Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 67: The raging waves are endless


Needless to say, Qi was terrified. His first reaction was to leave and not fight with the madman.

The additional effect of "All Gods and Buddhas Disperse" is fear. It is useless for the determined Yue Hongling, and it is useless for the naturally brave Zhao Changhe... But it is particularly useful for those with weak wills...

"Ding!" Qi didn't dare to take the knife head-on. He skillfully tapped the side of the knife with his folding fan, trying to deflect the knife. Then he opened the folding fan with a "swish" to cut Zhao Changhe's wrist.

I have to say, the moves are still very exquisite.

However, the effect was far from ideal... The blow, which had already weakened the sword's power, only deviated the blade by an inch or two, and Zhao Changhe simply ignored the slash aimed at his wrist, allowing the edge of the fan to cut his wrist without feeling any pain at all.

The knife was relentless and had already landed on Qi's shoulder.

Qi didn't need to lose the advantage in one move, so how could he change his moves in time? He was also experienced, so he rolled on the ground and barely avoided the knife, only cutting his shoulder.

He rolled up from the ground in a panic, looked up, and was even more frightened.

The knife that drank blood seemed to be absorbing blood into the blade. Originally, it was just the bloody aura floating on the surface that made it look like a bloody knife. Now, it really looked like the blade and blood were combined. The blood on Zhao Changhe's wrist also continued to flow into the blade. The knife was like a demon that had been thirsty for a long time and suddenly got food. It was like a cheering illusion.

But it was clearly just a fine steel knife worth a few dozen taels of silver, and it was not the Blood God Sword, the treasure of the Blood God Cult!

What's happening here

Of course it was just an illusion, a hallucination caused by his mind being taken away.

The brutality of the blood evil is not something that ordinary people can endure, no matter if they are enemies or friends.

It’s a long story to describe this bizarre hallucination, but in fact it only took a moment for Zhao Changhe’s second knife to follow and chop him down.

If the previous move of scattering all gods and Buddhas was a demon god swinging his sword to angrily chop down all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, with unparalleled power and power that was soul-stirring, then this sword move could only feel like a desolation after the blood had spread all over the earth. There was no living being between heaven and earth, and everything returned to silence, no matter if it was the enemy or me.

The second of the three unique skills of the Blood Evil Sword Technique: There is no me in the world!

This move cannot be used unless you enter this violent and selfless state!

Qi Buzhi seemed to be trapped in an illusion. He was standing in a desolate wilderness. The sky was bloody, and the ground was littered with corpses. Blood flowed all over the field and merged into a long river. As the only remaining living being in the world, he was facing the annihilation of heaven and should not exist here.

Then a blood moon descended from the sky to carry out divine punishment.

"Clang!" The sound of weapons clashing startled Qi Buzhi, who realized that it was not the blood moon falling from the sky, but Zhao Changhe's steel knife. He instinctively tried to block it with his folding fan, but because of the hallucinations and hesitation, the defense was weak and even the folding fan was chopped away.

Qi didn't need to be scared to death and flew backwards. He didn't want to fight with such a person again and couldn't muster the slightest desire to fight.

Speaking of which, Zhao Changhe's lightness skills are average. Even in his violent and mindless state, he won't search for the enemy, so it's very easy for him to run away. Let other stubborn people face this madman, I'll go too!

Just as I was thinking this, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back.

Qi turned around in a daze. He thought Cui Yuanyang, who was not a big shot, had quietly blocked his back and pierced his heart with a sword.

The dirty little white rabbit's eyes were firm and a little ruthless at this moment.

How can she still be a young girl with no experience in the underworld... In this short period of time, she has actually killed several people...

Qi Buxu had just realized this and there was some regret in his eyes. Before he could say anything, there was a roar behind him and a steel knife had already chopped off his neck.

The head flew up and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Cui Yuanyang looked at Zhao Changhe's eyes through the splattering blood. The blood made Zhao Changhe's eyes even redder, more brutal, and more bloodthirsty. His panting sounded like a wild beast.

