Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 98: Reciprocity


PS: I was stupid again in the last chapter, I typed 95 into 94, I have changed it... Don't laugh at Alzheimer's...


Zhao Changhe really didn't know how to find Xia Chichi. Not to mention Xia Chichi, he didn't even know where Han Wubing was at this moment.

He went back to the inn in a daze, and ran into Han Wubing who had just returned at the door.

Zhao Changhe sighed slightly, and seeing that he was still holding the ordinary sword, he couldn't help but pat his head and said, "I forgot... I should have asked them for a sword just now."

Han Wubing asked curiously, "Who?"

"Uh, nothing... Brother Han, still nothing?"

"Not really. Someone asked me to go to Ancient Sword Lake to look at swords. I thought it would be okay, so I accepted it."

Zhao Changhe's expression became very interesting.

Loyal and righteous, keeping his word, why didn't I think of this little Han brother before, he is almost a perfect match! The Four Elephants Sect actually came after him.

Don't say anything about just seeing it. How can you, a sword fanatic like you, bear it when the time comes? Besides, the sword may be willing to recognize you.

"Well... have you ever had a lover before?"

"never had."

"The one who sacrificed his old friend with blood?"

"… He is a man. He is quite similar to you. It started with a fight, but we have a mutual understanding."

It turns out that being single does have this advantage. If you've never been in a relationship, there's no such thing as being unfaithful. All you have to do is be a trustworthy person and that's all.

Zhao Changhe tilted his head and looked at him: "It's quite similar to me. In other words, if I die, you will also avenge me in this way?"

Han Wubi said as a matter of course: "Yes."

Zhao Changhe laughed and patted his shoulder: "I think you can really get the sword, but it's easy to get a sword, but it's hard to predict people's hearts. The person who invited you to go is suspicious, so be careful. If this thing is not implemented, then forget it. If it is implemented, I will follow you."

It's easy to get a sword, but it's hard to predict people's hearts... These eight words touched Han Wubing's sore spot, and there was some gloom in his eyes: "Okay."

Zhao Changhe unexpectedly determined the opponent's action time and the protagonist here, and he felt relieved immediately. He thought to himself that he would look for Chi Chi in the next two days. It would be best if he could find her and let her stop the plan directly; if he couldn't find her, he would go with Han Wubing that day and see how to secretly communicate with Chi Chi on the spot. It would be a backup plan after all.

Facts have proved that when the unlucky person thinks that there is a guaranteed prize when drawing a box, then he can only draw the guaranteed prize.

For several days in a row, Zhao Changhe almost traveled around the entire Jianhu City. He encountered many blind thieves who wanted to steal knives on the way, and committed several murders, but Xia Chichi could never be found again.

The Four Symbols Sect was trying to avoid the Demon Suppression Department's spy line, so of course it was impossible for you to find them easily. Xia Chichi didn't dare to run out and have an affair at this time. Tang Wanzhuang had also sent people to secretly look for them these days, but she couldn't find them, let alone Zhao Changhe.

But Zhao Changhe felt that he had been completely crushed by Tang Wanzhuang this time. They knew what you were going to do and knew that it would be roughly when summer came. Just keep an eye on the lake. What's the point of hiding in the city? If you really wanted to catch the demon, the lakeside would have been set up. Zhao Changhe thought that the reason why they didn't do this was because they gave him face, and he was quite grateful in his heart.

Anyway, Chi Chi really lost this time. This was the first time for the little demon girl to lead a team. She and her subordinates probably didn't expect that their opponent for such a trivial matter would be the head of the Demon Suppression Division himself. They were not on the same level...

By the way, if Tang Wanzhuang knew that her opponent was actually a real princess, I wonder how she would feel

… …

The Dipper points to the southeast, and it is the beginning of summer.

Han Wubing walked slowly along the Gujian Lake, searching for traces of the other party. Gujian Lake was not crowded with tourists. In fact, compared with the bustling city nearby, it was very deserted. Because of the "sword energy that kills people", there were no people who came here for outings and fun. Those who came here were daring people who tried their luck to find treasures, and only occasionally in groups. Several groups of people were scattered along the huge lake, which looked very empty and desolate.

