Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 77: The Mystery of the Cui Family


Zhao Changhe, who had broken through the fourth level of Xuanguan earlier than expected, was in a good mood and was eating. He didn't bother to care whether Cui Wenjing was showing off or not. Maybe he was a real child prodigy when he was ninth on the Heavenly Ranking as a child and had reached the seventh or eighth level in five months.

Who cares.

I used to think that broadsword was too heavy and I didn't have enough strength. But once the external power gate was broken, the strength increased greatly, which was very obvious. If I was able to swing a 10-jin steel sword smoothly and lightly before, then now 20 or 30 jin shouldn't hinder my movements much. Maybe it's just that the endurance is a little worse

I thought about whether I should go get that four or five foot long broadsword and give it a try... But looking at the gentle look in the little girl's eyes next to me, I thought, forget it, she has already chosen a steel sword, it won't look good if it breaks, so let's just leave it this way for now.

Who knew that the little girl had already reserved the Da Xia Dragon Sparrow Sword for him, and didn't even introduce the name of this steel sword to him.

They were always thinking about each other, and even the look in their eyes when they looked at each other exuded an unspeakable sour smell.

Cui Yuanyong could smell a foul odor in the wind when he stepped into the house. He felt that he had come at a very bad time. In fact, his sister's finding a man was a very bad time in itself.

As the elder brother, he is still unengaged... Before he left last year, his family was just about to discuss marriage with the Wang family. It was extremely troublesome to go back and forth to ask for betrothal gifts, and they haven't reached an agreement yet. And his younger sister, who hasn't even grown all her hair yet, is already looking for a man...

"Second brother!" Cui Yuanyang noticed his arrival and waved and greeted him happily.

"Eh? Brother Cui is here?" Zhao Changhe wiped his mouth and asked curiously, "Where were you before? It's such a big event and I didn't see you from beginning to end."

Cui Yuanyong smiled and casually sat in his father's seat, pouring wine for his father. "When my sister followed you to experience the ups and downs of the martial arts world, her eyes were bound to change sooner or later. This time, the change is so complete that she looks like water, and it still smells like rancid water."

Cui Yuanyang blushed: "Second brother!"

Cui Yuanyong ignored his sister and turned to Zhao Changhe and said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, there is no need to test me with your words just now. Do you really think that I am the traitor?"

Cui Yuanyang's face changed.

Zhao Changhe smiled and said, "Why are you so sensitive? I'm just asking. I thought we were friends."

"I also know that some people will guess it was me. After all, my sister got lost in my hands. If you count the time when she ran to your village before, I made her run away twice in a row... She's so stupid... She ran so fast, did I mean it on purpose?" Cui Yuanyong drank a glass of wine by himself and sighed, "Even if I'm not a traitor, someone will make a fuss about this and say that I'm not careful enough and my future is worrying."

Cui Yuanyang felt a little embarrassed, thinking that he had caused his second brother a lot of trouble.

From her perspective, these two times had nothing to do with her second brother. When she ran to the village in the middle of the night, could her brother still monitor her sleeping? That would be a problem. Later, she ran away, which had nothing to do with her brother. It was the servants who escorted her back, and she found an excuse to slip away on the way. How could her second brother know

Although it was a bit of an unprovoked disaster, it was hard to remove the label of being not careful and cautious. Moreover, it was not unfair. Cui Yuanyong himself did not have much experience in the world, and it was a fact that he was not thoughtful enough.

Because of this, it is even more impossible that Cui Yuanyong did it on purpose. For him, who is sure to take over the position, doing such a thing would be meaningless to him and would also tarnish his reputation.

Cui Yuanyong sighed and continued, "As for the past few days, of course I went back the same way to look for you, and even found the city where you stayed... Who knew that you would cross mountains and ridges all the way, and I really couldn't meet you... To be honest, if you had sneaked back to the city and hid without going out, and waited for me to find you, maybe there wouldn't be so many things..."

This time even Zhao Changhe's face twitched a little.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true... Who said there were only two options at that time? This is obviously the third option, and it might be the safest one. I actually never thought about it, and I haven't thought about it until now...

Cui Yuanyang chuckled, took Zhao Changhe's hand, and said softly, "Ignore him."

Zhao Changhe finally nodded: "Okay, why do you keep defending yourself? I was just joking."

