Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 7: Blood God Cult


"What is that?" Zhao Changhe felt a little guilty. Is this book popular? Why does it sound like everyone in the world must have read it? Even the Bible is not as good as this. If I go back to Qidian and publish a book with this name, will it become popular

Luo Qi rolled his eyes, but before he could reply, he heard the branch leader say, "The ceremony is over, everyone should practice on their own. You two, come up and talk."

The two men shut up, walked around the pool of blood and went on stage.

The branch leader's attitude was neither cold nor warm: "You two have made great contributions. The leader wants to give you a position to show our Saint Church's sincerity in seeking talents. Our Beimang branch is also a new branch that has just been established. Now we are short of manpower for many divisions of work. I wonder what your specialties are? I can also promote you according to your aptitude."

The branch leader was actually an acquaintance, the one who had used a hidden weapon to cripple Luo Zhenwu, named Fang Buping.

Luo Qi said first: "I have already broken through the first level of the mysterious gate."

Fang Buping looked at Luo Qi in astonishment and asked, "Did you break through to the first level by relying on the outer sect teachings of the Luo family?"

Luo Qi said: "Yes."

"It's not easy, he's a talent." Fang Buping obviously knew better than Zhao Changhe, and after a moment's hesitation, he said, "It's winter, and our branch needs to go out to eat often. You can lead a team... You have the qualifications."

The so-called going out to eat is most likely to go to plunder. I don't know if Zhao Changhe understood it, but Luo Qi did. There was no change in his expression. He bowed and said, "Thank you for your appreciation, Captain."

He knew that he was not the "meritorious person", so he rushed to show his strength, hoping to be taken seriously. The effect was OK, at least he became a small leader, and was no longer an accessory of Zhao Changhe in the eyes of others.

Fang Buping seemed to be able to see through his thoughts. He smiled slightly, but did not comment. His eyes fell on Zhao Changhe: "What about you?"

Zhao Changhe said: "I have never practiced martial arts."

Fang Buping smiled, with some sarcasm in his voice: "The way you stabbed Luo Zhenwu with a knife, the way you used your strength, anyone who knows the business can see that you have never practiced before. So what other abilities do you have, literacy? Arithmetic?"

Although Zhao Changhe felt that he could make a living by doing housework with his modern knowledge, he was not here to make a living.

He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "I heard from my brothers on the way that the Saint Church's skills are different, and there are many types of skills that don't necessarily need to be practiced from a young age... Can I formally join the church and learn the Saint Church's skills?"

Fang Buping narrowed his eyes.

The conditions for teaching the Blood God Art, the sect's most powerful skill, were very strict, and he himself had not yet reached that level. But in terms of joining the sect and teaching some good core skills, this was obviously possible.

Zhao Changhe is different from Luo Qi. He truly pledged his allegiance and killed the person that the head of the Great Xia Demon Suppression Division wanted to rescue in front of her. This kind of person can only follow them till the end and can be completely absorbed to become a core follower.

The reason why they were allowed to enter the altar and talk was because the leader intended to recruit them into the religion, otherwise neither of them could come in.

But Fang Buping was very unhappy.

He was the first one to injure Luo Zhenwu! The credit slipped away from him, and this country bumpkin took advantage of it. Although Tang Shouzuo had arrived at that time, he really couldn't kill Luo Zhenwu, but he was unhappy and jealous when he saw Zhao Changhe.

Since the leader doesn't take it too seriously, if I put it in my own branch, I can give it to him as I please. Even if he wants to join the sect, he can wait a few months...

He was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "It's not just our Blood God Cult's skills... Anything that is called magic skills by the outside world is considered 'quick success and quick gain' in their eyes. Most of them don't require years of training from a young age, and progress is rapid. But correspondingly, there are also many negative aspects, such as... it's very painful to practice, and it's easy to go astray."

Zhao Changhe said: "I am mentally prepared for this."

Fang Buping sneered: "What's the point of being mentally prepared? Without faith in God, how can you resist the pain? Who will protect you from going astray? You don't even know what the Blood God is, how can you believe in him?"

Damn... Zhao Changhe could only say, "I'll understand it well."

"We are a sect, not a clan. You cannot join the sect before you believe in the Blood God." Fang Buping showed a smug smile: "Don't say we don't reward meritorious people... Before you take the examination to join the sect, I can first teach you a side branch of the skills, called the Blood Evil Skill, which can also be regarded as a foundation for other magic skills in the sect. In the future, when you truly become a brother in the sect, the guardian of the sect will teach you the magic skills."

Zhao Changhe was about to speak but stopped himself, so he could only bow and say, "Thank you, Captain Fang."

Fang Buping waved his hand and said, "Go ahead. For now, you are only allowed to live in the mountain village and are not allowed to enter the altar without being summoned. But you can get a chicken drumstick tonight as a reward for your merit."

Zhao Changhe: “…”

For such a great contribution, he was only rewarded with a side branch technique and a chicken drumstick? I'm afraid this helmsman is not so friendly to me, and I will have trouble with him in the future.

What can I do

It is obvious that there can't be any good people in the Demon Sect. I have already foreseen that there will be thorns everywhere. Just take it slow. At least I have the skills now.

… …


In the mountain village, Zhao Changhe was still arranged to live with Luo Qi, in a wooden house, sleeping on the same bed.

In fact, this was how they arranged to stay in the hotel on the way back. However, Luo Qi was in a bad mood and was hostile. He never lay down with Zhao Changhe, so Zhao Changhe just took the bed without any hesitation, and Luo Qi could only sleep on the table.

