Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 63: Water Terror


"Do you two want to take a ferry? There are freshly caught river fish on the boat..." The beautiful boatwoman rowed the boat closer to the shore, smiling before she spoke.

Seeing the two people on the shore, the boat girl made a "hmm" sound, and her smile froze. It seemed that she wanted to row the boat away again and didn't want to take the two guests with her.

Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang looked at each other. Their clothes were dirty and torn, and their faces were covered with mud. Cui Yuanyang's snow-white rabbit fur cotton-padded jacket was tattered, with cotton fluff leaking out everywhere. It was also dirty and black, making him look like a little beggar.

This is three or four days of traveling through the forest in the rain and after the rain...

Maybe two people who stay together all the time don't feel anything, but to others, the stench may even float away on the boat.

Cui Yuanyang asked Zhao Changhe in a low voice: "She still despises us, so she should be a normal boatman?"

Zhao Changhe was very pleased that this silly boy was actually thinking about this instead of crying and being despised. He was becoming less and less silly. Hmm, wasn't he not that cute anymore

Zhao Changhe looked at the boat. The boatwoman was hesitant and wanted to come over but was rowing slowly. There was another old boatman at the helm, his face looked a little distressed, and it seemed that he didn't want to take these two passengers.

It's hard to say whether this is a normal boatman, but relatively speaking, it is definitely more normal than being particularly enthusiastic. Zhao Changhe's own experience is just like that, and he can't see any problems at the moment, so he said: "You have to cross the river anyway, so you have to choose a boat."

After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "In fact, your father might not even recognize you now..."

Cui Yuanyang snorted and shouted, "Hey, boatman, if you don't come over, how can we eat the river food?"

The boat girl hesitated and said, "River seafood is precious..."

Cui Yuanyang put his hands on his waist, took out a piece of silver and held it high: "I have money!"

I feel so proud. Fu Loli's money has hardly been used. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

The boat girl's eyes lit up and she paddled over with a smile on her face: "We caught a big carp today. I knew a distinguished guest was coming!"

Cui Yuanyang smiled and said, "You are really good at talking."

The two boarded the boat and entered the cabin, which was a small room with a bed and a table. It was very suitable for a family to go out and have fun in a fishing village. It seemed that there were such projects in the world. Judging from this alone, "the troubled times" were simply not worthy of their name.

However, it is not known whether this place is relatively peaceful because it is close to the edge of the Cui family's sphere of influence.

"Does your boat go directly to the other side?" Zhao Changhe asked the boatwoman.

"It depends on the guests. If you want to cross the river directly to the other side, or if you want to go downstream, that's also fine. You can go as far as you want, but you have to pay extra!" The boat girl smiled lively.

Cui Yuanyang handed over the silver and said, "Then take us downstream to Wei County. Is this enough?"

The boatwoman said happily, "That's enough. I'll go and cook some fish for the guests."

Seeing the boat girl go out and the curtain drawn, the two looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Once they arrived in Wei County, they would be the real sphere of influence of the Cui family. No matter who Cui Yuanyang found, they would be immediately protected and nothing would happen to them anymore.

And the closer to the Cui family, the safer it is. It was normal for the Cui family not to know the situation at first, but after three or four days in the mountains, more and more people greedy for bounties may have smelled the fishy smell and come, but it is impossible for the Cui family not to know. As long as the Cui family has normal IQ, they should have sent out elite troops to clear obstacles on various important roads to meet the little princess, and have already begun to strictly investigate the traitor.

Of course, with such a large area, everyone may not be able to respond accurately, and there is no time to arrange outside the sphere of influence, but the closer you are, the safer it is, this is inevitable.

The most dangerous road is actually this one. As long as there is no problem with the ferry, everything will be over.

Cui Yuanyang really thought that it should be fine, and tilted his head to look out the window and wait for the fish. But Zhao Changhe's spirit became more and more tense.

Especially at times like this, we must be careful not to be careless.

As the sky gradually darkened, the sunset glow reflected in the river, creating a beautiful scene. Cui Yuanyang watched a carp leap up from the river and then fall back into the water, clapping his hands and laughing with joy; the aroma of stewed fish wafted from outside the cabin, and the boat girl's singing drifted in the air; a rider passed by on the shore, the sound of horse hooves clapping; the wind blew the willows, the water flowed, and behind him there were other boats, drifting slowly downstream.

All the sounds, lights and shadows around me flashed through my consciousness frame by frame.

Footsteps sounded.

Zhao Changhe touched the handle of the knife.

It was the boat girl who came in with the curtain lifted, smiling before she spoke: "Sir, the fish soup is here!"

The fish soup was placed on the table, swaying with the swaying of the boat. Cui Yuanyang leaned forward to smell it: "It's so delicious!"

The boatwoman smiled and said, "There is also braised fish. I will go get it now so as not to disturb the guests from drinking soup."

The boat girl came out again. Cui Yuanyang couldn't see anything unusual, so she took a spoon and scooped a small spoonful of soup with great interest, ready to taste it. Zhao Changhe acted as fast as lightning and grabbed her wrist.

