Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 8: The Book of Troubled Times


On the road these days, Zhao Changhe has asked Luo Qi and some of the Blood God followers about some basic common sense indirectly. This basic common sense is somewhat similar to the common understanding of the world. Martial arts are also divided into internal and external skills. The so-called "internal training of breath, external training of muscles, bones and skin", no matter which one you practice, you are qualified to try to open the mysterious gate of the human body when you reach a certain level.

If there is enough opportunity, it is of course possible to cultivate both inside and outside. It is said that this will make it easier to open the mysterious gate of the human body and make the combat power stronger. There is no famous master in the world who does not cultivate both inside and outside.

External Kungfu is not as profound as internal Kungfu, but it also has many tricks. For example, to learn Iron Sand Palm, you have to know what kind of iron sand to use, how to practice, what medicine to soak your palms, etc., as well as the moves and routines, and the techniques of using Kung Fu. Most people don’t even have the opportunity to learn these. Anyone who has learned some of them can barely be called a "hero in the world", which is also the foundation of the huge world.

In fact, even if you practice internal martial arts, you still need to lay the foundation of horse stance, etc., which also belongs to the category of external skills.

Internal strength is even harder to find, and is often a secret that is not passed on and the foundation of a sect. It's not that others don't want to have magical internal strength, but there is really no place to find it. The Luo family is an internal family school, and the core skills are divided into nine levels. As long as you practice them, you can probably break through the ninth level of the mysterious gate. Yue Hongling recommended Zhao Changhe to learn martial arts in the Luo family, which is indeed a good place for his future.

Of course, the broken outer sect mental method in Luo Qi's hand is of little use, and he doesn't know if he will have the chance to get the real thing in the future.

According to this template, this world is quite low-level. Zhao Changhe always feels that something is wrong...

The Blood Evil Skill is a very typical external skill.

It does not cultivate internal breath, and even if you practice it to death, you will not have any internal hidden power, or any way of transmitting internal force to heal people... But it does not mean horizontal training of kung fu, it trains blood and energy.

The Blood God Cult believed that human blood contained enormous energy and evil spirits. The blood was rushing and boiling, and the evil spirits were drawn into the bones and muscles, which could burst out extremely fierce power. If practiced to a deep level, it could also cause the enemy's blood to become disordered and conflicted, causing the blood to break and the body to die. The death was extremely brutal, which was a typical magic skill.

There are naturally some prerequisites for practicing this kung fu. Since it relies on one's own blood and energy, of course it is better to be a young and strong man. The more vigorous and powerful the young man is, the more vigorous his blood and energy will naturally be.

Compared with the lower-class people in this world who are generally malnourished, lacking in food and clothing, Zhao Changhe is of course well-nourished, tall and strong, and an athlete in school. He has a good physique for practicing external skills.

Blood Evil Art is very suitable for him, and may even be the most suitable art for his current situation. It does not require training from childhood, nor does it require any profound understanding. It can also lay the foundation for practicing Blood God Art in the future. That is a good art that truly cultivates both the inside and the outside...

Although there may be some drawbacks, for example, if you follow this routine, you may overdraw your body's potential... But magic skills basically have drawbacks, just as the orthodox Xuanmen basically progress slowly. If you want to have the best of both worlds? Then you need the real magic skills that only the protagonist is qualified to practice.

Zhao Changhe suddenly thought of Yue Hongling. Is this the protagonist

He laughed silently and continued to flip through the pages.

When opening the main text of the Blood Evil Skill, it is clear from the beginning that people should first strengthen their muscles and bones, and practice basic skills such as horse stance and bow stance, and also draw some diagrams. However, these example diagrams are slightly different from the normal bow stance and horse stance known in the past, which may be the special key point to lay the foundation for the circulation of qi and blood in this skill.

It was a little different from the mysterious method he imagined, but Zhao Changhe felt it was a bit real. Was it the Yi Jin Jing or Shen Zu Jing that You Tanzhi got? He thought about it, and simply left the table, and started to do the horse stance directly according to the movements on the diagram.

