Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 66: No dog can bully you


Cui Yuanyang was extremely surprised and unblocked his acupuncture points: "Are you, are you okay?"

Zhao Changhe relaxed his muscles and smiled brightly.

Fortunately, you didn’t say that you only learned how to press the acupoints but not how to release them.

Although he was not able to recover to normal, the uncomfortable feeling of being attacked by various debuffs did subside, especially the wound was well treated, the wound was bandaged and the toxicity was removed, and he felt much better. In addition, the medicines that Cui Yuanyang fed him to replenish qi and blood and strengthen yang were unexpectedly suitable for his current condition. The pain of blood disorder was slowly eliminated, and his fatigue was also restored.

Although it's still not very good, it's no problem to fight less intense battles, so there is much more room for development.

We came to the woods to rest in order to achieve this result, and the result now is better than expected.

"Yangyang is indeed not a burden, but my partner in fighting the enemy together." Zhao Changhe couldn't help but rub her head and said with a smile: "Now I will do it."

Looking at his smiling face, Cui Yuanyang suddenly felt that all the panic he had just felt disappeared.

Now I won’t fall down even if I get hooked! I forgot I can do Qinggong…

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, and the light of torches could be vaguely seen. Someone might discover their location at any time.

Cui Yuanyang's heart was in his throat, but Zhao Changhe did not leave in a hurry. He glanced around, picked up a stone, jumped onto the tree branch, and placed the stone on the branch at a slight angle, which looked like it would fall at any time.

Then he climbed down the tree, took Cui Yuanyang's hand, and quietly sneaked towards Qinghe.

After sliding for about a moment, the stone that had just been placed finally fell to the ground with a "bang".

"There!" Countless voices rang out, and there was chaos.

Far away, Zhao Changhe pulled Cui Yuanyang and hid behind the bushes, watching a group of people who were about to encounter them rushing back the way they came, shouting and screaming.

"Let's go." Zhao Changhe pulled Cui Yuanyang and fled at a high speed. No one even noticed the rustling sound of their footsteps because there were too many footsteps everywhere...

Cui Yuanyang really felt at peace in his heart. As long as he was there, there would be no problems.

"Don't be careless." Zhao Changhe whispered, "Now most people are attracted there, and there are still some scattered people everywhere... coming."

As he spoke, he suddenly jumped up with Cui Yuanyang and hid behind a bush again.

Three people with torches were walking towards us.

Zhao Changhe whispered in Cui Yuanyang's ear: "I'll count to three, two, one. Move together. I'll chop down the taller two, and you kill the shortest one. If you receive it, pinch my hand."

Cui Yuanyang's ears were itchy and his face had already turned red, but he didn't say anything. He pinched them softly with his palm to indicate that he understood, and then let go.

The two of them hid there holding their breath, silently waiting for the three to approach.

"Three... two... one!"

The knife flashed suddenly and the sword light appeared.

The three men fell silently without even a groan.

Zhao Changhe jumped up quickly and caught the torch before it fell to the ground, then walked forward with Cui Yuanyang in a swagger.

Not long after, they came face to face with another set of torches. Zhao Changhe still walked forward with a swagger, and even asked, "Did you find anything?"

"No, they just went over there, and there's no sound now. It must be some wild beast. Weird, Zhao Changhe is quite good at hiding... Hey, you..."

"Swish!" The knife light appeared again, and the sword light reappeared.

Even the distribution was the same, and three more people died on the spot.

"Let's go." They were almost out of the forest. Zhao Changhe threw away the torch and without any disguise, pulled Cui Yuanyang with all his strength and flew away.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and a gentle breeze is blowing.

While speeding, Cui Yuanyang truly found what kind of excitement he wanted to feel when he ran away from home.

But now the girl no longer had the enthusiasm she had when she left home before, because this kind of excitement was actually not good, it was accompanied by cruelty, both to others and to herself.

Maybe the next moment, I will be the one to die. Just as I was thinking this, a leisurely voice came from the side: "Zhao Changhe is indeed worthy of being one of the top 100 potential dragons. With a burden, he almost managed to survive in the midst of the Hanoi underworld... But unfortunately, it ends here."

Zhao Changhe stopped and looked at the ghost shadow floating beside him with a calm face.

Cui Yuanyang also stopped and sighed inwardly.

The master finally arrived.

In fact, there were masters before. The boatman and the boatwoman were both at the third level of the Xuanguan, but they were waiting for the boat behind to arrive before taking action. It was obvious that there were masters of the fourth, fifth or even stronger levels on other boats or on the shore, but Zhao Changhe's strategy was appropriate. He always attacked and ran away, and even the arrows he shot were to block the boats, so he never encountered them head-on.

