Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 47: Everything has its time


ps: After the New Year greetings chapter, the system will generate an Easter egg chapter. You can enter the lottery by posting comments in the Easter egg chapter. I wish you all win 6666

"Clang!" The swords collided and Zhao Changhe slid back several feet. He took a bow step and used his sword to support the ground, thus stopping his retreat.

Looking up, he saw Yue Hongling raising his sword in front of him, picking up the small stone that had bounced off him when he was flying backwards, and then slowly sheathed the sword.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Your swordsmanship is getting better and better. You can even block my Sunset Glow move."

"My sister just let me, I didn't use any real skills."

"I just suppressed your power, but I didn't let you lose in swordsmanship. This move has a lot of variations, and I don't know how many people have suffered from it... You are indeed improving fast." Yue Hongling laughed and said, "Speaking of which, you are obviously strong and brave, and you are unstoppable when you swing your sword, but why do you always use dirty tricks in a fight? Who did you learn this fake defeat and stone throwing from?"

Zhao Changhe said with a shameless face: "It would be a waste if I didn't use the hidden weapon techniques I learned. This is all because of my sister's good teaching."

"Bah, I didn't teach you such shameless martial virtues, why don't you spread the lime!"

Zhao Changhe's eyes flickered, as if he remembered someone, and after a while he said, "I do have a bag of lime in my pocket... I won't use it on you during practice."

"... Don't tell anyone that I taught you martial arts when you go out. I can't afford to lose face."

"Winning the battle is more important, and Luan Shi Shu also thinks so."

The two of them walked back to the house while arguing, but as they walked, their steps slowly stopped and they fell silent.

Yue Hongling has been here for half a month. It is impossible for her to stay here forever and really do something like a "concubine of the chieftain".

Zhao Changhe has been very careful to maintain a normal relationship with her, and would never have the same ambiguity as he did with Luo Qi, hoping to make her feel more at ease...

She did stay longer than expected. She said two or three days, but it turned into three or five days, and then into half a month... But she had to leave in the end.

Today's sparring session basically announced that it was almost over. It was just a matter of waiting for her to formally bid farewell...

These days, Zhao Changhe realized how much he had grown, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as "reborn".

I won't even mention the guidance on martial arts and the hidden weapons taught by the new church. Just talking about the actual swordsmanship, he has undergone a complete transformation.

I used to think that I was very strong in combat, that I could leapfrog levels... But what kind of scumbags were I fighting against in such a remote place? What level of special moves have I seen? What kind of changes have I seen? How many wonderful integrations of thousands of schools have I seen? How many brilliant ideas have I seen in battle

This is something that cannot be replaced by any exercises.

Previous battles could never give me these experiences. That was the second best hidden dragon, the world-famous Yue Hongling. Instructor Sun was not even worthy of carrying her shoes.

You can imagine how much the swordsmanship and actual combat ability have improved.

Yue Hongling also gave him other sword manuals. From then on, his narrow mind of only knowing how to chop with the Blood Evil Sword was completely opened up. He saw the vastness of the world and the strengths of various schools, and began to integrate them into his own understanding of swordsmanship.

Zhao Changhe knew that continuing to practice sparring had become less meaningful... No matter how experienced Yue Hongling was, she was only one person. What was the point of fighting with one person all the time? There was also a vast world with thousands of warriors waiting for him to see.

She taught herself how to locate enemies by listening to sounds and sensing them. Wasn't it because she hoped that one day she would be able to enter the world of martial arts

Yue Hongling's "making up for the past" and "having a clear mind" have also been completed. The day of completion is the day of return.

The fate ends here.

The two stopped outside the house and looked at each other, as if they both wanted to wait for the other to say something first, but they were always stuck there and couldn't say anything.

After a long while, Zhao Changhe finally found a very poor excuse: "Today is the Lantern Festival, let's celebrate it first..."

Yue Hongling's strange feelings of parting were amused by these words. Just as she was about to speak, her expression suddenly changed.

The second after she noticed something was wrong, Zhao Changhe also turned his head and looked outside the courtyard wall: "Who!"

Yue Hongling smiled with some satisfaction. Zhao Changhe had really learned everything now. Even if he heard the slight sound of wind caused by the enemy's lightness skill passing by in the past, he would just think it was an ordinary wind. Now he can distinguish that it was an enemy approaching.

With Zhao Changhe as he is, there is no problem for him to travel around the world.

A burly man suddenly appeared on the courtyard wall, looking a little surprised: "I didn't expect that you, a mere second-level Xuanguan, could actually detect my movements."

Zhao Changhe said calmly: "Who are you? If you are a group of five or six people, just leave it to me."

The big man laughed and said, "I am Lin Feihu of the Black Tiger Gang. Have you ever heard of him, kid?"

