Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 5: The murderer, Zhao Changhe!


If Yue Hongling heard the four words "leave no one alive", she would surely regret sending the boy she had just rescued into the tiger's den.

Yue Hongling had too little information. All she knew was an "attack." She had no idea why the attack took place or what the intended result was.

Luojiazhuang is a local tyrant with a long history. It is said that it has a close relationship with the royal family of Daxia. In addition to the owner of the manor, there are many masters in the manor. The Blood God Cult is not a particularly strong force. The strongest leader is said to be at the ninth level of Xuanguan. Although it is stronger than Luojiazhuang as a whole, if it really wants to launch a war to exterminate the whole family, it will take all its forces to do it.

The Blood God Cult does not operate in this area at all, as Master Luo said, "there is no connection." It is impossible for them to come out in full force across thousands of miles. Such a big commotion, the Great Xia court is not air. It is only possible that a small number of masters came to assassinate an enemy, or steal some weapon secrets, which is a common thing in the martial arts world.

In this situation, Yue Hongling thought she could help. Even if she was not there, nothing should go wrong as long as the village had been warned, so she just left.

She never thought that the Luo family would actually be wiped out because of this incident.

The other party did not send out all their forces. Only a small number of experts came, but the quality of these few experts was a bit terrifying.

Zhao Changhe stood outside the utility room, looking out at the fire on the farm. He could vaguely hear the farm owner's angry roar in the distance: "Venerable Suzaku? You are from the Four Symbols Sect, not the Blood God Sect!"

"Oh? How do you know it's the Blood God Cult?" A charming and lazy female voice floated faintly: "Master Xue... give me an explanation?"

There was no explanation, and I don't know if it was too far to hear. Zhao Changhe did understand the meaning from this simple conversation. The main force coming was indeed the Blood God Cult, and even the leader came. But they were just pawns. The real boss was the Four Symbols Cult. Was this woman the Four Symbols Cult's venerable

I don't know what strength it is, but judging from the trembling voice of Manor Master Luo, it must be very terrifying: "My Luo family has never offended your Four Symbols Sect. The Suzaku Venerable is one of the most powerful people in the world. Why..."

“If fighting only occurs because of offense, how could there be such a chaotic world? Master Luo is so naive.” The female voice seemed to yawn, and the sound of energy colliding became more intense. Master Luo suddenly screamed.

There were cries of surprise from all around: "How dare you, witch!"

Then there was another explosion-like sound, and the woman's laughter drifted far away. It seemed that a group of Luo family masters surrounded this woman, but she was able to injure the owner of Luo Manor in the crowd with ease.

"What are you still standing there for?" The woman's lazy voice spread, shouts and screams began to spread, and flames spread everywhere.

Zhao Changhe turned and ran. This is not the time to watch a show. They are here to kill your family. They don't care if you just arrived today! He rushed out like a fly, picked up a single knife from the weapon rack in the yard, and ran straight to the gate outside.

Luo Qi also rushed over swiftly, faster than he could open the door. The two looked at each other, both of them could see what the other was thinking, and rushed out together.

The next moment, they both stopped at the same time and stepped back in pain.

In the firelight ahead, Luo Zhenwu, the son of the Luo family, and his followers were running towards this side in a panic, with several men in black clothes embroidered with blood chasing behind them, grinning, "Where are you running, you little dog from the Luo family?"

The Suzaku Venerable fought against the Luo Family masters alone, while the Blood God Cult's people were responsible for purging the rest of the Luo Family, and Luo Zhenwu was obviously their focus...

As a result, this guy ran over here in a panic, leading people here and blocking the road.

Who said that this card draw is the initial safe place? From Zhaocuo to Luojia, how can we tell that it is safe? RNM refund!

First, a man in black spread his wings like an eagle and pounced towards Luo Zhenwu at a rapid speed. Under the light of the fire, his palms were bright red and hit Luo Zhenwu directly on the back. It was obvious that he was using a very vicious and evil skill, the kind that would kill anyone who was touched by it.

Luo Zhenwu suddenly grabbed his close follower and pushed him back.

With a scream, the follower collapsed and died.

The Blood God cultist was stunned and laughed, "What a village elder."

Luo Zhenwu had no time to pay attention to him, and took the opportunity to continue running towards Zhao Changhe and Luo Qi. The Blood God Cultist waved his hand, and a cold light flashed past. Luo Zhenwu dodged, but failed to dodge. He screamed and fell to the ground, holding his thigh.

"You think you can break through the three levels of the mysterious gate like this?" The Blood God cultist laughed and raised his knife to chop.

At this moment, a soft sword sound suddenly came from under the moon. At first it was barely audible, like the gurgling of a stream, but somehow it became a surging wave, the sound echoing through the sky, making people's eardrums hurt.

The Blood God cultist looked up at the sky in horror, and saw a sword light falling from the sky, like moonlight spreading, like spring water flowing, and the flames that shot into the sky seemed to become gentle under this sword.

But in this sword intent that was as lingering as a lover's, the Blood God cultists were frightened and retreated several feet in embarrassment, and all the subordinates around them were killed in an instant, and even their death was accompanied by a gentle smile.

Zhao Changhe was dazzled by what he saw.

