Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 89: Two fools


Half a month later.

Zhao Changhe sat by the stream, drinking water and feeding the horse, looking down at his reflection in the stream.

His beard had become untidy again, and the warrior outfit the Cui family had given him had several holes in it. His shiny black fur had turned dirty and gray. When he first left the Cui family, he was wearing fancy clothes and others thought he was a young master, but now he had completely become a ruffian again.

After being fooled around by myself, the fighting in the past half month was not very frequent, and it seemed far less intense and difficult than when I was escorting Cui Yuanyang.

But this time the journey was long, and the total number of battles was much more than that time. Moreover, they were afraid of revealing their whereabouts, so it was no longer the guerrilla mode of last breakout. They killed all the enemies they encountered, and had to fight the majority with the minority every now and then, and make sure not to let anyone escape. It was really difficult.

This world is really stupid, people always say "a thousand miles apart" or "a thousand miles away", without any standard number. In actual calculation, sending Cui Yuanyang home would not exceed 500 miles at most, and it would be at least 2,000 miles to Jianhu Lake, almost from Hebei to Jiangbei, and with the detour, it is even more ridiculously far.

Fortunately, I have plenty of time, otherwise it would be really embarrassing to be late for this reason.

When you see Han Wubing, the first thing you have to say is: Who the hell told you that two thousand miles is also called a thousand miles

This time he traveled a thousand miles... oh, two thousand miles, braving wind and rain, being besieged and blocked, just to fulfill a duel agreement. I don't know what outsiders think of him, whether they will think he is stupid, but Zhao Changhe himself feels very comfortable.

Picking up the wine jug and sitting by the stream drinking wine, he thought of Yue Hongling unconsciously. Perhaps she was the only one who would say "it should be so", while Chi Chi and Yang Yang might not be the same.

Another one who was even happier was the Daxia Dragon Bird.

Originally, it had been processed by Cui Wenjing, so the Dragon Bird's murderous aura did not overflow, and the blade was no longer bright and sharp, with a bit of rust, which looked ugly. As a result, during the fighting these days, the Dragon Bird drank blood, and the rust began to darken red, winding along the blade, and condensed into a dark pattern that resembled the wings of a Vermillion Bird. From the low-key feeling of rusty spots, it became "ancient and vicissitudes". Anyway, I just couldn't allow myself to become ugly.

Zhao Changhe was quite amused and didn't intend to hide it anymore.

Divine artifacts have spirits. Even though they are not living things, they should still be respected.

After these days of getting along, I have become more and more friendly with Longque, and my control over the sword has become more and more familiar and skillful.

Everyone thought that such a heavy broadsword would be dull and even require two hands to wield, just like in the dream... However...

Zhao Changhe held the knife in one hand and wiped it casually across his chin. Taxue Wuzhui's eyes widened in horror.

A few tufts of beard fell off, and his chin was shaved clean, showing his ultimate control.

"The sword is sharpened, and the Sword Lake is in sight." Zhao Changhe patted Wuzhui's head and said, "The closer I get, the more likely others will block me. Are you afraid?"

Wu Zhui snorted and looked disdainful.

"Ha!" Zhao Changhe jumped on his horse and said, "Let's go, the last leg!"

… …

By the Ancient Sword Lake.

"Ding!" The tip of the sword broke, Han Wubing covered the wound on his shoulder and retreated slightly with the broken sword.

Surrounded by countless enemies, his eyes remained calm.

"Others say the name is reversed... Han Wubing, I think you are really sick." Someone asked him incredulously: "Sacrificing blood to old friends, killing all enemies, and leaving in a carefree manner, how romantic is that? We saw the book of chaotic times and tried to come over to take a look. We didn't expect you to be here at all, but what is this? You actually stayed here and didn't leave? What are you doing?"

Someone else laughed and said, "He probably thought that he had no enemies now that he had killed Jianlu's enemy."

"The new Hidden Dragon Sixty-Six, is he that stupid? Hahaha..." Everyone was laughing: "You have received so much bounty from both the black and white worlds, and have killed so many people, you really think you have no enemies!"

Han Wubing finally spoke: "I'm waiting for someone."