But masters are not made of mud after all. They stay in this area and will always be found.

This is the final test.

The ghostly figure floated over, and it turned out to be a pale and thin man. His cold eyes swept over Zhao Changhe, and then fell on Cui Yuanyang's face, and turned into greed: "Young lady of the Cui family, why do you make yourself so dirty? It's unnecessary, it's unnecessary. For example, if you come back with me, take a nice bath, and serve you well, I don't have to ask for the reward."

Cui Yuanyang found that he really didn't feel angry, and his heart was full of contempt: "Who are you?"

The thin man said leisurely, "'It's not necessary', it's not necessary, I wonder if the girl has heard of it?"

Cui Yuanyang had never heard of this low-level gangster before, so where did this low-level gangster come from

Zhao Changhe heard from the brothers in the mountain village that… Because when men get together, they tend to talk about the profession of flower thief, and this one is a relatively famous one among them. When people struggle, he laughs and says "It's not necessary" and "It's very comfortable", and the nickname came from this, and finally even the name was changed. This is also the first person Zhao Changhe has seen with an official nickname, and in a sense, he can be called a "number one person".

If someone is a famous figure, his cultivation level must not be too low, otherwise he would have been chopped off before his fame spread.

He had reached the fourth level of Xuanguan a long time ago, and now he didn't know whether he had reached the fifth level. Even if he hadn't, he must be on the cusp.

In fact, Fang Buping was also at this level. If this person had not broken through the fifth level, his actual combat power might not be comparable to Fang Buping. After all, Fang Buping was the leader of a helm, and his status was only higher than this person. However, at that time, Zhao Changhe was fully prepared and ready to go. What was Zhao Changhe's state at this time

He was covered in wounds and exhausted, and had to launch sneak attacks to deal with the smaller fish. He didn't even have any lime left.

In Qi Bushi's eyes, Zhao Changhe is now just a piece of fish belly. As for Cui Yuanyang who is in the third level of Xuanguan? He is not considered a human.

Qi Buzhi approached the two of them leisurely, patting a folding fan, his eyes all the time wandering on Cui Yuanyang's face. No one knew how he could see beauty in the dirty rabbit at the moment... Cui Yuanyang tightly grasped the sword, feeling really insecure, and secretly glanced at Zhao Changhe who had been silent.

This sight frightened me so much that I almost dropped my sword.

Zhao Changhe, who had been smiling brightly after his recovery, now had a gloomy and ferocious look, and his eyes had turned bright red like blood without him noticing - it was not a description, nor was it the redness of his pupils when he practiced martial arts before, but it felt as if even the whites of his eyes and his eyeballs had turned red, which looked extremely terrifying.

Cui Yuanyang instantly knew what Zhao Changhe was doing.

He deliberately released the bloody murderous energy that he had been suppressing, which surged into his brain and caused himself to fall into irrational madness!

This was the first time that Zhao Changhe fell into madness since he started practicing the Blood Evil Technique, and it was on his own initiative.

In the violent and irrational state, one can ignore all injuries and pain, and mobilize the blood evil in the body to the extreme peak, equalizing the previous losses - strictly speaking, the violent state is the complete form of blood evil, but the combat wisdom is lost, and it is hard to say whether the combat power that can be exerted is higher or lower than usual, but there is no other plan to deal with this situation.

Cui Yuanyang was extremely worried, but he knew what to do in his heart... When Brother Zhao was about to go berserk just now, he repeatedly reminded me to stay away from him.

She suddenly drew her sword and ran to the side.

Qi Buzhi thought that the little rabbit was going to run away, and laughed: "Don't worry, little lady, wait until I take your lover's head, and then I will slowly deal with you."

Before he finished speaking, a warning sign arose in his heart.

It's like being stared at by a pack of wolves in the mountains, with countless green wolf eyes staring at you in the night, and you feel numb all over.

A hoarse voice came from my ear: "Zhao is a good man, but he is not qualified to take everything..."

Qi didn't have to turn his head stiffly to see a pair of bright red eyes. The shiny steel knife was tinged with blood, like a magic sword reborn.

The waning moon was like a hook, hanging obliquely in the sky, and Zhao Changhe looked like a blood god descending to the earth.

The knife hasn't even been drawn, but the sight is already soul-stirring.

"Roar!" Zhao Changhe could no longer tell who was in front of him. After all, it was a life, and it was an obstacle to him at the moment.

With a beast-like roar, the mad sword broke through the air, the wind and clouds rolled wildly, and the heaven and earth howled!

With just a casual blow of the knife, all gods and Buddhas are scattered!

Thanks to the Soul Palace Guardian Shangmeng~Jiejiejie~

(End of this chapter)