A woman came walking on the moon, her clothes fluttering in the wind, as if she was a fairy from the Moon Palace descending to earth.

The light was shining from behind, so I couldn't see her face clearly, but it was obviously not Yue Hongling...

Are all women in this world so strong

"The name of Chunshui Sword Technique is a bit vulgar, but it is still beautiful." The Suzaku Venerable also flew over here, waved his hand from a distance, and threw several black "hidden weapons" at the woman who was landing in the air.

The woman subconsciously dropped the "hidden weapon" to the ground, her beautiful eyes fixed.

It wasn't a hidden weapon, it was clearly a few human heads, one of which was the owner of Luo Manor. Luo Zhenwu dragged his injured leg backwards in fear and hid behind the woman.

The Suzaku Venerable landed in the field and chuckled lazily, "I didn't expect that it was Master Tang who came here at night. It seems that Luo Family Manor is really... Haha, it's a pity that you are late. The old dog of the Luo family is dead. Why did Master Tang drag his sick body to fight with us? You might as well go home."

Zhao Changhe looked at her quietly. This Suzaku Venerable was also a woman dressed in red, but Yue Hongling's red dress was a warrior's outfit, while this person's red dress had a bit of the flavor of a sacrificial robe, embroidered with strange patterns.

She was wearing a half-face mask, so her features and age were unknown. The mask was in the shape of a firebird, with its beak covering the tip of her nose, revealing her bright red lips, which was very sexy. The mask could not cover her eyes, which were clearly playful under the night sky.

The woman called Tang Shouzuo had her back to Zhao Changhe. She was wearing a thick mink coat. At this moment, she covered her mouth and coughed softly. She looked asthmatic and weak. After coughing for a long time, she slowly said, "This is Daxia."

In the middle of these two sentences, footsteps were heard, and other Blood God believers gathered around. One of them, a blood-stained man, said in a deep voice, "All the relatives of the Luo family have been killed, and only Luo Zhenwu is left."

"Thank you, Master Xue." Zhuque said with a smile, "Master Tang, we don't know why you came here alone, but you are still sick and can't protect the cripple behind you by yourself. It's a pity to sacrifice yourself here."

Master Tang didn't say much, he just pointed his sword at the other party, and the situation was deadlocked for a while.

Zhao Changhe thought to himself that the so-called Tang Shouzuo might be an official position. He didn't know why she came alone, and maybe the large army behind her would arrive soon. Zhuque looked very afraid of Tang Shouzuo. As long as he could delay for a while, maybe he could really delay until the government came to rescue Luo Zhenwu.

Seeing Luo Zhenwu lying on the ground with his injured leg, Zhao Changhe's heart moved slightly. He suddenly poked his head out from behind the gate and said loudly, "Who said we can do it alone? As long as Master Tang stops them, we can escape with Young Master on our backs!"

Luo Qi next to him was stunned.

Everyone was stunned. Venerable Suzaku and the people from the Blood God Sect stared at him coldly. Even Chief Tang turned around to look.

Zhao Changhe had no time to care about those autumn-water-like scissors eyes. He strode forward and helped Luo Zhenwu up: "Young Master, I'll carry you!"

"Stay." Venerable Suzaku casually threw out a red light.

With a "clang", Leader Tang stopped him silently.

Seeing that he could really escape in this state, Luo Zhenwu was overjoyed and stood up, leaning against Zhao Changhe: "Okay, okay, if I had known you were so kind and honest... Poof..."

Before he could finish his words, a long knife stabbed into his heart.

Luo Zhenwu widened his eyes, looked down at the knife stuck in his heart, then looked along the long knife to the hand holding the knife, and finally looked at the owner of the hand.

In the light of the fire, there was a ferocity in Zhao Changhe's eyes that was completely opposite to "simplicity".

What’s so great about having three levels of entrance? It’s not invulnerable!

Zhao Changhe knew that Luo Zhenwu was a martial artist after all. If he went straight for him with a knife, he would not be able to kill him because the other party was on guard. He had to pretend to make him lose his vigilance, and he succeeded in one strike.

Over there, Venerable Suzaku and Master Tang both stopped and were a little dazed.

Zhao Changhe panted and whispered, "This is my token of joining the sect... Your Excellency won't let me be arrested by the government, right?"

"Yes." Zhuque's eyes moved, and he flashed in front of Zhao Changhe to protect him.

Tang Shouzuo said calmly: "What's the point of taking in a traitor?"

"Betraying the master?" Zhao Changhe laughed: "He is a nobody!"

He stabbed the knife a few inches deeper and said: "When you slaughtered all the people in Zhaocuo, did you ever think about today?"

Luo Zhenwu uttered twice, with some realization and regret in his eyes, but he was unable to speak and soon died.

Tang Shouzuo looked at Zhao Changhe quietly, thinking of the village she saw on the road, and she understood what was going on. She sighed and said softly, "You don't know how serious this matter is. You... will regret it."

Zhao Changhe drew out his long sword and responded loudly: "My thoughts are clear, so why should I regret it!"

"Forget it." Chief Tang shook his head and asked, "Do you dare to leave your name?"

"The murderer is Zhao Changhe!"

(End of this chapter)