Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 62: The thorny road


In the early morning, the night rain has cleared up.

The mountains were damp, and large drops of water dripped from the leaves and hit the rabbit hat, making a mess.

Zhao Changhe held Cui Yuanyang's hand and flew through the forest. After crossing the mountain where they stayed at night, they did not enter the mountain road, but continued to climb another mountain on the opposite side, choosing a deserted path.

Cui Yuanyang had no complaints and obediently let him hold her hand, letting the thorns in the forest cut her lovely coat into a mess.

She did not make a choice and let Zhao Changhe arrange it, but this attitude itself explained the choice - she was unwilling to choose the first option.

She left home to find Zhao Changhe because she was attracted by the excitement of the Jianghu and the wildness of her family members, which was completely different from the gentle and elegant family members she had seen since childhood. The rebellious girl acted on impulse. When the impulse passed and she had experienced more things, she would realize how stupid she was at that time. Fortunately, Zhao Changhe did not let her down, otherwise she would have regretted it so much if she had been exposed to all kinds of things.

When she was blocked by soldiers in the city, she realized what kind of stain it would bring to her life, and felt grateful to Zhao Changhe for destroying his own reputation to save hers.

This time is the same. If she follows Zhao Changhe and runs away, she will have no other choice in this life except marrying him. Has she thought it through

The little girl had never thought so much about it before.

Once she thought about it, she realized that she didn't know, at least she couldn't make such a decision rashly.

Yangyang wanted to go home, she missed her parents, her brother, and the beautiful black peony... She didn't want to wander outside for a year or two, being held by him to sleep and have children.

Yangyang herself is still a child.

But Cui Yuanyang knew that the second option was a thorny road. Even if Zhao Changhe said it lightly, it was still much more dangerous than taking a detour. If she were to say directly, "I want to go home, let's take the risk," she still couldn't say it.

We just met by chance. Zhao Changhe has done enough. He didn't even ask for your ordinary secret book. Why should he let him take risks and rely on your cake? He didn't need to be involved in these things at all. He could have fled long ago.

Zhao Changhe understood her thoughts, rested for the whole night without saying a word, and then early the next morning he pulled the little rabbit straight out of the hole.

Cui Yuanyang resigned himself to his fate and crawled out of the cave and followed him. When he found that the direction was to Qinghe River, the little rabbit's heart trembled, like a stone flying from the sky and hitting the Qinghe River, creating ripples.

In fact, Zhao Changhe was born brave and determined, so he was destined to take this thorny road, right

Perhaps even Han Wubing saw it and knew that he would definitely send Yangyang home.

But Yangyang still felt very confused.

The morning sunlight shines through the treetops in the mountains and shines on his face. It is so beautiful and more perfect than any of the masters' statues.

"Are you tired?" Zhao Changhe suddenly asked after flying for an unknown amount of time.

Cui Yuanyang was out of breath, but still insisted: "It's okay."

"Well... you are at least at the third level of Xuanguan, and have first-rate Qinggong, so you can still hold on." Zhao Changhe said, "Rest for a while, but you can't go to the city to rest and eat. No matter how bad this cake tastes, you have to make do with it."

Cui Yuanyang looked at the rough cake he took out. It was not only unpalatable, but also a bit dirty... But she didn't say anything. She took the cake and ate it in small bites.

Zhao Changhe smiled. This girl... is much cuter than the rich lady I imagined.

He strode to the stream nearby, drank a big gulp, and picked a broad leaf to fill with water and brought it back: "Here."

Cui Yuanyang took the water and asked curiously, "Why don't you drink from your wine gourd? Is it gone?"

Zhao Changhe smiled and said, "Yes, but you have to use it sparingly."

Cui Yuanyang thought it was just to deal with the urge to drink, so he didn't say much and just lowered his head to eat the cake.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and there seemed to be a fishy smell in the mountains.

I don’t know what Cui Yuanyang represents, isn’t Shan Feng very normal... He is still eating the cake silently, his mind full of worries.

Zhao Changhe looked up and said with a smile, "You eat, I'm going to the back to relieve myself, don't turn your head back."

Cui Yuanyang wrinkled his nose: "Who's looking at you!"

Then his face turned bitter. What should I do if I need to urinate? I haven’t urinated since last night…

Oh, right, while he's peeing, shouldn't I also pee at this time? Cui Yuanyang had long forgotten that he told him not to turn his head, and subconsciously turned his head to see where he was.

At first glance, Zhao Changhe was seen leaping forward with a steel knife in his hand, and in front of him was a white-browed tiger pouncing towards him.

The two sides are about to meet in mid-air.

"Roar!" The tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and all the grass and trees shook.

Cui Yuanyang dropped the cake in his hand and quickly covered his mouth.

