Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 88: Taking Sword Lake by Strategy


Zhao Changhe’s “not hiding his tracks” was intentional.

When he made the agreement with Han Wubing, everyone in the ruined temple had died. No one knew about this except Yangyang. It was unreasonable for Han Wubing to tell others that he was waiting for Zhao Changhe. In other words, outsiders did not know where he was going after leaving Cui's house... Outsiders should not even know when he left Cui's house.

Then why did a group of people know that he was going to Gujian Lake not long after he left Cui's house? They also came to assassinate him along the way, and people from the Demon Suppression Bureau also came. They even knew what he was going to do and gave him Han Wubing's information. They were very considerate.

There was only one possibility. After all, Yangyang had no guard against her family and accidentally mentioned to her family where Brother Zhao was going, and then the information was secretly leaked.

After all, Cui Wenjue was defeated. His power was very great, so it was not surprising that someone secretly took revenge on him. If they couldn't take revenge on the Cui family, how could they take revenge on you, the bandit who was driven away

Maybe, in addition to the Blood God Cult, there are additional people from Cui Wenjue's group who are kept outside. For example, this lasso doesn't look like something that people in the martial arts world would play with.

This should be the reason.

Since his enemies knew about it, the Demon Suppression Division also knew about it. He had the Great Xia Dragon Bird on his back, and others couldn't recognize what this outrageous knife was, so how could Master Tang not know about it? At this moment, he didn't know how many dramas were going on in his heart.

Maybe from Master Tang's perspective, if you just don't go to Gujian Lake, others will lose track of you and nothing will happen. Why do you want to force yourself to go

When men make a promise, they will go even if it rains knives from the sky. Women don’t understand shit!

What? Not hiding your tracks? Maybe you'll attract an enemy you can't defeat

Tell it to others!

Zhao Changhe was riding his horse halfway down the official road. Seeing that his pursuer had been left out of sight by his horse, he suddenly pulled the reins and galloped off into the wilderness.

Half a day later, the sun was setting in the woods beside the official road ahead.

Xue Canghai, the leader of the Blood God Cult, had a gloomy face: "You said he didn't hide his tracks and went straight to the official road?"

"Y-yeah, that's what he said."

"I have been waiting here for three full hours. It is almost dark now. Where is the person?"

"No, I don't know. Maybe he's taking a nap on the side of the road somewhere?"

With a "snap", Xue Canghai angrily hit his subordinate like a spinning top: "Idiot, you were fooled by him! You wasted my time!"

There is a familiar face behind me... Instructor Sun was leaning against a tree trunk, folding his arms and looking up at the birds, a smile on his lips.

"Old Sun." The Blood God Sect's elder who was teaching skills beside him asked in a low voice: "Based on your understanding of this person, where would he be at this moment?"

Instructor Sun was not under the command of the teaching system, but was directly under the elder who was in charge of the teaching. When his superior spoke, he put away his old-fashioned look, stood at attention and smiled, "How should I know... This kid was a very polite young man at first, but it was me who brought him up to be a bandit now. I always told him to speak louder, and that's how he became the person people know him to be. God knows what kind of a scoundrel he was originally?"

"Tsk." The elder who teaches the skills whispered with some pain: "For this matter, many people in the sect blame you..."

"Why blame me?" Instructor Sun's voice got louder. "I was just fulfilling my duty as a sect member and teaching widely. The bandits I taught were good at swordsmanship, that's because I'm good at it! I should be praised! Preaching and building faith is not my job. I can't read a word, it's none of my business! I haven't even blamed them for not preaching well and not catching the good seedlings I taught, yet they still have the nerve to blame me?"

Xue Canghai heard it all, turned his head to take a look, and felt that it was indeed not Instructor Sun's fault. Theoretically, the stronger Zhao Changhe was, the more it proved that Instructor Sun had performed his duties extremely well, and he should be praised instead. But who could continue to praise him... But it was also impossible to say that you performed your duties too well and brought great trouble to the sect, so you should be a little sloppy in teaching in the future

It's such a fucking pain.

"That party is unfair! Ah? Did I file a complaint? Did I say that this idiot is narrow-minded and selfish, delaying the development of the team? Ah? Did I also recommend that Zhao Changhe join the headquarters? Ah? If everything had been done as I said, this mess wouldn't have happened! Now you blame me? Go fuck yourself!" Instructor Sun spoke louder and louder.

