Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 4: This is not a dream


For a moment, Zhao Changhe almost thought, "It's just a dream, just beat him up."

But he just endured it.

Zhao Cuo's experience taught him that it was useless to show off one's will. If he couldn't win the fight, he would still die. Even if he "died", he would wake up to reality, but he didn't accomplish anything. What was the point

Moreover, he was already doubting whether this place was a dream... With his own train of thought, he couldn't imagine such a disgusting person. How could he dream about this

The villagers of Zhaocuo were brutally massacred, the innocent children... just because they were angry about being prevented from playing with the village girls.

Yue Hongling traveled thousands of miles to report the news, which was a sign of great loyalty, but they were thinking about how to take advantage of her.

Zhao Changhe felt so sick that he wanted to vomit. He had never experienced what "hatred" felt like before. A violent emotion that had never been born in his peaceful student life was growing and spreading in his heart.

No matter whether this place was real or a dream, Zhao Changhe didn't want to "wake up" so early. He really wanted to kill the father and son first.

He maintained his "simple boy" persona and became a disciple of the Luo family. That night, he was given a set of clothes, a set of daily necessities, and a temporary dormitory.

The temporary dormitory was not assigned to him. It was the single room in the courtyard where the senior brother from the outer sect lived. This was to let the senior brother take care of Zhao Changhe first and learn some basic rules and common sense. It was likely that he would be assigned to a dormitory with multiple people the next day or the day after tomorrow...

On the surface, the arrangement was quite appropriate. If Yue Hongling came to visit in the future and said, "The supplies were distributed that night, and the eldest brother took care of him individually," it would sound like good care... As for how he learned later, and whether he would waste his whole life in the outer sect, that was a matter of his own aptitude, and Yue Hongling had nothing to say.

Zhao Changhe knew this was a routine as soon as he thought about it, but it didn’t matter. Could he really take Master Luo as his master? Isn’t that disgusting

The eldest brother of the outer sect is called Luo Qi. It is said that he is a family servant. He takes the surname Luo from the master of the family. He may have a job in the manor in the future. The template of a martial arts family can be seen here.

Although he is called the "senior brother", he is actually younger than Zhao Changhe, about sixteen or seventeen years old. He has a delicate face, red lips and white teeth, and looks quite feminine.

"Your name is Zhao Changhe? You are tall and strong, and look powerful." Luo Qi's face looked a little cold and unsightly. It would be unpleasant for anyone to have a stranger living in such a private courtyard for no reason.

The tone was a bit feminine, and the voice was thin... Zhao Changhe did not suspect anyone of being a woman dressed as a man. Seeing Luo Qi asking, he smiled honestly: "Yes, I just got here. The head of the family asked me and my senior brother to learn the rules first."

"There are no rules." Luo Qi's tone was cold, but he was very curious: "I heard that Yue Hongling brought you to the village? Why don't you hold her thigh and worship her as your master?"

Zhao Changhe played dumb: "Maybe I'm stupid."

As a result, Luo Qi agreed: "It should be."

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Luo Qi said: "This stupidity is not because of your brain, but because of your age. You are already eighteen or nineteen, what can you learn at this age... Just learning a few tricks to make a living, how can Yue Hongling accept such a disciple? She is about the same age as you, and she is already famous... Oh..."

Zhao Changhe was stunned.

Too old... He often hears this statement. Even if you want to be good at sports, you have to cultivate from a young age. He is a college student, 19 years old this year, and he has never heard of anyone who started training at this age being able to reach the national level.

How could there be so many Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling

But then again, not to mention the Luo family, just talking about the purpose of "entering the dream", it seems that killing that demon girl does not require a high level. It is just a battlefield with a bunch of small soldiers and crabs hacking at random. With my level, I can kill several of them. Since the demon girl is in such a battlefield, she must be a relatively new player. At least she can't be as good as Yue Hongling who can kill a group of people with one sword.

Join the Luo family to learn martial arts—find the witch and kill her, this seems to be the supposed process of this dream

He thought about it and asked, "Brother, what does it mean to have several levels of the entrance?"

