Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 34: Human body secrets


The night is cold.

After taking the medicinal bath, Zhao Changhe stood behind the house and looked up at the sky.

There is no moon tonight, the clouds are getting thicker, and tiny snowflakes are beginning to fall. It looks like it will snow heavily late at night.

He found that he had been in this world for less than two months, but he had already gotten used to it... used to the wooden house without heating, used to judging the time and weather by the sky, used to practicing martial arts, and used to the ancient terms and rules of magic.

I’ve gotten used to the inexplicable “server-wide notifications” appearing in the sky.

The scenes of the present world appeared less and less in his mind, and Zhao Changhe himself found it difficult to tell whether his obsession with cultivation now was for the purpose of returning home, or for making a name for himself in this troubled world.

Anyway, what is on my mind the most right now is cultivation, Luo Qi... and Yue Hongling who occasionally flashes by.

If it wasn't for the fact that the first person he saw in this world was Yue Hongling... Zhao Changhe doubted whether he would be a rampant bandit now. But because she was in front of him, Zhao Changhe had been restraining his increasingly strong bandit tendencies, unwilling to abandon the last bit of his conscience.

Otherwise, if we meet again in the martial arts world, I don't know what to call her, and I won't have the face to meet her as frankly as last time.

Or maybe it has nothing to do with Yue Hongling...

It's nothing more than not wanting the beauty of the martial arts world in my dreams to be destroyed by my own hands... Yue Hongling is just the martial arts world in my mind since childhood, manifested before my eyes.

"Clang!" Zhao Changhe pulled out the steel knife he had just won.

The medicinal bath is over, now it's time to practice swordplay. I don't have the leisure time to sigh like so many literary youths, so that's enough.

I have just got a new knife, and I need to familiarize myself with it and master it again. I need to understand all its characteristics, so that I can realize that "the knife is an extension of my hand". I can no longer just pick up a knife and chop randomly like I did in my dreams before...

This fine steel knife that Zhao Changhe had just won from gambling was not as exaggerated as the broadsword in his dream. It was a standard thick-backed knife, with the back of the knife being nearly one centimeter thick. The blade was quite heavy, weighing about ten pounds, which was very suitable for Zhao Changhe's current strength. The previous two or three pounds of sissy knives, which would tremble when the blade was shaken, had no power when chopped, and were really not suitable for him to use.

Especially the Blood Evil Sword Technique is a bold and aggressive sword technique, which requires a heavy sword to perform better. Unfortunately, this kind of sword is often very expensive, and it is really difficult to get it if you have the original conditions.

Zhao Changhe was not an expert on the material and forging process of this knife, but he could clearly feel its fierceness and sharpness, which was much better than the original broken knife. This kind of good knife might cost dozens of taels of silver - you know, the total property of the whole village is only 300 taels, which is enough to feed the whole village for a long time.

Zhao Changhe couldn't put the knife down and played with it. It felt more fun than playing with Luo Qi's Jade Rabbit.

A good weapon is a warrior's life, it is true.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The knife light flashed in the night, replacing the moonlight tonight.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier. Everyone in the village took shelter in their houses. Everything was silent except for the whistling sounds of swords from behind the village chief's house. Mixed in with the howling north wind, it was impossible to tell whose sword it was.

If those who admired genius while watching the battle in the helmsman's courtyard during the day were here, they would know that there is no such thing as genius...

Only Xia Chichi understood that he was just practicing with the sword while others were resting.

There is a difference from the usual sword training...

"Whoosh!" The figure in the snow soared into the air, tapped the tree trunk, and the snow fell. The body used the force to rise again and floated to another branch.

With a sound of "crack", a branch at the top of a three-meter-high tree was cut off by the knife.

The figure passed by the tree branch and fell back to the ground lightly.

Zhao Changhe heaved a sigh of relief, and looked back with a look of joy: "Qinggong is really interesting. This time I finally have something to show off. This wave of gains is quite big... Next time, Feng Fangbuping will be the transport captain?"

《Flying Blood Without Trace》 is a relatively high-end light skill in the Blood God Sect... The reason why Fang Buping was willing to give such a good one was not because he was generous, but he had some ulterior motives - because this was a light skill that required good internal strength, and Fang Buping really wanted Zhao Changhe to see how it felt to have a stunning beauty in front of him but find himself impotent.

However, Zhao Changhe is not impotent, on the contrary, he is a strong man - his internal strength has reached a high level, and even if it is not the first level of the Xuanguan, he is on the verge of a breakthrough.

… …

Zhao Changhe still has no idea what the name of the martial arts passed down by Xia Longyuan is, so let's call it the Xia Family Heart Sutra for now.

This mental method can also be practiced while lying down or even standing. It does not require sitting in the double-cross-legged position with five hearts facing the sky, which is something from the Taoist school... But it also requires concentration and calming the breath, and guiding the inner gaze quietly, otherwise the disorderly flow of true qi can be fatal.

As for whether it is possible to practice while sleeping like Luo Qi, it seems that this set of exercises is not possible. However, if you practice it to a deep level, it should be able to replace sleep, so it is the same.

It's nothing more than saving time... There are so many things to practice that I wish I could use one day as two days.

