Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 82: Swords have souls


"If I'm not mistaken..." Zhao Changhe asked tentatively, "This sword is actually used to replace the special effects of the Qinghe Sword. Uncle shouldn't let anyone take it away..."

Cui Yuanyang's hands trembled as he was making tea. He looked at his father in shock. Could it be that his second uncle's accusation was actually true

The Qinghe Sword is no longer effective. Are you relying on the Daxia Dragon Bird to bluff people

Cui Wenjing didn't seem to care and casually revealed himself: "Yes, but what he said is also a little different. The Qinghe Sword is not lost, it is still the same sword, but the mystery of the sword has disappeared. Now it is just a sword that can cut iron like mud, and it can no longer carry those meanings. If it is a fake sword, it seems difficult to deny."

Zhao Changhe said: "Since the sword is still the same sword, the symbolic meaning is still there. Whether the mysterious effect is there or not is only secondary. On the contrary, it allows the senior to use it more freely."

Cui Wenjing clapped his hands and laughed, "That's how it should be, but not many people in the world think like you do. If you really take out an ineffective Qinghe Sword, the Cui family will not be able to bear it."

Not to mention others, even Cui Yuanyang couldn't stand it and said in disbelief: "When did it start..."

"It's a matter of time. In fact, there were signs when my father was roaming the martial arts world more than a decade ago. It has finally disappeared completely in recent years." Cui Wenjing said calmly: "The magic sword has a spirit. What is it for? The meaning of peace and prosperity, and the elimination of evildoers, how can it survive in the hands of people like us? It's good enough that it doesn't kill you, why should it be used by you? It should go away."

Cui Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, but then he calmed down and whispered, "That's how it should be."

"I, Cui Wenjing, believe that I am not worthy of the Qinghe Sword. How many people in the Cui family have any self-awareness? The spirit of the divine sword is gone, but they don't want to think about the reason. Instead, they use the despicable intentions that the divine sword hates the most as a bargaining chip to fight for power. Even if the spirit of the divine sword is still there, it should cry!"

Cui Yuanyang pursed his lips sadly and said nothing.

Cui Wenjing stopped talking about the Qinghe Sword and turned to the topic of the Great Xia Dragon Bird: "The Dragon Bird is the sword that your majesty used when he conquered the world. It is extremely sharp and domineering, and it obeys all orders. Sometimes it makes people feel like a naive child who jumps up and down when provoked. That is due to the characteristics of the sword. If it were not so, it would not be able to maintain such a domineering intention."

Zhao Changhe nodded. He felt that it was indeed true. The reaction of the sword was a bit childish, but it was normal for a precious sword. It was not a living being, so it could remain calm.

"Your Majesty knew that something went wrong with the Qinghe Sword a few years ago, so he gave me this sword, saying that it looked like it could be used to suppress evil spirits. At least when they were put together, it would be difficult for others to tell who was emitting the spirit, so it could be used as a temporary substitute." Cui Wenjing smiled and said, "No one has ever thought about it. My Cui family uses swords, so why would Your Majesty choose to give me a sword... Of course there is a reason."

Zhao Changhe felt that Cui Wenjing was a member of the imperial party based on this. It was obvious that Xia Longyuan was helping him by giving him the sword. "But if that's the case, Senior obviously needs this sword, I can't take it away."

Cui Wenjing smiled and said, "Do you think that after what happened today, anyone would dare to study the Qinghe Sword in the short term? That's fine for now. That's another matter. More importantly, I think the dragon bird is also eager to fight. If it continues to be kept in this small room, its spirituality will be lost sooner or later. This is called a waste of natural resources."

Zhao Changhe sighed, "Indeed, it seems like it can't wait any longer and really doesn't want to stay here."

"Since it recognizes you, it is an opportunity. Are you still being polite?"

"Senior, I'm not being polite. I like this sword very much, but I feel like I can't carry it with me..." Zhao Changhe was very upset: "Its murderous aura is too sharp. You can feel it from a long distance. Everyone knows that this is a precious sword. My current strength is like a child carrying gold through a busy city. It will only cause trouble and make me lose my freedom. If I get a copper sheath or something like that, it's too heavy and inconvenient. It will also attract people's attention when I take it out of the sheath. It's all troublesome."

