterly: "What's the point of playing with one of their village girls? A whole village of people rebelled with hoes, and they don't teach us a lesson and think we are easy to bully?"

Master Luo didn't make any trouble, and just said: "It just so happened that Yue Hongling was so eager to save people that she failed to investigate the root cause. She thought she was a demon sect gangster, but instead cleared our relationship. The pot was taken away by the Blood God Cult smoothly. ”

Luo Zhenwu said: "In other words, her so-called evidence of the attack by demons does not actually exist. Does it mean that she is just making false claims and making alarmist claims? We really have nothing to do with the Blood God Sect."

However, Villa Master Luo was strangely hesitant, and after a while he said: "I would rather believe that it is true, and it is better to be more vigilant. I will write to the Capital Suppressing Demon Division and ask Mr. Tang to send someone to take care of it."

Luo Zhenwu didn't quite understand, but he didn't talk back to his father. He finally winked at Zhao Changhe's back outside the door: "This kid is still leaning against the door to watch his benefactor off, dumbfounded. Are we..."

As he spoke, he made a cutting gesture: "Lest he discover something in the future and seek revenge on us."

Master Luo shook his head: "No, if one day Yue Hongling comes to visit the boy she rescued on a whim, it will be difficult to deal with him if he is gone. Just give her face and accept her as an outer disciple to hang out. Anyway, you The people sent to Zhao Cuo were all killed by Yue Hongling, and no one else in the village knew about it, so why should he find out the truth? "

Luo Zhenwu muttered unconvincingly: "Father is too afraid of Yue Hongling. I haven't even mentioned asking her to avenge the death of my subordinate... Her Luoxia Villa is also a nine-level sect... "

The owner of Villa Luo sighed: "You are known for the Luo family, but she is just the opposite... Because of Yue Hongling, the world knows that there is Luoxia Villa in the world. If you really want to get her, maybe you can. Considering her humble's better to be honest with her."

He ignored his son whose eyes became brighter, put on a smile, walked to Zhao Changhe in person, and patted his shoulder affectionately: "Are you reluctant to leave your sister so close to the door and looking at each other?"

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath and turned around with a simple and honest smile on his face: "Yes, Sister Yue is so beautiful."

Master Luo laughed loudly: "Have a good time practicing martial arts, my sister is waiting for you in the world."

He was truly a refreshing elder... But he didn't realize that Zhao Changhe's fists had already pinched veins.

There will be three updates on the first day. During the public period, it will usually be two updates. It will explode again (maybe) after it is released. There is some initial foreshadowing, so don’t rush.

Thanks to Sumu for the silver, Tsutsukakushi Tsutsukushi, Conch, Laity, Pear Blossom, Snow Owl, Ten Years, Wandering Dragon, Shutu, Exaggerated Nature, Star Soul Yunmiao, Charlie, Kangkang Poor Ghost, Sky, Side dye, sain, mushroom, vera, coke without snow, empty fish, big pit, Rui Feng, Luoyu Xunzhou, kkscmt, blue belly fish, jelly fish, sapphire smoke wave, chipmunk wind slight waves, Qu Hongqiao, Dai Leaders of Dai, Dandan, Fachunxiong, Dazhou, Sister Doctor... I also want to thank all the other brothers for their support. There are too many names to list, so I'm sorry...

(End of chapter)