Will I die in his hands

Cui Yuanyang didn't know. But she knew she couldn't just abandon him like that, otherwise once someone came looking for him, Zhao Changhe, who had lost his mind and could only hack and slash, would be dead.

Everyone was at the third level of Xuanguan, Cui Yuanyang knew he still had a chance, as long as he pressed his acupoints. He had used his special skills in succession, and he should be at the end of his strength at this time... If there is a chance, he must stay calm.

She took a deep breath, raised her sword slowly and firmly, and looked at Zhao Changhe's beastly expression.

I don’t know how long they stared at each other, maybe just a moment, then Zhao Changhe raised his bloody knife again.

At this moment, a sharp whistling sound was heard in the air, and a sword light, like a meteor chasing the moon, instantly reached Zhao Changhe's neck.

Zhao Changhe turned his sword and chopped it on the sword light. He groaned, spit out blood, and fell far away. The attacker also uttered a "huh", as if he had misjudged the power of Zhao Changhe's sword, and flew back in mid-air to eliminate the recoil.

The heavy sword versus the thin sword, the violent Zhao Changhe was totally outmatched, and was blown away by the powerful impact of the sword and vomited blood! Cui Yuanyang's heart skipped a beat, she recognized who the person was from the sword.

The assassin of Listening Snow Tower was at least of Silver level... Judging from this attack, he was likely at the fifth level of Xuanguan or even higher!

This is an opponent that is impossible to fight against right now!

Cui Yuanyang felt a little tired, it was really endless... but at the same time, he also felt a sense of irony.

Although those people may have wanted Zhao Changhe's bounty, her price was higher, which was the main reason why the Hanoi gangsters flocked to her. Zhao Changhe was involved in this fight just to protect her. But the person from Listening Snow Tower was the one who came for Zhao Changhe from the beginning to the end. This time, she was dragged into this game by Zhao Changhe.

At this time, Zhao Changhe was probably no longer able to fight, and the only one who was still able to fight was Cui Yuanyang.

Cui Yuanyang didn't think much about it. While the assassin was retreating, she turned around and flew back, hugging Zhao Changhe who fell and bleed.

The evil spirit in Zhao Changhe's brain had been dispersed by this sword, and his eyes regained clarity again. As soon as Cui Yuanyang hugged him, he immediately said weakly: "Go in the direction that Qi didn't come from just now."

Cui Yuanyang didn't ask why, and without saying a word, he carried him and walked away on the moon.

I felt I couldn't carry him just now, but now it feels quite easy to carry him like a princess.

People's mentality and will have such an influence.

After a few steps, he saw a horse wandering under the moon. Cui Yuanyang quickly understood what Zhao Changhe meant. It was strange that these people must have come on horseback. It was impossible for the three mountains and five peaks to come here all by legs! So if they walked in his direction, there was a high probability that there were horses!

He is really too sober.

"Just now I relied on you to row the boat, and now I rely on you to ride a horse. I don't know how to ride a horse." Zhao Changhe leaned weakly in her arms, smiling somewhat shamelessly.

Cui Yuanyang didn't know why Zhao Changhe was still in the mood to complain about herself... Anyway, her horsemanship was much better than her rowing skills. She jumped forward and sat directly on the horse's back. She turned around and put Zhao Changhe behind her. With a "gig", she spurred the horse into a gallop.

There was the sound of clothes behind him, and the assassin from Tingxue Tower was chasing after the horse, getting closer and closer.

On the roadside willow trees, several people stood leisurely on the treetops, silently watching the chase under the moon.

Someone whispered, "Saint, do you want to take action?"

The long-lost Xia Chichi stood under the moon, her beautiful eyes looking at Zhao Changhe slowly taking off the longbow on his body, without saying a word.

At this point, he didn't just run away, but was still trying to resist.

He has always been so resolute and brave, making people excited.

But how do you and this little vixen plan to die

Recommend the new book of Gensokyo "I Don't Want to Make Multiple Choices After Rebirth", the harem is pure, those who understand will understand~

(End of this chapter)