Zhao Changhe had heard of it. He had been here for so long, how could he not have heard of the heroes in the surrounding areas? Lin Feihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, also engaged in the business of robbing people without paying any money. He was at the fourth level of Xuanguan. Zhao Changhe looked solemn and a little annoyed.

He arrogantly set up a monument to challenge others. Now it seems that he was too arrogant. He thought that a real strong man would not not even understand the concept of the Hidden Dragon List. But there really is such a fool. You are a fourth-level Xuanguan and you challenge the second-level? Do you have any shame

Just as he was thinking this, he saw Lin Feihu staring at Yue Hongling and laughing: "Sure enough, sure enough, I heard that the wife of the chieftain here looks a lot like Yue Hongling, so I came here to take a look, and it's true! Young lady, what future do you have with this kid? Come with me!"

As he spoke, he spread his wings like an eagle and swooped down towards Yue Hongling, and a big hand came straight to grab him.

"?" Zhao Changhe and Yue Hongling widened their eyes at the same time.

I thought you were here to challenge the Hidden Dragon Ranking, but this is what you are talking about? Oh, yes, you are indeed challenging the Hidden Dragon Ranking.

With a "swish" sound, the sword flashed and the sky was filled with red clouds.

Zhao Changhe twitched his lips and took back the knife he had just drawn. This had offended Yue Hongling herself. How could he snatch the monster from her

“You, you… You are the real Yue Hongling… Fuck…” Gang Leader Lin stumbled back, holding his throat in disbelief. Before he could finish his words, he fell to the ground and died with his eyes open.

Before dying, I was thinking, why is it the real Yue Hongling... How can Yue Hongling be the wife of the leader of a group of people here...

Zhao Changhe stood aside with his hands clasped, observing a moment of silence.

Tell me, why are you guys committing suicide like this...

Yue Hongling sheathed his sword. He didn't know what to say at first, but being interrupted by this fool, he said angrily and amusedly, "It seems I really have to leave. It's not you who caused trouble by erecting the monument, but I'm the one who caused trouble for you."

Zhao Changhe said bitterly: "This must have been instigated by Fang Buping... If you were here, the trouble would be solved by you. If you leave, I would be even more miserable."

"Are you afraid? You are being targeted by a branch leader of such a low level of character."

Zhao Changhe remained silent.

"There has to be a fuse for leaving. I found an excuse, so why do you have to reveal it..." Yue Hongling's voice softened and she whispered, "I've known what I was thinking these days... It caused a misunderstanding and embarrassed everyone, but you tried your best to avoid it and didn't take the opportunity to tease me... Zhao Changhe is upright and honest, a true hero. But I was feeling resentful and couldn't pretend to be the wife of the leader of a group, so I always wanted to leave."

Zhao Changhe sighed: "It's not that good. I still want to keep you for the holiday."

"Festivals come one after another, there are so many festivals. Since fate has come to this, what's the point of delaying?" Yue Hongling said as she turned and went into the house. When she came out again, she had changed into her favorite red dress and picked up her luggage.

The appearance of the mountain bandit and his wife disappeared like smoke and could no longer be seen.

Zhao Changhe just stood there silently without saying a word.

Yue Hongling strode out, and when passing by Zhao Changhe, she casually patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, boss. The world is turbulent, I hope you will still be so kind in the future. If we are destined to meet again, let's celebrate the Lantern Festival together!"

Zhao Changhe stood silently on the top of the mountain, looking at the figure in red clothes going away. Suddenly he remembered that he had never seen her green-maned horse, and it was probably being fostered in the city - she never belonged here.

It seemed like she left suddenly, but in fact she could have left at any time. Half a month was long enough... If someone with a keen eye, like Cui Yuanyong, saw this, their jaw would probably drop to the ground.

The Yue Hongling, whom I thought I was familiar with, overturned my imagination, but after getting to know her for a long time, I felt that she was still the same and had never been overturned.

Upon hearing that the Demon Cult was attacking, he reported the news thousands of miles away.

Lu rescued a strange boy and recommended him to learn martial arts.

Thinking that the young man was in trouble, the whole world was looking for him.

Now that his guidance has been accomplished, he leaves in a carefree manner.

Fortunately, the first person I saw in this world was the chivalrous Yue Hongling. No matter how much ugliness I saw in this den of evil cults and bandits, no matter how low-class the people around me were, the sunset glow reflected the horizon, and the world of martial arts was there.

Zhao Changhe is an upright person. With a beautiful woman in the house, how could he have no other thoughts

I just don't want this dream of the underworld to be tainted with other traces.

Zhao Changhe turned his head and saw a full moon hanging on the willow branches after dusk.

Lantern Festival? What does that have to do with me... The special training these days, the blending of inside and outside, the third level of the entrance is not far away.

She doesn't belong here? Neither do I.

On the day of the third level of the entrance hall, the sword comes out of Beimang.

Thanks to CZ for the silver, muah~

(End of this chapter)