Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 6: Beimang


The Luo family, a noble family of the Great Xia Dynasty, was brutally exterminated by the Four Symbols Sect and the Blood God Sect. No one was left alive. The news spread across the world within days, shocking the world.

Although Zhao Changhe has heard several people talking about the chaotic world, it is not completely chaotic yet. Today, the world is full of rioters, bandits are rampant, foreign races are eyeing covetously, the noble families are in control of their own territories, and the ambitious are ready to make a move... However, in name, there is still a unified empire, which is the end of the dynasty, and it has not yet entered the stage of a fierce competition among heroes.

There are many people who occupy mountains and act as kings now, but at least there are no ones who openly raise the flag of rebellion. They are still at the level of "bandits" and "evil cults".

The typical watershed between this level and the real chaotic times should basically start with killing officials, rebelling, conquering cities, etc., which means that the authority of the court is gone.

The Luo family is not a very powerful force, but it has a long heritage and can be considered a high-ranking family. It also has a special feature - it is rumored that the Luo family is related to the royal family.

Zhao Changhe heard Yue Hongling say this when he first came to your place. Although no one could tell what the connection was, it was not necessarily a rumor. The fact that Tang Shouzuo did not even have time to wait for the main force and rushed to rescue him despite his illness was proof.

Now, this local noble family related to the royal family was wiped out by the evil cult overnight, which was tantamount to a slap in the face of the royal family. It seemed to foreshadow that the prelude to the chaotic times was about to begin and a storm was about to come.

And one of the little-known names came into the public eye through the Daxia wanted list.

The murderer, Zhao Changhe!

… …

Thousands of miles away, Beimang.

The heavy snow covered the mountains for thousands of miles, and everything was white.

Zhao Changhe, who was just beginning to gain fame, was feeling extremely upset at this moment.

He stood on the top of the mountain in the cold wind, looking into the distance. He was wearing thin clothes and was freezing. Luo Qi stood beside him, and both of them had blank expressions on their faces.

That day, Tang Shouzuo was alone and sick, so he could not force his way into the enemy camp to take Zhao Changhe's head, so he just took Luo Zhenwu's body and left. Zhao Changhe, who had "letters of surrender", was naturally taken back to the Demon Cult to join the gang. Luo Qi, who was by Zhao Changhe's side, was also taken away. He was regarded as a member of Zhao Changhe's gang...

It was obvious that Luo Qi had never intended to join any evil cult, but he didn't dare to run away, so he had no choice but to come here. His whole life was disrupted, and his face was dark the whole way.

Zhao Changhe understood his stinky face, but he didn't think he had let Luo Qi down. After all, all the people in Luojiazhuang died. Without his action, it was hard to say whether Luo Qi could survive. Even if Tang Shouzuo could rescue Luo Zhenwu, how could he care about you, an outer sect disciple? The possibility of you being finished is as high as 99%. To put it bluntly, Zhao Changhe was also saving himself, otherwise he would have been hacked to death by the demon sect.

In fact, Luo Qi knew what was going on, so even though he had a sour face, he went everywhere with Zhao Changhe naturally. Zhao Changhe was also happy with this, since he was the only familiar person at this time...

As for joining the Demon Cult, Zhao Changhe certainly didn't hesitate. Things had come to this point, so he might as well join. How could the Luo Family be better than the Demon Cult

The demon cultists did not commit any violence on the way, but brought them back in a very low-key manner. The demon cultists were quite sympathetic to Zhao Changhe's behavior, and were quite enthusiastic towards him along the way, praising him as a "good man", but Zhao Changhe was still very upset.

Beimang Beimang... Of course there is a place in his world, and it is quite famous. When I first heard this place name, I thought it was the geography of the ancient Chinese world, but it turned out not to be. This Beimang has nothing to do with the Mang Mountain he knows. This mountain is deserted and covered with ice and snow for thousands of miles. There is a city outside the mountain, but it is a remote small city. It is not the land of Heluo at all.

This is not ancient China, but a completely different world. I don’t know what relationship it has with my dream. Could it be that because it is the world in my dream, the customs here are similar to those in China, and the language is modern Chinese

I don't know, but it's very uncomfortable. During these days of traveling, I fell asleep and woke up so many times, and there was no sign of returning to the real world. Zhao Changhe knew that he could never go back.

Zhao Changhe has never had the desire to travel through time. He still has parents at home, so why would he want to travel through time? What he wants most at this moment is to go home.

Regardless of whether or not he could go back after killing the witch... Anyway, since the blind man had the ability to allow people to travel through time, it meant that he could also develop the ability to go back. Obviously, the first priority was to gain knowledge of the power as quickly as possible, such as opening the so-called entrance to the human body, which would allow him to get a glimpse of the path back.

Apart from anything else, if I don’t practice martial arts, I’m afraid I’ll freeze to death here.

Luo Qi who was standing by suddenly spoke up: "Are you doing this for the sake of the Demon Cult's skills?"

Zhao Changhe turned his head and looked at him, but Luo Qi still had no expression. Zhao Changhe shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal. I'm avenging the innocent villagers of Zhaocuo and protecting myself. Otherwise, you and I might both be dead."

Luo Qi said: "Then you should give a fake name. Why are you so arrogant and say that the murderer is Zhao Changhe?"

Zhao Changhe laughed: "Why can't even Zhao Changhe be nonsense? If I change my name when I go out, no one will know who I am..."

Luo Qi choked for a moment, turned his head away and stopped talking. He looked a little cute.