"Because it's disgusting. A lot of people want to frame me for this. It's like swallowing a fly. Now that the person involved is in front of me, how can I not say a few words!" Cui Yuanyong asked his sister helplessly: "The three courts will be tried soon, and I want to be tried too. Do you want to go to the trial?"

Cui Yuanyang thought about it and nodded: "Brother Zhao and I will go together. Brother Zhao can go, right?" Cui Yuanyong said: "He is the party involved, and he must go to provide some circumstantial evidence. But his situation is special. Without Dad's permission, others can't really order him around and interrogate him like a criminal. If you are willing to participate, that would be the best."

Zhao Changhe really wanted to go. He felt that there was something fishy going on, which aroused his curiosity to get to the bottom of it. Moreover, the real murderer wanted to kill Yangyang. If he was not found, it would be terrifying to think that someone who wanted to kill Yangyang would be hanging around her every day. Of course, he had to be found and killed.

Cui Yuanyang actually didn’t want to know who it was, because it would be uncomfortable no matter who it was, but she knew that this matter had to be resolved.

… …

That night, at the Cui family ancestral temple.

Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang stood behind Cui Wenjing, looking curiously at the situation on the field.

Cui Yuanyong and another boy who looked very similar to him stood side by side in the center, both looking helpless. The boy looked even more miserable, with a haggard look. The kid who seemed to have not suffered much had been in jail for two days, and half of his energy and spirit had been lost.

Cui Yuanyong's younger brother and Cui Yuanyang's third brother, Cui Yuancheng, is the biggest suspect this time.

All the elders of the Cui family gathered together, even Cui Wenjue, the prefect of Qinghe County, came. This was not a matter of a little girl being assassinated, but a brother killing his sister within the family. It was an extremely serious problem that no family could tolerate.

Among them, several eyes were fixed on Zhao Changhe, and the fierce pressure was enough to make people feel numb all over.

Not to mention that you can't tell who's practicing from the surface, but when the powerful people at the eighth or ninth level of the mysterious gate or even the secret treasure are staring at you, you can naturally feel the invisible and intangible pressure.

Zhao Changhe smiled nonchalantly. My father-in-law didn't even show off to me, so why are you showing off

An elder of the clan slowly spoke, "I think everyone is clear about the situation. Let me emphasize again why we are targeting Yuan Cheng. There are only a few ways to get a bounty on the underworld. We have already wiped out everything in Qinghe. We are sure that the news was spread through the Salt Gang's sales hall here. We caught the gang leader and he confessed that it was Yuan Cheng who released the news. The clues are very clear."

Everyone nodded. In fact, this was easy to check. There must be a channel to issue a reward, and others must have a place to claim the reward. It was too easy for the Cui family to find out about this kind of thing in Qinghe. They basically couldn't deny it.

But the thing is…

"But after that person finished speaking, he bit the poison hidden between his teeth and committed suicide. This is precisely the point that shows that there is a possibility of being bribed and framed, so some people raised the suspicion of Yuan Yong." The old man continued: "There are many people who hold this view. Wen Jue thinks so."

Cui Wenjue nodded and saluted: "That's right, Yuan Yong, don't blame your uncle for being suspicious, anyone would be suspicious."

Cui Yuanyong said calmly, "Regarding my suspicion, I can explain it with just one point: As everyone knows, I was on my way home when my younger sister ran away, so it was impossible for me to arrange it in time, unless I arranged it in advance. However, her running away was also an impulsive act. Even if she herself did not know that she would run away in advance, I offered a reward and arranged it in advance. How can you do things like this? Do uncles really think Yuanyong is a fool?"

Many people nodded, including Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang. Cui Yuanyang knew that he was really impulsive at the time. How could he have planned it in advance

But this is troublesome. Cui Yuancheng's suspicion has become more suspicious because of the other party's suicide. It is really unlikely that Cui Yuanyong would arrange such a thing in advance. So now, isn't the clue cut off

The Cui family was in vain in claiming to be the dominant force in the local area, but in the end their eldest daughter was assassinated and the real murderer could not be found!

Countless eyes fell on Cui Wenjing's silent face, meaning, go and ask for Qinghe Sword.

Zhao Changhe frowned.

He didn't know the properties of the Qinghe Sword, but this posture always made him feel that... the other party's target, could it be... the Qinghe Sword

(End of this chapter)