Now that you have decided, do it.

Luo Qi leaned against the head of the bed and looked at him in surprise.

This action is quite interesting... I just wonder how long he can keep it up

In fact, Zhao Changhe couldn't hold on for too long this time. People who have never done horse stance or bow stance can't really understand the feeling of being too sore and weak to hold on after just a few minutes. This can't be achieved overnight. It requires accumulation over time to build a stable lower body that is as immovable as a mountain.

Just when Zhao Changhe was about to give up and was about to go to sleep, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the dark night, as if a page of a book was slowly unfolding in the sky, and the densely packed golden words on it made it impossible to open one's eyes.

Zhao Changhe looked outside in shock: "What is this? Why can I see things in the sky even from inside the house?"

Luo Qiqi asked: "You haven't seen it?"

Zhao Changhe's heart skipped a beat, and he tried to cover it up: "I've only seen it outside before, never inside the house."

"Whenever there are changes in the list of troubled times, the Heaven will leave a record, and everyone will listen attentively. It can be seen everywhere." Luo Qi explained casually. He couldn't lie down anymore, so he got up and went outside, looking up at the sky.

The Chaotic Times Ranking? What the hell is that

Zhao Changhe looked up for a while, the glare disappeared, and he could finally see the words clearly: "At the end of October, light snow. Yue Hongling chased Xue Canghai for thousands of miles and fought outside Wenshan City. Xue Canghai ran away at a disadvantage."

"The Hidden Dragon Ranking has changed."

"The second Hidden Dragon, Yue Hongling!"

"The setting sun's red feathers cannot be restrained."

Zhao Changhe was stunned. What is this? A notification for the entire server

I was just wondering if the low level of martial arts was a bit wrong. What kind of weird world did I end up in

Luo Qi sighed quietly at the side: "Yue Hongling... The eighth level of Xuanguan is better than the ninth level. He is indeed a child of destiny, incomparable to ordinary people."

Zhao Changhe asked: "Who is Xue Canghai? The ninth level of Xuanguan? He was so weak when challenged by a higher level player, and Yue Hongling took the initiative to chase him down."

Luo Qi glanced at him and said, "It's our Blood God Sect's Master Xue."

Zhao Changhe: “!!!”

"How is it?" Luo Qi was a little amused: "You went through so much trouble to get a chance to join the sect, but now you know that the leader can't beat Yue Hongling who brought you into the village. How do you feel?"

"Nothing. If I had known that the Blood God Cult wasn't so powerful..." Zhao Changhe calmed down and whispered, "In fact, I feel a little uneasy for her. She is so dazzling at such a young age. It's easy for her to be envied." Luo Qi laughed even more: "You feel uneasy for her? What are you worried about?"

"For example, what ranking list? I heard that she was fifth before, right? Now she's second. The former second was pushed to third. Will she feel dissatisfied and make trouble for her? And Master Xue was challenged by someone higher than her level. This was announced to the world. It's much more serious than just losing face, right? I'm afraid it will be a fight to the death."

Luo Qi finally laughed out loud: "You are a low-level gangster who has only just started to learn the blood evil skills. You are worried about a woman who can beat your leader? Because she is beautiful?"

Zhao Changhe said with a straight face: "She is my benefactor. Without her help, I would have died in Zhaocuo."

Actually... Was Yue Hongling's pursuit of Xue Canghai related to Zhao Changhe? Did she think that Zhao Changhe died in Luojia Village and that she was responsible for his death? Or did she know that Zhao Changhe was the murderer and came to him to get an explanation? Zhao Changhe was not that narcissistic and was not sure.

Luo Qi also thought of this, so he stopped teasing him and said lazily, "Your worry is of course justified... So why do you think a good list is called the list of troubled times? This thing itself is a source of trouble. How many fights have arisen because of it."

Zhao Changhe's heart moved, and he turned to look at him: "So the so-called book of troubled times..."

