Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 70: Heaven and Earth


Zhao Changhe no longer had the urge to grab her like he did last time. He asked calmly, "Why, it's not enough for you to spy on my movements, but you also came to watch me take a shower openly? Is it big? Oh, and did you watch me poop and pee all the way? Does it smell good?"

The blind man asked, "How could you take a bath in your dream?"

Zhao Changhe looked down and found that he was not in the bathtub. He was wearing modern clothes and standing in the room. He didn't even know where the bathtub was... It was obviously a dream.

It's really ironic that now it has become something that can only appear in dreams in this world.

He didn't say more about this, and continued, "So you didn't spy on me all the way?"

The blind man shook his head: "No."

"You really didn't write the book about troubled times?" Zhao Changhe said directly, "I always feel that this thing looks serious on the surface, but contains deep ridicule inside, which fits the impression you give me very well."

"..." The blind man actually thought for a long time, seeming to be confused about the impression of himself in Zhao Changhe's mind.

Then he said: "The Book of Troubled Times is a name defined by the world itself. It has another great name."


"The name is very simple, it's the Heavenly Book, or to be more specific, it's just a page of the Heavenly Book, which records the martial arts of the human world." The blind man sighed, "So this is a record of the Heavenly Dao, which is beyond my control. If I could really control it, then I would really be the Heavenly Dao... How could there be a Heavenly Dao doing such a boring thing with you?"

Zhao Changhe said coldly: "Where is the Heavenly Dao? Don't tell me this nonsense that Heaven has no Dao again."

"The Heavenly Dao is dead." The blind man answered casually, "Otherwise, how could its records of one world be so broken that they could be shown to the world at will... So what's the problem with saying that this Heaven has no Dao?"

Zhao Changhe's eyes widened in horror.

Is God dead

What a concept!

"Do you think that the Four Symbols Sect and Xia Longyuan are really pursuing the mountains and rivers of the human world?" The blind man laughed sarcastically: "Perhaps in comparison, the Cui family's ideas are more like those of humans."

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "You too."

"Aren't you different? To this day, you still don't consider yourself a person of this world, and you keep speaking your 'Zhaocuo dialect'. How much of it is the language habit that you can't get rid of, and how much of it is deliberately distinguishing yourself from this world?"

“… And you said you didn’t spy on me?”

"I brought you here. Why is it strange to pay attention to you?" The blind man sighed, "But I never thought that you could touch the heavenly book continuously within a few months. It really surprised me."

Zhao Changhe said calmly: "So you came here this time because you think I'm a promising talent and want to give me a golden finger?"

The blind man did not answer, but said: "Someone is looking for you."

After saying this, the figure disappeared and the night collapsed.

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes. It was already bright outside the window, but he was still in the bathtub. The water had been cold for a long time.

He hurriedly got up from the bucket and wiped it. He had been soaking in water for a whole night. If he hadn't been successful in his practice, he would have had a fever long ago.

As for the significance of the blind man's visit this time, although Zhao Changhe spoke sarcastically, he actually knew the idea in his heart.

If the Book of Chaos is only one page of the Book of Heaven, what about the other pages? The blind man did not say it clearly, but anyone who heard it would probably want to find it, because that is the real treasure, better than any golden finger... It also suggests that the Four Symbols Sect and Xia Longyuan's thoughts are probably related to this.

If the way of heaven dies, who will control the rise and fall

This is the truth that the heroes of this world ultimately pursue, and it is also what the blind man is guiding Zhao Changhe to do this time.

What is her purpose

As he was wiping his body with a lot on his mind, the door was pushed open with a click, and Cui Yuanyang jumped in: "Brother Zhao... uh..."

Zhao Changhe looked down at his invincible second brother expressionlessly, then looked up at Cui Yuanyang expressionlessly.

Cui Yuanyang stepped back step by step, then hit the door threshold. He cried out "Ouch" and fell down, sitting on his butt.

Zhao Changhe couldn't help laughing out loud despite having so much on his mind: "Qianlong is really stupid. If this is revealed to others, I feel like the credibility of the book of chaotic times will collapse."

Cui Yuanyang covered his eyes: "Why are you not wearing any clothes so early in the morning!"

Zhao Changhe put on his pants slowly and leisurely: "One morning when I was having breakfast, someone shouted in the room, 'I haven't put on any clothes yet' ~ Who was that?"

Two maids' heads popped out from the door frames on both sides, blinking their eyes.

Zhao Changhe: “…”

It can't be washed away.

I shouldn't have joked with her... But we've become too familiar with each other these days...