Cui Yuanyang looked at him in confusion. Zhao Changhe shook his head slightly and said nothing.

Cui Yuanyang didn’t quite understand. He sniffed, put down the spoon and kept silent.

The fish soup is so delicious... If you don't drink it cold, it will be not tasty...

Cui Yuanyang was salivating in agony. After an unknown amount of time, the boatwoman finally brought the braised fish. Seeing the untouched soup on the table, she was very surprised: "Why don't the guests drink the soup? It's almost cold."

"Nothing, we just like to drink cold drinks." Zhao Changhe smiled and said, "Put the braised fish there to cool down, too."

The boat girl looked at Zhao Changhe in confusion and muttered, "What a weird quirk."

She didn't urge him, she put down the braised fish with a puzzled look and turned away. Cui Yuanyang didn't think there was anything wrong with it, thinking that Zhao Changhe was too suspicious this time. Just as he was about to speak, a knife flashed in front of him, and Zhao Changhe suddenly chopped the boat girl's delicate neck with a knife.

Cui Yuanyang was dumbfounded.

The scene at the next moment made her eyes widen.

The boat girl twisted her body slightly, took lotus steps, and nimbly avoided the knife attack from behind by Zhao Changhe. She turned around and stabbed Cui Yuanyang in the heart with a dagger.

"Bang!" Zhao Changhe slashed across the fence with his knife, and at the same time pulled Cui Yuanyang away with one hand, kicked over the table with his other foot, and splashed the fish soup all over the door. As if to suit the occasion, as soon as the fish soup was poured out, the wind blew outside the curtain, and the bamboo sheath at the front of the pole in the old boatman's hand was removed, turning into a sharp spear with a cold glow, and came straight through the door.

The scenery of fishermen singing in the evening and leisurely walking along the river suddenly turned into being in a tiger's den, with every step fearful.

Cui Yuanyang didn't have time to adapt to this role change. He subconsciously drew his sword and stabbed the boat girl in the face with the Cui family sword technique's Green Water.

The boat girl chuckled, "Mr. Zhao is smart, and Miss Cui is also good at swordsmanship."

Over there, Zhao Changhe's knife had already chopped on the tip of the bamboo. The thin pole that looked like bamboo actually made a crisp sound of metal clashing. The sharp spear was like a snake spitting out its tongue, piercing Zhao Changhe's throat!

Zhao Changhe slightly misstepped his steps to avoid the shot, then he tucked the gun under his armpit and slashed the back of the boat girl's head on the other side.

Boat girl: “?”

She had barely finished her teasing words when a sharp wind hit her head, and she was attacked from both sides by Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang. The boat girl simply couldn't understand what Zhao Changhe was thinking. You clamped the opponent's gun, but chopped the knife to the side. This is a typical open door. The opponent's kick in your Dantian can make you lose half your life. Do you really want to chop me

Or is Cui Yuanyang's safety more important to you

With a "bang", the boatman kicked Zhao Changhe in the lower abdomen. The boat girl on the other side was finally unable to avoid the double attack. She dodged to the side, broke through the window, and jumped into the river. There was a deep cut on her back by Zhao Changhe's knife. Blood gushed out of the river. No one knew whether she was dead or not.

Zhao Changhe seemed to feel no harm from the boatman's kick. He forced the boat girl to jump into the river with a single blow of his knife. Without stopping, he swung his knife back and slashed at the boatman's neck.

When the boatman saw the boat girl running away, he decisively let go of his bamboo spear, flipped out of the cabin, and also jumped into the water and disappeared.

Zhao Changhe was half-kneeling with his sword at this time, holding his lower abdomen and gasping for breath. Of course, he was injured by the kick.

Cui Yuanyang urgently supported him: "Brother Zhao!"

After finally calling out this name, Cui Yuanyang no longer felt goose bumps. He was extremely anxious: "What's wrong with you? I, I have medicine for internal injuries."

"Well, I chose this plan because I was counting on you to have good medicine."

"Why would I have to fight and get hurt? I, I can actually handle her temporarily..."

Zhao Changhe swallowed the medicine, shook his head and looked at the river outside the window: "Do you know why I suspect there is something wrong with them?"

Cui Yuanyang shook his head in confusion. The other party really didn't reveal any flaws at all.

"Because I found that our boat was slower than others... During the process of cooking the fish, more and more boats followed behind us. I must kill these two people as quickly as possible, otherwise I will be trapped in the river and will surely die. I am willing to risk getting injured for this!"

Zhao Changhe said as he adjusted his breath for a few times, and found that the Cui family's medicine was indeed very effective, and it only hurt a little after being hit. He stood up with the knife in his hand: "Can you row a boat?"

"There is a river at my home, so I know a little bit."

"Well, go row the boat towards the shore. I have to get into the water right now. Otherwise, the two ghosts are under the boat. If they pierce the boat, we will all die here."

(End of this chapter)