Luo Qi nodded: "This thing is divided into the Heaven, Earth and Human Ranking and the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Adding them all together, it's the Book of Chaos."

Zhao Changhe: “…”

No wonder when he said he had never seen it before, Luo Qi looked at him as if he was an alien.

This kind of server-wide notice, if you are a person in this world, how could you not have seen it! Although the Heaven, Earth and Human Ranking is a bit rustic...

He coughed twice and covered up, "So this is the Book of Troubled Times. I would have known it if you had said it earlier. I have never heard of the aliases you gave them since I came out of the mountain valley."

Luo Qi accepted this explanation, as that was what he had believed. He did not dwell on it and laughed, "Since you have seen it, isn't this a miracle? Is there any doubt that there are gods in the world?"

Zhao Changhe pondered in silence.

Modern people are well-informed and don't think like the natives. In his eyes, this may not be a god. For example, the game world I just thought of is a possibility. This possibility cannot be guaranteed, there are many other possibilities.

Even if there really is a higher-dimensional creature controlling all of this, that thing cannot necessarily be called a God.

Zhao Changhe thought of the blind woman's calm face, and felt a little gloomy. If she was really that awesome, how could he go back...

Luo Qiqi asked: "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh." Zhao Changhe came to his senses and made an excuse: "I was thinking that Yue Hongling is only at the eighth level of Xuanguan, and you guys are not surprised that she can beat someone at the ninth level. Do you think it's normal to challenge someone of a higher level?"

Luo Qi sneered, "The level of cultivation is nothing more than greater strength, quicker reaction, sharper hearing and eyes. It is indeed a great advantage in fighting, but it does not mean that you are sure to win. Otherwise, why would people practice sword and knife skills and hone their combat abilities? Luo Zhenwu is known as the third level of Xuanguan, but he still died in your hands. The higher your level, the more you have."

"He's not invulnerable, so it's not surprising that he was killed. By the way, can't I be on the list? Because I'm too low-level?"

"The Book of Chaos doesn't look at levels, it looks at battle records. No matter what kind of practice you do, as long as you have outstanding battle records, they may be recorded, especially the Hidden Dragon List, which emphasizes potential performance. However, yours doesn't count as a battle at all, so the Book of Chaos won't react. If you really killed Luo Zhenwu in the battle, I guess you can really be on the list..."

"So..." Zhao Changhe stroked his chin, "Does it count if I spread lime to kill someone during a fight?"

"As long as you are in a battle, no matter what means you use, it is a kind of combat experience and combat wisdom. Being able to defeat the strong with the weak is your ability. The heroes of the world think this is despicable, but the book of troubled times recognizes it... As the saying goes, the laws of nature are constant, and they do not exist for the sake of Yao or die for the sake of Jie."

Zhao Changhe: “?”

"What? What's that expression on your face?"

"How come you have Yao and Jie?"

"… What do you mean by you and us? You have heard it even when you came out of the mountain valley, so why can't I have heard it?"

“No, this… forget it.” What a damn world. I wonder if there are any history books in the village. I’ll find some and take a look at them someday.

Luo Qi said: "Why, from your tone, you seem very interested in being on the list?"

Zhao Changhe had no intention of competing with others for rankings. He only knew these things to understand his worldview. Of course, since Luo Qi asked him this, he could only respond: "Who doesn't have the urge to be on the list? It's so pretentious, isn't it..."

Luo Qi patted his shoulder with a smile: "Tenth place on the Heaven Ranking, thirty-sixth place on the Earth Ranking, seventy-second place on the Human Ranking, and there is no upper limit for potential dragons under the age of twenty-five. Work harder, Brother Zhao Changhe, who only started to do horse stance at the age of nineteen."

Zhao Changhe glanced at him sideways and suddenly laughed, "You love to laugh more and more now. Is this my true self?"

Luo Qi's face instantly turned stern, and he went back to his room to sleep angrily.

Thanks to A Meng Frappuccino and Brother Xiaolang for joining us~

(End of this chapter)