But it seemed that it couldn't be cleared up no matter what. Cui Yuanyang got up from the ground with a red face and whispered: "What are you looking at here? Go away. I'll take the food in."

The maids suppressed their smiles and bowed slightly: "Yes."

Cui Yuanyang took the tray from the maid and carefully stepped over the threshold. Zhao Changhe had already put on his new clothes and was looking at her with a smile.

This is a brocade robe with a little bit of red and purple, embroidered with mountains and rivers, magnificent and magnificent, the material is extremely expensive, even the brocade seems to be made of gold thread, extremely noble. Zhao Changhe has never worn such expensive clothes in both worlds... And this dress is not a warrior style, but more of a literary style, which dilutes his rough and heroic spirit a lot, and has a graceful and calm demeanor.

Cui Yuanyang watched with sparkling eyes, finding it very interesting. She had never thought that Zhao Changhe could have this kind of temperament, and she found him surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Changhe's eyes were also shining, because Cui Yuanyang was now... very beautiful.

Yes, it’s not cute, it’s beautiful.

She no longer wore the fluffy rabbit hat, nor did she look like a beggar with tattered features and a face covered in mud... Instead, she was now lightly made up, with a jade hairpin in her hair, and stood slenderly in a light green dress. She looked a little taller for no reason, and even her face looked less round, with a more oval-shaped shape, very beautiful.

She is clearly a beautiful girl.

The only trace of her previous look is the neatly bangs on her forehead, which makes her look like a rag doll, and even cuter.

When the two looked at each other, they both had a feeling of "So this is what he looks like..."

They smiled at the same time, as if they were in another world.

"Here. It's delicious!" Cui Yuanyang happily put the plate on the table. When he turned around, his dirty butt was exposed after falling down. Zhao Changhe laughed out loud.

There is no time difference, it remains the same.

"What are you laughing at?" Cui Yuanyang turned around and said angrily, "I haven't had any good food along the way, why don't you come and have something to eat? This is the biggest role I should play!"

Seeing that Fu Loli was still upset about not being able to support him, Zhao Changhe's worries disappeared from his dream. He sat down at the table in a good mood: "Okay, okay, what kind of cake is this?"

"This is the Jade Lotus Cake from Piaoxiangfang, this is the Yuanyang Eight Treasures, and this is the Zhirong Snow Jade Cake made by the old Zhang family in the capital..." Cui Yuanyang introduced them enthusiastically and looked at him expectantly: "See which one you like best and whether it happens to be the same as mine!"

This is just a child.

After going through all this blood and gore, he is still so childish.

Because I'm back home, right? Well, actually Wei County is not her Qinghe, there is still some distance.

Zhao Changhe ate a little bit of everything and said with a smile, "This is Yu Fu Cake."

Cui Yuanyang seemed extremely happy: "I knew you were the same as me!"

Zhao Changhe smiled but said nothing, because you were the first one to introduce this.

He drank fresh milk with exquisite pastries, looked at the brocade clothes on his body, and thought to himself that Cui Wenjing's willingness to let his daughter run to him early in the morning could explain a lot of things. If this was the kind of life he wanted, then he could probably live like this for the rest of his life with just a few words.

He has fine clothes and delicious food, a lovely wife, a father-in-law who is the ninth most powerful person in the country, and power that spans states and counties.

But for some reason, I always feel like something is missing.

Maybe it was because of the blind man’s words last night that I still feel a little gloomy in my heart.

There is someone who is always watching you, and everything you do is just a real-life drama in the eyes of others.

There is another group of people who are seeking the mysteries of the world, pointing their swords at the sky and sacrificing their bodies to represent the heaven.

The setting sun shines on the river, and the vastness of the river and lake has just unfolded.

The steel knife that Beimang brought out just had a cut in it, so has the knife in my heart also become dull

"Brother Zhao," Cui Yuanyang's voice came, "Why are you distracted while eating? There are no boat girls with bad intentions here."

Zhao Changhe came to his senses and said with a smile: "I wonder if there are any little rabbits with bad intentions."

Cui Yuanyang blushed slightly, lowered his head and muttered, "No."

At that moment, the girl's shyness, rippling in her heart, almost shattered the rosy glow of the river and lake.

Zhao Changhe was a little afraid to look at her red face, and lowered his head and whispered: "I want to see your father, I want to discuss something."

If there were other people here, their first reaction would be that this guy wanted to propose marriage. But as Cui Yuanyang listened, the blush on her face slowly faded, and she stared at Zhao Changhe with her big eyes without blinking.

Given Brother Zhao's heroism and bravery, why would he lower his head and speak so silently if he was proposing marriage

(End of this chapter)