Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 83: The era is restarted


Cui Wenjing laughed and said, "The family is not as old as the reopening of the era, and it is not passed down from the last era. Regarding the things of the last era, everyone, including Your Majesty, is still in the process of exploration. What we know is only from various remaining records, or some clues found in the exploration of ancient secrets. If we say that we know more than others, it is because we have more information."

Zhao Changhe listened carefully.

"In the last era, it should have been a world where gods and demons coexisted. The words such as moving mountains and filling the sea, splitting the universe with a sword are just descriptions now, but they should have been truly possible at that time. But... maybe they were too powerful, and the battle caused the universe to collapse; or maybe it was for some other reason. In short, the world was shattered overnight, and the gods fell."

Zhao Changhe had anticipated this situation. The blind man's methods were obviously not comparable to those of today's people. Cui Wenjing was known as the ninth best in the world and could lead to mysterious celestial phenomena, but he was obviously still a little far from the blind man's level. If today's people couldn't do this, it could only be a thing of the last era. The blind man must be a remnant of the last era, but why did he only act in secret

Tiandao is dead... At this moment, the four words that echoed most in Zhao Changhe's mind were still these four words.

Nowadays, sects like the Blood God Cult and the Four Symbols Cult may not believe in superstition, but in powerful life forms that once existed.

"The world was destroyed and reopened, but for some reason, the gods and Buddhas had dispersed, but ordinary creatures did not all perish. There were still humans who tenaciously walked out of the ruins and rebuilt the country. However, most of the inheritance had been lost with the destruction. Through the exploration of various relics and secret realms, people were able to start practicing again, sort out some epochal history, and learn some anecdotes, but they no longer knew how to achieve the power of gods and Buddhas."

This is why it feels like the world is severely divided between low-level martial arts and fantasy. Even at Cui Wenjing's level, it still feels like something is missing. I wonder how much Xia Longyuan has touched upon it

Cui Wenjing drank a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and suddenly laughed at himself: "People think that the three characters Qinghe Cui also existed in the last era, and they are in awe of it, thinking it is a great and mysterious inheritance, but it is not true. Just like this Biluochun... No one knows whether this tea should be called Biluochun, but we know that there was such a famous tea, and the new tea was named after it, that's all."

Zhao Changhe said: "So the aristocratic families and the great sects are nothing more than humans after the destruction of the era and the restart. They have inherited from various ancient relics, so they are one step ahead of others and have created secret treasures. It is not the inheritance of the previous era at all?"

"Perhaps some did inherit things related to the previous era and then established their sects based on them. This is true, and many sects are like this. But most of them are just using a name. For example, if the ancestor's surname is Cui, they choose Qinghe to take root, just to attach themselves to the elegance of the Qinghe Cui in the vassal era. According to the records of the previous era, the Qinghe Cui and the Langya King's family are not from the same period, but here we coexist... because everyone is just using the name."

I see.

The previous era is likely to be a world that has a strong relationship with the present world, so the blind man will appear in the present world. When the era collapsed, whether it was geography or humanities, there were changes and inheritances, which led to Beimang in the north and Qinghe in the south, and also led to Yao, Shun, Yu, Qinghe Cui, and Biluochun, which seemed to be true but not true. The matter is actually very simple, but the reasons behind it may require long-term exploration.

Speaking of Qinghe Cui… Zhao Changhe twitched his lips. Although he was a liberal arts student, he was actually a sports hero. He was very impressive on the court, but he was as weak as a cat in the classroom. He couldn't remember what family he belonged to in different periods. Originally, I thought Qinghe Cui was very legendary and I looked up to him. Now that my father-in-law exposed himself like this, my prestige has been ruined.

Cui Wenjing then said slowly, "Whether a family is glorious or not is not determined by what kind of cover it has, but by ourselves. I have never been shy about talking about these things. Yangyang."

Cui Yuanyang sat up straighter: "Dad."

"Before, there were many things going on, and I didn't have the heart to scold you. Now I must make things clear with you. Running away from home and hanging out with bandits not only ruined your own reputation, but also the reputation of your family, and caused endless troubles. You should be severely punished. I will entertain guests in the near future and let you jump around for two days. After Changhe leaves, you will be confined to the back mountain for six months to practice."