Luo Qi said: "The human body has nine levels of mysterious gates. After opening them, one can peek into the three great secret treasures. If all of them can be opened, one will be in the realm of heaven and man, and be able to do anything. Ordinary people don't have to consider this. Just talking about the nine levels of mysterious gates, it is the ninth level of heaven. Every step is extremely difficult. For people like Yue Hongling and our manor owner, no matter where they go, others will give them face. Above them are all masters, and it is difficult to meet them easily."

"The owner of the manor is at the ninth level of Xuanguan?"

"It is said to be the eighth level." Luo Qi showed admiration: "I don't know when I can reach this level..."

Zhao Changhe curled his lips slightly.

At his age, he is at the same level as Yue Hongling. No wonder he is so afraid of Yue Hongling. Maybe he can't beat her. But it is enough to prove that Xuanguan Bachong is really awesome. Luo Manor Master dominates the place, and Yue Hongling dominates the world. "Then..." He asked tentatively: "What about you, Senior Brother?"

Luo Qi said proudly: "I've broken through the first level by luck!"

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Yue Hongling is only two or three years older than you, and she's already in the eighth level. What on earth are you so proud of

Although Luo Qi didn't get any flattery from Zhao Changhe, he knew what he was thinking. He just smiled and didn't explain.

Laymen may think that the first level of Xuanguan is just the beginning, which is true, but few people have thought about it. Luojia Manor is not a high-ranking sect. What level can a mere outer disciple in the manor, who practices low-end skills, generally have? Being able to break through the first level of Xuanguan at this age is considered to be officially entering the martial arts, which is not easy.

Not everyone can use Yue Hongling as a reference for a world-famous hero. In fact, he is no longer qualified to remain in the outer sect.

I hope that when Zhao Changhe has practiced hard for ten years and finds that breaking through this obstacle is harder than moving a mountain, he will remember today.

"It's late, go to sleep first, we can talk about it tomorrow." Luo Qi stretched and pointed to the small house outside the yard: "I've vacated the house for you, you can live there first... You don't want me to teach you martial arts tonight? Or do you plan to sleep in my room?"

"No, no... Thank you very much, senior brother." Zhao Changhe smiled and retreated.

Returning to the storage room that had been cleared out for himself, Zhao Changhe leaned back on the hard bed, and the smile on his face disappeared.

If you are not familiar with someone and you want to ask too many questions at once, they may not respond to you and ask you to wait until tomorrow. In fact, sleeping is a key point in itself.

That's how to get back.

Sleeping... If this is a dream, can anyone sleep in a dream? If I really fall asleep here, will I continue to kill in the nightmare, or wake up directly and return to the real world, or will I "dream" of the real world the other way around

Which dream is true

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

Although it was difficult to fall asleep with his mind in a mess, and the bed was hard and cold... but he had been exhausted by nightmares recently and could fall asleep just by lying down. Zhao Changhe curled up and rolled around for more than half an hour, and finally slowly lost consciousness.

Fell asleep.

No dreams.

This was the only time in the past half month that Zhao Changhe had not had a nightmare, and he slept very soundly. But if he had a choice, he would rather not do this.

As the night deepened, a burst of chaotic sounds suddenly woke Zhao Changhe from his sleep. He subconsciously turned over and stood up. He heard overwhelming shouts and roars. A raging fire ignited the manor and burned the night red.

I could vaguely hear voices like this: "Leave no one alive!"

Zhao Changhe's face looked very ugly.

The first conclusion is that I can fall asleep here, not dream while sleeping, and wake up still here - this is basically enough to prove that this is not the so-called dream, this is fucking time travel!

The difference between time traveling and dreaming is that not only can you not go back, but you will really die if you are killed!

The second conclusion is that the Blood God Cult was about to attack, and Yue Hongling’s warning from a thousand miles away happened that very night.

It was unknown whether the messenger who sent the request for help from Luo Manor Master to the capital had set out... Yue Hongling had left in the evening, and most of the people who were there had probably stayed in a nearby city and were sleeping soundly.

There is no one else who can help at this time.

Thanks to the rich man for the silver~

(End of this chapter)