The people of the Four Symbols Sect were very conspicuous here. They had nowhere to hide even if they wanted to. It was estimated that at most there were experts hiding in the bamboo forest at the back. A group of people in black robes surrounded a beautiful girl. They looked like a family of servants taking their daughter out for an outing.

But Han Wubing recognized the person who spoke to him that day at a glance, and he also recognized that the beautiful girl was the little witch who fought with Zhao Changhe with her mouth.

No wonder Zhao Changhe followed.

Han Wubing slowly walked over and stood outside the cordon where he could run away at any time. He stopped and bowed: "Han is here, how do you see the sword?"

The little demon girl glanced at him with a hesitant look on her face. The first thing she asked was, "What is your relationship with Zhao Changhe?"

Han Wubing: “…friend.”

"How good of a friend?"

“He saved my life.”

"In fact, you saved his life." The little demon girl put her hands on her hips and said, "If you hadn't made trouble, I would have taken off his head."

I guess it's a small idea. At that time, it felt like if you continued, you might actually pick some, but it would be hard to say where to put them after you picked them.

Han Wubing complained in his heart, saying, "So the girl wants to trouble me because I ruined her business that day?"

Xia Chichi hesitated because if this person was Zhao Changhe's friend, he was afraid that Zhao Changhe would be angry with him if he cheated him. It was really a headache. I originally thought that these two were enemies who had made an appointment to fight. Was I cheating him or helping Zhao Changhe? But these days, it seems wrong. These two are pretty good...

"Zhao Changhe's head is easy to get, but your little bad deeds are nothing. As long as we fulfill our agreement, those little things will be written off."

Han Wubing clearly heard the little demon girl say this, but suddenly he heard a change of tone: "We will hold a sacrifice ceremony later, and the sword will definitely come out, but don't be obsessed with the sword. No matter how much you like it, it says that this sword rejects you, so don't take it or touch it. Remember, remember!"

Han Wubing's heart moved, combined with Zhao Changhe's warning, he instantly knew the general situation, and sighed in his heart. No wonder the first sentence of this little demon girl was to ask about the relationship between him and Zhao Changhe. She didn't want to betray Zhao Changhe's friends... She didn't even know how to transmit sound and enter secrets, which meant that this girl might be at the sixth level of Xuanguan, but it was really easy to be exposed when surrounded by a group of strong people. She really liked Zhao Changhe.

He cupped his hands calmly and said, "Han said before that as long as we see that the sword is suitable, the agreement will be established."

Xia Chichi chuckled: "Master Han is a trustworthy person. We can trust him. Well, noon is approaching, and the ceremony will begin."

Zhao Changhe, who was spying from a distance using his enhanced farsightedness, was getting very anxious. He wanted to find an opportunity to communicate with Chi Chi secretly, but where could he find one? How could he communicate with Chi Chi in such an open area with a group of people surrounding him

I saw a group of people in black robes disperse and form an irregular-looking Nan Dou-shaped formation, muttering something.

Not to mention, even Han Wubing was seeing such weird stuff for the first time in his life.

He tried to sense it, but his five senses at the fifth level of his inner family could not sense any energy fluctuations or changes in aura. He had no idea where the effect of this formation and ritual was manifested.

But it was obvious that there were some movements at the bottom of the lake.

As the sun got higher and higher, at noon, the lake bottom began to vibrate slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred in a faraway place and the aftermath was felt here. The swordsman's instincts soon began to tingle, and he could vaguely sense that a sharp sword intent seemed to be spreading in the center of the lake.

At this moment, in the distant bamboo forest, arrows came like thunder, and shot into the center of the ceremony, heading straight for the leading elder.

“Who is making trouble?” The elder was the guardian of Qinglong and a powerful figure on the human list. He deflected the arrows with ease, but the ritual was interrupted and actually stopped for a moment.

Zhao Changhe's loud laughter came from the bamboo forest: "The Saint wants my dog head, I'm going to ruin something for her, it's a courtesy, come after me if you dare!"

(End of this chapter)