"Waiting for us? Hahaha..."

"It was just killing some insects. I didn't expect that the Book of Chaos would record even this... I attracted other people, which I didn't expect in advance." Han Wubing said slowly: "But that was my own mistake, and it has nothing to do with the person I made an appointment with. Since I made an appointment with him, I have to wait."

Everyone's laughter slowly faded, and everyone was incredulous: "Just because you made an appointment? Are you waiting for someone here?"


"Even if I die here?"

"Then die here."

"What if the person you dated never showed up? Would you regret it?"

"It was he who broke his promise, not me. Why should I regret it?"

People's eyes changed a little, some were disdainful, some were appreciative.

But no matter whether it is disdain or admiration, an enemy is still an enemy, and he will not hold back because of this admiration.

The atmosphere became solemn again.

… …

Less than ten miles away, on a path leading to Gujian Lake, a few people were sitting by a bamboo forest chatting.

The sound of horse hooves came from afar and gradually approached. Everyone's expressions changed slightly and they all drew their swords and stood up.

Amid the smoke and dust, Zhao Changhe, in tattered clothes and covered in fresh blood, came riding a horse.

Seeing the people blocking his way, Zhao Changhe was stunned for a rare moment, then reined in his horse and looked.

The person in front sighed: "You really came here..."


"Why did you come?"

"I have an appointment with someone."

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, and then the other party started to curse: "Are you a fucking idiot? Just for such a small matter, you have fought so many life-and-death battles along the way. Look at the blood on your body, you haven't even breathed a sigh of relief yet. Do you really think you are a god who has come down from heaven to defeat all the enemies?"

Zhao Changhe dismounted silently and patted Wuzhui, who then cleverly scurried off into the bamboo forest.

Zhao Changhe stood still with a knife on his back and sighed, "You should know my..." "Know? I know shit, I thought you were smart, but what happened? What's the point of spreading a little smokescreen? Wouldn't it be enough to block you at Ancient Sword Lake, just like when you sent Cui Yuanyang away! If you don't come, it's over, don't you understand? "

Zhao Changhe said, "Because someone of Master Xue's status wouldn't be so stupid as to wait around for half a month. If someone does that, he must be someone of low status. I can handle it."

The visitor twitched his lips: "Are you going to curse again?"

Zhao Changhe continued to sigh: "It's just that I really don't want to bump into you in this kind of occasion."

"Oh, you're even using honorifics."

"I don't fucking want to fight with you, can't you just hide away and retire?"

Sun Hengchuan: “…”

The Blood God Cult members nearby also had some cold sweat on their foreheads.

Zhao Changhe glanced at the several followers on the opposite side and asked curiously, "Why does it look like you are leading the team?"

Sun Hengchuan said, "My superior, Guardian Ding, led the team, but Saint Xia asked him to do odd jobs right after he arrived, so I am the one leading the team here."

"Oh, then you really can't beat me... If you're the leader, I really don't want to fight. Let's make a deal and give way?"

Sun Hengchuan was so angry that he almost laughed: "How could I not know how strong you are? You think you can beat me? It's really funny..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes bulged.

Zhao Changhe held a four-foot broadsword in one hand and pointed it horizontally to the right.

With one man and one knife, the entire road was blocked tightly.

With the blood still wet on his body, his aura was as strong as that of a dragon or a tiger, and it was breathtaking just to look at him.

Sun Hengchuan was stunned. Is this a knife or a door panel? Can this knife be used with one hand

"I'm at the fourth level, not the third level as reported in the book of chaotic times a while ago. My sword is also different from what you think. The shape has changed, and the sword path is even more different." Zhao Changhe said slowly: "Teacher, I heard that you are also at the fourth level. I'm not bragging. So far, no opponent of the same level has survived three levels of my sword. I suggest you don't try."

Sun Hengchuan: “…”

Finally, a Blood God cultist nearby became impatient: "You are so exhausted that you can't even catch your breath. You have already run out of ammunition and food, but you are still pretending here. Just surrender!"

As he spoke, a knife slashed diagonally towards Zhao Changhe's left shoulder.

