Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 64: Cross the river!


"Do you have anything like a hairpin? I don't see any on your head." Zhao Changhe suddenly asked.

"Yes, I have it in my bag." Cui Yuanyang didn't know what he was going to use it for, so he took out a gold hairpin from the small package in his arms and asked, "How about this one?"

It is indeed a women’s bag, it represents two worlds, it looks small, but it holds everything just like Doraemon’s pocket.

"Okay." Zhao Changhe grabbed the hairpin, chopped off the sharp end with a steel knife, and quickly left the cabin. After thinking for a while, he felt that this heavy steel knife was not convenient to use underwater, so he stayed on the boat, took out a thin knife for fish, put it on his belt, and plunged into the water.

Cui Yuanyang hurried to control the boat, and only then did he see the scene that Zhao Changhe described. There were indeed many boats approaching in the shadows behind him. The originally peaceful river surface inexplicably had an oppressive feeling like a water battle. It really was abnormal no matter how he looked at it.

Some of the ships were quite close, and looked to be within arrow range.

Don’t even mention whether the fish is poisonous or not. Even if it is not poisonous, if you are so leisurely eating the fish, I’m afraid your family will be able to have a feast soon…

Cui Yuanyang rowed anxiously towards the other side of the river, glancing at the ripples on the water from time to time, wondering how Zhao Changhe was doing in the water...

No, he, can he swim!

During the verifiable life of Zhao Changhe, Zhaocuo, Luojiazhuang and Beimang were all places with only clear streams and ponds.

No one knows why Zhao Changhe can swim, but Zhao Changhe really can swim, and he is pretty good at it...

He dived into the water, and saw the boatman working on the bottom of the boat with a chisel. It was not easy to work underwater, and the boatman only made a shallow hole. The sound of Zhao Changhe entering the water had startled him, and he was also very surprised when he turned around.

Is it true that Zhao Changhe is a newcomer to the martial arts world with his quick thinking and decisiveness? If he is not an old martial artist, then there is only one possibility: he is a natural born martial artist.

The thought flashed through his mind, and the boatman showed a hint of ferocity. He abandoned the boat, pulled out a water-dividing spike, and swam towards Zhao Changhe.

Being able to swim and being able to swim underwater are two different things. Not to mention anything else, just being able to open your eyes underwater requires deliberate practice. How could Zhao Changhe deliberately practice this? Not to mention breathing and holding your breath, and moving underwater. For those who make a living on the water, even their martial arts are adapted to these. They can hold their breath for a longer time and use the power of the water more smoothly. Even if a land immortal comes, he has to coil in the water!

Sure enough, when it reached Zhao Changhe, the water-dividing spear stabbed out. Zhao Changhe pulled out his fish knife and pushed it away. From one movement, one could clearly feel Zhao Changhe's awkwardness underwater. His eyes could only remain half open and half closed, and he looked very uncomfortable. His movements were obviously not as agile as on shore.

The boatman thought to himself, if Zhao Changhe’s skills were limited to this, he could have died here now. I am also at the third level of Xuanguan. I wonder if I can directly replace your ranking in the Book of Chaos

With a flash of thought, he kicked his legs slightly and got closer to Zhao Changhe. Zhao Changhe's fish knife was clumsily cut at him, but the boatman skillfully held it under his armpit, which was exactly the opposite of the fight in the cabin just now.

The boatman smiled and stabbed Zhao Changhe's chest viciously with the water-dividing spear in his right hand.

However, just as he was getting close to her, Zhao Changhe's tightly pursed lips suddenly spit out.

A broken golden hairpin was ejected with internal force!

Being caught off guard at such a close distance, even though the hairpin was actually quite slow in the water, it still became a death knell in the eyes of the boatman.

He tried to dodge in shock, but it was too late at such a close distance, and the hairpin had already shot viciously into his eye socket.

Blood gushed out and the boatman cried out in pain instinctively, but the river water instantly rushed in and he could not make any sound.

Are we the shady killers or are you the shady killers? How come you are more insidious than us!

This was the boatman’s last thought.

In fact, before he died, the Water-Dividing Spear still pierced Zhao Changhe's chest, but it lost its strength and was grabbed by Zhao Changhe's left hand, so the spear only penetrated less than an inch into the flesh... But the Water-Dividing Spear was poisoned.

Zhao Changhe is not the only one who plays dirty tricks...

Zhao Changhe had no time to care about his injuries and poison. He used his internal energy to suppress the poison, pulled his right hand free from the trap, and swung the fish knife backwards.

The thin blade spun and just cut across the throat of the boat girl who attacked from behind. The boat girl widened her eyes, not understanding at all.