Zhao Changhe lay quietly on the bed, looking inward carefully. The image of Luo Qi lying on the bed watching him practicing sword flashed through his mind unconsciously.

It was as if he was experiencing what she was experiencing at that time... Unfortunately, there was no role reversal, and there was no little witch standing at the door practicing sword skills for him to see.

It has been less than ten days since he got the Xia family's mental method and he is already on the verge of a breakthrough. Of course, it is not because he is particularly talented, but because of the energy that Xia Longyuan reserved, which saved him from the process of practicing and comprehending the energy from scratch. In addition, internal and external skills actually promote each other, so it will be easier to practice.

The better the physique is, the less "blockage" there is in the meridians and acupoints, and the more convenient it is for the true qi to flow. It is unreliable for a sick person to say that he can practice internal skills. On the other hand, the mysterious true qi can also improve the bones, increase strength, and promote blood circulation.

Whether inside or outside, to put it bluntly, it is all about developing the human body.

So although it takes more time, "cultivating both inside and outside" has always been the best way. Both in terms of practice itself and in actual results, it is much more beneficial than specializing in one.

There is a saying that when you practice deeply, the inner and outer will merge, which is the same thing in the final analysis. The so-called breaking through the nine levels of the mysterious gate and opening the secrets of the human body is related to this. At present, Zhao Changhe is not qualified to experience this level. He only thinks that although this kind of practice is a waste of time, it is very effective.

Just the fact that the true Qi spontaneously helped to smooth out the effects of the medicine when I was taking the medicinal bath just now was already worth it.

It’s just that I haven’t discovered any magical properties yet, probably because my practice is too shallow... Today I can try to break through the inner family’s mysterious gate and see if I can find the magic of the inner family after truly breaking through the first level

The entrance hall of the inner house is a bit embarrassing to talk about.

Because the "Xuanguanqiao" in a narrow sense is actually the perineum breaking through the first level of Xuanguan means opening up the perineum acupoint.

When guiding the true energy to rush there again and again, it always feels like self-fertilization... I don't know what Luo Qiyue and Hong Ling were thinking when they were practicing... Most likely they were not as bored as him, Zhao Changhe.

Breaking through the barrier is actually very painful. Many people find it difficult to concentrate on practicing the Qi once they feel pain, so it is a barrier. But after all, it is an authentic internal martial art, so this kind of pain is very common. After experiencing the baptism of the Blood Evil Qi, Zhao Changhe felt that it was almost like a mosquito bite, which could hardly cause any ripples. He increased his strength and penetrated it more than a dozen times, and it was penetrated.

Zhao Changhe clearly felt a hint of coolness spreading from the entrance, penetrating his limbs and bones, and even his spirit was startled, as if he had awakened a lot. The original wisp of Qi could no longer feel the remains of Xia Longyuan, but was completely his own Qi, circulating warmly along the Qigong route, peaceful and vast, like a star map unfolding in his body, with the bright moon shining in the Dantian and the acupoints shining like stars.

He slowly opened his eyes.

There was no light in the room, it was pitch black. His original night vision from behind his eyes made it difficult to see the details of things in the darkness, but at this moment he found that he could see clearly.

Even the wood grain on the wall is clearly visible.

His hearing was also enhanced. The sound of snow falling to the ground outside the window should have been silent, but at that moment he seemed to hear a rustling sound, and then it subsided.

"The resolution has become higher." This is the first reaction.

The second reaction was a little bit shocking... Why do I feel that the various effects of the eyes behind me are like the effects of breaking through the gate of inner family? And after breaking through the gate of inner family, it seems that I can continue to strengthen the effects of the eyes behind me...

Is this eye behind you a bonus level of entrance? Then at what level can you see what's behind you

Zhao Changhe could no longer sit still, so he stood up and flipped through the stack of books he had brought back during the day. Among them were the scriptures of the Blood God Cult, which naturally also included the Blood God Cult's explanation of the mysteries and secrets of the human body.

“The secrets of the human body are the supernatural powers.”

"When ordinary people break through the mysterious gate and open their eyes, they can only see far away and observe details. Only the secret supernatural power can see what happens after death, see thousands of miles away, see the sorrows and joys of the world, and observe the principles of heaven. Everything in the world can be seen by the eyes. This can be called the divine eye."

"Our Blood God Balabala..."

Zhao Changhe no longer had the heart to see what was being boasted about later...


The hook that was previously mainly used to peek at people taking baths seems to have actually reached a realm pursued by the masters of the Heaven, Earth and Human Rankings, and it can also evolve.

I still have the nerve to say that I just revealed the second position card a few days ago... In fact, until now, I haven’t even revealed the first eye card.

Zhao Changhe lay on the bed in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking about, and before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep.

That night, he had a dream.

I dreamed that under the quiet night sky, a blind woman was standing there with her eyes closed. She seemed far away and near, like a goddess of the dark night.

"I didn't expect... that you could break through the inner and outer realms so quickly."

"I fucking saw you! Let me go back!"

"But do you... really want to go back?"


PS: Uh... This kind of training transition chapter really doesn’t have much content, but it can’t be empty. Please bear with it, the word is very large...

(End of this chapter)