Zhao Changhe looked at him coldly as he rushed over, and only when the knife was about to reach him did he suddenly move.

The wrist of the believer was suddenly grabbed tightly, as if he was offering himself to be grabbed. The next moment, the dragon bird came whistling and landed right on his neck, sticking to his flesh without moving.

Everyone in the Blood God Cult fell silent.

The power, the speed, the control.

The model is still the Blood God Sword Technique, but it seems almost unrecognizable.

Sun Hengchuan's expression became very complicated. Even if he had seen the book of chaotic times many times, even if he had heard the outrageous rumors, in his heart, this was always a young man he had taught personally. How could it be as exaggerated as others said... Deep in his heart, he still hoped that he could capture this young man alive, and then go back to beg for mercy, asking the leader to let him go...

Until today, he realized that this was no longer the impression he had in his mind.

Zhao Changhe is actually a rising star in the martial arts world who has experienced hundreds of battles. He has killed many people with his long sword. His reputation on the Hidden Dragon List is not in vain. Among people of the same level, those who can do what others cannot do are truly Hidden Dragons...

Sun Hengchuan felt like a child who had grown up and beat his father, but at the same time he felt very proud. The feeling was extremely complicated.

Zhao Changhe let go of his knife and pushed the member back. "I have no grudge against the Blood God Sect. On the contrary, I have received your support. The so-called grudge between me and the Blood God Sect is only with Fang Buping. Even if the leader is not here, I am unwilling to kill other members of the Blood God Sect. I hope you can convey Zhao Changhe's words to Sect Leader Xue. We will say goodbye now."

The voice faded away, and the man flew over the heads of the crowd. A black horse came out diagonally from the bamboo forest, and Zhao Changhe turned over and landed on the horse's back. In the blink of an eye, the man and the horse were far away, leaving only dust.

By the side of Jian Lake, Han Wubing's broken sword was already covered in blood.

Men were wounded, swords were broken, and despite being outnumbered, he still killed many people with his sword. The besieging enemies were frightened, but they knew that they must not let such a man escape.

His sword was so fast that almost no one could match him in a one-on-one fight.

If we don't surround and kill him now while he is exhausted, it will become a nightmare for everyone in the future.

"Dang!" A heavy sword attacked, Han Wubing was exhausted and couldn't move, so he had to block it with his sword.

The long sword, whose tip had already been broken, broke again, leaving only the length of a dagger in his hand...

“Han Wubing, you are indeed very strong... but that’s all. Go wait for the person you met in the underworld.” The swordsman laughed grimly and slashed again.

The sound of horse hooves came from afar and the horse neighed loudly, like a dragon's roar.

The swordsman was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and saw a big man riding a horse with a sword in hand, charging into the battle.

When the broadsword in his hand was raised, the sword of the person blocking the way was cut off and his head flew away, his armor was flattened, and blood spurted out. The swordsman subconsciously glanced at his heavy sword, and suddenly thought, can this still be called a sword

The besiegers were already in a mess: "Who are you? Why are you causing trouble?"

"I have braved the wind, frost, snow and rain, and fought my way through thousands of miles, all for a promise. Damn it, I got chopped up by you guys when I got here, so I worked for nothing this month? Get out of here!"

Han Wubing, covered in blood and holding a broken sword, looked at Zhao Changhe, who was also covered in blood. His dead face suddenly smiled.

Zhao Changhe looked back, and the first thing he said was: "Who the hell told you that two thousand miles is also called a thousand miles?"

Han Wubing pointed at him and smiled with difficulty: "You just said that yourself!"

Zhao Changhe: “Fuck!”

In the distance, on the treetops, Xia Chichi stood quietly with her sleeves fluttering, smiling slightly: "Two fools."


PS: The third update is here, please give me a monthly ticket. I got anal sex~

I recommend a friend's book: I Don't Want to Be a King in the Spring and Autumn Period

Hello, my name is Li Ran, also known as Li Ziming, and I am currently in the Spring and Autumn Period. I am a non-physics major who has traveled through time. I was almost arrested at the beginning, and my good brother, the prince, died a violent death. What should I do? Help me, waiting online, urgent!

(End of this chapter)