Those who have never seen a tiger pounce on its prey can only imagine how to slide when facing a tiger, but when facing it head-on, the momentum of the hundreds of pounds of behemoth rushing down at you, most people's minds are blank, and fear can make people unable to move. At this moment, Cui Yuanyang's mind was blank, and he didn't know where the little sword skills he had practiced since childhood had gone.

He watched Zhao Changhe in mid-air, the knife in his hand stained with blood, and the sharp red light slashed heavily on the tiger's forehead.

All gods and Buddhas are gone!

He actually didn't even think about dodging the fight from the beginning, fearing that if he did so, Cui Yuanyang behind him would be hurt, so he used his special skills to try to stop the tiger directly in front of him!

"Bang!" It was not known whether the knife was real or not, blood splattered, and the powerful impact force caused Zhao Changhe to fall in the air. He quickly twisted his waist in the air, kicked the tree trunk behind him, and bounced back like an arrow.

The tiger's forehead was bleeding. It roared wildly, spun around, cut its tail, and threw it heavily towards Zhao Changhe in mid-air.

Zhao Changhe spun in the air, and the tiger's tail swept away nothing. The knife had already slashed along the tiger's waist, bringing up a bloody rain in the sky.

"Step!" Zhao Changhe landed in front, and the strong inertia made him slide forward several feet before he could stand firm. He turned his head and looked back, and the tiger was already dead.

In Cui Yuanyang's eyes, he was like a god.

In a trance, I recalled my brother's evaluation: this is like a tiger descending from the mountain and a dragon entering the sea.

How can a tiger compare to him!

"Ah, I told you not to look. I thought I could kill him in seconds, but I underestimated you. Damn, even the tigers here are more powerful than those in Beimang." Zhao Changhe strode back carrying a tiger corpse weighing several hundred kilograms, and said with a smile, "Since we only roam in the mountains, we will encounter wild beasts. It's easier to deal with them than experts, and they deliver meat to our doorstep. It's okay, you continue eating, I'll see if I can grill some meat."

Cui Yuanyang asked inexplicably: "Do you often hunt tigers in Beimang?"

“Uh, I haven’t hunted it. At that time, this thing was hunted by Luo… well, my good friend, but I only saw it occasionally. It was winter at that time, and although tigers don’t hibernate, they are less active and hard to see.” Zhao Changhe was cutting tiger meat and talking excitedly: “At that time, she hunted one, and the whole village was like celebrating the New Year. Instructor Sun personally peeled the tiger skin to make a chair cushion, which was the one I sat on in the Juyi Hall later. I don’t know if you have seen it... Oh, it seems that you didn’t enter the Juyi Hall. I took you into the room... "

Cui Yuanyang sat aside, holding his chin and watching him chattering, but he seemed unable to hear what he was saying.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me?"

"Oh... Oh, it's okay, I, I, I'm going to pee too, don't turn your head!" Cui Yuanyang jumped up like a rabbit and quickly went behind the bushes behind Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Although I can't see you squatting behind the bushes, please don't take off your clothes while squatting...

Why is it a white tiger again... This is not right, is it because it hasn’t grown fully yet

"Ah!!!" Cui Yuanyang's scream suddenly came.

Zhao Changhe stood up suddenly: "What's wrong?"

"Yes, there's a snake!"

"..." Zhao Changhe grabbed her sword and threw it accurately to her hand: "Use Cui family swordsmanship by yourself. I really can't help you this time."

Cui Yuanyang drew his sword and chopped the snake off. Then he looked at Zhao Changhe's back suspiciously: " do you know where my hand is?"

"Listen to the sound to determine the location, listen to the sound to determine the location, do you know that?" Zhao Changhe's face turned red with embarrassment, and he didn't even want to roast the tiger meat: "It's almost time to rest, hurry up and leave after you finish your shit!"

The little white rabbit chased after him, holding up his pants: "Zhao Changhe! It turns out you are also very filthy!"

Zhao Changhe turned around and made a tiger claw gesture: "If you keep talking, I'll make you look like eighteen different people!"

"You're just talking nonsense."

"You just called me obscene. Is your brain made of hemp?"

"Hmph." The little girl seemed to have completely forgotten what she was questioning just now, and naturally put her hand into his big hand again. The two of them started to use their lightness skills and ran all the way.

The days of wandering in the mountains with the beautiful girl are so simple and boring.

If he had a choice, Zhao Changhe would rather deal with tigers and snakes like this every day, and it would be best if he could reach Qinghe like this.

Unfortunately, the road leading to Qinghe is not mountainous. After three days of traveling through the mountains, the road ahead is flat.

The stream flows out from the mountain stream at the back and gradually merges into the river in front. In the flowing river, there are boats floating and fishermen's songs are melodious.

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath.

If you want to cross the river, that is the place where you are most likely to be ambushed, and from then on your whereabouts will be difficult to conceal.

People are much scarier than tigers.

(End of this chapter)