"Alright." The elder who was passing on the skills glanced at Master Xue's increasingly dark face, thinking to himself that if you continue to talk, the Master himself will be derelict in his duty. Of course, the Master will not dismiss his capable branch leader just because of your complaint...

He could only lower his voice and said, "That being said, after all, it is your disciple who has become a traitor, so we still have to bear some responsibility. No one is more familiar with his methods than you. If you can catch him personally this time, it will be a credit to you."

Instructor Sun snorted and said nothing.

In his heart, he didn't think Zhao Changhe could beat him. The lime on Fang Buping's face was seen by the sect members when they went to check it later, which showed that Zhao Changhe was not really that invincible. He understood his ways, so it shouldn't be a big problem. But how to say it... Instructor Sun really didn't want to do this kind of work. No matter what, he was indeed his favorite disciple who he had taught hand in hand. He bent his wrist to calibrate every move of his. This relationship was not ordinary. The more powerful he was in the martial arts world, the more face he had. Not to mention that the brothers in the sect had opinions about him, in fact, a large part of them were envious, and it could be heard from their tone.

What is the purpose of living in this life? To earn money as taught by your religion

"Okay." Xue Canghai said calmly, "Sun Hengchuan is not responsible for this matter, and the brothers in the sect should not be surprised by this. But as Ding Hufa said, Hengchuan should still bear more responsibility for arresting this traitor. Now this person is cheating, no one knows where he went, and he may not even go to Ancient Sword Lake. What do you think? Hengchuan, you know this person better, tell me?"

Sun Hengchuan felt that Zhao Changhe would definitely go to Ancient Sword Lake, but he still said, "Besides us, there are other people trying to mess with him along the way. He should know what's going on now... If it were me, I would really not go. A duel is not a big deal. Is it worth risking my life? Of course, that's me. I'm not sure what he is like. Don't let me take the blame again."

Everyone laughed. The bandits were cunning and were quick to pass the buck. But after being tricked by Zhao Changhe, most people really thought he was just bluffing and would not go again. What Old Sun said made sense.

Xue Canghai pondered and said, "Many high-ranking members of the Four Elephants Sect are now at Ancient Sword Lake. It is not appropriate for me to join in the fun."

In fact, I just don't want to be a dog and be ordered around by others.

Then he added, "But Gujian Lake still needs someone to guard it. Who knows, Zhao Changhe might actually go there. Leave this matter to Guardian Ding and Hengchuan. You take a few people and station them in Jianhu City."

The elder who passed on the skills and Instructor Sun both bowed and said, "I accept your command."

"The others continue to scatter around and search for information about this person. That's all, I still have things to do." After Xue Canghai finished speaking, he disappeared, leaving behind a group of frustrated Blood God believers looking at each other in bewilderment.

At different intersections on different official roads, there were also other people who waited in vain for a whole day in frustration, and finally dispersed and searched everywhere.

Zhao Changhe headed eastward through the wilderness and mountains. He did not enter any city he encountered, and he circled two cities by the time it was dark.

Under the moonlight, the black horse treading on the snow neighed to the sky, then suddenly turned south and rushed to Jian Lake again.

"Whoa!" I don't know how long I ran, the dragon bird on my back shook slightly, and the murderous intent came again.

As long as there are still people who believe that he will go to Ancient Sword Lake, he will certainly not be able to get rid of all the enemies. As long as he is willing to guard every entrance, he will always be able to wait for people.

Of course, it is impossible for someone to wait like this foolishly to be as good as Xue Canghai. This is the real sharpening of the knife, not committing suicide.

The Great Xia Dragon Bird was newly acquired, and no matter how long, short, light, heavy, thick or thin it was, it was not yet handy. How could one use it like an arm without various training

Zhao Changhe seemed unaware of the dragon bird's warning and kept on galloping all the way.

A sword energy suddenly attacked from the right.

Zhao Changhe suddenly lowered his body and hid in the stirrup. The assassin had already passed by on the horse.

A broadsword rose up silently.

The black horse galloped for a long distance under the moonlight before it heard a "bang" and two pieces of a corpse fell off behind it.

Who says such a broadsword can only be used for sweeping

I hope that when I arrive at Jian Lake, the horse will be like my legs and the sword will be like my arm.


PS: There will still be three updates today, but it will still be very late, maybe 12 o'clock, so no need to wait.

(End of this chapter)