Zhao Changhe said at this time: "It's the real name."

Luo Qi: "Fuck."

"I'm too lazy to hide my true identity. A real man should never change his surname or given name." Zhao Changhe grinned. "Besides, don't you think what I said is very impressive?"

Luo Qi was dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer this question. Just to show off

Zhao Changhe finally sighed: "Speaking of which, real names and fake names are meaningless. I guess the wanted posters have been issued everywhere. As long as the face is painted like that, any name will be the same... Well, I hope Master Tang's painting skills are not good enough."

Luo Qi sneered: "Master Tang is famous for his proficiency in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He is also famous for his talent and beauty, and is well-known throughout Daxia."

Zhao Changhe shrugged: "Forget it, it's already been done, what else can I do?"

Luo Qi did not dwell on this anymore, and said, "In fact, it is not surprising that people strive for higher positions... I just wonder if you will feel a little regretful that it was not the Four Symbols Sect that brought us back, but the Blood God Sect. The level of the Blood God Sect is not much better than that of the Luo family, and their foundation may even be inferior."

Zhao Changhe originally thought that he could join the Four Symbols Sect. It was obvious that the one who could destroy the Luo family was not the Blood God Sect, but the Four Symbols Sect's Suzaku Reverend. The Blood God Sect was just an assistant. As a result, when Tang Shouzu left, Suzaku Reverend also left without saying much. The majority of the people in the field were Blood God followers, and of course they were taken to join the Blood God Sect.

Moreover, he did not follow Master Xue to the headquarters, but was only taken to the Beimang branch, which seemed to be not taken seriously.

Thinking about it, it is true that they would not take it too seriously. What future can a young man who has betrayed his master and has no cultivation at all have? However, the Demon Cult also needs to recruit people, and those who have submitted a letter of surrender will of course be regarded as fellow countrymen. If they don't accept this person, where else can they recruit people

If Zhao Changhe was a few years younger, or had a strong practice, he might have a good job. Unlike now, there was a sacrifice going on inside, and they were not allowed to watch, and could only blow the cold wind outside.

"No regrets, as long as you have a place to go. You will be destroyed if you stay in the Luo family anyway, so what else can you do?" Zhao Changhe didn't talk about this any more, and said, "Are you still angry with me? It's been so many days since we've been on this journey, and you're going to stop being so sullen? I didn't destroy the Luo family, and if I hadn't done this, wouldn't you have known whether you would have lived or not? Are you still loyal to Luo Zhenwu and want to avenge him?"

Luo Qi sighed and said, "As you said, it was the Four Symbols Sect and the Blood God Sect that destroyed the Luo family, not you. Why should I blame you? It's just that my life has been messed up since then. I'm confused about the future and I'm in a bad mood. I didn't mean to be cold to you. I hope you understand."

Zhao Changhe understood, and asked again: "Do you hate the Blood God Cult? As a son of the Luo family, are your parents... in there?"

"Heh..." Luo Qi shook his head: "My parents are long gone... I just wonder why they want to destroy the Luo family?"

Why did they want to destroy the Luo family? This might be really important. Zhao Changhe quickly thought of the second "location card" he had traveled through. Since the "eyes behind me" were really effective, the location card couldn't be aimless. It must be related to the Luo family. Maybe I could ask about it when I really join the sect...

But Luo Qi said, "The Blood God Cult is not as mysterious as the Four Symbols Cult. They are active in the world and often recruit various bandits to rob... So they are divided into formal believers and non-official bandits. It is hard to say how you and I will be treated... If you can officially join the cult, please take some with you in the future."

This was probably why he took the initiative to ease the relationship. Zhao Changhe was the one who had made great contributions and had a great chance of being accepted into the sect, but he was not.

Zhao Changhe also knew that Yue Hongling had mistakenly thought that the black-clad men who massacred Zhaocuo were non-members of the Blood God Cult because their martial arts were superficial and their foundation could not be seen. It is conceivable that if they only absorbed this kind of identity, it would be useless.

At this moment, the secret door at the back opened a little, and someone shouted from the crack: "The captain wants you two to come in and talk."

The two of them thought they had arrived, looked at each other, and turned inside.

There is a secret door under the ice and snow in the valley. Behind the door, the path winds downward and leads to the mountain deep underground.

The space inside the mountain is neither too big nor too small. There is an altar surrounded by a pool of blood, which can accommodate hundreds of people to participate in the ceremony.

This is the altar of the Blood God Cult branch. Many other bandits are not allowed to enter and can only live in the mountains covered in snow and ice.

At this time, torches were lit all around the blood pool, and more than a hundred formal believers formed a strange formation around the edge, sitting quietly and praying. The branch leader was chanting on the altar, saying something like "the operation will go smoothly under the blessing of the blood god."

So this is a "sect", not a sect.

But looking at the current situation, the scene does not have any mysterious feeling of surging blood waves, but it feels a bit superstitious.

"Are there gods in this world?" Zhao Changhe asked Luo Qi in a low voice.

"Yes." Luo Qi was very sure: "They haven't seen the real God, but there are many miracles... Everyone believes in it."

"What miracle?" Zhao Changhe asked hurriedly.

He originally felt that this should not be a low-level martial arts world, otherwise how to explain the blind man's ability to send people over across the world

Luo Qi looked at him strangely: "You don't know?"

"I do not know."

"How dare you live in this world without ever seeing a book about chaotic times!"

Thanks to Shadow Shangmeng~

(End of this chapter)