Cui Yuanyang's smile froze, and his face instantly fell. His father, who he had never liked so much before, suddenly became hateful.

"Can we have a deal, just for three months?"

"Not even a day less." Cui Wenjing said expressionlessly, "Go and receive the family punishment, ten strokes of the cane."

Cui Yuanyang jumped up, holding his buttocks: "This won't work!"

Cui Wenjing remained unmoved and drank his tea calmly.

"Uh..." Zhao Changhe finally spoke up: "Um, the ten sticks refer to spanking?"

"Yes." Cui Yuanyang's eyes moved, and her voice suddenly became a little charming: "It's broken, it's not tender anymore, it's not easy to touch..."

"Poof!" Cui Wenjing spat out all the tea in his mouth. As the ninth on the Heavenly Ranking, he was almost choked to death by these words. He pointed at Cui Yuanyang with trembling fingers, coughed for a long time and was unable to speak.

Zhao Changhe smiled and said, "Well, just hit me with ten sticks and I'll take it for you."

Cui Wenjing slammed the table and stood up: "What do you want to keep that ass for! I warn you two, if you dare to do anything to ruin the family's reputation within these three years, I don't care who you are, I will chop you off with one sword!" After saying that, he turned away: "For what you just said! Three more strokes of the cane!"

"Hey, senior, no, uncle, wait a minute, we haven't finished talking about the history of our era..."

"That's basically it. If you want to see something more detailed, ask that leaky cotton jacket to find the classics for you. You're in the study, don't you know how to read? What's there to say!"

Cui Wenjing's voice was filled with exasperation. He walked away, out of sight, out of mind, fearing that he might want to hit someone if he saw him for too long.

The young man and woman looked at each other, and I felt that Lao Cui had been holding back his anger for a long time. It was not easy for him to pretend to be calm and harmonious these two days. He was probably about to explode, right

"Ignore him." The leaky little cotton-padded jacket said angrily, "I won't go to the family to get punished. If he dares to hit me, I'll go to my mother to make a scene! This time he has a lot of schemes in his mind and he seems to be very great, but my mother was kept in the dark and cried for two days. If I go and make a scene again, my mother will never let him go. Let's see how he beats me!"

Zhao Changhe tilted his head to look at her. The little girl just wanted to avoid being beaten. In fact, she didn't have much resistance to the punishment of confinement. It seemed that she knew that she was impulsive and stupid at the beginning, and she was accepting the punishment. Even Zhao Changhe felt that what she did before was too stupid, and it would be unreasonable not to punish her.

After this incident, the little girl grew up and knew what to do and what not to do. At least this time after he left, the little girl should not cry and make a fuss and run away from home to find her lover again.

But in other words, everyone knew that it was time for him to go.

It is impossible to linger in Cui's house and not know what era it is.

There are still rivers and lakes waiting, and a vast picture to unfold.

There is an appointment with Han Wubing at the bank of Gujian Lake. A man should keep his word, so he must keep the appointment. The time is not much later.

Cui Yuanyang bit her lower lip, walked to Zhao Changhe, and put her hand on his chest: "Brother Zhao..."

"Ah...ah?" Zhao Changhe always felt that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong... This is your father's study, what do you want to do

Cui Yuanyang whispered: "Are you leaving..."

"Well... almost..."

"Well... I think I should give you something."

The little girl's tone became softer and softer, coupled with the words "it's not good to touch your butt because it was bruised" just now, any man would think she was going to do something...

Zhao Changhe stepped back subconsciously: "Um, wait, your father... No, you are still young, starting from three years... Don't..."

"Hmm?" Cui Yuanyang looked up at him, with a cunning look in his eyes: "I mean, I should give you a horse. Since dad said you are suitable for wearing fine clothes and riding a horse, and traveling around the world, how can you live without a horse?"

Zhao Changhe was stunned: "Huh?"

"So..." Cui Yuanyang's eyes flashed with charm, and he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Brother Zhao's reaction... shows that you are thinking about what I gave you, so what is it?"


PS: The fifth update is here. As of 18:00, the first order is close to 26,000. I don’t know if it can reach 30,000 in 24 hours. Regardless, thank you all again.

Please give me a monthly ticket~Thank you~

Thanks to the immortal Qi Tian, the Twelve Movements of Dusk, and my Si'an Alliance~ Muah~

(End of this chapter)