"Your guess is way off." Cui Wenjing laughed and said, "If you really want to hide the murderous aura of the sword, there are many ways to do it. You can smear it with anything. Why do you have to have a copper palace? The copper palace is for nurturing the spirit! The jade palace is more effective, but it's too expensive and easy to damage. No one uses it that way. Many people use jade boxes."

Zhao Changhe: "… I am an ignorant bandit, it's okay."

Cui Yuanyang, who had been quietly acting like a lady and making tea for her father and lover, finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"So it's very easy for you to take it away. Even the shiny and sharp feeling of its blade can be covered with ancient rust, making it look like a broken sword. This is not a problem for us at all." Cui Wenjing said leisurely: "But then again, you can't just rely on this. It is now full of murderous aura, but it just doesn't listen to you now. When you are its master, it will naturally be honest and can even give you a warning of murderous intent. That is the result you need to pursue."

Zhao Changhe was very interested: "How to recognize the master?"

"Not yet. You are not strong enough. Although you are friendly with it, it can only recognize you as a partner, but it is still a long way from recognizing you as its master." Cui Wenjing raised his cup and blew a breath, then said calmly: "Practice hard." You don't even know how much you need to practice to be recognized as a master, and you are pretending to be so? Zhao Changhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why do I feel like you really want me to take the sword away? Is it really just to keep the sword from being covered in dust?"

Cui Wenjing said, "To be honest, I also want to use this opportunity to pass on information to some people, such as Tang Wanzhuang or His Majesty. Even I can't guess what His Majesty is thinking right now. When he knows that you are traveling around the world with the Dragon Bird, he should have some reaction."

Zhao Changhe suddenly remembered the blind man's words.

Compared with Xia Longyuan and his people, the Cui family may be more like human beings.

That's true.

Their minds are still on the court, the underworld, and family inheritance. No matter how shrewd they are, they cannot escape this rut.

"In that case, I'll be honored to accept it." Zhao Changhe finally stopped being polite: "I really like this knife."

Cui Wenjing smiled and said, "I've asked someone to add something to it. Wait a moment and have some tea."

Cui Yuanyang, who was pretending to be a lady, was so happy that she almost burst out with joy. Finally, Brother Zhao got what he deserved after going through so many hardships along the way. This was what he deserved after fighting so hard and risking his life, instead of being pointed at and criticized as a toad wanting to eat swan flesh.

Moreover, this must be a real precious sword that can be used all the time and is difficult to wear out and chip. At least it is much more durable than the wine gourd! In the future, when Brother Zhao holds this sword, he will think of Yangyang. I don’t know when the wine gourd will break, hehe.

She happily added new tea and poured a cup for her father and lover.

To be honest, when Cui Yuanyang was moved by Zhao Changhe in the martial arts world, he thought there would be a plot of a couple breaking up and becoming enemies. His father did want him to die at the beginning, so the trend was full of the sense of impending tragedy...

It turns out that her father and Brother Zhao are such a harmonious scene, so harmonious that others think they are a couple... The rebellious girl feels that she has never liked her father so much. How about giving her father a back massage later

"Senior." Zhao Changhe took a sip of tea and started the conversation again: "There is something I have always wanted to know, but I have never had the right opportunity. Can I ask you now?"

Cui Wenjing said calmly: "You can't call me senior."

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment, scratched his head for a long while, and asked tentatively: "Uncle?"

The old face actually turned a little red.

Cui Yuanyang's little face next to her was as red as a monkey's butt, and tears were almost overflowing from the corners of her eyebrows and eyes.

Cui Wenjing seemed to be blind and drank his tea leisurely: "Well, ask."

"Regarding this era... What was the previous era like, and how did it collapse? Your family has a long tradition, so you should know something about it, right?"


PS: Let me report the results. As of 12 noon, the first order in 12 hours was 18,600. I didn’t get that many first orders in 24 hours before... Thank you very much!

Thanks to Nordic is a bit cold, Mingniao, Zisang Lingfeng, Dazhou, Mao Furui, August Eagle, Passerby 0541, Chang Zimu, Chense and other big guys for joining the alliance~ Thanks to the most fragrant Baiyin in Wuye, muah~

(End of this chapter)