He was seriously wounded on his back and was planning to leave, but when he saw that there was an opportunity to fight here, he thought of coming over to attack Zhao Changhe. However, Zhao Changhe had his back to him during the fierce battle, so how did he know that he could sneak up on him and attack him, and how could he know where his throat was so accurately

How on earth did he know that

No one could tell the boatman who was playing dirty tricks, and no one could tell the boatwoman Zhao Changhe how she saw what was happening behind her back. Zhao Changhe covered the wound on his chest, rushed out of the water anxiously, and breathed heavily.

It sounds simple and quick with only a few moves, but it actually took quite a long time, two or three minutes. Normally, I would have suffocated to death. If it weren't for Xia Longyuan's internal energy that could provide a short internal cycle, he wouldn't have been able to play such a sharp killing game.

Zhao Changhe was thinking for a moment, if this internal skill is practiced to a certain point, can it really be completely transformed into internal breath and no breathing is needed

The situation did not allow him to think about the martial arts here. Zhao Changhe endured the pain of the wound and the ravages of the poison and looked at the current scene.

Cui Yuanyang said that she could row a boat "a little bit", but that was really just "a little bit", at most she was just learning for fun, who would let a young lady do such rough work herself... Right now, her speed of rowing to the shore was probably no better than the speed of drifting downstream, that is, she would not go around in circles. The river was quite wide, and seeing that there was still a short distance from the shore, the boats behind were getting closer and closer, and Zhao Changhe could already see someone trying to draw a bow and shoot an arrow.

At this time, he was exactly between Cui Yuanyang's boat and the boat coming from behind, and the distance to either side was about the same. Zhao Changhe jumped up without thinking, stepped on the waves, and boarded the boat behind in an instant.

Several people were estimating whether the distance was suitable for archery, when suddenly a person jumped out of the water, and they were all startled.

Zhao Changhe had no weapons at hand, so without saying a word he punched the bowman on the temple, snatched the bow and arrow, and then did another clean backwards flip into the water.

The people on the boat just reacted now and shouted in unison: "It's Zhao Changhe! Kappa and Water Eagle may have been killed!"

"His martial arts skills are not good enough to get back to the boat from such a long distance! Look at him swimming there! Quick, shoot him with an arrow!"

Unfortunately, he was a beat too slow in the chaos. When someone drew his bow and arrow and aimed at Zhao Changhe, he had already swam half the distance. He quickly stepped on the waves and flew into the air, quickly approaching Cui Yuanyang who was approaching the shore: "Yangyang! The boat rope under your feet! Throw it over to help me!"

Cui Yuanyang decisively abandoned the oar, bent down, picked up the thick rope that tied the boat under his feet, and swung it hard.

Zhao Changhe caught it in mid-air and used the force to fly back to the bow. Arrows rained down from behind him, but not a single one came within ten feet of him.

The only thing left in Cui Yuanyang’s mind was: If this is not a God, then what is a God!

But the god in his heart landed on the bow of the boat, and soon staggered, his face pale.

Cui Yuanyang saw the blood on his chest, which had turned black: "You've been poisoned!"

"Well, I can play dirty, and others can do it even better." Zhao Changhe leaned against the side of the boat with difficulty, still smiling: "I'm relying on you, Duobao Fu Loli, you won't let me down, right?"

Cui Yuanyang had no intention of joking with him. He hurriedly opened the small package in his arms, took out a pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth: "Different poisons have different medicines for different symptoms! The Cui family doesn't have any magic pills!"

"It's enough to relieve the suppression." Zhao Changhe felt it and found that the drug was suppressing the toxin and preventing it from spreading. He was satisfied and picked up his knife with a smile, scraping the wound and cutting off the poisoned rotten flesh.

Blood was gushing out, but there was nothing suitable to bandage it. The cloths visible here were dirtier than the other, and if they were bandaged randomly, it would lead to infection.

Zhao Changhe ignored it, took out the wine gourd and poured it on the wound, then stood up again. Turning his head, he saw that the nearest ship behind him had entered the shooting range, and the other side had drawn their bows and drawn arrows.

Zhao Changhe grabbed the bow and arrow he had just snatched, and immediately pulled the string to the full, and the arrow was like a meteor.

With a "bang", the opponent's sail suddenly fell, and the speed of the wind suddenly slowed down. The next moment, arrows fell from the sky like locusts, but they just went out of range and hit the deck at most.

Zhao Changhe took this opportunity to retrieve his steel knife, slung his bow over his body, and tied up his quiver. After finishing his equipment, he breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the distance to the shore, and finally smiled.

The little rabbit has been rowing for such a long time and is sweating profusely. The boat should be reaching the shore soon even if it crawls!

Zhao Changhe pulled Cui Yuanyang up and flew to the shore. The wind from the river blew and brought his loud laughter: "Thank you for seeing me off! See you later!"

(End of this chapter)