Zhao Changhe had no sympathy at all. Did someone force you to lie on the table? It was hypocritical. But tonight he tried to pull Luo Qi up from the table: "Since you are no longer stern and are willing to talk to me, why are you still lying on the table? Go to bed."

Luo Qi's wrist retracted, and Zhao Changhe found that he couldn't even touch this seemingly thin and weak senior brother. It turned out that he was awesome at the first level of Xuanguan. He reluctantly withdrew his hand: "Why are you so proud? The conditions now are not your own courtyard outside the sect. You have to squeeze in when you need to. Are you going to lie on the table all the time?"

Luo Qi said coldly: "I'm not used to sleeping with others."

Zhao Changhe sneered: "What if the others are women?"

Luo Qi looked him up and down for a long while, and sneered: "Do you know that you have a scar on your face now, and your appearance is hideous? If you were a woman, you would be extremely ugly, and I would kick you out even if you showed yourself to me."

Is there a scar on his face? Zhao Changhe hadn't looked in the mirror for a long time, so he couldn't see clearly. When he rescued the child in Zhaocuo, he did get a scratch on his face, but he never treated it, so it probably became a scar.

"It's good to have scars." Zhao Changhe said calmly, "It can remind me what I should do."

Luo Qi narrowed his eyes.

Zhao Changhe folded his arms and looked at Luo Qi's phoenix eyes and thin eyebrows, and said with a sigh: "I am a little ugly, but if you were a woman, it would be okay... You don't even need to be a woman, you can just change into women's clothes."

Luo Qi frowned and glared: "Do you think I can't kill you?"

"Uh..." Zhao Changhe then remembered that he was not talking nonsense with the male ketones in the real world. Friends in the real world would only laugh when hearing such words, but here they would probably really want to kill you, and everyone was not that close.

Thinking of this, Zhao Changhe lost interest. It was like a different world: "Okay, you sleep on the bed and I have the table."

Luo Qi's angry expression froze on his face, and he asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly change your temper? You lay in bed all the way and didn't ask me a word."

"At that time, I felt that I didn't owe you anything. It seemed that I had saved you. You gave me the cold shoulder, so why would I stick with you? Now that everything has passed..."

"I can't tell, you have little ability but a bad temper."

"Heh... Same here." Zhao Changhe waved his hand: "Go to sleep, I'll read a book - you can't say you don't want to lie down after I've laid down? Big men are really troublesome."

Luo Qi: "... Read your book."

The book refers to the secret book of "Blood Evil Power".

Although the village was new, it was fully equipped. There was an oil lamp in the house, but the light was dim for Zhao Changhe. But he miraculously found that he was not struggling. This so-called "eye behind him" seemed to not only enhance his normal vision and hearing, but also give him some night vision. He felt that there was still room for improvement.

But these traditional Chinese characters look really tiring.

It seemed that Fang Buping just casually threw the secret book to him, and it didn't look very valuable, but Zhao Changhe found that the believers around him were quite envious when they saw his book.

I don’t know if it’s because this technique is really good, or if it’s because it’s a technique that’s hard to come by for most people…

What a pity, my token of allegiance shouldn't have been exchanged for just this little bit.

He sat at the table, staring at the secret book in a trance, and Luo Qi leaned against the head of the bed and looked at him.

Seeing his absent-minded look, Luo Qi smiled with a gloating smile, and comforted him leisurely: "Don't be depressed, it's good enough to get the Blood Evil Skill..."

Zhao Changhe said: "Have you heard of this?"

"This technique is quite famous. I have heard of it a little bit." Luo Qi said leisurely, "It is said that only the bandits who have made contributions under the Blood God Cult can learn this, in order to quickly form combat effectiveness. It can be seen that there is indeed an advantage of rapid progress. Judging from the envious attitude of others, it can be regarded as a good thing. It is much better than my broken outer sect technique. Of course, since it is allowed to be taught to non-staff bandits, it is estimated that there is a limit to how good it is..."

Zhao Changhe asked, "Since it's still okay, do you want it? This booklet doesn't say that it can't be shown to others."

"You are really loyal." Luo Qi was a little surprised: "This is in exchange for your contribution, you can give it to me just like that?"

Zhao Changhe sighed, "The Demon Cult is not a good place... We are now linked by fate. If we don't stick together, we will be bullied. What's the point of dividing the credit?"

Luo Qi looked at him for a long while, and the gloating smile disappeared. His voice became much softer: "Although I didn't say that you can't show it to others, I can't guarantee that there is no intention to test you. Captain Fang's attitude towards you is not too good, so you'd better be careful not to be caught."

Zhao Changhe scratched his head and said nothing.

Luo Qi added: "Besides, I have already laid the foundation for my mental method, so this is of little use to me. To find something that is truly useful to me, I'm afraid I need to find an opportunity to return to Luo Family Manor and see if there is any core method passed down by the father and son of the Luo family under the ruins. I hope it hasn't been dug up by someone."

After a pause, he continued, "Well... if you want my Heart-breaking Skill, it's not that I'm stingy. I'll give it to you if you want to learn it. But as I said before, your age is not very suitable for practicing this authentic internal martial arts. I'm afraid that the Blood Evil Skill is more suitable for you."

Zhao Changhe didn't care about the outer sect mental method, but looked down at the Blood Evil Skill in his hand. Judging from the introduction in the booklet, this thing might be one of the most suitable skills for his current situation.

(End of this chapter)